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Charcoal Embers

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Charcoal just watched as a pony in armour got on the plane. Which was strange since she never saw anypony except guards in armour. She was about to ask him about it when an announcement plays over the intercom.

All passengers please buckle up, we are about to ascend.

Charcoal decided to ask him later and puts her seatbelt on. Once done she waits for a minute until the plane starts moving and eventually takes off.

(Time skip to landing.)

Charcoal was just sitting in her seat reading one of the magazines the plane provided when another message plays.

All passengers buckle up, we are beginning to descend.

After she buckles up she looks out the window to see if she is able to see where they were landing. Not being able to see anything she shuts the flap to cover the window and waits for landing. Once the plane landed she waits to be able to unbuckle and leaves the plane. Once outside she sees that they had flown to one of the biggest houses she has ever seen, rivaling Canterlot Castle. Now I understand how we got to ride this plane. Charcoal thought to herself as she began walking to the "house".

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Frost was tapped on the shoulder by an attendant and jolted awake startling her. He jerked off his earphones and grabbed his bags. He apologized to the flight attendant and stepped off the plane to find a enormous house...or castle, but he didn't care.


"Wooow!" he muttered in awe at the sheer size of the structure as well as its stylish architecture. "This should be fun." he thought as he trotted with excitment towards the building.

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Blazing got out of the plane and headed towards the house he saw another pony going towards. He didn't even know if it was the right way to go, but he thought it was better than nothing at least. Maybe I should wait for Star once I reach the house... He thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Max-being a pegasus-always found it odd when flying around with anything other than his own wings. The flight in question was rather uneventful, spent flipping through magazines or making small talk. When he got out of the plane, he looked to their destination, almost tilting his head straight up to see it all.


"Sweet Celestia...is this a house or a castle?" He muttered to himself. He focused himself, adjusted his fedora, and made his way to one of the biggest structures he has ever seen.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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((Hope its alright that I do this))


Star held tightly onto her seat as the plane landed.
She let out a sigh of relief when they came to a stop and relaxed.
When the seat belt sign was turned off, she unbuckled herself and got up, grabbing her violin, guitar, and suitcase from the overhead bin before following everypony else out of the plane.

She stepped out onto the tarmac and stared up at the massive house.
She stared, wide eyed for a minute before she quickly snapped back into reality and walked towards the house behind a green pegasus colt. She eyed him for a minute before her eyes widened and she smiled. "MAX." She squeaked, running over and giving the colt a hug.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"That..." Gawked Scribe as he stepped off of the aircraft and gazed up at the house from the crowd of ponies. "Is one big house..."


'Of course it is idiot, they can see it too! You don't have to narrate every little detail!'


Pulling on a loose buckle to tighten it, he started to make his way forward, aware that he wasn't the only one surprised by their destination: some seemed more excited than the others but all of them seemed pretty surprised by what they were seeing.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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(You can decide the nature of their past and/or present relationship. I can imagine a R63 romance being fun[ny])


Max's ears perked when he heard his name called, but before he could turn, he was tackled to the ground in a tight hug. He manged to turn himself to face the mare in question. He was surprised at first, but then filled with joy. He would know this mare anywhere.


"Star Song!" He returned the hug. Before he was allowed to get up. He placed his fedora back onto his head, and faced Star with a large grin on my face.


"Wow, how long has it been? A few years at least. How'v ya been?" He said, eager to catch up.

Edited by ActFast231


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Sunset Sky had woken up about halfway through the flight. She had stared out the windowthe rest of the time, trying to keep from having a panic attack from being crowded and trying to pretend she was in fact outside in the open sky. The pony next to her (YAY NPCs) had kept trying to talk to her, and she kept squeaking and hiding behind her mane in response. 

She was relieved when they landed, and got off the plane as quickly as she could.

As soon as she got out, she spread her wings and took flight. glad to be away from the other ponies. She hadn't brought her luggage up, though it was so small and light that it would have been easy, so she drifted back down and landed gently, before grabbing her luggage and following the crowd. 

Upon seeing the house, she gaped.

"It's huge..."

This has to be a mistake... I'm just an orphan from PBI that nopony cares about... I don't belong here...

Still, she pressed on. She knew it would probably be a few days until the plane was used again.


Firecracker was nearly bouncing in her seat from excitement as the plane landed. The calmness from earlier had easily worn off. She grabbed her luggage and darted off the plane, stretching her red and yellow wings outside. She looked up and saw the house.

