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Making OCs with Pony Creators


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Just started using it! It's a shame that they removed the mane and tail for my OC >.< I guess I have to change it, although the new features are great, I really like the 'turning head' function and the how the changed selections. Sad to hear that General Zoi is no longer updating anything, but he did a pretty good job with this version.

  • Brohoof 1
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I guess it's better, but it really isn't. One thing missing is the cutie mark feature. I just learned how to use that feature in V2, too. I guess there's more stuff in V3, but it sucks that you can't add a cutie mark. And, judging from Zoi's description on the creator, he doesn't plan on adding back that feature any time soon. I'm not saying it's bad. Zoi and his crew probably put a lot of time and effort into making this. It's just a little feature that was left out that I think would make it better than V2. I don't think V3 is bad by any means. I just don't think it's as good as V2.

Edited by Stevenearthpony
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Do you have a link? I would like to see what it is you are talking about so I can check it out and make a fair judgment on it before I say anything.

I'm probably going to get beat to this, but if I don't, here's a link to it: http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-v3-397808116

I hope I was actually able to help, and not get ninja'd by anypony.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm probably going to get beat to this, but if I don't, here's a link to it: http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-v3-397808116

I hope I was actually able to help, and not get ninja'd by anypony.

Why  would you get "ninja'd" by somepony for giving TheFoolArcana515 the Link to the new Pony creator??? It's not like were gonna kill you...

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Why  would you get "ninja'd" by somepony for giving TheFoolArcana515 the Link to the new Pony creator??? It's not like were gonna kill you...

You know what I mean right? I mean somepony posts while I'm trying to post and ends up posting before me therefore making my post worthless... (Wow that sounded a lot more complicated then it actually is)

  • Brohoof 1
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I can't disregard General Zoi's hard work at this software, but the wild monsters that escape this piece of code should stay locked and caged. I know I have a lot of advantage because I can draw my own stuff, but even if I wasn't talented, I would still have that will to have an unique pony with an original mane and tail and most importantly, I would make it truthfull to the show. I would learn how to draw ponies in some basic poses, at least.


I disagree.  PC is a tool.  It makes it easier and quicker for people to produce basic pony images more or less in the show's style.  It's not what makes people design "wild monsters," any more than a word processor program makes people write up authorwank OP alicorn OC's and bad fanfics.  Let's say Pony Creator didn't exist.  Then you'd probably be seeing: 1) "Wild monster" OC's, badly drawn, on lined paper; 2) People would develop the skill to draw and vector...and create even wilder "monsters" with the greater freedom those skills would provide.  "Now that I can vector, my new alicorn OC, Jehovah God Almighty, will have an even more amazing neon-striped punk rock mane and tail--with glow and drop-shadow effects--and leopard spots to go with 'em!  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Something gives me the impression that you think that without PC, people would pay you to design (what you consider to be) tasteful OC's instead of making "wild monsters" on their own.  I think it's more likely they'd pay somebody else willing to make the "wild monster" OC design they want 20% cooler.  Or...colored pencils on lined paper.


I think Pony Creator is a really handy tool.  It's good for tinkering with pony designs and color schemes, and for generating an image when you want to join an RP with a new OC without having to take a few days to vector something first.


Yes, how dare people be creative in a trippy and/or experimental way, and how DARE people not stay completely canon with their non-canon characters!


*Chuckle*  Now you've just given me the idea for a psychadelic pony named Acid Trip. ;)


Next we will be allowing BAT PONIES into our canon, the nonsense that is!

(this reply contains irony)


Maybe that's part of your irony, but if not...Bat Ponies are canon (Luna's charioteers in Luna Eclipsed).  *Brohoof from a fellow Bat Pony player*  (And yes, I did make her current pic in Pony Creator, though I do want to get around to making my own pic).


I've tinkered with the new version a little.  I like the new head-turn feature (the 45 degree angles look a bit weird though), the poseable wings and tails and the zoom feature.  I don't really care too much for the click-and-drag interface, especially with the things that are hidden off-screen ("Where was the wing selection again?"), but it probably just takes some getting used to.  Nonetheless, I am grateful to General Zoi for putting so much work into creating these for us for free.


BTW, for those who don't like the new version, the old version is still available, so far.

