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open Beyond these Walls: An adventure through Equestria. (Applications open!)

The Elusive Cinder

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"Uh.." Aphrodite hesitated yet again. "I don't think you'd care. Listening to a mare's feelings?" Aphrodite wondered aloud, playing with her mane.




Willow Starsinger


 "Gah!" Willow almost backed into a bush-- she didn't think anypony would actually find her. "I'm fine, thank you!" Willow said, dismissively. "Just a little lost is all!" She couldn't identify the voice: she hasn't met this pony yet if they were in the group.. 


She soon spotted a little drake zooming around through the trees, and just thought that it was another lost one looking for its parents. 

Blake took a long look at the drake. He had never seen them often, and usually at a distance. "Umm, well. If you'll follow me, there's a small group up by Splinterhoof Hills. That is, unless you already know them." He says a little between matter-of-fact, and question. He then realized that he must look like quite a sight, what with his afghan and collar on. He unhooked his collar and pulled the afghan down, and shook his mane free. He puts them in his bag, and tilted his head in a direction before walking that way.

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Mirror Image




Mirror stared incredulously at the demigod before voicing her concern, "I don't want to be to rude but...shouldn't we personally go looking for your sister instead of leaving it to an aspect? I mean if these thugs are really strong enough to stand up against you what chance does it have?" Mirror's tone shifted from sounding worried to sad "I'm not trying to be difficult, I just don't like seeing ponies lose their family members."


Silver Heart


Silver Heart stared at the line that Kingfisher had drawn with some skepticism. If she went home now she knew she would live at least until Orion destroyed Equestria. Well that's assuming the others were actually right and he intended to do so. Otherwise she could live a full life. But if she did leave she would only end up disappointing her entire family...and herself. Silver Heart didn't say anything. She just sighed as she walked across the line. 

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Tactic Wind


Tactic laughed as he launched himself into the air.  He couldn't help it anymore, if he stayed around any longer he was going to get himself in trouble.  "Very well.  Hide the Litany under a mountain of bones for all I care.  Fools will rush to their graves happily, and I will be left to bury you all...."


The pegasus quickly flapped his wings to launch him back towards the direction of the woods.  Turning to look one last time at the gathered party, Tactic couldn't help himself.  He grinned wickedly and before disappearing into the trees, he hissed at them.  A sound that shouldn't naturally come from a pony's mouth.



@,@, @


After slipping into the forest, Tactic made his way carefully through the trees.  He knew his destination, and was fixated on where he was going...  Until something else stopped him.  Voices, and the glow of light in the trees.  Flying closer in order to see what was happening, he was somewhat surprised to find Willow in the woods by herself.  She should be with her brother...


Stepping out from behind the tree he was observing from, he pays more attention to the drake near her hooves than to the other pony.  From the way it was wrapped around her, he had a decent guess about where the drake had come from.


"Lady Willow.  Are you alright?  This vagabond isn't troubling you, I hope?"  He makes a small, disgruntled sound when Blake suggests she follow him to the party.  "That did not turn out very well the last time, if I recall.  Where is your brother?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@,@, @,


Willow Starsinger


"Actually, I've already met them.. I left a couple of minutes ago with my brother. There was a little incident: I don't think I'll be seeing him for a while now.." Willow said, looking down that the miniature drake was around her forehoof. "Tactic..? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with the group?" Willow asked suspiciously. "He's not troubling me. He's just asking me if I'm okay.. and I am. I was looking for Orion. I'm not so sure he wants to see me anymore.." Willow chuckled. 


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Blake just smirked at the remark. "I may be a thief, but at least I play nice with others." He said with his regular die-hard smirk. He sat down where he stood. "I'll just wait here while you two finish your conversation." He was indifferent toward Tactic at first, but his neutrality was waning by the minute. "I'll chime in one last time by saying that he's decided to no longer be part of the group."

Edited by Blake Diamante
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@, @@SilverHeart,

Midnight Scribbler took a low stance, keeping his presence as small as possible. He didn't feel like offending this creature, it far outstretched his natural ability, and even it's own it seemed. He thought for a moment before he made his next move, it was a game of chance, but he thought he might get lucky, having gone this far already.

