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Name: Letter One

Gender: Male

Species: Earth Pony

Cutie Mark: Two musical notes on top of each other

Special Talent: Music-type stuff.

Likes: Music, art

Dislikes: Hip-hop, country music, mean people, etc.


Invalid now. :P


Edited by <letterONE>

It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Alexandrite Pierce.

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male



Personality:Alexandrite Pierce is a Curious, Creative, Intelligent Unicorn whose desire is to solve the mysteries of life.He is the type of person that you can't win an argument with, often using complicated words most of the time to describe the simplest of things, confusing most rural ponies. He can be quite arrogant to those that don't understand things that are very simple to him, such as mathematics.He loves to observe everything he can as he usually finds it can give him ideas for inventions, giving him a excellent eye for detail. Alexandrite posses a huge temper, making him often act on irrational anger when enraged. Alexandrite loves discussing subject of his interest with others, primarily Quantum Physics and Space. He is very outgoing often arguing over the smallest of things with people, such as chocolate chip cookies or Plain? Alexandrite loves to educate others on what he knows. Alexandrite is also quite Eccentric, he is willing to do anything for Science, often Dangerous things.

He also can have Sanity problems at times.

History:Alexandrite Grew up in a small town called Grassy Meadows. After elementary, he enlisted in Celestia's

School for Gifted Unicorns. After he graduated,

he joined The Canterlot University, and after a year became the head professor of The Canterlot University.


Special Talent: Science.



Edited by GLaMOS (AceCord)


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I have five so I'll start with my lesser known ones:


Pony #1:


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Name: Franconia

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Female

Age: 18


Personality: Timid, lonely, depressed, clingy, and safety-cautious,

History:Franconia, along with her parents, were nocturnal ponies. When Franconia was just a filly, she was flying in the night sky with her parents, and looking out at the stars, which began her love for the stars. Her father would teach her all that he knew about the night sky and all of the starts he could name It wasn't until one night when they here standing on the cliff together gazing out into the night sky, a rock slide occurred. they tried their best to escape by flying as fast as they could but in the end...only Franconia survived.


After being orphaned, Franconia spend the rest of her life sulking in the Everfree Forest away from other ponies afraid that if she's got to close to them she'd end up hurting them too. She's had many thoughts of suicide since them, but then she'd look up at the stars and thought of what was probably her father's last words:


"No matter what happens, you'll always be my shining star, Franconia!"


And that is what keeps her going 'till this very day.


Special Talent: She helped her parents put the stars in the sky before they died.

Edited by Crystal Sparkle

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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Name: Vanilla Belle

Species: unicorn

Gender: female

Age: 20


Personality: She tends not to talk much but when she does it's something important (except for when she is nervous) she likes to pony watch meaning she watches other ponies to see how they are then she goes up to them and talks if they are nice.

History: She used to live near a beach before she moved to ponyville to start her buisness. She only has one brother and no sisters she is the youngest of the two.


Special Talent: she can make jewelry with any kind of shell.

Edited by Vanilla Belle

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Ohh so is this the Offical OC thread?


I have a link to my pony persona now, but I guess I can submit a little info about my little pony, here it goes.


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Name: Violet Spiral

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Female

Age: 16



Kind hearted, shy, and can be very timid at times, but anything pertaining to her passions, she has no problem being assertive, becomes very lively, and brave. Often stubborn with mild aggressive like behavior, she is quick to temper, with flaring moments, but just as quick to recover her composure.

Very honest, sincere, and known to be dependable, is often easily distracted with many things revolving around her. While open minded and very affable, she is gullible by nature and is often tricked into doing things she would normally never do. With that in mind, Violet Spiral often has break down periods, and descends to a low level of self esteem and paranoia due to carrying a heavy past burden.

Overtly indecisive has been a major flaw in her life, however this has led her to try pursuing many talents in the world, making her experienced in a various degrees of skills, trades and crafts, making her a "Jill" of multiple trades.

Generally, she is seen as a fit, responsible, and genuinely positive Pegasus.



