Fluttershyfan94 5,742 March 7, 2014 #76 Share March 7, 2014 I have thought about it and would go there if I had the option once I die. Of course there are more things I'd want to do though but going to Equestria is one of those things. Death is just the beginning. DA: http://fluttershyfan94.deviantart.com/ Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Fluttershyfan94 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PartyWithPinkie 189 March 7, 2014 #77 Share March 7, 2014 I don't believe in an afterlife, but if there was I would love to be in Equestria. Sadly, the chances of this happening are pretty much slim to none :'( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zhortac 1,475 March 7, 2014 #78 Share March 7, 2014 Me, go to Equestria when I die? Boy, that won't end well... Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nightmare Night 151 March 11, 2014 #79 Share March 11, 2014 Of course, but I would not want to lose my memories of humanity. Only so that I would not take being in equestria for granted, though I would keep my past life a secret from everypony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Khaoios 1,970 March 11, 2014 #80 Share March 11, 2014 Im Roman Catholic and I believe in Heaven, but why not, after I die, I would love to go to Equestria or reincarnate into a Pegasus, On 2013-07-22 at 9:01 AM, Durandal said: Though I am firmly of the belief that when you die you simply cease to be, I have entertained the thought, yes. I consider it a nice little break from my normally fact-driven and skeptical behavior. No one can know what happens when you die until you do, so it is a great unknown. As a result, just about anything can happen. Reincarnation to realms we have created through fiction may be extremely unlikely, but it's not really something that can be waved off out-right. In any case, it's never hurt anyone to hope. Well now......not to go off topic but you seem familiar. have you been around Waypoint lately? 2 XBL: Riot Rojas 3DS Friend Code: 5300 - 9568 - 7902 WEB/CHANNEL: THREADS: Youtube - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM - Wrath of the Ancients Fan Fictions Weebly - ThunderColt Studios MLP:FIM: The Day Equestria Stood Still - Volunteers Wanted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Espurr 449 March 11, 2014 #81 Share March 11, 2014 As a christen here, I am well aware where I am going, however if I had the choice, I'd figure, no. Dude, I mean yeah it's great there and all but it's also seems boring. Going there for eternity. I'd miss hands. But if it was the world of pokemon and I was trainer? WOW OH WOW, maybe. Just saying when you think about eternity in a place you loved the most, i'd say one could get bored. I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lomk 20,663 March 11, 2014 #82 Share March 11, 2014 Actually, Equestira isn't all that peaceful. Princess of the night threatens eternal night twice. God of Chaos. And now there are no Elements of Harmony to keep him from just saying "this being good stuff is boring. Time for chaos again!" Dragons, Ursas, Hydras, Chimeras, Manticores, Minotaurs...yeah these things are awesome but they're best left in fantasy And despite this...if I went to Equestria after death, I wouldn't be mad I refuse to let go until you're impressed. I refuse to let go until I'm depressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lagom 204 March 11, 2014 #83 Share March 11, 2014 Not really since I've always thought that when we die, we just die and nothing else happens after, but that's purely my own theory. And I haven't really thought about it and don't exactly know right now if I want to, but it would probably be a maybe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightDreamer 69 March 12, 2014 #84 Share March 12, 2014 I actually given this idea some thought for a while now and I've come to a final conclusion: I've decided to go to Equestria when I die and leave my family behind. Even if I shall miss them and/or if there is any chance that I, as well, would be forced to remain as a human instead of a pony, I wouldn't mind that as long I can get to Equestria and away from the cruelty of this world someway or another. If I have to be a pony, It's a stretch for me but I want to be an alicorn, not just any alicorn but a crystal alicorn in hopes of bringing back the two supposed unknown crystal unicorn/pegasi tribes and to meet up with not just the Mane 6, Spike, the CMC, Cadence and Shining Armor but to meet Luna. I want to be by her side and help her cope with the changes that she missed throughout her long exile 1000 years ago. It's a gamble for me since I would also want to be with my family in heaven but it's a price I'm willing to take if I want to be free from any form of cruelty. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ardhacandra 133 March 12, 2014 #85 Share March 12, 2014 Yes, I would.. There is no doubt in my mind, really. I also don't care if I stay human or if I ponify. I just hope that pinky pie would understand that I'm not a party person xD Something (or someone) is TRULY discriminated against if we can't talk about it without any fear of suffering prejudice yourself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PinkieAlliPie 421 March 14, 2014 #86 Share March 14, 2014 Haven´t though about it, but that is an awesome idea. I sometimes dream going through a portal to Equestria and meeting the Mane 6 and also my fave Princess: Luna. I haven´t though for a name of my OC but it would be a female alicorn, with mint colored mane and white coat and her cutiemark would be a paintbrush because i love drawing. Thanks to the amazing Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RainbowxWolf66 67 March 14, 2014 #87 Share March 14, 2014 That would be really interesting. if you could go to equestria when you die. I would def be a pegasus pony. And either live in Cloudsdale or Ponyville. I would def want to met Rarity, Princess Luna Princess Celestia and all the rest of the ponies man i would love to meet discord lol Equestria would be my heaven lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archer Dash 163 March 15, 2014 #88 Share March 15, 2014 I'm game for it. But where would we go when we die in Equestria? Earth round 2? I'm the uber-conservative one.Rainbow Dash x Kitchen Sink OTPA great man once said, "ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS BSNS"20% Chance I'm on my Wii U while posting this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenderIsAnIllusion 2,177 March 15, 2014 #89 Share March 15, 2014 Uh. Well it's certainly an interesting thought. It ebbs the question: can our disembodied souls freely travel between the ever expanding mass of dimensions?.... See this is why I'm not afraid to die. There's infinite possibilities to what could happen. 