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open Beyond these Walls: An adventure through Equestria. (Applications open!)

The Elusive Cinder

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Redwave stopped abruptly: he hadn't actually been expecting a response save for perhaps one of the foolish ones claiming they were going to 'save Equestria' and charging off into the woods...


'On that note, where are Blast and Chivalry?' He wondered briefly.


... but a response from a completely new voice, with a tone as if commenting on the weather at that, wasn't what he had expected.


As he turned his head towards the visitor he briefly considered drawing his weapon but thought better of it: either the pony was less of a threat than the Alicorn and posed no risk greater than they were already under, or he was a greater threat and a sword would do little good.


"Indeed! A fine gathering of fools and brigands: I am starting to wish we had brought more of the guard - at least they know not to blindly charge superior odds..." He thumped his face into his hoof in despare before hopping upright to get a better look at who was speaking to him. "Crystal? Not seen one of your kind in a while..." Observed the captain. "... Yes, it would seem that not only do we find ourselves facing a foe greater than anything any of us have seen before - my companions here appear to have openly declared war on it."


Saying it out loud made it sound even stupider. He reminded himself never to travel in a group again as he got around to introducing himself.


"Redwave, of the Dawn Dreamer. You are...?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Pavisa shied away a little from the other mare.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up anything...  I was just curious."  Before she could say more Redwave was back in the camp and drawing her attention.  


So he did run into the alicorn!  It looks like he managed to get away safely, but...  Oh, this is my fault, I wasn't able to diffuse the situation in time...  Pavisa was about to speak up and explain what happened, but before she could a brand new voice spoke up.  




Pavisa examined the newcomer closely, both out of curiosity and to try and assess how much of a threat he may be.  She'd never actually seen a crystal pony, so she wasn't exactly sure what to make of him.  The guardpony decided to step up behind Redwave for a closer look, though she kept her mouth shut.  The way things have gone tonight I'll just make things worse by speaking...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Willow Starsinger


"I.. I don't know. Can you at least give me a chance next time?.." Willow asked sadly, not making eye contact with her brother. He was the reason why the group hated them.. but it was only for Willow's own good. The blue stallion looked like he clearly wanted to hurt her. So she still had a little faith in her brother. 


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 Saronyx could not help but give a dry chuckle at the Earth stallion's response and lamentations, though he said nothing. The stallion stood, turning fully to face Saronyx. The Crystal did not move, save for nodding when the Earth 'asked', more like stated, if he was Crystal, before commenting that he had not seen one of Saron's race in a while. He went on to state that they were indeed up against something much more powerful than they had ever seen, and further lamenting that a fraction of his company had 'declared war' on it, "This generation... It is just so gung ho, is it not?"


Saronyz couldn't help but give a dry chuckle once again, "I am not surprised you've not seen many of us, recently. The main majority of my kind tend to stay near the Empire." It was more to himself than anything. Spending most of one's time alone, usually caused one to speak their mind aloud.


He cleared his throat as he caught the Earth stallion introducing himself as 'Redwave of the Dawn Dreamer'. Saronyx reasoned that was either a ship, or an organization. Though the singular 'dreamer' implied the former. The Visionary held out a hoof, as he introduced himself, "I am known as Saronyx," he shifted his silvery-hazel gaze to the space behind Redwave as it was occupied by a mare, "It seems as though you were fortunate enough in procuring at least one seemingly capable follower?" He said to Redwave - though he was still looking at the pony behind him - with a hint of amusement in his voice. 

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Midnight nearly teleported out of his armor when he heard a quiet voice near him. Looking over at Silver Heart, he realized that she was breathing more heavily, not in the slow rhythm of sleep. 'Great Celestia! She's conscious!' Midnight thought excitedly as he stepped nearer to Silver Heart. "Welcome back, Silver Heart. You were out cold for awhile, but I did what I could to fix you up. Oh, and the name is Midnight Sky, I'm also on the expedition for the Litany. And you should know, Pavisa is fine, from what I hear she shielded you from the worst of the alicorn's attacks while her armor kept her from getting too badly injured. Are you all right? Is there anything you need?" Midnight asked eagerly, he had never actually treated a pony who had been struck by magical lightning before, so he figured if something was wrong the trained medic would probably have a better idea if something was wrong. Midnight just hoped he didn't overwhelm her with all this information, who knows how stable a state she's in after what she went through.

