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Alcohol: your view on it?

Atom Flash

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Hey everyone Atom here. Just waking up after a night of drinking. I have nothing against achohol but it can cause obvious problems. Such as ilnesses and addicition. Then there is arguements And the worst of all is the outcome of death for numerous of reasons as one has already stated to which I clumsily forgot about, drink driving. My best mate was argueing last night with his girlfriend whilst under the influence of alchohol and nearly tore their relationship apart. Luckily enough it didn't come to that. But even so I have nothing against alchohol. I love a good pint down the local :) you?

  • Brohoof 1
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Most of it honestly takes terrible. I don't know how people drink it so much...


Don't get me wrong, some is pretty yummy, but I wouldn't drink it on a regular basis. I'd rather have juice for the rest of my life x3

  • Brohoof 5


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Going out for a few drinks with your friends at a bar isn't bad unless you abuse it.  Drinking wine or champain with dinner also isn't bad.  Many types of social drinking are ok, as long as your not getting drunk.  You should start to worry when your friends get together just to down shots and get drunk.

Edited by John
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But the worst is arguements.


Really? That's the worst thing that can come from alcoholism? I guess all the people who have been killed by drunk drivers aren't really a big deal.


Anyway, I don't really think there's anything wrong with alcohol, but like any number of things, it can be very dangerous if consumed excessively. Not that it really matters, because I'll never be able to drink more than maybe a little bit for medical reasons. 

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Truth be told I love drinking, helps me kick back and relax a bit. Sure I drink to the point of being shit faced fucking drunk but all I do when I'm drunk is talk, a lot.

  • Brohoof 1


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I love the taste, and it's fine in my eyes, until it gets too much, there's a limit, after you break that limit, that's when it starts to go downhill.

it's depending on how much, and what kind really.

  • Brohoof 1


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Really? That's the worst thing that can come from alcoholism? I guess all the people who have been killed by drunk drivers aren't really a big deal.

of course my apologies. That too is a massive problem with drinking. And don't start on people getting hit by cars... :L but so is those who get into fights whilst under the influence of alchohol. :(
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I think there's nothing wrong with a couple of drinks (not like I drink) but like most of the beer ads say, DRINK WITH MODERATION! DRINK RESPONSIBLY! As long as you don't get a serious hangover too often or kill somebody while drunk driving, or kill yourself from alcohol poisoning then it's not so bad and it's a good way for some people to let off stress from their day.

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Honestly, I do not understand how anyone can drink anything alcoholic. Tastes literally worse than crap. So, I myself don't care much for it.


That said, if a drink or two helps you relax every once in a while, I have no problem with it. As long as you're not habitually getting drunk, I have no problem with it. Otherwise, I'd say you've got bigger problems than my disapproval.  :blink:


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Not a big drinker but every now and then is fine..not a fan of the heavy stuff plus if I wanted to kill my brain cells i'd listen to my brother sing.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm not a big fan of it due to some unfortunate family history with alcoholism. I don't have any issue with people who drink responsibly, but I'll be avoiding it myself.

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Well, I don't drink, and I don't plan on drinking even when I'm old enough. I just think that alcohol is a waste of time. :P

Even though, I'm not against alcohol, I don't think it should be banned like some other people want. If you want to drink go ahead just don't try to make me drink because then I'll give you a piece of My mind. ^^

Edited by Lion Keyla
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after seeing what can become to someone when alcohol played a key role in their lives has really prevented me from anything close to binge drinking, i like to think almost everything is good in moderation (except for ponies, no such thing as an overdose of friendship and magic lol) this however has not prevented my purchasing of a six pack here and their, even for my graduation i had received a bottle of Johnny Walker blue label, it can wreck lives and ruin relationships if it is not taken in moderation, unfortunately alcohol is something that people like to (have an unlimited set limit) 

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I had one big hangover ( and two smaller ones ) and since that one big hangover i kinda got a little more careful with alcohol. I dont like the feeling of my mind not being able to think at 100% efficiency. Where I live ( Bavaria) alcohol has a very big impact on everything. Whenever there is a party, its usually gonna end with everyone absolutely smashed. ( Which is the reason for which i dont like going to partys that much. You would have to make them fun by drinking. Sad, but true.) A LOT of my friends go to such parties on a regular basis ( weekly). I rarely ever go and if i do, i wont drink more than 1-2 beers or something alike.

To sum it up: I dont like it, mainly because almost everyone around me drinks it to excess.

