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An Architectural History of Equestria!


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First off, an explanation as to what in the wide world of Equestria this thread is about. A history of the history thread if you will.


If you dont know me you wouldn't be familiar with my complete obsession over all things engineering. Ive been hooked on building everything since I was just an itty-bitty-teeny-weeny kid. In the Fifth grade, I got to learn all about the medieval ages. The rise and fall of the roman empire, The Dark age, the renaissance, It was all super cool. The end project for the unit was to create something from the medieval era. At my school, everyone built castles. I wanted to be different, so I made a cathedral, and in the process I learned a crap-ton about gothic and romanesque architecture. In more recent years, Ive been taking engineering courses, one of them including Architecture, and since the 5th grade I have learned just about everything. A jack of all trades and a master of none. Anyway, I digress; Im writing this because I love architecture, and I thought this would be a fun way of combining my passion with my love for ponies and then sharing it with you in a way you may find interesting. 


So, without any further ado, I proudly present to you the reader...


Architecture of Equestria

A telling of history from an engineer's perspective.



The purpose of this post is to parallel the historical and technological advancements of Equestria to those of Earth and the Human race. Architectural stylings and choices will be observed and compared to human history to create an idea of the time MLP:FiM takes place in, and to generate history of Equestria as told through the construction of Equine towns and cities. Some aspects of the show will be considered to assist in the completion of this history, thus making it mostly headcanon, but otherwise this topic serves mostly to compare architecture and explain its purpose and relevance to history, and to entertain the intelectual minds of forum-goers. 


First things First:

The first thing we will need to take note of is some of the technology present in Equestria. Primarily, the train. Trains require a lot of infrastructure to support, including water towers, steel mills, and coal mines. This gives us a hint at what present day Equestria looks like and how its modern cities are built. The first human Steam Locomotive was successfully driven in 1804 (Railroads existed prior to that, but carts were pulled by horses and were often small. Tracks were contained in cities and pulled only trollies and things). With that date in mind (1804) and knowing that Equestria is at least 1000 years old, we have our timeframe: ?800-1800. For the purpose of this topic, we will not exit this time frame. 


Also, I mostly only use the word "Equestria" when describing the nation. This may confuse you throughout the read. It is my belief that there was once Equestria the small Kingdom, and the n Equestria the empire AFTER the kingdom was destroyed by NMM. Keep this in mind while reading, as I may not be entirely clear about that. 



Beginning in a Dark Age:

Despite Equestria's rich lore and culture, and its amazing means of communication (as demonstrated by Spike and the royal guard), Equestria's history remains rather confusing. We already know the nation is about 1000 years old, there was a time of struggle amongst the pony races and the Windigoes, there was also Discord's brief reign of terror, and the rise and fall of Nightmare Moon. However, lots of these historical happenings dont quite add up. I could write a whole other post on the topic, but I will let @@~Chaotic Discord~ go ahead and write that topic. Im not saying that his telling of the history of Equestria is entirely correct, but it is pretty close to my idea of how "shit went down" in the land of MLP. 


That being said, lets take a look at a map, as it will also help us get an idea of what we are talking about next:

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Starting in the middle, The Ruins. The ruins in the map are of the same ruin where Twilight fought Nightmare Moon (Season 1, Episodes 1 and 2). Now, normally one may think that one cant derive much from a ruined building, but quite the opposite is true. In the episode, one can note the architecture of the door's and windows. The parabolic shape and high pillars are reminiscent of Gothic architecture. Whats odd about this is that the most prominent gothic buildings were churches, cathedrals, and few civic structures. Perhaps this suggests that this structure was once a Hall of Harmony, a residence for the physical Elements of Harmony before they took on spiritual form. Its odd mostly because one would assume that such powerful tools would have been better guarded, and not left on display. There are a few counters to this, such as the presence of the large moat and the delicate rope bridge leading to the ruin, but the stone pillars by the moat would suggest a stone bridge existed previously. I would assume that there must have existed some sort of defense, as it also seems that the ruling family presided in this structure as seen in the final scene where NMM is vanquished by the EoH. Because this is a structure of such grand importane, there may have been some aspects of Scottish Gothic Architecture, which existed mostly in the 1300's and would have provided much better defense to whatever the hell this building was.