Silver Heart stared at him for a few moments before comprehending what he had said. "Oh, thank you very much...I can't feel much yet...how bad is it? Also something to eat and drink would be quite nice...preferably something with a lot of sugar...it should help with the headache..." She asked while forcing a weak smile.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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"Well, it's actually not as bad as it could have been. As I said, Pavisa shielded you from the worst of the attacks, so all you really have is a bunch of burns from the lightning. Of course there may be internal damage, but I'm not exactly trained to recognize that. As for food and a drink, I don't have much in the way of sugar, but I got some old sugar cookies that are still good. As for a drink, all I got is water." Midnight said, levitating the cookie pouch and water flask from his armor and setting them next to Silver Heart. "Will this do?" he asked. Midnight hoped she wouldn't need anything too complicated, he didn't usual carry many of his remedies with him and he had no idea if any the plants he might need even grow in this forest.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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"Indeed, Pavisa here seems to be one of the few who seems capable of comprehending that we are indeed not invincible." Redwave answered in his usual manner before his posture drooped somewhat. "Let me be blunt Saronyx, between what we face and the fact that most of this party seems to have an unconquerable death wish, I am simply thankful that you have not tried to kill us as well."


The Crystal pony reminded Red a little of Bardic - a good friend and the stallion who had gathered the group in the first place but far more importantly, a thinker. With a little luck, they may have stumbled on somepony of intelligence.


At the very least, he was well spoken.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Crimson heard what Redwave had said nd narrowed his eyes at him from afar, "hey! I can hear you, ya know? Don't go around stuffing words down other ponies throats! I never said or claimed I was invincible, a little skilled and undoubtably handsom, but not invincible!" Crimson then sighed and walked over to the small group, smilimg and holding out his hoof to the newcomer, "I'm captain Crimson Grinn of the Blaze of Glory, nice to have you here." Said Crimson kindly as he smiled, flashing his razor sharp teeth.

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"Well, it's actually not as bad as it could have been. As I said, Pavisa shielded you from the worst of the attacks, so all you really have is a bunch of burns from the lightning. Of course there may be internal damage, but I'm not exactly trained to recognize that. As for food and a drink, I don't have much in the way of sugar, but I got some old sugar cookies that are still good. As for a drink, all I got is water." Midnight said, levitating the cookie pouch and water flask from his armor and setting them next to Silver Heart. "Will this do?" he asked. Midnight hoped she wouldn't need anything too complicated, he didn't usual carry many of his remedies with him and he had no idea if any the plants he might need even grow in this forest.


Silver Heart closed her eyes and winced when Midnight said 'internal damage'. If any of her organs had been damaged there was nopony that could help her. The mare exhaled as she tried to sit up so she could eat. "That's great, thanks again. Could you do me a favor? Inside of one of my medicine bags I should have some raw onions and salt...can you bring them over here please? Along with some fresh bandages please. They should help prevent the burn from blistering over.



(OOC: The above was an actual medical technique from the middle ages. Apparently it worked quite well. Source: Ambroise Pare, Father of Modern Surgery.)

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Steel walked over to his fire and checked the blade it was almost ready so he began looking for a hard flat surface so he could straighten the blade he looked around and found a flatish rock he put it down pulled or a small hammer then grabbed the blade it was ready so steel began to pound the blade

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Pavisa felt herself starting to blush at their words, causing her to look away.  There was really nothing for her to feel embarrassed over - Saronyx had called her "capable", and captain Redwave had simply said she knew she wasn't invincible.  Really nothing in that was much of a compliment, but it was clearing some of her self doubt to hear that the captain seemed to share her thoughts on the situation.


Not wanting to be rude, she looked back at Saronyx and bowed her head.  "A pleasure to meet you."  It didn't seem that this crystal pony was a threat to the group, he wouldn't be speaking so casually otherwise.  And there was no point for her to give her name, Redwave had already done that for her.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Saronyx nodded approvingly of Redwave's praise to Pavisa, "Well, at least you have that as an upside."


Redwave's next statement, spoken in a way that almost seemed defeated, caused Saronyx to give an actual laugh - not the normal dry chuckling. His laughter, to be put bluntly, almost sounded like the jangling of crystals - if crystals were a bassline baritone pitch. Saronyx let his mirth die down, and he shook his head, "I am not a fighter, with the exception of self defense. I prefer to settle things diplomatically," he hums in slight amusement, before adding quietly, "At least, in this reality."


His attention was caught by another pony striding over to them. He called out to Redwave, expressing indignation at the white stallion's words, stating he did not think himself invincible, but skilled and handsome. The stallion's arrogant statement caused some irritation to Saronyx, but he brushed it aside. He himself could be arrogant at the right times.


