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humor Harmonic's Equestrian Adventures

Harmonic Revelations

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Warning: The Following Story contains: Intentional Cliches, intentional butchered grammar and spelling, Lots of randomness, and String cheese.


Chapter 1: Rude Awakening





String cheese, string cheese never changes.


Those were the words that guided Harmonic in his day to day life. Ever since he moved to Ponyville, his string cheese has started disappearing mysteriously. Of course Harmonic cared a lot about that, as he often used it to barter. He still remembers when he bought his home for forty five tons of string cheese.


Harmonic sat up in his bed, his head felt like there was some kind of Mosh pit in his skull. He levitated his glasses onto his face, letting out a satisfying yawn.


That's when a dragon crashed through his front door.


"WAT R U DOING DRAGON Y U EVEN HERE" Harmonic yelled angrily at the dragon who was interrupting his prologue.




Harmonic swore he would destroy this dragon, as he ran out of his house screaming. He had forgotten to open the door, so now there was a pony shaped hole in it. He decided he would just tell everybody it was modern art.


That's when Harmonic ran into Twilight Sparkle, she fell backwards onto the ground, Harmonic stood still.


"If I don't look girls in the eye, they can't see me" he mused.


"I can hear you, you know..." Twilight said, completely bewildered, and a bit angered that this hot-headed pony did not even apoligize for running into her. She was not amused, but at the same time, she was wildly in love with his glasses, the pony, not so much, but she would love to marry those glasses someday.


That's when Harmonic realized he was in love with this pony. Twilight's mane shined like other things that shine, and he was enraptured by the way her mane had such pretty colors. Her eyes sparkled like the inside of a metal thing that's shiny


Harmonic ran off screaming in broken German at the bad luck his love life threw at him. He was just about to stop and turn back when he ran directly into a mare with a Rainbow mane.


"Oh hello thar Rainbow Pony" Harmonic said, with the same kind of smile that serial killers usually have on their face.


"I'm like freaking out , ur like, green, dude" Rainbow Pony thing said with a look of impressedness at the amazingness of this green pone. 


"Hey do u mind helping me out green pon3?" Rainbow pony thing said.


"Sure, what do u need Rainbow Pony thing" Harmonic the Green Pon3 said.


"I need u to cover urself in this cheese sauce" Rainbow Pony thing said.


Harmonic never turns down such a challenge, as his horn glowed a sparkly pretty color and covered the entire thing of cheese sauce as it floated into the air.


"FOR PANTS" he yelled before dumping it all over himself. 


Rainbow Pony was super happy as nopony had ever covered themselves in cheese sauce for her before, she let out a smile that was slightly wider than her entire face. She was super is happy and in love with Harmonic's green/yellow cheesyness and said "Would u like to come back to mett my frehands Green pone?" she said.


At that moment, Kool-Aid burst through the wall yelling "OH YEAH!"


Harmonic let out a smile that is a show happy and is blush. 




Chapter 2: Da Mane Sixx





Harmonic sat up, suddenly in the middle of town for no reason. Suddenly, there was a tap on his leg, he saw three little fillies, one was yellow, one was white, and one was poultry.


"Hello, little fillies, how r u todayz" Harmonic said with a smile that said he was not going to be killing anybody today but maybe a little tomorrow but probably not.


"WE'RE ALL GOOD, HOMIE!" the white one yelled.




Harmonic backed off as he was incredibly intimidated by this wicked fly and amazingly deadly gangster. He ran into da town centerr where he saw six ponies.


"Hey Green Pon3!" the Rainbow Pony Thing said. She motioned Harmonic to come closer.


"These r my frehands, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and teh pink one!" She said with a grin that could devour your soul.


"They all look very nice, where can I buy my own frehands?"


All de ponies started laughing but Monic didn't get it because he wasn't kidding.


"U r funny green pon3, u will fit in great in our group of circle is of friends." Rainbow Pony thing spoke in a voice that sounded like John Locke from Lost.


Harmonic was very happy that he finally had friends to be is happy with and hang around, hug, give gifts to, take pictures, go sight seeing, have sleep overs, and help him kill a giant dragon that invaded his home. 