Delving a bit more into gothic architecture: the style is characterized mostly by its pointed arches,  ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses (of which the vaults and buttresses appear to have fallen). Gothic architecture evolved from roman building style and was popularized by the French. It began in roughly the 12 century, which would make sense, as this would be only 400 years away from the beginning of our timeline, leaving for plenty of room for the Foundation of Equestria, and the Rise and Fall of Discord. The use of Gothic style continued into the 1600's, and even later into the 1800's as seen in Modern Universities, but prior to 1600 Gothic architecture was chosen mostly out of Architectural necessity, as large stone structures required the extra support provided by vaults and buttresses. Anything after the 1500's was purely a stylistic choice, as much more advanced construction techniques had evolved. 


After the destruction of this structure, it would have made sense for the ponies to have relocated. After all, a castle in the middle of the Everfree forest is probably the stupidest idea concieved. Unless, that the Everfree forest sprouted up around the ruin after the fall of the original Equestrian kingdom. Architecturally speaking, the next place to be built would have been Canterlot, which is perfect because that matches up with the timeline we are building. After the banishment of Nighmare Moon and the collapse of the castle, Celestia and whatever royals were left must have moved to where Canterlot is today. 


Rebirth of a Nation:

 The design of the Canterlot Castle incorporates a lot of features reminiscent of the great churches of Kevian Rus'. The odd pointed-mushroom-dome things, large white detailed facades, and tall doors and windows are strikingly similar to the Church of the Insurrection. The only problem with this would be that Kevian Architecture died out with the invasion of the Mongols in the 13th century. There is one structure that still looks a load like Canterlot, though, and it fits right in on our timeline. The Ivan the Great Bell Tower features three main components. It is constructed entirely of brick, whitewashed to match the buildings around it in the cathedral square. The tower itself is comprised of octagonal drums, narrowing toward the top, and ending with the same odd mushroom dome things as the buildings of Kevian Rus'. The structure was started in 1504 and reached completion in 1508. This is relevant for a number of reasons. As compared to the previous Gothic style building in the old kingdom, the new Canterlot Castle, if built in the same architectural method, could have been built faster and stronger. What used to take decades to build could now be done in a fraction of the time. Considering the old kingdom was completely destroyed, swift construction of a defensive line would have been vital to the safety of the Equestrian nation, especially considering the horrible creatures that exist in Equestria. Defensive structures can be seen along the castle, including a large curtain wall, various battlement platforms, and a drawbridge and portcullis. It is also known that cannons exist in the Equestrian world, but none are shown on the outer walls of Canterlot's Keep. If there are any, they would be on this wall. Or more likely, fortification and colonization of the Equestrian Empire made Canterlot a less strategically important location. 


The outside of the castle is very similar to Russian Architecture, however, the interior is much different. While the high ceilings make sense for a regal keep, the original Canterlot Castle would have primarily served as a key defensive position, and the interior would be rather bare. Instead, Fine finished wals and floors and carpets are seen all over the castle. The interior work is also very similar to the designs of neoclassical empire style estates, especially French Renaissance Architecture, which also emerged in the early 1500's and lasted until the later 1700's. Stylistically Renaissance architecture followed Gothic architecture, so this is a pattern that makes sense. There are also a few gothic elements to the interior of the castle, including the Equestrian Hall of History, with its large, pointed, stained-glass windows and vaulted ceilings. 

Given the imperialistic nature of Equestria at this point in time, it would also make sense that the interior could have been redone. Once general security settled with ponies all across Equestria, there was minimal need for such heavy defense  An economic boom may even have taken place, which is reinforced by the fact that there are crystal caverns beneath Canterlot Castle. Growth in the economy would have given room for lavish and luxurious lifestyle to be enjoyed by the noble citizens of Canterlot. Other towns must have also poped up at this time, such as Ponyville and Trottingham (Im guessing based on the name), and perhaps even Hollow Shades. These towns would have had to of adapted a Vernacular architectural style; they would have built homes using whatever material was available, and based whatever technological and cultural innovations they were accustomed to. Vernacular architecture in the human world varies in style depending on the environment and the culture, and can look anything like hawaiian homes to Tudor buildings. In the case of Ponyville, the town appears to have adapted a vernacular style similar to that seen across europe, especially similar to the towns of England and Germany. Houses would have been framed using wood, and then walls would have been built using a composite of hay and mud. Perhaps a forest or wood used to exist in the location of Ponyville, or perhaps even material was brought from the outskirts of the Everfree to the town. Coincidentally  Vernacular styles in europe had been adapted for quite some time, but really began to boom in Europe in the 1500's, especially with the Tudor styling.