The new one introduced himself as Captain Crimson Grinn, of the Blaze of Glory, and flashed a smile. That caused Saronyx to raise a brow, but he gave a minor bow, "It is nice to make your acquaintance, Captain Crimson. I am called, Saronyx."


He had raised his eyebrow because of the pony's peculiar teeth. They were sharp, like a shark's. Saronyx kept himself from asking if the pony was in some way related to the sea ponies, and instead turned his attention back to the mare known as Pavisa as she spoke. She had bowed her head, stating that it was a pleasure to meet Saronyx. The Visionary in turn bowed his head as well, "The same to you..." He hesitated slightly. This mare was a guard, a soldier. She bore a rank, he was sure of it... By rights, he should refer to her by rank, but he did not know it. 'Miss' wouldn't work either.


"... Pavisa," he said after a brief second, "I apologize for my rudeness... I am unaware of your rank, otherwise I would have greeted you with proper formalities. I am sure you have caught my name, by now." He said, amused.


Saronyx was still an old fashioned stallion, even after the Reawakening. Old habits did hard, especially when one was one's most common company. The Visionary turns his attention back to Redwave, "I apologize for not gathering you were a Captain yourself, sir. Though, if you do not mind my asking, may I inquire as to why you and your compatriots are out here, battling Demi-gods?"

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Crimson nodded, "nice to meet you." Said Crimson, but he stopped and raised an eyebrow as Saronyx gave him an odd look when he saw his teeth, he then realized that he was staring at his teeth and chuckled, "if your wondering what's up with my teeth, its simple, I'm under the influence of a powerful magic curse that gives me draconic traits and the ability to control fire...its a long story..." said Crimson with a sheepish smile, revealing his eyes to be red and cat-like.

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Steel finished straightening the blade he poured some water on it to cool it once complete the began to sharpen the blade till it was sharp enough to split hair,after he finished hue polished the blade till it was as reflective as a mirror then he stood up "who needs a new dagger" steel called

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Really? Onions and salt are good for burns? I never would have guessed, but then I don't have onions in the Everfree." Midnight said, surprised that he didn't know of such a simple remedy for burns and not even noticing he had just told her where he lived.. Without moving, Midnight used his telekinesis to levitate Silver's requested items from her bag and levitated them to her. "All right then. I'll get to work putting this on your burns, you just relax and enjoy the cookies." Midnight said as he started removing his herbal mixture from the burns and replacing it with the salt and onion. It had been so long since Midnight had actually used his knowledge on somepony other than himself or his sister, and he realized that it felt nice to actually help a pony out for a change. Nicer than constant research, anyway. 'I think when I get back home, I just might try and actually integrate into Equestria society like my little sister is always telling me to.' Midnight thought as he went about his work.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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"Chivalry and the idiot went off to find Orion. Are they trying to kill themselves?" Aphrodite sighed, not even bothering that she barged into the conversation. "Who're you? You a newbie?" Aphrodite asked, poking the stallion unsurely and firmly.


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"Just Pavisa is fine, sir.  If you truly wish to know I'm only a private.  This is my first real assignment."  She quickly shut her mouth after that, realizing this is the first time she'd admitted that to anyone in the party.  Just what I need, they're going to think I'm some greenhorn with no idea what she's doing...  




"They're what!?"  Pavisa couldn't believe what she heard, immediately turning her attention to Aphrodite.  They're going to get themselves killed...  She turned to watch how Redwave would react.  If they're stupid enough to go after that pony by themselves there's not going to be much helping them...  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Silver Heart shyly nodded and relaxed as Midnight started to unwrap the bandages. She could feel her face redden. It was a bit more embarrassing to have a stranger treating her than she had expected. While she waited she used her magic to lift one of the cookies. Not wanting to seem gluttonous she took a small bite of the cookie before setting it back down. "So you live in the Everfree?" Silver Heart asked as she lifted the flask to take a sip from it.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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"Well, yeah, I live in the Everfree. I moved there a couple years back, I built my house in and around the husk of a meteor that had crashed there about a year or two before. And you? I think it's fair to tell me where you live since I've told you where I live." Midnight said, hoping to move the conversation before it got to his past. Apparently he had a weakness for being more open with ponies he was treating, and as such he might actual be persuaded into revealing his more complicated history. Better to leave it at vague hints and his armor that was clearly both made for an important position and tailored for him specifically. Hearing a bit of commotion, Midnight looked over his shoulder to see that it was coming from where a few of his companions were talking. He could see Redwave and Crimson, Aphrodite and Pavisa, as well as Kingfisher and some newcomer. "I wonder what our friends are talking about." Midnight said to himself, not meaning to say it out loud.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Steel assumed that no pony wanted the dagger so he strapped it on himself he thought about going around and introducing himself but decided that he didn't want to deal with meeting new points so he flew up to blizzard "hey wake me up when the others go to sleep and I'll help keep watch since I assume no pony will trust me to gurad the camp alone"steel said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Oh...alright then. Is it nice? I thought most ponies avoided it. As for where I live there's not a whole lot to tell. I'm from Canterlot, born and raised." Silver Hearth looked in the direction that Midnight glanced in. Was he asking me what they were talking about? I guess it would be better to answer than not. "I'm not sure...I couldn't quite understand them. I almost forgot...about the onion and salt, it's only good for keeping your burns from blistering. It does nothing to help with the pain. That one is a bit more complicated. It involves roasting barley seed and mixing it with eggs and then rubbing it on the wound."


