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Star Swirl the Bearded

child of the night

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Can anypony tell me what the relationship between Star Swirl the Bearded and Princess Celestia is, i am trying to do correction to an analysis but i can't figure out what i need to know.


Please help if you have anything to say, all responses are helpful.

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He is pony version of master Roshi. he is a pervert master whos student is called Goku amd he shall be the savior of the universe with all the chicks kissing him

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I believe you may have read my question wrong, while they may be just as ancient i would like to know if Star Swirl the Bearded was like an apprentice of Celestia or the other way around.

That's a good question.

But I sincerely have no idea. Maybe if he discovered the value of friendship and was the apprentice of Celestia he could have been the first male alicorn lol. But now I guess he's dead, since a long time.


Edit: And I doubt Celestia was Star Swirl the Bearded's apprentice lol.

Edited by GhostPony750
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Okay, based on Wiki:


It says that Star Swirl was the mentor of Clover the Clever. And in the Hearth's Warming Eve episode, Clover the Clever was one of the founders of Equestria. Celestia and Luna didn't rule Equestria until after Discord. So it seems that Star Swirl have been around longer than Celestia.. However, during the Hearth's Warming Eve play, they raised this flag that has both Celestia and Luna on it. So it could be possible that Celestia and Luna are indeed immortal in some way, and didn't rule over Equestria until waaaay later.


....or I'm completely wrong. And my brain is half dead, since it's 4am.

  • Brohoof 3
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He might have created or had a hoof in the making of the Elements of Harmony. That unfunushed spell reacted with the Elements of Harmony afterall in the Cure episode.

Edited by Singe
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Nothing was ever confirmed in the show itself or according to any of the show's developers. The only thing known for certain is that Star Swirl was a great magic-user who mentored Clover the Clever, who according to legend, assisted in the founding of Equestria. He was also the father of the "amniomorphic spell", whatever that is, and apparently contributed a lot to unicorn magical theory (considerting that there's a wing of the Canterlot Archives in his honor.)


He apparently predates Discord's previous arrival in Equestria, but apart from that nothing else has really been confirmed. Everything else is pure fanon.

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Okay, based on Wiki:


It says that Star Swirl was the mentor of Clover the Clever. And in the Hearth's Warming Eve episode, Clover the Clever was one of the founders of Equestria. Celestia and Luna didn't rule Equestria until after Discord. So it seems that Star Swirl have been around longer than Celestia.. However, during the Hearth's Warming Eve play, they raised this flag that has both Celestia and Luna on it. So it could be possible that Celestia and Luna are indeed immortal in some way, and didn't rule over Equestria until waaaay later.


....or I'm completely wrong. And my brain is half dead, since it's 4am.


Not so sure that it was Celestia and Luna on that flag since the color on one or the other seemed to be off when you compare it to the book from S1 E1.    I always figured one of 3 things.  The flag either represented the concept of harmony which Celestia and Luna later came to embody, they were using the current version of their flag instead of a historically accurate version like plays and movies do sometimes or they were around already but weren't getting involved for some reason.


As for the starswirl i'm not sure at all.  Before that episode i always figured that he was before her time since the princesses seemed to have nothing to do with the founding of equestria and he was already the mentor of one of the main ponies involved but now...  :unsure:



The only thing that fits in my head are also 2 scenarios, he discovers some kind of magic that prolongs his life (they do have age spells after all) and later starts to learn under her or the alicorn sisters had a stand offish attitude  towards pony society at large (as in observing, teaching and guiding promising ponies but never getting involved personally) before something makes them get more involved. 


To answer the original post after S3 E13 i view him as the same as i viewed twilight.  One of her students since that's what she seems to imply during the episode.

Edited by NightsEmber
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Since Starswirl was mentioned to be alive during Hearth's Warming Eve and Discord came after the founding of Equestria, and then Celestia and Luna rise to power to overthrow Discord. Based on this it is quite possible for Starswirl to have never known Celestia.


Since age spells are canon, and only for the highest level unicorns such as Starswirl, you can hypothesize that the may have known, worked with, or taught Celestia but that'd be all headcanon.

