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private Welcome to Echo Falls


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@@Sterling Crimson,


Pyxel jumped back due to Chemm's sudden outburst. What was wrong with her? Why did the mare just start screaming at him?

"Um... okay, let's go I guess?" Pyxel slowly asked, afraid of angering Chemm again. Did he do something? Maybe one of the monsters did it...

Pyxel didn't know what was wrong with Chemm, but he DID want to get out of the town. So he turned around and walked on the street, towards the exit of the town, still wondering about what happened just two seconds ago.

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'Well, there goes all of my advice, right out the window.' Thought Code as he put his face in his hoof and sighed. "This is going to be a long night." He muttered to himself. He started to walk with Pyxel, thinking that the best idea at this moment in time was to get out of here. "Good luck." Said Code to Pyxel. 'He's gonna need it.' He finished in his head being that, other than Eddie, he was the only other one that understood Chemm's outburst.

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Violet didn't know what to do when Chemm started to shout with Pyxel. She seemed so angry but why? They were away for a time so how could Pyxel done anything wrong to her. Well, maybe the whole thing was just too much for Chemm. As the two stallion walked away Violet moved closer to Chemm. "So..I think we should go too...you know, before they leave us here."-said Violet as she stepped one forward but than she turned back. "Um...well, all of us seen things that we shouldn't but, um...everything will be alright. Okay?"-she asked than smiled at her in hope to cheer her up.

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Chemm had shouted with all her might, but she didn't feel like it was enough. She had so much of a wallop to give to the rest of the ponies. It was unfair! She knew it! Violet wanted to be with Pyxel, and she inexplicably knew about her crush! It just had to be that! It was despicable! Intolerable! Treacherous! As the company walked away from the haunted house, Chemm made sure to stay away from Pyxel and Violet. Maybe she could get Pyxel jealous by walking closely with Code. And that she did as they continued to walk through the black sky...

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As they were walking, Code noticed Chemm trying to unseemingly avoid Pyxel and instead, walked close to him. He knew what she was doing all too well. Growing up with three sisters, you learn how these games are played. He thought he would play along to see if it would help Chemm's stress level would go down. While walking, he slowly lurched to his side and slightly bumped Chemm in attempt to show that he knew what she was doing. He smiled and kept walking. "So, what's are next move?" Code asked.

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Chemm was slightly comforted to see that Code was trying to play along with her. She was glad he understood her plight. He looked like a nice stallion, certainly much more polite and considerate than Pyxel would ever be. She then heard Code asking her a question about her next move... For one thing, she wanted to get to know Code more, considering he seemed like a much more understanding pony. She then replied with a smirk and a cute smile,


"Well Code... I was wondering if we could just walk real close together. Just make it seem like you're enjoying my presence a lot. I mean, you do... right?"

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"Sure, that would be kinda nice." Code replied with a slight smile. "To be honest, I enjoy everyone's company. Even that one stallion we left at the house, given that I am the cause of his frustrations." He gave out a small chuckle and wore a grin on his face, trying to hold in his laughter. It seemed that Chemm's stress had gone down a bit as he talked to her, he was happy to know this.

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@@Sterling Crimson, @,


Pyxel saw Chemm talk to Code.

*Well, I get it. She's mad at me, and now she just wants to talk with somepony else. Although, I don't really know what I did wrong... should I ask her?*

One side of Pyxel's brain wanted to ask what was going on. The other one said NO. Who knows? Maybe Chemm wil yell at her again for being stupid? These two sides fought for a while, but the more curious one won it.

Pyxel turned his head towards the mare, and asked: "What was with the shouting back there?"

*I think I could've said that a bit differently...*

Edited by RedStorm
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"Um...okay?"-asked Violet as Chemm moved after the others without responding to her. Violet also followed them. She walked not too far behind them and was thinking about the happenings of the day. What will they do when they left the town? Where they will rest. And what if it will rain. There were a lots of question that she couldn't answer but it was sure that nothing can be worse than Echo Falls, so leaving it finally was just the best move they could do at the moment. She heared a quiet roar in the distance and she realized that it was a thunder. As she looked ahead she saw the three pony walking together. She didn't hear well what they were talking about but she felt a bit alone. She just followed them quietly, looking back every minute to make sure there is no danger.