(OOC: Heading to bed. This is most likely my last post for the night.)

Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Red almost laughed at the audacity of Aphrodite as she interrupted: only just catching himself - they had enough enemies without antagonising anypony further.

"Ahem. And my charming friend here is Aphrodite." He groaned. "To answer your question, we are traveling towards the Neighagra Falls to secure a significantly dangerous item. It would seem that the one we are endeavouring to keep it from has taken offence to this."


That was the long and short of it - minus the details regarding precisely how powerful the litany might be.


"If you were referring to myself specifically: I have long tried to seek it out. The others... to the best if my knowledge were recruited through a friend of mine."




Orion Starsinger.


"... I... I can't..." The Alicorn said defiantly, knowing fully well that so long as the ponies in the forest were out hunting them then he couldn't risk her.


"You're all I have left Willow, and as long as we're hunted... until I can finish the Litany... They aren't safe to be around! Not for me, not for you... not even for themselves! The one just now, did you not see that he was armed and the scarred? Do you not think of the danger?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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It seemed proper formalities would not be needed. Pavisa stated he could just call her by name, before giving her rank: that of a private. She seemed worried she'd just said that, as she quickly shut her mouth. Saronyx was about to say something regarding it, when he was interrupted.



Crimson seemed to have gathered the source of Saronyx's confusion, and explained his being under a form of curse. The Crystal stallion turns his attention back to the captain, and nodded, "Aah, I see. It makes sense."


Any further comments were, once more, cut off. This time, it was a new mare's voice, specifying where two of the party - he assumed - had gone off after a fellow named 'Orion'. Saronyx reasoned that this was the 'demigod'. Pavisa spoke up once more, expressing shock at this. Any comments from the Visionary were cut off by a sharp jabbing in his side.


He turned his head ever so slightly, covering the rest of the ocular distance with his eyes, and found a new mare - the owner of the voice - poking his side. He furrowed his brow at this. Redwave cleared his throat and introduced the mare as 'Aphrodite'. Saron carefully sidestepped out of her hoof's range and turned to fully face her, "I see," he said to Redwave, "It is a pleasure making your acquaintance, Miss Aphrodite."


Redwave continued to speak once more. The red maned stallion described their reasoning for being out here: that they were searching for an incredibly dangerous item, and that apparently te powerful individual they were having trouble with was none to pleased about it. He added that he had endeavored for it long - and the group was only recently formed. Saronyx made a somewhat irritated sound in his chest, before speaking, "That explains a few things... May I inquire as to exactly, what this dangerous artifact is? Perhaps I may know of it."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"I have a most reliable source who has directed us towards a Litany of Magic... or rather the Litany of Magic, considering that so far as we know it is the last if its kind." It wasn't often that ponies seemed to know of the Litany - it was little more than a footnote in most history and mythology books, if they included anything on it at all. Still, the stallion had reminded him of his learned fried - perhaps he wouldn't have to go into much detail after all.


"Half of it has been read already, and the one who did it seems quite passionate about finishing the job."Red said with a smirk.

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"The Litany? Well... that makes things more difficult, doesn't it?" Saronyx says, partially to himself, "I'd hoped that the Litany was just a myth here. Seems as though fate doesn't wish to be so kind."


The Visionary shook his head as Redwave explained that half of the vile book had already been read, and the one who'd done the deed seemed keen to finish the book. Saronyx gained a determined expression, "I feel your quest is more necessary than many realize. I am fully aware of what the Litany and those who read it are capable of. Should the book be finished... May Caelum have mercy on us all," he glances at each of the ponies around him before extending a hoof towards Redwave, "If you'll have me, I'll join you on this expedition. Perhaps I may be of assistance."

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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