Suddenly, a group of thugs comes out of teh shadowz.


"WE'RE HERE TO TAKE THE PINK ONE!" they yell menacingly.


"No, the pink one is my friend and I will is help them at any cost!" Harmonic yelled, he clenched his teeth and grinded them together to indicate ferocity. The sound was not unlike wood chips getting stuck in a lawn mower.


"LET'S DO BATTLE!" Harmonic teh green pon3 yelled.


"Indeed, time to do the...


DANCE BATTLE!" the thugs yelled in unison, as if they shared a hive mind that is played by Tom Hanks.


Teh thugs pulled out a boom box and song blasted out



The song filled the out doors with the loud noise intimidatingly.


Harmonic watched in Awe as the thugs did some kind of hybrid of the macarina and the worm, it blew him away, literally, because on of da thugs turned into an industrial fan and it blew him away but it's okay because he teleported back because he is teh unicrawn.


"Very impressive" Harmonic said, but he grinned as he used his magic to press boom box buttan.



Hahaha he started laughing as he started dancing viciously. His dancing was so amazing that it created a black hole but the black hole was harmless because it was too distracted by the dancing and song to kill everypony so it was all happy.


The thugs melted into a puddle of pepto bismol as the music came to an end.



Harmonic learned Flamethrower, Ermehgerhd!


"Harmonic that was tamazing and we're all in love with u and this is going to be a pivotal plot point soon where u have to choose" said the Twilight Sparkle is and Harmonic is like


"I didn't understand a word u just said but okay"







Chapter 3: Making Plans





"But mane six ponies, I need to tell u why I brought u here" Harmonic said was a srs business face on his face head.


"What is it green pone?" they asked in unison.


"I need to defeet a dragoon!!!!!" He said with a lot of anxiety and worry and similiar stuff.


"OMG, that's like totally hard 2 do!" Rainbow one said in surprisedness.


"I no, but I need to do dis 4 my people" Harmonic said.


"Darling, this darling darling darling, darling." The marshmellow said with a smile for sum reas0n.


"But, if you're going to defeat a dragon, we need to get 2 Canterlot and talk 2 da Princessessessess" Twilight said. She was drooling at the thought of being in Princess Sun thing's presence once m0r3.


"And how can we is get there?" Harmonic said with a quizzical musical face of wonder.


"We need to get on a train, maybe, if that's okay with u, green thing" Flutter pony said with a hoof on her face, perhaps to hide cookies from Harmonic.


"R u hiding cookies from me!?" Harmonic said in teh angrily voice.


"Nuu" Flutterpony said.


"K" he replied.


Harmonic hatched his own plan to find his own way into Canterlot. He contacted Otacon with his codec.


"Snake?" Otacon said surprised.


"No u dumbutt, it's Green pony" Harmonic said, annoyed at this weird hairless ape thing's lack of foresight.


"Oh, okay" Otacon said with acceptance


"Find me a vehicle" Green Pony said.


"There's this one driven by two ponies dressed like they're in a quartet, the fact that's only two of them kind of ruins the quartet thing dough" Otacon inquires.


"K" Harmonic said, ready to do what he needed.


Harmonic ran with full speed until he is broke the sound barrier in order to catch the vehicle travelling at teh lightning speed of 15 MPH. He saw teh two ponies on it.


"U DER, teh two ponies, I demand u relinquish ur vehicle to me as a gift of peace and friendship" Green pony tried to reason.


"No." The two ponies said at once.


Harmonic was enraged in this, he breathed fire on the two ponies who exploded into another dimension full of clones of Lil Wayne, some call dis dimension Hell but watever Harmonic didn't carrot all because he had a vehicle to drive around and vroom vrrom in now which makes for very satisfied.


"LET'S GET TO THIS CANTERLOT!" Harmonic said as he put the petal to the metal, he was going so fast that he could almost outrun the turtle that was next 2 da car. Harmonic den noticed that he was being chased by helicopters piloted by air ponnies.