Residing in a little town not known to the vast majority of other ponies, called Mareville, she attends several of the manyschools there, like automation, cosmetology and fine arts. Questionably, she also attends one for divine magic arts, despite the fact she is not of Unicorn or Alicorn kin. She studies nonetheless in the field of special artifacts, endowed with magical properties capable of giving any one pony, an adept awareness and capability to harness said magical attributes.

She has also taken a liking to alchemy-reagents, however, has been known to stir up the community with her multiple failures.

After reading and studying many related scrolls, books, within the Mareville Library, Violet Spiral begins to explore possibilities of wandering out in search of artifacts, not entirely sure of what it is she plans to do with them.

Aside from her study of magic, and machinery, she openly participates in a number of other hobbies. Most notoriously, any that revolves around "pulling a trigger".

Along with her favored activities, she has pursued other interests, only to be meted out with unlikely results


Violet Spiral has a long history of much elusiveness. While loving and admires her friends very much, she prefers to be very much on her own for long durations of her days, fantasizing about the future. She isn't the most tidy housekeeper at home, but enjoys many activities with the other Pegasi, along with her own personal interests. Unintentionally, she harbors many secrets from her friends.


Special talents:

Aside from her gift of being a guiding light in the dark skies, many traits and trades of specialty remain unknown to her.

While still undiscovered what her inner dormant talents are, She likes to believe she has a knack for everything she tries, even if she does fail a few here and there. She remains undeterred by her outcomes and pursues to find that one thing she'll be great at. Generally, she is good with her hooves and can produce many things, ranging from culinary dishes, pieces of art, fashion appeals, to a wide variety of mechanical automations.


Click link in sig to learn more.


I'll eventually get around to drawing up my pony via deviant art. please bare with me >.<




Thank you very much! I'm going to need to know all of this!

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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Thank you very much! I'm going to need to know all of this!


Before being aware of the updated Forum Art Exchange


I can't tell if you really meant your last comment on my quote, or just being sarcastic. :(


Other than that, I genuinely feel somewhat, uncertain, and a little discouraged...it was a old post, was it by any chance offensive? If so, I can change it, or summarize it.



After becoming aware of the updated Forum Art Exchange


Ohh! okies, that's what's going on, I thought this was totally unrelated, I'll admit, I was worried that I might have done something wrong to displease you TTC I'm so sorry for ever doubting your intentions!

Edited by Dizzy Leeane Rage
  • Brohoof 2
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Before being aware of the updated Forum Art Exchange


I can't tell if you really meant your last comment on my quote, or just being sarcastic. :(


Other than that, I genuinely feel somewhat, uncertain, and a little discouraged...it was a old post, was it by any chance offensive? If so, I can change it, or summarize it.



After becoming aware of the updated Forum Art Exchange


Ohh! okies, that's what's going on, I thought this was totally unrelated, I'll admit, I was worried that I might have done something wrong to displease you TTC I'm so sorry for ever doubting your intentions!


It's ok, you probably saw this post before you checked in, so it's fine. Believe me, we've known long to know what things displeases the other, I doubt you could ever do something that would.

No harm my friend.

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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Name: Lady Esme


Species: Alicorn (technical shadow)


Gender: Female


Age: Ageless



Personality: Lady Esme suffers from Multiple Personality syndrome. She isn't easily angered, but she becomes a completely different pony when she is. On any normal account, however, she can be easilly described as manipulative and intelligent, yet observant and even a little helpfull. On other occasions, she can be sadistic and evil, seeking only to destroy her enemies. Because of their differences, Esme's two personalities can be seen arguing on rare occasions. Despite this, there is always at least one thing both of her personalities agree on...they are the rightfull rulers of the throne.


History: Born into royalty, Lady Esme was Princess Celestia's eldest siter, born several years before her. Upon birth, her parrents feared for her life and eventually abbandoned her in a nearby forest where she was forced to fend for herself.


You see, Esme's parents believed she had cutiepox, a common disease in that time that resulted in death for many ponies. Rather than kill their first born filly, they descided to leave her behind durring one of their visits to the deadly and dark forest.