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I disagree.  PC is a tool.  It makes it easier and quicker for people to produce basic pony images more or less in the show's style.  It's not what makes people design "wild monsters," any more than a word processor program makes people write up authorwank OP alicorn OC's and bad fanfics.  Let's say Pony Creator didn't exist.  Then you'd probably be seeing: 1) "Wild monster" OC's, badly drawn, on lined paper; 2) People would develop the skill to draw and vector...and create even wilder "monsters" with the greater freedom those skills would provide.  "Now that I can vector, my new alicorn OC, Jehovah God Almighty, will have an even more amazing neon-striped punk rock mane and tail--with glow and drop-shadow effects--and leopard spots to go with 'em!  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Something gives me the impression that you think that without PC, people would pay you to design (what you consider to be) tasteful OC's instead of making "wild monsters" on their own.  I think it's more likely they'd pay somebody else willing to make the "wild monster" OC design they want 20% cooler.  Or...colored pencils on lined paper.


I think Pony Creator is a really handy tool.  It's good for tinkering with pony designs and color schemes, and for generating an image when you want to join an RP with a new OC without having to take a few days to vector something first.



*Chuckle*  Now you've just given me the idea for a psychadelic pony named Acid Trip. ;)



Maybe that's part of your irony, but if not...Bat Ponies are canon (Luna's charioteers in Luna Eclipsed).  *Brohoof from a fellow Bat Pony player*  (And yes, I did make her current pic in Pony Creator, though I do want to get around to making my own pic).


I've tinkered with the new version a little.  I like the new head-turn feature (the 45 degree angles look a bit weird though), the poseable wings and tails and the zoom feature.  I don't really care too much for the click-and-drag interface, especially with the things that are hidden off-screen ("Where was the wing selection again?"), but it probably just takes some getting used to.  Nonetheless, I am grateful to General Zoi for putting so much work into creating these for us for free.


BTW, for those who don't like the new version, the old version is still available, so far.

you're allowed to disagree, we all have opinions and that's OK. It still doesn't change the fact that I hate PC. Like you said PC is a useful tool but like every software, it should not allow the user 100% of freedom, I understand why it does not have validation and constraint, they are very difficult to make in the end.

What would happen if The Windows SO would let you tweak and touch everything within it's source code, you would mess up your computer really bad. I feel the same way about PC.

And no, I don't say that because I want customers, but it happens that I have sensitive eyes and they hurt when they see a wild monster as simple as that, I rather see a bad drawn unique pony in paper, than a rainbow colored pony ali-zebra with bat eyes and goat horns, no!

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And no, I don't say that because I want customers, but it happens that I have sensitive eyes and they hurt when they see a wild monster as simple as that, I rather see a bad drawn unique pony in paper, than a rainbow colored pony ali-zebra with bat eyes and goat horns, no!


lol.  I definitely wouldn't want to RP with that OC, haha.  Unless maybe their writer was really, really good and could pull it off brilliantly somehow...but that's not very likely, is it?  I can see  your point about overly garish and poorly-designed OC's.  Basically the visual equivalent of "Princess TwinkleSparkleSquee is a Galactic Alicorn who's more powerful than Celestia, smarter than Twilight, flies faster than Rainbow Dash, is admired by the Royal Equestrian Marines who are honored to follow her into battle, but she's also more shy than Fluttershy.  Oh, and her weakness is that she's too nice and too good looking; it makes other mares jealous."


Still, I don't really see why PC is to blame for awful OC pictures.  A person can make a garish OC with markers.  Or, if PC was limited to an official canon color palette, they could just go into Photoshop and crank the Hue/Saturation into "velvet picture of Elvis" territory.  I suppose it could be criticized for including the selection of non-unicorn horns, and for some of the "accessories" it offers.


OTOH, my "pony aesthetic sense" is tweaked more by drawn ponies that are weighted down with machine guns, combat knives, blood-spatter and other "grit," or non-canon trappings of modernity (cars, iGadgets, cell phones, etc.) than by the moose horns in PC.  But that's just me. ;) 


Aside: if I was good enough at making a computer do what I want artistically to actually animate my OC's, I probably wouldn't use Pony Creator either. :)

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Yeah the Bat Pony comment was ironic and was made to underline that Equestria is a very fantastical place with creatures beyond our imagination, so I really really don't see the issue with people making up their own bizarre creatures. Okay I understand it's annoying if they make it a "super duper invincible alimulticorn who dates all mane 6 and is teh best at everything" and then try to join a RP with that, but as long as they don't do that, so what if their OC don't appeal to your personal taste? It's their own self image, not yours. Would you say to cage up Lady Gaga just because she once dressed up in a dress that looks like Kermit The Frog? Should we cage up Marilyn Manson for taking the shape as a featureless pale alien woman during the Mechanical Animals days? Let people have their own style and stop being such a elitist about how people want to represent themselves. What is this, the fashion industry?