"I have been watching for some time.. Not that I normally would, but. I ended up here by accident and overheard some conflict, so I tried to see what was happening. I Don't know who those others are, and it seems foolish for them to have crossed you so blindly. They might be tough, but I have magic enough to deal with them, at least to defend against them. I was more worried you would try to turn me to stone." Scribbler poked a petrified leaf, watching it crumble into dust. He glances nervously away from the alicorn to Silver Heart for a second, then back, not letting him out of his sight. "If you don't mind my asking. What is this..Litany? I don't want it, I'm just curious."

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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@,@, @,


Tactic Wind?


Now ignoring the pony whom he assumed to be part of the group, Tactic stepped forward closer to Willow.  Not too closely - he had no idea what kind of spell the drake was operating under, after all - but close enough that she would be able to see when he smiles at her.


"Now now, my Lady...  Surely you don't need me to tell you how much Lord Orion cares for you.  You don't need my senses in order to see that, right?"  He extends a hoof in a friendly gesture.  "I can help lead you back to Lord Orion.  There are trails that are easier for me to follow than it would be to search by yourself."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@,@,  @,



Willow Starsinger


"You're not a part of the group anymore? Why did you leave?" Willow asked pitifully, mostly for the group. "You know where Orion is?" Willow asked, her ears perking up. "How do you know where he is?" Willow asked. She was wondering where that drake came from, though..


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Blake didn't like where this conversation was heading. He clipped his collar back on. He simply listened to every ord and waited to see which one put him into attack mode. "My Bonnie lies over the ocean, my Bonnie lies over the sea..." He sang to himself at a whisper. His knives were safely in their sheathes.

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@,@, @,  



Tactic Wind?


"Because they are suicidal fools, to put it simply."  The pegasus shrugs, still looking curiously at the drake curled around Willow's hooves.  "I mean no ill will to them personally.  I just refused to continue down the path of self destruction they are set upon."  


As though the mention of the group reminded Tactic of the presence of Blake, he turns to look at the other pony with a bored expression on his face.  "You may leave.  I will ensure that Lady Willow is safely reunited with her brother."  


With that said, he turns back to Willow as though the matter were settled.  He smiles again before bowing his head slightly.  "The way I can find him is a simple matter, my lady, yet difficult to explain.  Suffice to say that I know in which direction he was last seen, and from that knowledge I can make a very educated estimate as to his current location."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Umm, I'll let the Lady Willow decide. If she goes to the group I have to lead her back." He says very matter-of-factly. He feels guilty for talking about Willow as though she wasn't there. "So, that's a no...Aaand I may leave? I don't wait on your beckon call, I make my own choices, and no one but me decides when and where I go."

Edited by Blake Diamante
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Orion Starsinger.



@@Midnight Scribbler,


The Alicorn smiled, or rather, smirked. It didn't feel good. Shaking his head again, he motioned in the direction that the group had fled. And nodded at the one called Midnight after he pointed out the petrification.


"I was sick of them following us, trying to hurt us. I had to do something. Now they've gone. And even if other ponies here are violent, there are a few who... who care enough about the greater good to follow me."


Of course, his few companions might not exactly be conventional: a voice in his head, a sentient spell and a bug. Still: the downtrodden always found themselves banding together: it was a historical fact and he knew it.


"The Litany is what gave me the strength to protect myself. To protect her and soon, if fate is willing, to protect everypony shunned by society and crushed beneath the hooves of oppression!"






Kingfisher was overwhelmed by the amount if support: she might have cried if she had been brave enough to - but she wasn't. She had a reputation to uphold!


"T... Thank you." She said instead - bemused by the erratic behaviour of the Pegasus that Red had befriended so quickly. "Really - I'm no leader but... I'll do my best."










The arcane Drake looked curiously up at the other figure. There was some tension but... not aimed at its target. That was good.


It yawned - surprising itself. The elemental wasn't used to existing long enough to tire, let alone yawn. Rising up, it hovered slightly above the ground: watching and wondering what all the trouble seemed to be about.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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(I want a pet little drake aspect thing. It seems kind of cute actually. I want to name it 'Amiculi' - 'Little Friend'... Pardon me, I'm tired.)