Little did they know that Esme would survive in the harsh terrain. That she would spend years plotting against then for what they had done to her. And, all the while, she would create her own kingdom. And hence, she became the Shadow Queen, controling all the darkness in Equestria of which she descided to continue to supply. This was a very stategical move. She was therefore able to watch her parents from afar without them noticing and, when the time came, she attacked.


Her power was far greater than that of her parents and, once killed, she took the opportunity to gloat and fed upon their corpses. She had no way of knowing of Celstia and Luna at this time and they were, luckily, spared.


Once grown, Esme learned about Celestia and Luna and their growing kingdom. This was also around the time that she learned of her birth rights. She was the rightfull ruler of equestria, for without her, all of the creatures, both large and small, would incinerate under the heat of the sun and fall blinded due to the moon. She was furious.


She had been angered many times before, yet, for some odd reason, this time it caused something inside of her to snap. Her eyes began to turn a bright blood red and her markings seemed to do just the same. Thus Esme's darker half was born. To this date she watches over Equestria. Plotting. Waiting for the time to come when she can take over her rightfull place as ruler.


However, her plan wasn't as simple as that, in fact, it was quite complex. For to kill Clestia and Luna would most sertainly plunge her world into darkness and, while this thought was pleasant, she would not have her subjects put through such misery. No, she would have to think of soemthing different. Some way for her to rule over her kingdom without her siblings.


So, after searching far and wide. She finally found the creature she was looking for. A male Alicorn of pure descent. He was gnarled and fearsome, but he would be the perfect suitor. And hence, Silen was born. An alicorn crafted from her mother's very essance, taking a major part in her mother's plan. And for a long time, Esme forgot about Equestria to raise her child. Her gorgeous, insane child. A stronger bond had never been seen by human eyes, held together with three essential things. Love, hate, and insanity.


Silen would soon replace her mother's siblings...and nowhone would ever know.


Special Talent: Lady Esme is able to craft maniquans and use their shadow to cloak herself, giving her other forms. She is also able to speak to shadows.


Other Titles:

The Shadow Queen

The Lady Of The Shade

The Lady Of The Forest

The Painted Lady


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Name: Illusion


Species: Alicorn


Gender: Female


Age: 18


Personality: She's a bit shy but once she gets to know you a bit, she will warm up to you. She is also graceful but enjoys a good laugh with her friends, she puts other ponies first before herself and lives to make other ponies happy.


History: When Illusion was young, she was tricked by a changeling that took her parents lives. From that day on she has promised herself that she would take on her mother's role and make the ponies of equestria happy, by giving them the gift of dreams when they sleep. Until one night, on her very first dream giving she got identified but was mistaken for a monster by the foal. Rumours started to spread and eventually she couldn't take any more and it started to go to her head, the rumours started to go round and round in her mind, usually she would tolerate lies and rumours...but this time it just got too much for her. Her mind started to play tricks where she believed that she had actually hurt another pony and then her nightmares came true. She had lost all control and her evil side took hold.


Her childhood friend Midnightive, ventured out to fight all the fears and nightmares Illusion created to stop her. But her kindness and friendship got through to her heart and changed her back to the good alicorn she used to be.



Special Talent: Her special talent is to bring sleeping ponies their dreams at night time, and occasionally she will make those dreams come true if the pony truely desires it.



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Every great dream begins with a dreamer. But always remember, you have within you

the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought that maybe we could upload photos of ponies made using this:


and post there back stories too.





Name: Bed Head

Birth Location: ???

Hometown: Ponyville

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Bio: Born and raised in Ponyville, she became friends with Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch, but one day she left into the forest and has not come back to Ponyville, she now lives in a cabin in the forest around Ponyville



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I don't care, post all dah custom pony pics u want.


I've gone and merged your thread into this one here, cause what you are asking for is what this thread already does ;)


You should always double check using the search feature before making a new thread, and see if you can find one that has already been made first. :)

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Name: Dashing
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Personality: She is very shy and timid. Dashing is personally afraid of letting other ponies know a lot about her. She is quiet about her own personal experiences and if she manages to befriend someone else; she will try her best to keep them pleased. Despite not wanting to let others in; she has a great fear of being alone.
History: Very abusive time for her while growing up. Which won't be mentioned since she has recently lost her memories of these events when she stumbled upon Ponyville. If another pony asks her where she has come from she will answer with "a village inside of the forest". Mainly residents question if the young mare came from Everfree but she doesn't seem to answer. Some ponies try to lead her back to Everfree to see if she remembers, mainly curious on the village, but Dashing tends to run off. Seeming to fear something.