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Chemm's plan was working. Pyxel was beginning to notice her unusual behaviour around Code. She smiled back at Code, happy that her plan was taking off. She then heard Pyxel asking him a question. The gall! He knew what he did! He helped her out and made her believe that he liked her! Oh well. Things were going her way. She was going to ignore him and make him get her attention. She decided to ignore Pyxel for a bit longer. She then turned to Code and asked cutely,


"So Code. Any idea of how we're going to get home? I mean, we've got to find some way to contact some sort of emergency group so that they can get us out of here!"


She then noticed Violet's confusion. She shouldn't play with her. She started this whole mess. Holding hooves with Pyxel when he was set to go out with her! The nerve! She didn't want to say anything right now because it would ruin her plan... to get Pyxel's undying attention away from Violet...

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Code was happy that Chemm seemed to be feeling glad. He smiled. When he heard Chemm ask him a question, he looked around. "Well, if we can find a phone, we could call for help. But, seeing as I don't see any phone lines around the houses, I doubt we will find one. If we are lucky, we might be able to find a radio that we could use to send out a distress signal. Then help would surely come." Code replied to Chemm as he heard thunder rolling. "We might want to hurry a little though. Storm is coming in."

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Pyxel pinched his eyes and kept walking. That mare was up to something. But what? Why was the Chemm acting so weird now?

*Mares... one moment they're like a kitten purring on your lap, the other moment they turn into a snake...*

Pyxel felt lonely all of the sudden. Chemm wasn't comforting herself against her. None of his friends were here as well, chatting with him as usual.

*Okay, chill... you'll be out of this place soon, right?*

It started to feel more chilly for Pyxel. More chilly than it already was. It seemed like Code was right, storm was coming.

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Chemm heard the thunder begin to roll. She was becoming afraid again. The sky was getting darker and darker, and she knew that it was a terrible idea to be outside during a thunderstorm. She clung closer to Code was a result, fearing for her life... Plus, she just realized that she didn't consider the other evil ponies that could be present as they walked out of Echo Falls into the trees. Would they ever get out alive? Would they ever find a phone? Would they be able to find somepony to get them home? All this plagued Chemm's mind as she trotted faster still...

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Code felt that Chemm was clinging on to him and he smiled. He wasn't used to mares being so close, but he kinda liked it. Still walking along the street, he heard the thunder and it was really close. He looked to Chemm. "Hold on here for a minute. I'll be right back." Code said to Chemm as he walked towards an alley that was between a house and what seemed to be an apartment building. "Please let there be something here. I bucking hate rain." Code muttered to himself as he walked farther in the alley. "Ah. Here we are." He said in delight as he went up to a dumpster and removed one of the covers. He then quickly went back to the group while holding the cover above him as it had started to sprinkle. "I'm back." Said Code as he met back up with the group.

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Chemm opted to wait for Code. For some reason, she felt a decent amount of comfort being with Code. Certainly more comfy than Pyxel. On the one hand, Chemm felt relieved that Code was here with them. On the other hand, she couldn't help but feel that he was just a friend... She couldn't tell which was which at the moment because she still liked Pyxel very much. He was strong... chivalrous. That she wasn't sure Code had yet...


In her contemplation, Code walked back with a cover... At first, Chemm wasn't sure as to what Code was doing, but when he covered it over his head, she giggled lightly. She quickly went under the cover to shield herself from the rain. She then thanked Code,


"Thanks Code. At least we both won't get wet under the rain."

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When he got back to the group, Code saw Chemm giggle and walk up underneath the dumpster cover with him and thanked him. "Sure, no problem. As soon as I heard the thunder, this was one of the first things on my mind as I hate getting wet from rain." Code said as he shifted the cover over so it would be more over Chemm than himself. "We should probably get moving again so we can get out of this rain." Said Code.

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Chemm noticed that Code was giving her more of the cover. She responded with a shy smile and giggled with comfort. She then replied to Code with a smile,


"Thanks Code. And yes, we should get moving. But where? I don't want to go back to those houses again..."


As Chemm lay under the cover, she continued to wonder. What made a stallion different all the other ones? Pyxel was chivalrous in saving her from the burning bus, but at the same time, Code was just as chivalrous in providing her more of the cover to keep herself dry. What was she to look for in a stallion? The question left her pondering as the two ponies continued to look for a better place for cover...