Also I am proud of my half-dragon half-pony OC even if that is technically not canon. Deal with it.

Edited by Nightmare Lyre
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I love it, because I'm terrible at drawing. Perhaps, I can't make a completely personal pony, but to be honest, they'll look WAAAYYYYY better than anything I could ever make.


It's sad that not everything could make it into the version, but general zoi did explain it (BTW: I'm pretty sure that generalzoi is a girl). And I really don't understand the complaint about the lack of the cutie mark feature. I never used it previously, because I never liked the way it put the cutie mark on. It's quite the simple process on PhotoShop to put one on.

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Meh.  S'okay.

I kind of think its the same as the last one except for some new manes and turning the head.

The other one seemed more for creating characters from the show, and this one more for more 'original' OCs

But still.  Can't be that original with it.

I like using it to make color schemes and the basic design though before I edit it up and make it my own.  But I could do that with the other one.

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Oh, I agree that people should be able to make OC's and ponysonas that I don't like.  I would not want to have Pony Creator hobbled to a canon color palette or have some internal rule-set that produces pop-ups saying "I'm sorry.  You can't do this because it violates the classical canons of pony aesthetics."  I also don't think it makes sense to hate a software program because it allows people to make ponies that look ridiculous to me (but may well be pants-shittingly awesome to their creators and others with similar tastes).  "Wow, that was a crappy fanfic.  Burn all the word-processors!" ;)


WRT your dracopony, it is canonical that a dragon can be romantically attracted to a pony, and that the pony doesn't respond with shock, horror, or revulsion.  There's no powerful social taboo against it or any indication that it is aspiring to the self-evidently impossible, like someone falling in love with a marble statue and hoping to marry it someday.  Thus, a dragon-pony romance is canonically plausible.  Could they produce live, fertile offspring?  Well, Equestria is a place where a unicorn can turn a frog into an orange that can still hop and croak, so I don't see why a dracopony wouldn't be at least plausible, given an application of sufficiently-advanced magic to smooth over any biological incompatibilities. :)  Your OC's images might rub Motion Spark the wrong way, but I have no problem with 'em.

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I used the other one to make my OC, though I changed the mane around, I just needed a good start to know what I kinda wanted to do.  The new one isn't that great, it has more, but I'll not be using.  Besides I like to draw my OC anyway. 

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Anyone see the new new Pony Creator General Zoi made? Pony Creator v3 as it is called. It looks really good if you want to do something like the analyze vids that Digi Brony, Ink Rose, and KP but I was really disappointed that  he could't or didn't add the current mane and tail I'm using on my OC Alona. :( What do you think of the new version?

Well, first of all, General Zoi is a lady.

Second of all, she didn't add some manes and tails because of the difficulty in drawing all of the other things all over again.

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Oh yeah. 


I actually used it to create my OC ^_^ it's actually really good, I'm glad they made it. It has varieties of manes, colors, and accessories, plus it's just an awesome pony creator. One of the best out there :) 


It's really cool, think I found it on Deviantart actually. Real easy to do too~! It's a bit tough to add the cutie mark but other than that it's awesome!! 

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I have a question.

Is there any thread on these forums, where people expose ponies they have made with Pony Creator?

I don't think those ponies can be concidered as fan-art.

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Better? Have you seen the 3q heads? :P

While I do appreciate the new manes (and getting rid of the cast character's manes...) the pony creator, in my opinion, wasn't meant to show off your original characters. If anything, it's good for making reference pictures and that's about it.

Edited by Art Streak
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Well I've used the second version to create up to ten ponies I think including my avatar. My profile page has 8 of about 12.


*checks out new version*


Not bad. I read some of General Zoi's comments, and it appears there are a few features/content that are missing, such as the option to add cutie marks and costumes (like wonderbolt attire), not to mention many manes from MLP are missing (the mane 6's manes are not available). I like the new accessories like the ties, scarves, and whatnot.


I think I still prefer the second version over this one....wait there's a first version?

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  • 2 months later...

3 easy steps to make your own pony!


1- go find your pony race here! http://www.quotev.com/quiz/2219425/Are-you-a-Pegasus-unicorn-or-an-Earth-pony/



2- go here to find your pony name  http://rumandmonkey.com/widgets/toys/namegen/14900/#.UqIkbxaaEps



3- and go here to make your own pony :D  http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-Full-Version-254295904


**you can take a cutie mark on google :)


thanks!!! :)


Ice Charmer 


***I don't speak so much in english don't pay attention to my errors plz!! :)

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