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I drink way too much. I HATE parties though, so I usually just drink alone after work or whatnot. I had a bout of depression earlier this year and would binge drink most of the day every day. 

I still drink daily, though I keep it to an acceptable amount and I drink wine and beer mostly rather than hard liquor. Though I do enjoy some proper Irish whiskey every once in a while. 

I think alcohol is alright if one uses it responsibly and doesn't end up relying on it. 


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Well, I'm not drinking at all in everyday life (no beer at evenings :), but well sometimes some wine\sider\beer at weekends), but I'm fine with alcohol at parties, but still some times I do not drink even at parties, depends on mood. So I'm not against it, but I'm not really a drinker myself.

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You should start to worry when your friends get together just to down shots and get drunk

oh damn, i guess i should start worrying then :o

usually when i go out drinking with my friends, we all come back pretty drunk. but i don't go out drinking regulary. usually once in a month or something. the rest i just drink maybe 2-3 beers on a evening. i got nothing against alcohol itself. if someone abuses alcohol, that's entirely on themselves. 

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oh damn, i guess i should start worrying then :o

usually when i go out drinking with my friends, we all come back pretty drunk. i got nothing against alcohol itself. if someone abuses alcohol, that's entirely on themselves. 



Yes it is entirely on themselves.  The OP asked for my "view" on alcohol and I gave it.  I do believe that it is our duty to steer others in a positive direction with regards to the use of alcohol.  I had almost lost a friend to alcohol poisoning and If I we're not there he could have died.  I usually tend to let people mind their own business, but when I feel as though I can put a good word in I will.

I'm 16, British and I don't drink alcohol or smoke or anything like that. The sad thing is, I'm the minority. Almost everyone else does.


I live in the United States and its pretty much the same over here.  I don't really drink and I definitely don't smoke pot or do anything else like that.  If I want to be happy I can just hang out with my nerdy friends that don't do that kind of stuff or play video games.  Or I can just watch MLP :]

Edited by John
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Alcohol is fine in moderation. I don't like beer at all, it tastes yucky, but I love a good cider or wine. Drinking responsibly is always important. I don't really mind social drinking as long as there is someone to take care of them if they are out.

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Alcohol isn't the problem, people who use it in the wrong way have a problem tho. It's so easy to blame alcohol (or any other substance, hobby, etc.), but that is just not "it". People can abuse or get addicted to to pretty much anything, but it's the people who are the problem, even tho many don't like to hear that.


Personally, I like alcohol. Good mood-lifter, good for relaxation... But I never was a fan nor understood why someone needs to drink so much of it that they will throw up and/or lose control of themselves and/or forget what they did the "last night". But whatever gives you the kicks I guess.


Edit: Bonus: I don't see a problem with underage teens drinking... a little bit. A beer or two and not on daily basis is not really that bad, damaging or anything else - on the other hand, kids who are drunk per se and often, that is bad, mostly because it's way more damaging for them than to adults, that is a medical fact. Alcohol is not heathy very much, times 10 for body and brain that is still developing.

Edited by Jessper
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I choose to stay away from it even though I'm old enough to drink. I have nothing against people who drink responsibly but if you abuse it can cause problems. 

  • Brohoof 1


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It's fine in my eyes as long as you are responsible with it. I mean, if you go down at parties and get pretty drunk every now and then, I don't really care, as long as it doesn't become an addiction and/or endangers your or other's health. (For example drunk driving.)


I don't drink a whole lot myself, maybe a beer or two in the weekend in the evening but that's it. On parties, of course a bit more but I've never been actually drunk, maybe just a bit tipsy at most.


(Before any discussions about me appear, 16 is the legal age to be drinking in The Netherlands. It will be bumped to 18 starting January 2014 however.)

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Nothing wrong with Drink, its the Drinkers that need to be controlled.


I drink. Probably more than I should on occasion. You know how many fights I've started while drunk? None. How many cars have I stolen? None. How many lives have I ruined? As far as I am aware, none.


People need to stop blaming the catalyst.


My father was an alcoholic. He also had anger issues and a bad temper. When he got violent, was the alcohol to blame? Partially yes, but it wasn't exactly the key component in the reaction. It was the fact that he was, for want of a better description, a bad person.


Of course, this is all in my own opinion. Feel free to disagree with me. I don't think that one statement can sum up the whole issue, but with how often folks preach about the 'evils' of alcohol, I felt like it needed defending. :P






Just saw your post, couldn't agree more.

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