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is it weird that i fantisise about being a pony?


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i just want to know if it is weird for me to fantasize about being a pony just whenever i think about it my stomach floats and when i lucid dream (google it) i always dream about that... i just want your point of views and thoughts about it

  • Brohoof 7
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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


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I honestly wouldn't think it weird of you to fantasize about such things.


Then again, I do so myself.


What I think though? If I ain't normal, I don't want to be.


Also, I would KILL to be able to lucid dream. But probably just something small, like a cockroach.

  • Brohoof 2
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Meh.... Not really..... I have often wondered what it would be like to be a pony.... I even have an OC stashed away somewhere.... Lucid Dreaming can be very trippy.... But you can reach it easily with a combination of Nyquil,  Incense, and Binatual Beats...I cant promise it will make you dream about being a pony though,,,,

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


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my bad i didnt know what it had to go into so i just put it here. soooooooooooooooooo yea just a again this is my bad im just dumb

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Hm...  I'm afraid there's something terribly wrong.  You're a BRONY.  We need to get you to the hospital for treatment ASAP!


Your mom:  Doctor!  Is my son going to make it!?


Doctor:  He'll be fine.  He just needs a few weeks of manly things..  Like Call of duty...  With Blackjack.. and Hookers..

Edited by John
  • Brohoof 13
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It's not any weirder than fantasizing about anything else, really. People like to dream about such things because it creates an interesting diversion from their everyday life, and there's nothing wrong with that.

  • Brohoof 6
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i can lucid dream every night im soo good at it i can control my dreams idk why i like to dream that though it might be just to satisfy my need for thinking about it idk i just now its fun hanging around with the mane 6 every night

  • Brohoof 3
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You know, it is kind of weird but it isn't too weird. I mean, we all fantasize about random stuff happening whether it be I want to be an astronaut or a famous celebrity. Lately I have been fantasizing that I will someday get kidnapped and then forced into simulation where the entire world is forced to watch me not only fight for my life but also find out the secrets to the universe with my anime chick sidekick who has massive cleavage and has an arsenal of nuclear missile launchers.


so yeah no your fantasy isn't really that weird compared to mine.

  • Brohoof 3
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Is it weird for you to:


1. Imagine that you live a totally different life than the one you currently have so you can play out cathartic scenarios in your mind to relieve the stress of real life.

2. Exercise your imagination which ultimately helps your creative processes in your daily life.

3. Wish your life was different than it is even if your life isn't overly difficult in the first place just because it's more interesting.


Yes. Totally weird. Same thing everyone does at some point, some more than others. Often we can use this as some form of retrospection which we can use to improve ourselves or our outlook on life by imagining a different role in life that can help you to see things in the same situation in a different light. Having multiple perspectives, even if only through imagination and pseudo-personalities, can help us get through rough situations.

  • Brohoof 4
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It's not weird at all. Don't worry about it man, fantasizing about what's out there is a natural aspect of human curiosity. 


That's awesome that you are able to have lucid dreams about MLP, by the way. I'm trying to learn how to lucid dream myself, by firstly focusing on improving dream recall, as that is the first step. Once I'm able to lucid dream, I'll use it not only to visit Equestria, but to do many other things as well.

  • Brohoof 5
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Eh its not really that weird, i mean i myself have curiosity for it to see how it would be like, especially to go to Equestria.


I don't think its really weird, I think we all get that feeling to some degree after seeing the awesome world and awesome ponies of Equestria.


I can't even dream about stuff really :P.

Edited by Zygen
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Eh its not really that weird, i mean i myself have curiosity for it to see how it would be like, especially to go to Equestria.


I don't think its really weird, I think we all get that feeling to some degree after seeing the awesome world and awesome ponies of Equestria.


I can't even dream about stuff really :P.

wrong!!! humans have about 4-7 dreams a nigh the thing is you forget about 90% of them in about 10 min of waking up or you dont remember them at all

  • Brohoof 1
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Not weird at all in my opinion. I myself do this, as well just fantasize about being a totally different person. My thoughts mainly correlate with my OC, as if I was him, of course he is based off of me, so there you go. I guess this is caused by my extreme dislike towards my own being but I digress. People fantasize about being something that they are not quite a lot I would assume. For some it is fun, for others it is a form of escape. Not everyone of course, but a decent amount I would imagine.