Construction of towns at this point in time would also have been vital to the Equestrian Empire. each town would have to have provided something of need to the entirety of the nation. Hollow Shades may have been a lumber town. For Ponyville, it would make sense that they provided food, as they are located at the fork of two rivers, and therefore the terrain would have been rich for planting crops. It can also bee seen in most shots of Ponyville that there is a wind and water mill, clearly indicating that product grown in Ponyville was also processed in Ponyville. Wheat would have been turned to flour for bread and cakes. Perhaps sugar cane in the area could have been ground into sugar. The only indication we have for what plants would be grown there would be the apple trees. Obviously, the apple trees provide apples, but they would also indicate what the climate is like in Ponyville, and therefore what other plants could be grown with relative ease.


Colonial Era:

Further Colonisation of Equestria would have been essential sooner or later for the same reason that it became essential for Europeans. First of all, the population would have began to boom. This can only be supported by the idea that there may have been economic growth, and that there was already a move from Canterlot to make farming towns similar to Ponyville. Second, more people would have meant more mouths to feed. I could be entirely wrong on this as well. Perhaps the more food happened first and then the more people happened, but either way, there was obviously some period of colonization. 


Ill be perfectly honest with you, it gets rather headcanon from here, as I have very little from the show to back this next bit up. All I have to go off of is the fact that the Canterlot Castle interior looks odd, one shot from the show, and a couple of buildings from the iOS game. 


All OOC aside, here is what Ive gathered. Obviously, the French Renaissance style was adapted into the Canterlot Castle. However, a royal family would not have done this unless the style was trending. Kind of like how Rarity wouldn't be caught dead in stripes unless some hotshot in Canterlot said it was cool. Thats just how fashion works, and architecture is essentialy fashion for houses (and nerdy-ass engineers that like shows for girls). From what we have seen in the show, there aren't many houses that reflect French renaissance architecture. However, Filthy Rich's house in the iOS game, and a few of the Canterlot buildings, are strikingly similar to the 1600's style. For most of the costal cities, it would make sense that they too were built using this sort of a style, at least for the rich. The poor would have built homes in a Gregorian style, which also existed during the late 1600's to Early 1700's, and had direct tie-ins to english and french renaissance architectural choices, as well as throwbacks to classical architecture. The production of brick would have become rapidly easier over the last hundred years, especially considering almost all of Canterlot would have been built with brick. Having built a whole city from the material, it would be safe to asume that ponies got pretty good at making bricks. This is important, because it would explain why the poor could suddenly afford brick. Part would have been due to the economic boost, and another due to the swift rate at which bricks could be made. 


Its also safe to asume that forts would have been constructed durring this time. A growing empire in such an unstable natural environment would have required heavy defense. With the development of metal working, cannons would have been implemented anywhere seen fit, most likely along the coasts. At this point, we are assuming that the ponies spread from the center of the continent outward. This would mean that there were minimal naval developments, and therefore any attack would be most feared from across the ocean, where ponies are unfamiliar. There is minimal canon data to support this, but its a safe assumption. 


One last headcanon thing before we hit back to architecture: The map above shows the Liberty Bell in Fillydelphia. Well, this is interesting for a number of reasons, but first, take a look at this:

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This would appear to be a reference to a three branch government. The inclusion of the Liberty Bell on the map, as well as suggesting a democratic-republican government completely contrasts the monarchy established by the rule of the princesses. This could suggest that perhaps there was a political uprising in Equestria's history. Of course, Canterlot appears ill defended for such a thing, and there is no hint at cannons in the city walls. Its also possible that there was a peaceful government shift. Perhaps the princesses were wise enough to know that they could not possibly rule over such a large population on their own. IMO, thats a load of sappy BS, but a peaceful transition would make sense, considering the unity in the nation is out of necessity (Windigoes, and dragons, and hydras, oh my!). 