"Did... Did he just hiss at us?" Saronyx thought to himself, thoroughly confused, and intrigued, by the Pegasus' actions. He had seen many strange things before. But surprisingly not a normal type pony hissing.


Unless, of course, he wasn't a normal pony... No, stop that thought there. Now is not the time for musings. There will be time for that later. Saronyx stretched subtly, the last of his flesh finally feeling completely normal, and no longer true crystal.


Kingfisher spoke, and he turned to face her as she thanked those that stood by her. She seemed a little surprised by the support. Saron smiled to himself at that. For her tough exterior, Kingfisher was still just a pony. She want on to excuse that she was no leader, but she would try her best. Saronyx raised a hoof, but did not make contact, "I could tell that Redwave had faith in you. As such, I too will have faith in you, miss," no, not miss, "Captain Kingfisher. You ever feel like you need help with something, do not hesitate to ask. I will do my best to help."

Edited by 00Pony
  • Brohoof 1

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Scribbler felt nervous at the sight of Orion's smirk, his very presence was daunting.

"I see, so the Litany must hold great power and knowledge of magic then, it must be an arcane artifact of sorts? It seems to me, this Litany must be potent enough, were it to be in the wrong hands, it could be disastrous. You know where it is then, if you say you gained this power from it. I can understand why somepony with a hunger for power would wish to obtain such an artifact."

Midnight looks into the alicorn's eyes, seeing there was something there that was not natural. Someone else was in there with him.

"I have no intention of gaining such power myself, but I believe it would be wise to find this Litany, and keep it well hidden away from those who would use it with blind intent. Being a practitioner of magic myself, I have seen many magical items, even the alicorn's amulet it's self, once. Nasty thing that it is. I could help you if you should wish it. But I need to know I can trust you."

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Midnight was glad to see so many support the now captain Kingfisher, he had a feeling that that support alongside her sense of duty were just about all that kept her from breaking down after Redwave's demise. "You needn't worry about poor leadership, I recognize that your intentions are good and as such I offer my full support. If you have any problem while we are working together, I would be glad to help." Midnight said. He felt an odd sensation as he said it though, like he should say more. It almost felt like he was starting to trust these ponies as allies rather than just companions. "I don't tell very many ponies this, but I used to be rather high up in royalty, though not in Canterlot. As such I can help take over what Tactic was supposed to do, I have some training in combat tactics plus extensive knowledge of magic so I should be able to come up with some form of strategy to fight Orion. And I suspect that I have more direct experience with alicorns than any pony here, though they were not from Equestria, and that knowledge might help as well." Midnight Sky said, deciding he could trust these ponies with a bit more knowledge of his past.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@,@@Icy Void,

(Don't remember if Saron ever learned Midnight's name, so I'm just going to claim he did.)


The stallion named Midnight also stated he would aid Kingfisher in anyway he could, should she feel she need it. He even went on to state that he could help in the tactics department, and even had experience with Alicorns.


Saronyx thought for a few seconds, before speaking up as well, "I to may be able to assist in the strategy department. I am not much of a fighter, if I can help it," a few seconds more thought, "And I suppose I may as well divulge this, though I am not sure exactly how much this may help as of yet. I am what is known as a Visionary. I can look into many other realities, and see their past, present or future. While this particular aspect may not help, there is another. I can look into the past of this world. Any point in time past, and any point in space."


He shrugs, "Through my observations I have learned much, including having seen what a Litany can do in one reality. I will merely say that particular rift's future is unseeable."


Saronyx looks at his hoof, "Being a Crystal Pony, I bear a natural connection to the Crystal Heart. So long as it remains in its place in the Citadel, I am nearly immune to any form of normal magic you may encounter. Enough of it will still harm me, and I've already learned that Orion's magic will affect me much quicker and easier than normal magic," The Crystal Visionary glances in the direction of their destination, "I would suggest we move, soon as we are able." He said, partially to himself.

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Mirror Image


@@Midnight Scribbler@,


(OOC: Also Mirror Image is the OC that is Midnight Scribe and Orion. Not Silver Heart.)