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wrong!!! humans have about 4-7 dreams a nigh the thing is you forget about 90% of them in about 10 min of waking up or you dont remember them at all

Oh, well I guess i'm not very well educated on dreams.


As the very least then I don't remember 100% of my dreams basically about 95% of nights. so its almost like I never really dreamed.

I have them occasionally, but none of ponies.

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I fantasise about being a pony all the time... Seems like it could be an epic adventure, or just a nice change to a much more peaceful life. Oh! Let's not forget about the Magic! And the epic cuddles and hugs. :P


Trust me, there's nothing wrong with that, most of us do that anyways -_- .

Edited by Concord
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I find myself doing that all the time.  Sometimes I'll go to sleep thinking being a pony and sometimes I'll wake up thinking of being a pony.  There's nothing wrong with it.  It's natural.  Think about it like this.  When you were a kid and you saw Firemen and Astronauts, did you never once think about being one?  Given, back then it probably involved dinosaurs and candy or something >.< Logical thinking might not have kicked in yet.  Same idea though.  If you like something, you're going to dream of being that something.


Completely and totally normal.   B) I mean, who wouldn't want to be a pony anyways? Magic, flying, ... whatever earth ponies do!! It'd be awesome!

  • Brohoof 1
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While you don't spend your whole day doing nothing but dreaming, I think it's totally fine.

I know some stuff about dreams, better knowed as "energetic interpretations" since I spent many years training to become a conscious astral traveler. So during my sleep period time, being able to go and disconnect from my body.

Though I never found any kind of beings similar to ponies between other planes or existential frequencies. Most of the time were just pretty nasty stuff, like twisted beings made of pain, dancing shadows among other creepy things.  Although I always made my travels to the low astral plane instead of the high one, which is more like creepy-town rather than other thing, so I guess it's logical.

At least the negative creatures don't tend to lie as much as those tall, white  haired, elvish looking beings from the topside, usually do.

I highly doubt there is someone, consciously awake, around here, but hey.

Anyways, have fun during your lucid dreams. I choose the astral due to it's a real existential frequency, instead of an energetic interpretation for your feelings and desires, as most lucid dreams certainly are.


Apologies for my english. It isn't my first language.

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, if I have to say myself, it's not truly weird to faantasise about being a pony at all! It's just the matter of trying not to go insane and have your mind think that you are actually a pony. Just don't go too insane on it, and you'll be okay.


Either way, if I start thinking of stuff like that, I usually get the idea for a fanfiction/story for my OC, and either start writing about it, or think about it, and in the matter of a few minutes, forget about it!

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I have been fantasizing about being an equine since I was in primary school so this i just an extension of it to me.


I think Fantasizing about things you enjoy is pretty normal and healthy. After all, the brain dreams when we sleep and it's often bizarre things.


I have had lucid dreams before. Not necessarily about MLP. Generally they are just odd, such as me in the mall. One 'trigger' for a dream to become lucid for me, is if something that has died is in it, such as a former pet or person I knew. If they show up in a dream, my mind realizes I'm dreaming. I had to "train" myself to recognize this trigger while awake because I had a lot of nightmares.


Often my lucid dreams started out scary, but once I realized I was dreaming I could have 'fun' i them such as fly or do something else really far out there. I've experienced flying several times (as a dragon or human) many times and you actually FEEL like you're doing it which i pretty cool. Even feel the stomach flutters from ascending and descending.


I do day dream about being a MLP I think that is normal for any fandom you're in, regardless of your age.

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I would say it would be weird if you want to be a real pony, like a horse from this world... if you would want to be a mlp pony then I guess that would be the same case for lots of bronies. so I guess that would not be weird... 

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so I heard the going rate to get to equestria via portals is about 6 sexitrillion dollars... If its all vounteer work and around the clock we could get there by the weekend.


Honestly I find being a pony far more interesting than what I have right now... even if I was a millionare I would prefer to be in equestria.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't think it's odd at all. I once dreamed that the world was taken over by hippos (lol). I would love to be a pony, too. I wouldn't have to worry about as much, I would kind of miss meat a bit... but being a pony for a day would be the best thing ever. As long as you don't get obsessed with it, you're fine. Just don't let everyone know about it.

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Not really.


Being a pony living in Equestria would be a heck-of-a lot better than living as a human on Earth.


If I was giving the choice of living the rest of my life as a pony in Equestria, I'd take that chance in a heart beat.

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