"AIR PAWNIES,, NOOOOOOO" Harmonic said.


"I have this covered." Fluttershy said with a grin that intimidated even the helicopters, but the ponies in them remained unfazed. 


Fluttershy grabbed hold of the gatling gun that suddenly was on the car and started firing large bullets at the helicopters, when the bullets hit the helicopters they made a cling cling sound and the bullets made a pew pew sound when they narrowly missed the ponies inside. Fluttershy than got all mad she was missing and shot a green ball of energy out of her mouth at the helicopters and it turned into a nuclear explosion that doesn't hurt protagonists.


"We are almost at the castle, I can smell Princess Celestia's perfume from here" Twilight said.


All teh ponies stopped and looked at her, laughing. 




Chapter 4: A Royal Welcome




All of the ponies were suddenly inside of Canterlot, they probably hit the loading point that changed maps.


"We made it" Twilight said with look of astoundment.


"Indeed we are" Harmonic said. He remembers when he was raised here, and a pack of roving travelling salesponies destroyed his collection of chewed bubblegum. Emotion resurfaced at this and he began to cry, but the other ponies comforted him and told him it's k and he shuldn't be sad because there is no reason..


Harmonic understood and they continued to the castle, ignoring all of the rich people. The guards were all jealous of Harmonic for hanging out with six mares while they had to bunk with all of the other guards. which was a real bummer for their part because there was no wummuns so they were sad and lonely. The guards shed a tear.


Harmonic continued with the mane six ponies up to the castle.


"Darling darling, this castle is darling, darling" the white sugary treat added, insightfully.


Harmonic saw some kind of hyoman at the castle trying to get in being stopped by the guards.


"You can't enter here" the guards told the hueman


"Y not" the human said angrily is.


"Because u don't exist in this world"


"Oh, k" the human said before disappearing into thin air.


Harmonic and the mane six ponies walked up to the guards, as soon as they saw Twilight Sparkle, they cowered in fear. They remembered all the casualties that occured at Bingo night if Twilight didn't win when she was just a filly. They quaked in their boot things.


The doors to the castle were opened, revealing a lavish decor of richness that said that royalty did is infact live here which was cool n shizzle.


"We're almost at Celestia's chambers" Twilight said, she was convulsing and drooling with a wide open smile sealed on her face.


"Sugarcube, that's creepy as all Hell" Applejack added, stating what everybody was thinking.


Soon, they found Sun Butt's room.


"Hey Princess sun butt thing" Harmonic said.

"Oh em gee, it's u, wait, didn't I kick you out of Canterlot and tell u never to come bak?"


"Yes, but I didn't care so I came bak anyway" Green Pon3 said.


"Oh, it's k then" Princess Sun thing said.


"I need to kill a dragoon thing that has invade my home" Green pone told teh princess.

"Well then, ur going to need to travel all around Equestria and collect pieces of the sword of teh thousand bananas in order to defeat ur foe" The Princess said.


"That's dumm, but I will do it because that's the only wai, I no it." Green pony said heroically.


Suddenly moon butt burst into the room all excited.


"Oh, I heard der were frehands here so I came to chek it out" Moon Butt said, admitting that perhaps her plan was a bit short handed.


"Well, u can come with us on a dangerous adventure all over the place for no reason!" Twilight Sparkle said with a smile.


"K" Princess Moon thing said.





Chapter 5: To Teh Cave





"Well, Moon Butt, be is a useful, where is first piece of teh sward" Harmonic said attractively.


"It is in teh cave of a thousand Batmans!!!" Moon Butt said with an expression of is worried.


Harmonic however did not flinch, nor did he haz a finch, so he continued onwards with his seven companions.


"I'd like a bigger gun so I can mess these batmen up....if that's okay with you.." Fluttershy said.


Harmonic noticed that she had an eye on the grenade launcher that was in the back of the car. Not wanting to disappoint the cute yellow thing with wings he handed it to her. When he did, he could have swore he heard some kind of evil laugh from her general direction but he didn't care because if she was evil he would just run her over.