Booming on Up to Present Day:

In Equestria, there are two cities that are perfect examples of American Western expansion. The first one, Appleloosa, is a perfect example of a vernacular western village. In the American West. Vernacular homes were made using rustic sod, semi-cut stone, mortared cobble, adobe bricks, and rough logs. As for Appleloosa, its safe to say that the latter was used, at least until the town began to grow in size. This sort of a village on its own isn't significant economically, but it tells quite a bit about the Equestrian society. Such a town would have been built due to the ever increasing population, and the apple farm seen there would have been a form of sustenance farming. We can prove this by looking at Season 1 Episode 21, where Braeburn explains that they need the apple orchard to feed the town. Odds are, the orchard started small enough to feed just a couple of families, and grew as people moved into the town. From what I got from the episode, it seems that the town is still growing, which would even further fit this town into the late 1700 to early 1800 time period where it belongs.


Dodge City, namesake to Dodge City, Kansas, is an example of a boom town. The buildings would have been built in a similar way to Appleloosa, but was much more economically relevant. Most Boom towns existed near places that were believed to be rich in gold. Dodge City, however, was built around cattle. Livestock were herded to the city to be bought and sold, and then used for meat, leather, or milk (Real, whole milk, god dammit. Not fake skim milk). 


The presence of boom towns would suggest yet another economic burst in Equestria. The Equestrian Treasury must be overflowing with rare riches, especially considering that one bit is worth about 37 USD. Growth in economy usually means one thing: More luxurious lifestyles for the rich, more technological innovations, and more affordable things for the lower and middle classes. Even the poorest of the poor in Equestria can easily afford a home, three square meals, and clothing.


Its probably also safe to assume that Vanhoover was founded during this time. As for Manehattan, Fillydelphia, and Baltimare, they would have been undergoing another architectural change to what we saw in the show. These larger cities are most likely industrial centers, just like their namesakes are in our world. If Manehattan had a steel foundry, that would mean economic growth and faster deployment of rail and quicker construction of high-rises.  Manehattan appears to have entered an American Victorian architectural age, which could really only have happened with the introduction of steel.. The buildings are taller, but not much taller than 5 or 6 stories. Any taller building would require more time and effort to make, and would need an elevator to easily move up and down in. Thats not to say there are no elevators or tall buildings. Perhaps there are a few elevators in some of the larger buildings, such as the Chrysler building which appears to have been built, but its to hard to tell from other shots of the city.


Also, Ponyville appears to have an Arched Dam. This is interesting, because it seems to resemble Hoover Dam, but on a smaller scale. Its hard to date this dam though. The first Dam was constructed by the Romans in 1 BC. This dam, however, was only a few meters high and retained drinking water. Not a single dam was built again until the 1600's, when the Mongols constructed one. The first arched dams appeared in the 1800's, and were made because they were stronger and better at retaining water. The Ponyville does have electrical generators, which appear rather old for a number of reasons. The first generators for AC current were made by Nikolai Tesla in the late 1800's. Tesla even had plans to turn Niagra falls into a generating station, a vision not recognized for another few decades. On top of the generator buildings even appears to be a Tesla tower. Perhaps it is actually an ionosphere tower similar in design to Wardenclyffe tower, which was also designed by Tesla, and was supposed to provide unlimited free electricity to the world wirelessly. Electrical energy could be safely tapped from the ionosphere whenever needed at no cost to anyone. Unfortunately, the project was never finished, as Tesla lost financial backing. Petty concerns about profit and shit. Hand it to the ponies to be the ones to do awesome stuff for free. Rock on Tesla-pony.


A Brief Conclusion and Additional Afterthoughts:

So, Ive left you all with quite a bit of reading material and even more to ponder on. I hope it is easy to read and understand, and I pray I wrote with clarity. Ive never been to good at saying whats on my mind with words unless Ive just written out exactly what is in my head. Even then, it still gets confusing. 


Just an afterthought that is completely irrelevant to the prior wall of text. 


Its not hard to notice that almost all of the characters in MLP:FiM are Female. At least, a vast majority are. In my mind, the males are most likely doing all of the more difficult jobs. Ponykind has not changed much, despite their technological advances. Its safe to assume that they still retain medieval notions of honor and chivalry. Men are all working in mines and factories, or are in the military. Women also work, but they are seen doing jobs that do not involve such hard labor. Running Spas and Bakeries is not as hard as digging up solid earth and melting iron and steel. Because the jobs are 'simpler', and the lifestyles are more easy going, the females have more time for recreation, and hence it is easy to follow the Mane 6 as they go about their daily lives.



Well, I just spend a good two hours typing this all up. I hope everypony enjoy's it and gives it a good read and think-over. Im open to any comments, ideas, suggestions, and/or questions.