 Mirror Image looked at the forest surrounding her. Eyes growing wide in realization. She hadn't thought to question why everything was now stone. It was becoming ever more apparent that she wouldn't want to be on this pony's bad side. However it seemed that if anypony could help her reach her goal it was him. Mirror decided to ignore "This Litany, how does it work? Can it grant anypony whatever powers they need? I-I've been looking for something or someone to help me with a certain...problem of mine. I'm willing to do whatever you want in return for the help. I'm not very useful in combat...however I'm a very capable Illusionist. If you'd like I can try to prove that I can be useful to you."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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(( OOC: I'll just be assuming that the drake is Willow's pet! ))


Willow Starsinger


"So.. you're saying you know where he is?" Willow chuckled, brushing the drake and putting it in her mane since it seemed tired. She stood up and took Tactic's hoof. "Well, you might as well leave me. I don't want to trip as much anymore.." Willow said jokingly.  


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“Like a wall we stand, together as one. And ever unbroken shall we be…” Aegis mused, though he wasn’t sure where he’d heard those words before. He leapt onto one of the nearby rocks and stretched out his wings. ‘Defiance in the face of danger. I can’t fault their courage, but defiance isn’t hope. Hold out hope, my new friends. The Sisters may bless us yet.


(OOC: Sorry for the short post, but I couldn't think of anything else)

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Rakon walked up to the line, "I started this, I don't see why I shouldn't continue to see it till the end." he said before he stepped over the line and looked to see who else had stepped over the line.  He would not be surprised if some needed some time to think things over.  He had needed time to think things over before deciding.  His mother had often told him to think before making a decision. 


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(( OOC: I'll just be assuming that the drake is Willow's pet! ))


Willow Starsinger


"So.. you're saying you know where he is?" Willow chuckled, brushing the drake and putting it in her mane since it seemed tired. She stood up and took Tactic's hoof. "Well, you might as well leave me. I don't want to trip as much anymore.." Willow said jokingly. 


Blake stands up. "I have no right to try to stop you, or tell you what to do, but I am obligated to warn you about Orion." He said glaring at Tactic. "Orion is likely... Different from how you know him. He's apparently used a litany, and from what I've learned, by now he's a muttering mental patient. This one knows full and well, and may as well be offering you up like a sacrificial lamb to slaughter. If you go with him, you are gonna be right in the eye of the hurricane."

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Orion Starsinger.



@@Midnight Scribbler,


"All I wanted was to be left alone and take care of my sister. I did what I had to... and I saw that it didn't have to stop there. I can make Equestria a better place... does that make me a villain?" He asked: directed just as much towards himself as it was the other two. "Does it make me untrustworthy that I want change? That I'm willing to do what I have to, to make a safe world for her... for everyone?"


He winced: his respite from the headaches seemed to has subsided. The pain was back in force, making concentration difficult.


'You need to rest. Even with my assistance you can't go on forever...' The voice informed him: it's words causing waves of nausea and dizziness now that the adrenalin had faded and he could feel its though process alongside his own.


It wasn't pleasant.






"Okay, lets move! Watch your step, especially those of you in tin suits: the edges on these rocks are hard as diamond - don't count on metal to stop them any more often than you have to."


The sun was beginning to be brought into the sky somewhere in the distance. It's timing couldn't be worse - it would shine directly in their eyes and cast shadows on the ground that obscured the dangerous areas.


Testing the ground only to feel it fall away underhoof, revealing a valley of razor edges beneath it, she chose a route around it and began to pick her way through the rocks. After only a couple of minutes, a number of minor cuts and lacerations marked her: nothing serious, but the stinging was more than enough for her to wish she was somewhere else.










"Raa-aa-ak!" Chirped the Drake to itself quietly, as it coiled itself loosely around the neck of its charge: still eyeing the others with a look of wide-eyed curiosity. Small flickers of its warped element - the same cold-fire that the Alicorn had utilised previously - emitted periodically from its body: far too faintly to cause any damage or discomfort.

Never quite forgotten.

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@@, @,


Willow Starsinger


"He's my brother; I don't think he'd want to hurt me. He's trying to do the opposite of hurting me: protecting," Willow said to Blake. "I'll be fine, don't worry," Willow reassured. "Maybe I'll find out where this little drake came from when I find Orion.." 