"We're almost here, girls, and green thing..." Twilight said, pointing to the cave that was coming up ahead of them. The cave had cobwebs and spider webs and Interwebs all around it. It was very is a scary, making the group tremble in fear, but moon butt pressed onwards to scout ahead.


"It is teh safe" she said once inside. This was the all clear, so the group followed. Once inside, they noticed that the cave was big and open and stuff.


"I got a bad feeling about this" said Twilight.


"Boy, you always got a bad feeling about SOMETHING" Sergeant Johnson replied, before vanishing.


"What's that noise, it sounds like fun, like confetti covered in cheese sauce!" The Pink One yelled.


The green one heard the noise too. He looked around but could not find the source, because it was coming from all around them which was very is spooky!


"Darling, this darling noise is darling, darling" the soft campfire tradition confection said,  with a bit of nervousness in her voice.


Suddenly they saw it, one thousand copies of Batman came charging at them.


"Ermehgerhd, wat r u!?" Harmonic asked, shocked.


"I'm Batman!" They said in unison.


Harmonic started singing "I'm a Genie in a bottle" and otherwise being useless, so teh other pawnies needed their own plan of combat abilities. Fluttershy started firing the grenade launcher, but Twilight quickly stopped her.


"WAIT, I GOT DIS" Twilight yelled.


With a Sparkle in her eye, she reached into her saddlebag and took out teh Pokeball. She le throwed it a Batman.


*Clicky Glow, Clicky Glow, Clicky Glow*


"Congrats, Batman has been caught!" The textbox said.


At that moment, Harmonic realized something, as he had finished his song.

"Wait, if there are Pokemanz, and we're in a cave..." he started, before turning around.


"Then that means...." He continued, looking onward at the swarm of what appeared to be millions of Zubats.


"OMG, GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER!" Pink one started yelling.


For a moment all the ponies agreed and were shaking back and forth when suddenly out of the darkness, a shining star of hope emerged.


"It....it can't be....it's you!" the ponies said in unison.





Chapter 6: New Friends, and teh convention





The ponies looked on in amazement.


"It is me, folks. It's Doctor Phil, here to help your relationship out of it's zubat problem" He said before immediately breathing fire, destroying the zubats.


"OMG, IT'S DOCTOR PHIL, I'M LIKE UR BIGGEST FAN" Harmonic said drooling excitedly.


"See, I'm not the only one who does it." Twilight said, but the other ponies could not find a single Buck to give about Twilight's drooling, because oh their Celestia, it's Doctor Motherbucking Phil!

"Folks, I heard about your troubles and I talked to my producers and they decided it would only be fair that I accompany you until your relationship was sorted out with that dragon." Doctor Phil said in his amazing voice.


Harmonic also fainted from happiness, this is what he's always wanted, to have to collect pieces of a Legendary sword with Doctor Phil by his side.


Suddenly, there was a loud tremble and a pedestal emerged in the center of the cave, on it, there was what appeared to be one half of the handle of the sword, and also there was a half eaten cinammon roll, which the Marshmellow nommed intently, much to Moonbutt's dismay, as when Moonbutt was banished to the big cheesewheel in space, teh cinammon rolls were her only frehand.


Harmonic grabbed the handle and held it up triumphantly. Calming music played in the background and all were happy, but new they must is continue their adventure!


Soon the group of nine got back into the car, but they noticed a dilemna, only one of teh huemanz could come with them because there weren't enough seats.


"I'm not choosing between Batman or Dr. Phil" Harmonic said, so he got a mischevious smile.


He tied Batman to the front of the car liek a hood ornament.


"Problem solved" Harmonic said with a satisfied look of satisfaction,


"Where's the next piece of the sword?" Harmonic asked Moon Butt.


"It's at teh meetup for teh Humanverse at HumanCon, a group of talented foos who are fans of teh show My Kinda Big Humanz, it's in teh Baltimare" Moon Butt said.