Until my next rant! Brohoofs! /)



Edited by WingedRatchet
  • Brohoof 12

Riley was here

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I will honestly say I'm impressed. I almost wanna say you put more thought into this than the creators of the show but considering how well it all comes together that may not exactly be true.


This kinda reminds me of that physics presentation someone did for MLP. They got an A+ since their assignment was to explain the difference between realworld physics and cartoon physics using realworld formulas and such.


Your essay, on the other hand, seems like it has even more thought put into it and I'm quite impressed.


I've always been a fan of the Gothic and Medieval eras, particularly music, art and the folklore and mythological beliefs, so it's great to see another viewpoint on those eras from a perspective that I would never have seen myself.


I do wonder where the Crystal Ponies come into play. You didn't go into their architecture or possible placement in a timeline. I wonder if that's because of the fantastical idea of building everything out of crystal though. :P


I do like how you pointed out the matriarchal society. It's fairly easy to see but I wonder how many people actually question it. You filled in some potential gaps but I wonder if it's just that ponies in the MLP universe are made to breed females more than anything? I don't know biology very well, least of all about ponies, so maybe that's a biological norm for ponies.


So here's food for thought: Zecora's homeland and the Indian/Persian-esque ponies that appeared in the episode Trixie returns in; where do their architectures and histories come into play here? As far as I know Persian society isn't quite like that these days and I'm almost certain that Persia doesn't even exist anymore by that name in the real world but correct me if I'm wrong on that front.


I applaud thee, WR. It was an enjoyable read indeed!

Edited by Discordian
  • Brohoof 2
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  On 2013-07-30 at 5:18 AM, Discordian said:

I will honestly say I'm impressed. I almost wanna say you put more thought into this than the creators of the show but considering how well it all comes together that may not exactly be true.


This kinda reminds me of that physics presentation someone did for MLP. They got an A+ since their assignment was to explain the difference between realworld physics and cartoon physics using realworld formulas and such.


Your essay, on the other hand, seems like it has even more thought put into it and I'm quite impressed.


I've always been a fan of the Gothic and Medieval eras, particularly music, art and the folklore and mythological beliefs, so it's great to see another viewpoint on those eras from a perspective that I would never have seen myself.


I do wonder where the Crystal Ponies come into play. You didn't go into their architecture or possible placement in a timeline. I wonder if that's because of the fantastical idea of building everything out of crystal though. :P


I do like how you pointed out the matriarchal society. It's fairly easy to see but I wonder how many people actually question it. You filled in some potential gaps but I wonder if it's just that ponies in the MLP universe are made to breed females more than anything? I don't know biology very well, least of all about ponies, so maybe that's a biological norm for ponies.


So here's food for thought: Zecora's homeland and the Indian/Persian-esque ponies that appeared in the episode Trixie returns in; where do their architectures and histories come into play here? As far as I know Persian society isn't quite like that these days and I'm almost certain that Persia doesn't even exist anymore by that name in the real world but correct me if I'm wrong on that front.


I applaud thee, WR. It was an enjoyable read indeed!

Thank you for such kind words! Sometimes I worry I think to much about this sort of thing, but its good to know that people at least find it interesting. 


You bring up a couple of points that I considered, and I even remembered something I forgot to talk about in the post. 


As for the Crystal Empire. Those sorts of buildings simply do not and can not exist in our world. They appear to have been grown from the earth itself, which is a technology we have not mastered. Humans can grow many a material, including crystals, but to rise a perfect building out from the earth requires a more magic touch. In my mind, the Crystal Empire architectural style (if it can be called that) is similar to the style of Krypton, the homeworld of Superman, which also grew buildings from crystals that took natural shapes. Of course, both of these worlds are pure Fantasy, and so, unfortunately, is the style. No matter how badass and/or nerdy living in a giant single-crystal palace may sound, humans wont be doing such things. At least not in our lifetimes.

The only other consideration I would have for this would be its age. We know that the crystal empire is at least 1000 years old as well, but we are unaware of its origin. The Crystal empire could be hundreds of thousands of years old if it was grown naturally. If magically assisted, it could have taken only a few years, similar to how humans grow crystals in labs. Im not sure what the significance of this would be then, other than pointing out that Ponykind was obviously more advanced than it is now. This would mean some disaster took place even before the reign of Sombra, and that the Crystal empire has disappeared a second time in the past, along with any other ancient civilizations that may have been on the continent.