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Midnight was glad to see so many support the now captain Kingfisher, he had a feeling that that support alongside her sense of duty were just about all that kept her from breaking down after Redwave's demise. "You needn't worry about poor leadership, I recognize that your intentions are good and as such I offer my full support. If you have any problem while we are working together, I would be glad to help." Midnight said. He felt an odd sensation as he said it though, like he should say more. It almost felt like he was starting to trust these ponies as allies rather than just companions. "I don't tell very many ponies this, but I used to be rather high up in royalty, though not in Canterlot. As such I can help take over what Tactic was supposed to do, I have some training in combat tactics plus extensive knowledge of magic so I should be able to come up with some form of strategy to fight Orion. And I suspect that I have more direct experience with alicorns than any pony here, though they were not from Equestria, and that knowledge might help as well." Midnight Sky said, deciding he could trust these ponies with a bit more knowledge of his past.



Crimson laughed as he followed Kingfisher. "Well...that might be true Midnight, but then again, I am a friend of Celestia's, and it really depends on what you mean by "direct experience" because I once dated Luna for a while. good times, good times..." said the pirate with a chuckle, only half joking. Crimson didn't show it, but the sharp rocks annoyed him highly. "Damn I hate getting cut...these rocks are almost as bad as..." Crimson shivers and pushes the thought away.


((lol, Crimson has an embarrassing secret fear!)) 

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Taking 'those of you in tin suits' to include her, Pavisa paid attention to where she walked as she followed after Kingfisher.  The smaller rocks and stones didn't bother her any, as they weren't able to penetrate past the armor around her hooves, but the larger stones were a different matter.


As she tries to skirt around one of the larger outcroppings, the side of her bulky armor scrapes against it.  Stopping, she moves to the side both to stop the horrible sound and to halt the sparks that were flying from where the metal and stone made contact.  She looks at the gouge in the armor and frowns unhappily.


"This is no good, my kit is going to get more damage by traveling through here than it would get in a battle.  Give me a minute, I'll catch up."  Moving off a short ways to a clearing that seemed mostly clear of rocks, Pavisa starts the practiced motions of removing her armor and bundling it together.  After a few minutes she has the entire suit wrapped in itself and thrown across her back, leaving her in nothing but the day old bandages from the night before.


Flinching slightly as she moves to catch up to the front of the party again, she lets out a small sigh.  "Well, it's easier to move now at least...  I guess some cuts and scrapes will be a small price for not shredding my kit."  



Tactic Wind?






Shooting Blake one last look, Tactic turns to Willow and bows his head.  "Pay no heed to the ruffian's opinions on me.  They claim I left their group out of cowardice, but I swear that I will let no harm come to you."  He smiles at the mare before turning to lead her into the woods, back in the direction where Orion should be.


After traveling for a short ways, Tactic stops looking over his shoulder to make sure they weren't being followed.  He stops for a moment to look at Willow, smiling as he takes a couple steps back.  This probably isn't a good idea...  But she's bound to find out eventually.  It will be easier to be honest up front with her.


"Please pardon the pause, my lady...  I cannot bear to stay in this form a moment longer.  It is far too...  Bland, for my tastes."  At his words a column of pale green flames seems to envelop the pegasus.  The flames dissipate as quickly as they appeared, yet where just a moment Tactic Wind had been standing now stood a black, insectoid creature...


The changeling buzzes his wings happily to be back in his natural form, then quickly looks to Willow.  He does his best to smile the way he had before, although his fangs now make the task slightly more difficult.  "Please don't be afraid...  My name is Zintiik, not Tactic."   It would seem his voice has changed along with his appearance, as Tactic's bland monotone was now backed by the slightest hint of a buzz when Zintiik spoke.


Don't be afraid?  Why should that concern me?  I've never worried about other ponies being afraid of me before, why do I continue acting strangely around this mare?  Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he bows down slightly before Willow.  "I'm a...  A friend, of Lord Orion."  Zintiik wasn't sure friend would be the right word - it felt far too strong to the changeling, but nothing else was coming to his mind at the moment.  


"Please forgive my deception until this point?  Your brother had asked that I learn more about the ponies competing with him for the Litany...  As my kind is not well received in general, I had no other choice but to take a disguise."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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