Harmonic then turned the car towards pony Canada and sped off towards this meet up, 




The group finally arrived in teh city of baltimare and culd see the convention center. Harmonic said "It's my life, It's now or never, I ain't gonna live forever, I just wanna live while I'm alive", before Harmonic could finish that sentence, the evil scheming hands of the evil creatures known as Bon Jovi's lawyers were already putting together a cease and desist letter.


They culd c all kind ofs pawnies at teh convention, some of them were wearing costumes that made them look like Humans. 


They got out of the car, leaving Dr. Phil and Batman outside to watch the car. The ponies could see the Humanverse panel, where their leader, @Feld0, was givin' a speech, n behind him, there teh other half of the sword's handle.


"How r we gonna steal that, it's clearly well guarded by dar blue Alicorn with teh purple hair." Harmonic inquired.


Suddenly, out of teh shadows, a robot came out, on the screen that made up his face was a smile.


"I am here to help you, so we can take over the world together." The mysterious robot said.


It mentioned taking over teh wurld so Harmawnic immediately new that it could be trusted fully with even his life.


"I need the sword piece, but it's being guarded and all teh audience pwnies wuld notice if I just t00k it." Harmonic said with a look of sadness.


"Oh, I believe I can assist with that." The mysterious robot thing said.


Suddenly, Princess Sun Butt (Who voices Nicole Oliver in My Kinda Big Humanz) appeared, she spoke and everybody was distracted, so Harmawnic snook behind teh Feldz and took the sword piece, suddenly, though, two is security was on him and the other pony companions' tails. One was wearing a nametag dat said @Zoop and teh other's nametag said @Lord Bababa , Lord Bababa appeared to be wearing sum kind of breathing apparatus that allows him to drink Mountain Dew and breathe at the same time. There was a third guard whose name tag said "@Artemis" but he seemed to be distracted by this cookie, Harmonic loved cookies and instantly jealous of teh pawnie with a cookie.


Feld0 noticed and said "Chill, I got this" before doing absolutely nothing, but upon him saying this his guards stopped chasing and the heroeseses gut back 2 da car.


"FORWARD AND WHAT-NOT" Harmonic said, starting the engine.





Chapter 7: The blade of trooth





Harmonic and his roving pack of pawnies, Dr. Phil, and Batperson wer on the day to their destination which was good because they were supposed 2. "SO WHERE IS THE NEXXTT PART OF TEH SWARD" Harmonic said. 


"It is in teh volcano of d00m " Moon Butt said with a worried expression.


"Don't worry Moon Butt, even if we fail, I still have like, what, two more lives?" Harmonic chimed in with a look of confidence.


Ahead of them lied the volcano of d00m, and the final part of the sward.


"LET'S DO THIS!" Harmonic yelled upon seeing the entrance. There appeared to be some kind of temple built into the cliff wall,it was shaped like a bagel as it was around teh top of the volcano.


"How can we get inside?" Twilight asked.


"It is lookz like dar is kind of is elevator they use to get to the top inside of their VOLCANO LAIR" Rainbow thing said.


"But who's lair is it?" Harmonic asked.


"It belongs to teh evilness of is Educational Television Commitee." Flutterthing said.


"NOT....EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION" Harmonic said shocked.


Dr. Phil looked on at the lair of his arch nemesis, TV that actually teaches you something.


"Folks, Dr. Phil here and we're gonna destroy that volcano once we get out of here" he said violently with an evil smile, even his moustache thrived with excitement at the thought of destroying educational television once and for all.


"We must g0 into the mountain of D00M!!!" Harmonic yelled with all teh nervousness that he could mustard and ketchup.


There wuz two guards is standing on either side of entrance, but Harmonic knew what 2 do, he picked up Twilight and threw her at the guards, killing them instantly.


"lol" Harmonic said intelligently.


They walked inside teh volcano lair into a wide open chamber filled with EVIL robots of death and destruction. They had wrist mounted Dorito blasters.


"HOW WILL WE DEFEAT DEM?" Rainbow Pon3 yelled panicking.


"DON'T WORRY, I GOT THIS." Harmonic said was music started to play



Harmonic had a look of epicness in his eye as his horn started to glow, the entire room was lit up green.


