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open Casual Baltimare RP


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Starshine once again trotted down the road, sulking. The brief trade with the armored jeweler was rather unproductive. Turned out there was a reason nopony wanted to pay more than a hundred bits for the medals. Now he was wandering around the city without any destination whatsoever. "Hah... I might as well return thee worthless medals."




As his luck would have it, Starshine came across the hotel where Skycoaster and the rest of his group was in. He trotted to the table, paying no mind to any other ponies around Skycoaster, and tossed the silver and bronze medals to the orange pegasus. "There, you can have your toy medals. They're fake. Somepony took some tin medals colored them with magic."



"Um, thanks. They were just designed to get the morel up of the weather team, but thanks for returning them. Would you like to join us for a big fancy lunch? You can have anything off the menu you want."






When Bubble realised just how much of a mess she was, Pondah couldn't help but giggle. "I'll get the key," he told her. Pondah walked over to were Skycoaster, attracting some sneers from rather posh ponies who could probably smell he was poor.




"Um... excuse me," Pondah's said quietly. "Can Bubble and I have you room number and key?"

p, here you go. The room is on the 5th floor, number 15."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@ & @Skycoaster


"Thanks..."  Pondah replied before taking the keys in his hoof. He walked over towards Bubble and motioned towards some nearby stairs. "Floor five, room fifteen." he told her. "That's our room. Well... not our room but the one we're allowed to use. Before we go, just remember this: Try not to break anything. I'm not saying you will but it wouldn't be fair of us to damage his stuff."

Edited by Sir. Loin
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"Uh huh..." Nodded the mare, still mesmerised by her reflection as she half listened to her friend - she had no intention of breaking anything, that wasn't like her at all!


Prying her eyes away, she looked about and started to make her way towards the room.


"Come on Ponder, lets go!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Pondah followed along as the pair ascended the stairs to floor five. 'Floor one... floor two... three... four and five. Top floor.' 


Walking down the corridor, Pondah began to check the numbers on the doors. As the target room was a very low number, it wasn't long before the door to room fifteen was in front of the duo. "Are you ready to enter the unknown?" Pondah asked. He inserted the ke he'd been given a twisted it until it clicked. Pushing the door open, he said, "After you."

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As Pondah and Bubble head off, Sky looks to Thunder Dash



"Ugh, that is sooo boring. My job in the weather factory was to break up loose storms and regain control of them as they traveled through the weather factory. My brother and I have had that job since we were colts. As a matter of fact, when I went to go rescue a pegasus that was caught in a loose storm, I was struck by lightning, which is wear I got my electric abilities. Somehow, the electricity was absorbed inside my body. I am still trying to figure out how that happened, 'cause in reality, I should've gone down." Thunder Dash explained.


"You worked in the weather factory too? That's amazing. So, may I ask why you left." Skycoaster said trying not to dive too deep into Thunder's life story.


"This may sound weird to you, but I almost feel that my boss sent me here to frustrate me to the point I won't complain about being behind that desk. This is going to sound weird, but my boss kind of looks a bit like you? Your father doesn't work in engineering, dose he?"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Bubble nosed the door open and looked inside. "Oh! Ponder! Look at this!" She practically squealed. "I want a room here instead of at my hotel - it's so fancy!"


There were all sorts of things in the room fighting to catcher her somewhat limited attention span: her hotel room might as well have been a gray box in comparison. She wasn't interested in anything in particular - she was just itching to explore the overly decorated room.

Never quite forgotten.

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Starshine raised an eyebrow when Skycoaster explained that the medals were just to raise the morale of the weather team. That was definitely an odd thing to do with shiny medals. He shook his head to the lunch offer. "Thanks, but no thanks. I don't like this kind of place." The hotel was too big and too lavish to his liking. The colt tried not to pay any attention to Pondah asking for room key for him and the mare, who turned out to be Bubble. He sighed. "Good bye," he said to Skycoaster and trotted away from the table and out of the hotel. There was a possibility that the stallion hadn't heard him in his conversation with the yellow pegasus, but he couldn't care less. He then made his way to the train station.


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Sunny giggled and returned the hug, before looking Candy in the eye.

"You don't need to tell me how much i mean to you," she said, smiling. "All that matters is that we love each other, and nothing and nopony can change that.

She kissed Candy back and gave an infatuated sigh. "Besides, i'm just happy to be with you."