Speaking of ancient civilizations, thats the perfect segway to pegasus architecture. Cloudsdale in particular we know quite a bit about. The show gave us almost a full image of the city and its history. We have seen the Cloudsdale Stadium, the weather factory, a few shopping stalls, and in Hearth'swarming eve we received insight as to what their old government was like. The Architectural styling itself is rather sophisticated, and falls right into the category of Roman architecture. The style is characterized by semicircular windows and arches and large domes. As can be seen from any screenshot of the city, there are plenty of those. Whats interesting is that the Roman style is almost 2000 years old. This would make sense in terms of the MLP Universe, as we know that the pony races had all established separate civilizations from each-other. But what is really intriguing is that Roman Architecture durring its time used some of the most advanced technology in the world (at the time). This would mean that the Pegasai were the real father's of architecture. I would have assumed that Earth Ponies would have been better builders, but when you think about it, it makes sense. The Earth ponies consisted of primarily working classes. To busy to stop growing food, earth ponies would have adapted a vernacular architectural style, perhaps similar to the mud and stick huts as seen in tribal africa. Similarly, the Unicorns could also have spent time on large fancy structures, as magic would have made this relatively easy, but Unicorns were of noble blood. I dont think a single unicorn would have raised a hoof to do hard labor. Not to mention, In my mind Unicorns would have been the most stuck up of the pony races, and this seems to be reinforced by the show in the Hearth's Warming Eve episode. My guess is that there are so many unicorns in modern time because they began to breed with the other races. In ancient time, there may have been only a few hundred unicorns and no more. This would eliminate any need for any sort of construction, as the badass Pegasai and the average Earth pony were providing everything that the Unicorns needed to survive. 


Segway matriarchy:

I dont think that ponies mostly breed female. Perhaps there could be genetics for this, but any genetic code in any species that yields more females than males would be flawed, as an even balance is required for the species to continue. Plus, if there were fewer males, I think one would see more of a Patriarchy, and males would dominate the ruling classes, and not the work force. 

As for the biology of it, there was a pretty cool genetics thing floating around a while ago. Feel free to give it a read!


On the topic of persia: 

While I could have talked a bit about the african and persian styles, doing so would have been pure speculation. We know very little about the two cultures in the pony world, and we also have not seen any architectural designs of either civilization. Its probably safe to assume that the architectural choices are similar to the human civilizations, but we would not be able to derive why the choice was made for the pony world without seeing the city geographically, what the ponies lifestyles are like there, and other things. Any venture in this area wouldnt even be able to be called headcanon, because it would have been based off of just one picture and nothing else. One cant exactly build a sound thesis on that :P.


Hope Ive answered your questions! gladded you enjoyed reading the whole thing!

  • Brohoof 1

Riley was here

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well ill share what i feel is the ancient past of Equestria


In a time long ago, millennias before Celestia was even born the world was healing itself after the wars and disasters that befell the previous species of that world. A new world was born and amongst the flora and fauna that started to take root in this new world 3 species was born, the Earth Ponies sturdy and strong born from the bosom of the earth, the Pegasi graceful and swift forged in the heart of a storm, and the Unicorns noble and true formed when magics of the land melded together. In this new world where the land is bountiful and plenty the 3 tribes lived in harmony but in the centuries to come a new species that was said to have fallen from the sky emerged the Alicorns a species that believed themselves gods quickly subjugated the 3 tribes and took the land for themselves. Later on greed caused the Alicorns to fight amongst themselves and thus begun the great Alicorn wars that broke the land and shattered the sun, even in such dark times the Alicorns didn't cease their war leading members of the 3 tribes to fight in the Alicorns name. As the war soldiered on in was evident to that some of the Alicorns that the pride of the other Alicorn Houses dictated that they would rather see the world burn than share it with others of their tribe, an Alicorn House known for its military prowess could no longer stand the senseless destruction of what was once paradise now smoldering ashe filled with toxic magic, they once vowed never to join such pointless actions as war but had no choice and declared war with the rest of the Alicorn Houses subjugating them and declaring themselves ruler of the land thus ending centuries of suffering.


the Alicorn were divided into 9 Houses


House Draconis - the current monarch of the Alicorns, a House consisting of Knights and values honor above all things, The Crimson Knights the knight order of the House Draconis and is known as the most powerful military force in the land