"WOW! That's huge! it's even bigger than the hotel Sparky and I stayed at in Canterlot that one time when we were doing the fireworks for Equestria Day!

A huge, enthusiastic grin on her face, she happily followed the crowd.


((Sheesh, this would easily fit in an advanced RP))

Edited by Mint Drop
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As Charcoal got closer to the "house" her inner builder kicked in and she began examining the outside. Though focusing on something like that tended to keep her distracted and she ran straight into the door. "Ow. Oh, looks like I'm here." Looming back she saw that she was being followed by some of the other ponies that were on the plane. Turning back around she decided to knock on the door. After waiting a few seconds a butler pony opened the door.


"Ah yes, you must be one of the ponies that won the masters contest. Please come in." The butler said, motioning Charcoal to come in.


"Why thank you." Charcoal said rather shyly. She wasn't used to this sort of thing. "But some of the other ponies who won are right behind me." She explained to the butler.


"Ah yes of course." The butler takes out a bell and rings it. Almost immediately about eight or nine butlers and maids come out of different rooms. "Don't you worry, this is supposed to be a vacation. Let these fine young mares and stallions worry about greeting the other guests." He begins walking in a direction leading who knows where. "Come along now."


Charcoal follows the butler along now starting to examine the placement of the bricks but being sure not to completely focus on just that.

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Before Scribe could ask the mare if she was okay after her collision she had been ushered inside by one of the staff.




Before he could consider his next course of action, a small army of staff flooded from the doorway and he found himself being led inside by a maid who seemed insistent that he remove his armor at the door. After a brief debate in witch he stubbornly refused to remove it, much less leave it out of his sight, he was led inside.


"Wait, where are we going?" He asked incredulously, receiving no reply.

Never quite forgotten.

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Tempest noticed that the plane had landed and followed the others inside. He looked around and shrugged. He honestly wasn't impressed by the decor. "This vacation might just be starting to get interesting, though." He thought to himself.


Ivy glanced at Tempest as she trotted beside him. "I wonder why we're all here?" She thought.

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Sunset quietly went throught the door and squeaked when a maid came up to her and welcomed her, surprising the already nervous mare.

"U-um... H-hi..."

The mare said something Sunset didn't hear in her surprise and the next thing the small orange mare  knew, she was being taken down a hall.


Firecracker entered and beamed at the maid who came to her.

"Hi! I'm Firecracker, I won a contest or something so now I'm here!""

"I see. Welcome. Please come with me,"
The maid turned around and led the way.

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Blazing was confused, but he just went along with what was going on. Well buck... He thought, realizing that he was going to get ignored by the only pony he knew. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he was told by one of the butlers to follow him. "Um... Okay..." Blazing said, then followed the butler.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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((We'll just ignore the...life...making...part of the trip))


Star smiled right back. "I've been great. Lost all my scales a week after the trip...and then...well, life kept going and here I am." She said, adjusting her guitar on her back. "Anyway...looks like we're needed at the castle...house...thing." She said, looking around at the...castle...house...thing. "How have you been?" She asked.

Something something something something


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(Probably for the best. I am going to ignore the 'dragon in my head' bit)


Max shuddered at the memory. And he remembers it well.


"Ugh, that's the last time I mess with alchemy. Turned into a complete jerk. Anyway, I've been fine. Went to college, got some art degrees, and have been doing odd jobs in Ponyville ever since. Which is tough, considering recent events." He said with a chuckle. While he was awkward meeting new ponies, Star was a long time friend. He functioned perfectly around her. 


"Well, glad that potion wore off. You look much better with fur. And stripes. Wonder if Beat's potion ever wore off." He mumbled the last part to himself.


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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Waking up from his slumber, Steel realized he was the only pony he could see on the plane. He immediantly got up and got out of the plane and what he saw surprised him. It was a big castle looking thing. He followed the rest of the ponies into the house anticipating what his room would be like. He noticed lots of other ponies talking to each other like they knew each other "Wish I knew somepony here"he said to himselfW

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Skitter Run woke up and realized that everypony had gotten off the plane but him so he quickly got up and ran out. Outside he saw a big house so he ran to it and went inside.

"Hello is this where we are all going? "

He looked around and saw a familier face. He ran up to sunset and then said as softly as he could.

"hey sunset, do you have any clue to whats happening?"

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@@Skitter Run

Sunset jumped as she heard somepony rush up beside her and speak to her, even though his voice was soft. She turned and saw it was the stallion who had talked to her and Charcoal, Skitter Run, if she remembered correctly.