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Mint Drop


Candy sighed as well, in the same manner that Sunny had, "Honestly...you're the one pony that's been missing all of my life, and now that you're here, I think I can finally say...I'm happy. Truly happy." She stretched her back for a moment, and let out a yawn with a squeak at the end of it, "Aaaand I can be tired with you, forever." She snuggled up to Sunny, a blissful smile on her face.

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"The thing is...I never knew my father. Our mother raised us two solo. My father was active in the military. I only saw him when I was born. I don't even remember what he looks like...I just hope he's okay." Thunder Dash said in a rather sad manner looking back up at Skycoaster.   

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"The thing is...I never knew my father. Our mother raised us two solo. My father was active in the military. I only saw him when I was born. I don't even remember what he looks like...I just hope he's okay." Thunder Dash said in a rather sad manner looking back up at Skycoaster.

"I..um...I see. I'm sorry to bring it up. So, you mentioned us? May I ask who us is? I'm an only foal. lucky for me, I had to be my father 2.0"


Skycoaster realized that he was talking about himself and stopped. "I would like to hear about your family since we have time until Bubble and her friend get back....If that's ok?

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Ember's nap had been fairly short.  He was too excited to get to work on the firework show he was going to put on that night, sleep could wait!  Anypony walking by the door of his hotel room could hear him talking to himself as he worked, going over long lists of reagents and measurements of each.


Inside the room, Ember had a decent sized stock of fireworks already made.  He wasn't sure what color Bubble wanted, so he decided to just make all sorts of colors!  As he picked up another completed firework, he moved to carefully set it with the others.  Suddenly his levitation spell began to fail.  "Oh no, not NOW!"  His broken horn began to shoot off a few sparks as he fought to hold the spell, and in what felt like slow-motion he watched one of the sparks fly directly into the pile of completed fireworks.




In a large explosion of smoke, noise, and multi-colored sparks, Ember was launched through the wall of his hotel room out into the street in front of the building.  The stallion sat up slowly, dizzy and smoking from most of his coat.  After a couple of moments he shook his head, looking at the hole he had accidentally left in the hotel wall.  


"That...  Was...  AWESOME!"  The dazed stallion jumped up to his hooves, paying no mind to the smoke still rising from his freshly-singed mane and tail.  A decent sized crowd of ponies was starting to gather, most looking at the smoking hole and a few looking at Ember.  Suddenly a very angry looking pony appeared in the crowd.  "Uh oh, that's the owner of the hotel..."  


The room had been pretty cheap, and it had hardly been worth what he paid for it, but Ember was positive he couldn't afford to fix that large of a hole.  He quickly ran back in through the broken wall to grab his saddlebags, leaving a few bits on the bed which escaped most of the explosion.  It wasn't much, but it made him feel better to at least pay for some of the damages.


As Ember vaulted out of the hole again, he hit the ground running.  He took off in a different direction from where the hotel owner was standing, crying out "Sorry!"











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The locomotive carrying the 300+ pounds of letters and parcels has finally arrived at Baltimare station.  Inside the cab, Rut-Light had applied the brakes and set the Regulator down to 0% as to make sure the train wouldn't have any forward momentum, he was still pretty shaken from his experience at the bridge but he came out a bit stronger than he used to be.  As the train finally came to a stop at the station he pulled the rope that signaled the whistle and let the work-ponies be aware of the trains presence, after a couple seconds the ponies were unloading the mail like clockwork and in less than 20 minutes all the mail was ready to be collected by the mail-ponies and sent to the ones they belong to.  When that was done he was given permission to drive the train into a siding where it would be refilled with water and given a wash down, "What about the coaches?" Rut-Light asked, the stationmaster replied "Leave them here, we'll have a yard shunter take them to their necessary place.  Move along now, I hear Steam Iron wants to have a word with you."


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Bubble nosed the door open and looked inside. "Oh! Ponder! Look at this!" She practically squealed. "I want a room here instead of at my hotel - it's so fancy!"


There were all sorts of things in the room fighting to catcher her somewhat limited attention span: her hotel room might as well have been a gray box in comparison. She wasn't interested in anything in particular - she was just itching to explore the overly decorated room.

"It sure is a nice room,"  Pondah replied whilst wondering around. "Do you think you'll have enough money to afford this sort of room?" ​Pondah nudged any doors he came across to see if he could find something he could clean up with. After the first few doors, he came across something that looked promising."Hey, Bubble. I've found the bathroom,"​ he said, loudly. 

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After gaining a pretty penny for the shiny amulet Midnight decided to get himself a meal, and meet some pony new.. He came here to turn hi life around and he's done the opposite.. "I wonder wonder if there are any cute stallions here.." He wondered as sauntered toward a restaurant..