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I believe Starswirl was probably Celestia's first student. Which then begs the question how many other students has Celestia had? I also agree he's sort of like Merlin or King Arthur. I would say that he taught Celestia and Luna ,but since Celestia and Luna are both god-princesses I feel like what ever knowledge of spells or such would have been granted to them upon becoming Alicorns or being born and they over threw Discord when they reached a certain age or when Discord became a more pressing threat on the pony way of life. 


Or maybe Starswirl taught himself and worked hand in hand with Celestia and Luna and discovered the magic of friendship. :muffins:

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He is just as ancient as Princess Celestia.


What happened to him specifically is something I can not recall.


I do remember he was mentioned as not learning the true value of friendship in the season 3 finale. 

He fell into a bottomless pit to which he found no escape other than to send himself to another dimension. Once the spell was cast, he became a human named Poke Runyon:



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Wait, I think I'm missing or forgetting something.. Which episode did it mention Star Swirl being Celestia's student? >_<


And were Celestia and Luna born as alicorns? After watching Twilight turned into an alicorn, I assume you've to earn it..  So were the princesses once normal ponies/pegasusessess/unicorns, being watched under other alicorns in the past? Maybe Star Swirl was only a great legend figure to the princesses.   -headdesk-

  • Brohoof 1
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Star Swirl was like Twilight (in the sense that she mentored him to become the heir.) Only Celestia kept insisting that Star Swirl should "Make some friends." Star Swirl refused and stayed in solitude that's why he couldn't finish the Magical Mystery Cure spell. He didn't have any friends.... It's simple and plain. That's also why he didn't get heir to the throne.

Edited by Monkeynet
  • Brohoof 1
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Can anypony tell me what the relationship between Star Swirl the Bearded and Princess Celestia is, i am trying to do correction to an analysis but i can't figure out what i need to know.


Please help if you have anything to say, all responses are helpful.

The relationship has not been stated canonically yet. Celestia and Luna have both implied that they knew Starswirl personally from statements they made about him, but that's it. Some people misheard something Celestia said in the Magical Mystery Cure episode that leads them to believe that Starswirl was Celestia's student, but that's not what she said. That doesn't mean he *wasn't*, just that she didn't actually say that.

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I'm liking all these theories, and I must say I agree with a good portion of them. It was mentioned on "Hearth's Warming Eve" that he was alive at that time and could of been alive around or even before Luna and Celestia came into power.


It's possible that Celestia could of been like a mentor to Starswirl the Bearded, in the same way Celestia is Twilight's mentor. But like some have already explained, it wasn't mentioned nor even implied cannonically yet.


The theory is still possible, but then again, it is only just a theory that we could make at the moment. Maybe it will become confirmed in season 4. 



I personally just think that it would be awesome and such a major twist in the series, if Starswirl made an actual appearance. Basically, meaning that he never died! The encounter between him and Twilight would be epic! ^_^


Edited by Sanderspie
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I have actually heard some interesting but strange headcannon theories that Starswirl the Bearded could actually be Discord himself who became corrupted over time.


It's unlikely but an interesting theory nonetheless. :P

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Omg, that'd be an awesome twist! Like a spell gone wrong, etc. Discord diiid tell Fluttershy that he has never had a friend before. And Celestia diiiiid tell Twilight that Star Swirl didn't fully understand friendship. O: It'd be kinda pulling an Ice King from Adventure Time though~

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I have actually heard some interesting but strange headcannon theories that Starswirl the Bearded could actually be Discord himself who became corrupted over time.


It's unlikely but an interesting theory nonetheless. :P

I only have one problem with this. in this show is all about friendship and rainbows. I don't think the writers can handle dark themes and they would just mess it up.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have actually heard some interesting but strange headcannon theories that Starswirl the Bearded could actually be Discord himself who became corrupted over time.


It's unlikely but an interesting theory nonetheless. :P

I wrote about this one a bit in a blog once: http://mlpforums.com/blog/844/entry-5487-alicorns-celestia-and-lunas-past/


Not exactly likely, but fascinating to assemble out of the bits and pieces we know.


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