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Anypony else going to play Guild wars 2?


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Mod note - What is this?! A thread that in Sugarcube Corner that has nothing to do with ponies? BLASPHEMY! This belongs in the Everfree Forest! *Banishes thread to Everfree* Bye thread, say hi to Jonke and Nico for me!
  • Brohoof 1
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I've been waiting for this game for oh so long now, I doubt I'll get into the beta, but I just hope they give out a release date soon, I really enjoyed the original Guild Wars and from the changes I've seen they're making it just seems like it's going to get even better. :)

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I stopped checking the news for GW2 a long time ago, so I didn't know about the open beta. I'll probably check it out, I loved the original :)

  • Brohoof 1
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MMORPGs are very time consuming, so I'm not sure yet. If I'm getting access to the beta, that'll probably make my decision

Edited by Nordica
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i personaly think i'm going to quit WoW ( like i play it much more anyways) and start playing guildwars 2 instead! i remember how good the first one was and all it expansions :wub: and the best of all, no monthly fee !

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