"U-um... No, I don't... I-I just walked in and all of a sudden th-this maid appeared out of n-nowhere and started talking to me... I-I don't know what's going on..."

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Icy had fell asleep on the plane. When she woke up she noticed that every other pony was off the plane already

"Oh no" She quickly gathered her bags and left the plane. As she left she noticed a large house... Castle thing.

She walked up to the front door and walked in.

@@Mint Drop@@Skitter Run,

She noticed to ponies talking near the door

"Hey I'm new here and I was wondering if I could just hang out with you?" 


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Star chuckled and blushed slightly at Max's last sentence. "I don't think so...Accent wanted to stay a colt and Beat loved her...er...him...so Beat just stayed a mare after the potion...I think I'd rather be a dragon than suddenly change into a colt...not that I have anything against colts." She said, her blush getting a little worse as she almost walked into the castle house thing's door.
She stopped a few inches away as a maid trotted up to her and Max with a smile. "Good Afternoon, I'm here to show you too (Insert wherever they're being taken here)" She reached out to help Star with her instruments but Star backed away. The maid shrugged and held out a hoof to help Max.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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As they walked, Max noticed a blush creep onto Star's face. He offered a sheepish smile in return, along with a shrug at her update on Beat.


"To each is their own, I suppose. I think being a mare for a day would be an interesting experience-as I was always curious what life for the opposite sex was like-but I wouldn't want such a change to be permanent. And I DEFINITELY wouldn't do THAT as a mare." He looked over to see servants approaching. When Star refused the offer to take her things, the maid in question offered to take his coat and hat.


"Thank you, but I would prefer to leave them on. They have sentimental value." With a shrug, she went to attend to the other guests. Max caught up to Star, and made his way into castle...or home that resembled a castle.


"Have you had any side affects from the potion? I find myself occasionally craving meat. Which, as a pony, is disturbing."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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As Charcoal is being led by the butler she had continued to examine the structure of the castle. But after a while she was entirely focused on that which caused her to run into the butler. "Oh sorry." She noticed that they had stopper at a door. "Is this the place?" Charcoal asked.


"Why yes, this is where you shall be talking with the young master." The butler said. "But please do be kind to him, he has been acting strange recently. But it is nothing of your concern, just go in and wait for the young master to come." The butler said as he opened the door, revealing a room with much more technology then you would thing could be in a castle.


"Wow." This trip just kept bringing things that impressed Charcoal. As she walked in she found a circle of chairs and sits in one to wait.

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Following the pair into the large hall full of... full of something or other that looked far too complex for Scribe to try and understand, the maid bit him to sit and left.


@@Charcoal Embers


"Hey, uh, are you okay? I saw you, uh..." He motioned vaguely towards his face with a hoof, referring to the mares collision earlier. Sitting in an unoccupied space, he glanced around again. "This is all very..."


'Strange? Intimidating? Surreal?' His mind ran through words that might describe it without making him sound like a complete idiot.


"... not what I was expecting."

Never quite forgotten.

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Following the pair into the large hall full of... full of something or other that looked far too complex for Scribe to try and understand, the maid bit him to sit and left.


@@Charcoal Embers


"Hey, uh, are you okay? I saw you, uh..." He motioned vaguely towards his face with a hoof, referring to the mares collision earlier. Sitting in an unoccupied space, he glanced around again. "This is all very..."


'Strange? Intimidating? Surreal?' His mind ran through words that might describe it without making him sound like a complete idiot.


"... not what I was expecting."

"What hitting the door?" Charcoal asked. "Don't worry about it, I just got distracted by this house. It is very well made, which if a house this big isn't well made you won't like living inside. Besides, I've taken worse hits before." Charcoal had begun to look around a bit when she noticed the bucks armour and remembered she was going to ask about it. "Say, would you mind me asking about that armour? I have never actually seen a pony wear armour outside of the guards where I live, and even they take it off after they are done with their shift."

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Heh, if you're sure." Scribe grinned a little: Cinder tended to do the same kind of thing after all.


"What, this antique?" He asked, looking down at the armour she was referring to.


'No you idiot, the other armour that you're wearing... What do you think? You are so stupid sometimes...'


"Family heirloom. I spent a long time wearing it and... well I'll not bore you with details but it turns out that I just don't feel comfortable without it any more. I guess it's kind of unnecessary on a holiday but... It's just habit really I guess."


Shrugging, he grinned again.

Never quite forgotten.

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