1 My peep is against bullying.... Are you? http://mlpforums.com/topic/117034-suggestion-anti-bullying-campaign/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Golden Storm 2 September 13, 2014 #90 Share September 13, 2014 i think about that every day. i think, "maybe if i just lay down here, i will suddenly die and go to equestria." i sometimes wait for hours on end. but no, i will not die. and suicide is out of the question, although maybe if this cruel, deppressing world grabs enough of my essence away, i will consider it, just to escape. my mind even tries to create figments of the mane six, but they are not enough. i sometimes hope that princess Luna will enter my dreams and speak words that will give me peace, but she never comes. i can hardly breathe sometimes at the fact i am here, and not there, in that beautiful world of magic and friendship. please, if anyone out there has found a way to equestria, tell me, for i am dying inside every day that i am away from equestria. 1 All the world is odd. And I like it that way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Golden Storm 2 September 16, 2014 #91 Share September 16, 2014 my OC is an alicorn as well, but I have a well thought out character and am working on a backstory. do you have either of these? not trying to sound rude, by the way. sorry if I do. that's the thing. if you could choose, would you choose a world without violence and danger, a dull world of boredom, or would you choose a life of glory and adventure, a world of companionship and wonder? All the world is odd. And I like it that way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Confucius 194 January 27, 2015 #92 Share January 27, 2015 (edited) I feel everyone's pain here as I often experience the same feelings, to just fly away. It would be such a great place to go... Imagine yourself in a place where no one can harm you, haters from earth gone, a town full of friendly and accepting people/ponies everywhere. I would like some tech like a laptop but not industrialize the whole kingdom. I will ask to go there when my journey in life is over. Hope to see a lot of you guys there too! Edited January 27, 2015 by SergeantShy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve-A-Sketch 37 January 27, 2015 #93 Share January 27, 2015 Actually, yes I do. Because when we die, we cross over to astral realms, where your thoughts create your own reality. Meaning: You can create and do anything with the power of your own imagination Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gary S. 102 January 27, 2015 #94 Share January 27, 2015 (edited) I think that nothing but the black void will awaits us all. Like deep sleep. So there's no equestria. If god really exists, i doubt he'll let me go there, because i'm not the best person (no (very) evil deeds, but evil thoughts) and i just can't have blind faith when there's no real proof, but that's what god demands, right? Somehow i think Celesta, Luna or Fausticorn (lol) would be more merciful than god. No black/white thinking, you know? Eh, this topic kinda depressed me. Edited January 27, 2015 by Gary S. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A Black Circle 1,586 January 27, 2015 #95 Share January 27, 2015 Heaven is personal Hell is personal So, heaven = ponies (probably) On 2015-01-27 at 8:08 PM, Gary S. said: I think that nothing but the black void will awaits us all. Like deep sleep. So there's no equestria. If god really exists, i doubt he'll let me go there, because i'm not the best person (no (very) evil deeds, but evil thoughts) and i just can't have blind faith when there's no real proof, but that's what god demands, right? Somehow i think Celesta, Luna or Fausticorn (lol) would be more merciful than god. No black/white thinking, you know? Eh, this topic kinda depressed me. Look for proof, you'll find it everywhere 1 Biscuit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leonard Smix 421 January 27, 2015 #96 Share January 27, 2015 If i still like ponies when i pass, i would like to live in Equestria of course. It would probably be the most amazing thing ever! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monsoon 1,662 January 27, 2015 #97 Share January 27, 2015 If that was true I would kill myself to go there only if I could remain human of course No Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
High Step 46 January 27, 2015 #98 Share January 27, 2015 (edited) Of course, I would become Poetry Motion (my oc) and my friend would become Beauty Motion (her oc and Poetry Motions Daughter from LoE stress test) and we would live happily ever after, mother and daughter. And all would see us in the sky when we fly togethet as pegasi Edited January 27, 2015 by High Step Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monsoon 1,662 February 12, 2015 #99 Share February 12, 2015 I would love to go there when I die because it's so awesome the adventures I could go on with the main six I will be happy however I still wish to be a human though 1 No Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Confucius 194 February 13, 2015 #100 Share February 13, 2015 It would really be the definition of peace for me knowing that my path has ended and now my life's reward is living without harm or hate anywhere. A worthy place for my journey to end. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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