House Serpantine - one of the Houses that aided Draconis in their subjugation of the other Houses, it was said that this house betrayed the other houses and sided with Draconis the moment draconis victory was assured


House Tempus - a former rival of House Draconis, a House consisting of Alicorns who believe that Time is the true god, started a religion that worships time


House Caeleste - a House that lost all its power and is currently the only Alicorn House that has no land and is in servitude of House Draconis and Tempus, one of the few Alicorn Houses that wishes the freedom of the 3 tribes


House Tempestatem - one of the Houses that sought power in the great Alicorn wars, currently the masters of most of the Pegasi tribes


House Umbra - one of the Houses that sought power in the great Alicorn wars, one of the Houses that seeks to dethrone Draconis 


House Crystallum - one of the Houses that sought power in the great Alicorn wars, one of the Houses that seeks to dethrone Draconis 


House Pruina - one of the Houses that sought power in the great Alicorn wars, one of the Houses that seeks to dethrone Draconis 


House Noctum - one of the Houses that sought power in the great Alicorn wars, after their defeat they went into seclusion but vowed to serve Draconis when the need arises


(note that the Earth Ponies serve all the Alicorn Houses whilst the Unicorn serve House Draconis,Tempus and Caeleste)


Millenias has passed and the House draconiss power seemed unmatched, and with the current Ruler and Matriarch of the House Queen Roseum (nicknamed the red queen) and thanks to the efforts of House Draconis and House Tempus the world seems to have healed once again and with the use of Magic sped up the recovery of the world, although the world is still broken apart and most of its pieces lie dormant within the void the world has finally found peace once again.


One fateful day, a young filly with pink flowing mane whilst reading a book and walking at the same time bumped into a group of Noble Knights, the knights noticing that the young filly was a member of the House Caeleste began to show signs of disgust for the young filly and her House that wished only for the freedom of the 3 tribes (Earth pony,Pegasi,Unicorn), they dragged the poor young filly into a dark alley to "Educate" her of her place in the world, but unbeknownst to the assailants her majesty Queen Roseum Altair Draconis was watching from her balcony, disturbed at the actions her knights have taken she orders her Knight commander to arrest them but before her order was passed a young filly knight and a young priest of the House Tempus appeared


Young Filly Knight: "Such actions.............un-befitting of your charge as knights" 

Young Priest: "Unhand that fair maiden!!"


both declared at the same time, both shocked at each others heroism where no one in the city would raise a finger to aide the young pink mained filly


Young Filly Knight:"It would appear the chivalry still lives amongst men after all"


the young filly knight nobly declared


Young Priest:"My lady knight, thou need not bother with such men for such actions would only sully thy beauty"


the Young Priest said with a smile


angered by the disturbance and by the lack of respect shown to them by the young the knights started to surround the two


Knight Leader: "I have never been insulted like this in my entire life, first by that trash of a pony from the House Caeleste now by you two."

The Leader of the Knights flicked the young fillies horn roughly, causing the young filly you curl up protecting her horn


Knight Leader:"Do you not know who i am?!?! I AM Duke Veil of the House Umbra!!"


The Knight Leader declared


Young Filly Knight:" OH???"


shrugged the Young Filly Knight


Young Priest: "Is that so??"


said that Young Priest  dusting of the Young Pink Maned filly


Knight 01: "What the???"


Knight 02: "How did he??"


shouted the knights still in disbelief as to how the young priest quickly rescued the young filly


to be continued

(i shall continue this later)

Edited by Lunas Sorrow
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I'm just dumbstruck. This is just beautifully, comprehensive piece of research. I'm not very knowlegdeable in architecture but it was still very interesting to read.

  • Brohoof 1
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  On 2013-08-02 at 3:48 AM, Melior said:

I'm just dumbstruck. This is just beautifully, comprehensive piece of research. I'm not very knowlegdeable in architecture but it was still very interesting to read.


Why thank you! I always think its cool to find people such as yourself whom are interested in multiple subjects, or at least willing to learn new things. Learning new stuff is fun :P

Riley was here

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  • 2 years later...

Wow! Simply wow!


No one could have put it better. I must admit I skipped some parts as it was very long, but this is amazing. Great detail and info. Well, my specialist subject is Economics so maybe I should make a post like yours regarding that.


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