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"Heh, I don't think so. It's so fancy! I bet it costs a fortune... Just a minute!"


Heading into the bathroom, she assessed the state of herself in the mirror: the leaves and twigs were easy enough to remove from her mane and tail, and the tangles and knots brushed out easily once she had wet them. It took her a minute it so to decide whether to throw away the flowers but eventually decided to keep them in.


The stains on her coat were surprisingly easy to get rid of too.


"All done!" She announced eventually as she left the bathroom looking none the worse for wear. "Do you want some help with your mane?"

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"Well, except the father situation, our family was quite close. My brother, Electra Blitz and I looked almost like twins, but the patterns on our coats turned out to be different. Yet, he and I have abilities that a normal pegasus don't. As you witnessed earlier, I can wield electricity. My brother on the other hand, can perform simple telekinesis, which is only used to activate stuff. I also have a cousin who lives in Manehattan named Storm Rush. He was super active in his early days in the weather factory but soon decided to move to Manehattan just so he could get a break from all the continuous workdays up in Cloudsdale. Yeah, he had one of the longest shifts: 18 hours a day!" Thunder Dash stated.  

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When Bubble offered Pondah some help, he began to sweat and his breathing became short and panicked. "Wha...?" ​Pondah said frantically. "St...st...stay... don't touch my ma...ma...mane!"


Pondah rushed through the door to the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. The bathroom was as lavishly decorated as the other rooms of the house but Pondah was in no state to admire the decor. He sat, back against the door and continued to breath frenzied breaths.

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A few seconds later, Bubble realized what had happened.


"Oh no! I didn't mean, it's okay I wont!" She called, waiting a short while for a response before knocking gently on the door.

"...Ponder?" She she asked tentatively. "Are you okay...? Say something - please!"


'Look what you've done now! Why is it so hard to remember such simple things!'

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Bubble's slight tap on the door shook through Pondah's body, causing him to leap away from the door and hunker down underneath the bathroom's sink. Pondah dropped to a prone position and placed his forelegs over his head. "St... stay back!" ​he shouted. "Don't come in. There's no need. I'm perfectly fine."

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"Uhm..." She slumped down on the other side of the door. "I'll just... wait here until you're done, okay?"

She couldn't puzzle out exactly why Pondah was so defensive over his mane: she couldn't remember being so protective of anything quite so much. Not knowing exactly how long they might be there, she waited for a short while before taking out the ruined notebook and starting to try and find the correct places for the loose pages.

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Pondah waited until he could here nothing for a minute before he began to clean himself up. The sticks caught in his mane and tail came out with a bit of force. He breathed through his teeth at the pain of sliding them out.


'There are ponies fighting criminals and getting stabbed who don't complain yet you're moaning over this. Grow a pair, weakling. Pathetic. That's all you are. You will never achieve anything so you may as well kill yourself. It's not like you'll be missed.'


​Tears began to stream down Pondah's face as memories of his past flooded into his mind. Regardless, he began the attempted to remove the sticky green balls from his tail. His hooves couldn't reach so he had try using his teeth. The pain of his tail being pulled soon became too much to bare. With great worry and regret, Pondah walked to the door. "Bubble..." he whispered. "I need your help."

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Scrambling up and closing the book, she slowly inched open the door. "Uhm, is everything okay?" Bubble asked as she poked her head inside cautiously: not wanting to cause any more sadness or panic,


Pondah looked like he had tried to groom himself - badly. He also looked very visibly distressed.


"It's okay, I'm not going to touch you..." She said uneasily.

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Pondah stayed low to the ground, causing him to look half the size he was. He gulped before saying, "I need you to touch me though. Can you get all the green balls out of my tail? I'd tried to and it hurt." Pondah turned and positioned himself so his tail extended out across the floor. But unaware to him, however, was that some of the sticky balls littered the base of his mane.

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Sitting beside her unusual friend, Bubble cast him a sympathetic smile.


"You know I'm not going to hurt you, don't you?" She asked as she reached out her hooves and started to run them through the knotted mass of hair - smoothing it out and gradually removing the various bits of plant life that had gotten themselves trapped.


"It's okay to not like something, you only have to say - I wasn't going to pin you down and groom you... much as you could use it. When was the last time you brushed your tail?"


She vaguely remembered hearing a similar line before - directed at her by her sister after she had gotten lost in the park during a thunderstorm... that must have been years ago now.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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