The robots trembled in fear as suddenly, a pebble lifted up and was tossed at them. They started crying as the pebble ricocheted across the room killing all 998157438574 trillion robots.


"THE SWARD PIECE!" Harmonic yelled upon seeing the blade.

"That pebble was hoe down barbeque like a racoon in Vancouver" Applejack said, everybody just stared at her.

Even the crickets were speechless.


"Harmonic, before you go, I have to tell you something." All six ponies said in unison.


"I'm in love with u" all of them said. The six pawnies looked at each other in confusion, for they knew Harmonic would have to choose.

Harmonic knew what he had to do.


"I will marry all of u and I'll explode anybody who says otherwise, then we will have three alicorn babies each nd live happily ever after" Harmonic said decidedly.


All of the six ponies looked on, as Harmonic, was truly pimpin' and stylin'.


Harmonic grabbed the blade, and all three sward pieces magically reattached themselves, as they floated back into Harmonic's invisible inventory screen.


"OMG YES!" Harmonic said at teh epicness of this sword was colored kind of like cheese but not quite.


He was so wicked happy that now he knew what he could do,, he must is defeat dragon.


Moonbutt looked on enviously at teh amazingness that is Harmonic teh epic Revelations, destroyer of worlds, purveyor of string cheese.


It was time to end this once and for all...










It was time to do what he had to, Harmonic gloweded his horn and teleportaled all of the protgaonistics into his home where the dragon was drinking all of Harmonic's Root Beer which warrants death of the utmost deadliest kind.


"I WILL DESTROY U" Harmonic said.


"You insulted my famiry, u burned down our village, poisoned our water supply, and r evil dragon n u must die!" Harmonic yelled before running up to dragon n stabbing him. Light shot out of the dragon's eyes, nose, and ears as he yelled

"NO, HARMONIC, WAT HAVE U DONN?" before he exploded with force powerful enough to devour worlds but it didn't because the explosion was a nice explosion and wouldn't do sumthing mean like dat.


Everything faded to white.





Harmonic is on a cliff, overlooking the ocean.


"If there is one thing I learned in my journey, it's that in life, everybody is looking for something, be it wealth, power, or just plain and regular happiness, and they will go out of their way to get it, and what I truly learned is that string cheese is the answer to all of those problems" He said, a sweet melody trickeled out as flower petals flew through the air.


Back in the house were Harmonic's six Pawny wives and his three children,


Fire Eclipse Solar Blaze God IV

Shadow Dark Moon Destroyer of Worlds X3

Light Good Alicorn Pony Thing Jr.


Harmonic continues speaking.


"And if there's one thing I've learned, it's that der is always more time 4 adventuring" 


Everything fades to white.



To be continued in the sequel.



Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 8


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A masterpiece that will carry on through the ages. It touched my heart in a way that is beyond words and has shown me the beauty of this world.

  • Brohoof 2


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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and one was poultry.


ROFL`ed at this!! This is just so hilarious!! Sadly poor Scootaloo must learn to accept all the chicken jokes.





A masterpiece that will carry on through the ages. It touched my heart in a way that is beyond words and has shown me the beauty of this world.


That was beautiful man :( This is truly a comedic masterpiece that I will always remember ;) Great job Harmonic!

My favorite parts that made me laugh the most.







Sweetie Belle since when are you a gangster :blink: LOL!




"These r my frehands, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and teh pink one!"


Right Rainbow you refer to your pranking buddy as the pink one. SO funny!!




"WE'RE HERE TO TAKE THE PINK ONE!" they yell menacingly.  






"LET'S DO BATTLE!" Harmonic teh green pon3 yelled.   "Indeed, time to do the...   DANCE BATTLE!"


SWEET!! This actually reminded me of a stupid Flapjack episodeI had to watch with my cousins. He was going against some teenage thugs in the streets and they ended up doing a silly dance off. LOL!




Hahaha he started laughing as he started dancing viciously. His dancing was so amazing that it created a black hole but the black hole was harmless because it was too distracted by the dancing and song to kill everypony so it was all happy.   The thugs melted into a puddle of pepto bismol as the music came to an end.