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Violet could bet that she saw something in the upper window of the house where they were before. She was not sure what was it or it was really there but she moved faster than before. As she thought soon it's started to rain. It seemed Code found a cover for himself and Chemm but they still need a place to stay while the storm move away but she was afraid of going inside any of those houses in Echo Falls. She heared another thunder while it was raining stronger. "I think I've got an idea!"-muttered Violet than turned to the others. "When we have arrived, I saw the top of a tower which probably belongs to a church. It think we would be in safe there...I mean I think these monsters won't appear there...right?"-said Violet than glared in the distance. "I think it was this way!"-said and started to run down the road. "Come on!"

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@, @@Sterling Crimson, @,


Pyxel narrowed his eyes to see the tower. The rain was making so much noise, he could harldy hear Violet.

"I guess that's a place to stay... this way!" He yelled to others. Pyxel was cold and the rain falling on his skin felt like little pieces of heavy stone. Pyxel wanted to just rush through the heavy rain, towards his home town but he realized that staying warm and dry was more important right now. He would just walk past Manehatten with this kind of rain anyway.

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Code was barely making out what Violet was saying, but he heard enough to know what she was planning on doing. As he lifted the cover from his head a little to look for this church tower in the skyline, Violet and Pyxel ran past and splashed him as they went by. Wiping himself off, he continued to look for this tower until he saw a tall dark structure looming over the rooftops. He stood up and looked at Chemm while repositioning his hoof on the cover so he could walk with it. "You ready to head out? We believe we have found shelter." Code asked Chemm.

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Chemm noticed Violet looking towards a building where they could rest for the night. it was certainly better than staying underneath cover in the middle of the road, but she certainly didn't take a liking to Violet very much at the moment.


She walked with the others towards the church, motioning for Code to come along as well. She certainly didn't want him staying out in the rain for long either. Eventually, she arrived at the church, but not before she felt some nerves tingling up her spine. She didn't like the looks of it... it was dark coloured, and the building certainly looked like it was about to collapse. All she could do was stand by the entrance with a gulp as she nervously knocked on the wet, wooden door...

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When Chemm motioned him to come with her, he followed her with the others. It was somewhat awkward to be carrying this large cover over him, but it was worth the hastle of not getting drenched by the rain. When they came up on the church, Code noticed its considerably dilapidated state. "Wow... this place is a wreck." He said as he watched Chemm go up and knock on the big door. He came up by Chemm and looked at her. "You know churches are open to anyone, right?" Code said to Chemm as he pushed the door open with his head and dropped the dumpster cover right inside the door. He turned around to the others. "Come on in, the weather's fine." Code said sarcastically with a smile.

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Pyxel rolled his eyes. Did it have to be a church? He remembered his first time in a holy place like this... it was cold, and all you did was stand there, listening to what the priest said. But it certainly better than staying outside in the rain, so he walked inside. The church seemed normal to him: two lines of benches, an altar and the two princesses painted on the walls.

The church did look a bit crumbly, but so did one of his classmate's home, and he lived there from the time he was born, so Pyxel wasn't really worried about the state that the church was in.

It was actually a little colder than outside, but atleast dry. Pyxel sat down on one of the benches and started pulling the strings of his guitar from boredom.

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Chemm giggled at Code's little joke. It was comforting considering how rainy it was and how much they needed some optimism in the darkness. She never understood what the churches were for. After all, they already had Princess Celestia to guide them through, and she didn't know whether the churches belonged to Princess Celestia... It worried her slightly as she entered the church.


She looked around with a worried look. The pews were filled with dust and webs. It looked like the church hadn't been used for years. She saw the church's foundations begin to crumble, leaving her wondering why they even followed Violet's lead to go inside. The only comfort she could get was standing close to Code and remembering that there probably wouldn't be any zombies inside the church... for now.  

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Code walked further into the church and looked around. 'Yeah. Typical church.' He thought as he continued up to the alter. He ran his hoof across the pedastal and left a long clean mark in the dust. 'This place hasn't been touched in forever.' He continued to examine the alter and found weird engravings on the backside of the statue's base. Code wiped away the dust and tried to read what it said.


"Must l..ve. Th. t..n is .ot sa.e. Th.y ar. .lw.ys wa.t.hi.g. Mu.t es..pe be.ore t.ey f.nd u..."


It ended there with a long gash next to it. "Hmm... weird." Code said to himself. He then grabbed one of the smaller candlestick and walked over to one of the pews and cleared the webs with the candlestick. He then wiped off all the dust and laid down, tired from all that has happened this dreadful night.

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