So Dashing doesn't know anything as of now.
(Yeah, I have story on her and everything so far. Sadly it's not very "PG"(possibly PG 13 due to the blood and violence but nothing further than that). I did intend for the poor thing to get away from the abuse surrounding her story and lead her into Ponyville. But, not going to lie, I have more plans on her having trouble... A LOT of it.)

Special Talent: Healing and Creating
( Explanation: Dashing learned how to use her magic to heal up her wounds quickly when harmed. Mainly learned when she was in the "village". Sometimes her magic will automatically work on her when she's knocked out or doesn't even notice the wound. She can also use her magic to heal others. Despite how powerful it is; she hasn't gotten a Cutie Mark on it.
Then there's her "talent" on creating butterfly wings. They are made from whatever she can find. Usually having a leather strap to hold the wings which can come in various colors. There is no Cutie Mark on this either.
Dashing questions which one of these two will become her talents.
But sadly, due to my future plans with her, neither of them will be it. )

... I hope I did it right. 8D

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Personality:Knives is a smart girl with razor reflexes,when she wamts somthing she gets its by HERSELF.She likes blood and alot of it if she wanted to she can kill you where she stands..She is brave,fast,smart,and most stallions find her to be attractive.


Eye Color: Changes color every 2 weeks.


Cutiemark:Two knives

Special Talent: She loves to kill and get blood splatered everywhere.Yes thats right KILL


I'll post an image later and Her history+her backstory

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NAME: Storm Eye

SPECIES: Dragon-Pony (Or whatever species the bat-winged ponies are called)


AGE: 18

EYE COLOR: Electric Indigo

COAT/MANE COLOR: Dark Gray/Chartreuse

PERSONALITY: Storm Eye is a very mysterious, intelligent, quiet pony. He more often than not enjoys seclusion, preferring to do things on his own instead of going through the trouble of asking somepony to help, usually going at his own speed. He is very observant of everything around him, especially the slight mannerisms that betray what one is thinking. Very intellectual in his methods, he prefers to think around things instead of face them head on, as his strength is not the best. His strategies also sometimes fail, however, so he remains quick on his hooves to make sure he makes it out of sticky situations. He is known for his talents in stealth, and naturally quiet steps, which he was not born with, but developed over his career.


SPECIAL TALENT: Storm Eye is obsessed with dragons; he researches them for a living, and finding a way to protect Equestria from the reptilian menaces without bloodshed is one of his primary goals in life. Thus his secondary talents in stealth and observance prove useful in this field.

INTERESTING MISC FACT: Storm Eye is based purely off of me. In fact, when I learned to lucid dream, I AM Storm Eye. I went on a whole adventure as him, and a lot of his personality and talents are based off of mine.

Edited by Brisineo

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys this is my new OC! But i have problem i cant figure out what his name is? (and he is not supposed to have a CM) Please leave a comment suggesting what his name should be. it will help alot!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tell us about your pony! Give us info, pictures, whatever you want! Also, you can give feedback and ideas for created ponies. What are you waiting for? Go and post about your pony!


My pony:

Name: Songflash

Picture: Posted Image

Info: Great friends of Rainbow Dash, Likes and makes music.

  • Brohoof 1

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The only pony OC I've ever made was back when I was a little girl in the early 90s...


She was a really old Earth Pony whose special talent was sarcasm, and her name was "Bitterknife".


Suffice to say, I sort of kind of based her off of my grandmother....

Always off-topic and always derailing.

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The only pony OC I've ever made was back when I was a little girl in the early 90s...


She was a really old Earth Pony whose special talent was sarcasm, and her name was "Bitterknife".


Suffice to say, I sort of kind of based her off of my grandmother....


Heh. My pony is an Earth pony too. It's special ability is to Blast out music. Most of the time, it frightens anything it was blasted at. (He's also good at parties xD)

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