FREAKIN EPIC!! And Pepto Bismol WHA?! :lol:




"Harmonic that was tamazing and we're all in love with u and this is going to be a pivotal plot point soon where u have to choose"


I can just imagine Harmonic later on. I CAN'T CHOOSE I JUST CAN'T CHOOSE!! This reminded me alot of Eclipse, I was forced to watch that too. 

Edited by Pink Mist
  • Brohoof 1


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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A masterpiece that will carry on through the ages. It touched my heart in a way that is beyond words and has shown me the beauty of this world.

Thank you for your kind words. I hope that once humanity has died off the aliens will remember us by this fan fic.


ROFL`ed at this!! This is just so hilarious!! Sadly poor Scootaloo must learn to accept all the chicken jokes.




That was beautiful man :( This is truly a comedic masterpiece that I will always remember ;) Great job Harmonic!

My favorite parts that made me laugh the most.






Sweetie Belle since when are you a gangster :blink: LOL!





Right Rainbow you refer to your pranking buddy as the pink one. SO funny!!










SWEET!! This actually reminded me of a stupid Flapjack episodeI had to watch with my cousins. He was going against some teenage thugs in the streets and they ended up doing a silly dance off. LOL!






FREAKIN EPIC!! And Pepto Bismol WHA?! :lol:






I can just imagine Harmonic later on. I CAN'T CHOOSE I JUST CAN'T CHOOSE!! This reminded me alot of Eclipse, I was forced to watch that too. 

This extensive feedback will indeed be very useful, thank you. :)

  • Brohoof 1


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needs a charismatic robotic sidekick based upon a name for those who are overly positive

*suggestive wink*

but yeh


greatest literary achievement of all time

*coughs up a bitly



Edited by Yes-Man
  • Brohoof 1

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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YAY MOON BUTT'S IN THIS!! :lol: I can't wait to see how this epic adventure unfolds. Once again two hilarious chapters of enjoyment. True masterpieces in our time. Can't wait for more :lol:

Thank you very muchly, I'm glad you're enjoying reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it.


needs a charismatic robotic sidekick based upon a name for those who are overly positive

*suggestive wink*

but yeh


greatest literary achievement of all time

*coughs up a bitly



I can't tell you which characters will or won't be introduced, frankly because I haven't decided yet.


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I'm sorry, but Luna will forever be Moonbutt to me from now on. Your work was ingenious! I love how you used bad grammar to emphasize the "comedy" theme (or you just can't spell:) which was very smart ;) Great work!

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Dreadful. Absolutely dreadful.  


Nah, I'm kidding. I loved it. Hard to read at times, but due to the warning I was prepared. Forewarned is forearmed, after all.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Final chapter is uploaded,


I'm done until the sequel comes out.



Dreadful. Absolutely dreadful.  


Nah, I'm kidding. I loved it. Hard to read at times, but due to the warning I was prepared. Forewarned is forearmed, after all.

Indeed, you were quite warned about this right from the start, and even in red bold font, there's nothing more I could have done other than a flashing gif.

  • Brohoof 1


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The ending was truly epic and HE GOT TO MARRY ALL SIX OF THEM!! I was like lol looks like he didn't have to choose after all. ^_^


I'm looking forward to the sequel and more epicness. This story has made my day :lol:


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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This fanfic...let me tell you about this fanfic.


This piece is just literal literary gloriousness. The epicness that is had whilst reading it is uncontainable, I nearly exploded into a million tiny pieces multiple times when I read this, I had to stop every 5 minutes. But it was worth it.


Truly a piece of art like this deserves a Nobel Piece Price and a sports national championship award trophy, as well as many other awards and medals. This...this made me cry, multiple times...especially at the end...mostly because it was over. I'd say a sequel is in the quintillions in terms of demmand. No...not even that...it's in the plintillions. And that's a billion more times bigger than quintillion. Did I just make the word plintillions solely for this purpose? You bet your sweet cactus I did.


More. More. I need more.

  • Brohoof 1


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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