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The Elusive Cinder

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@, @, @@SilverHeart




The changeling spared a moment to smile at Orion before turning his gaze back to Scribbler.  The new pony hadn't seemed surprised at the presence of a changeling, which immediately made him suspicious to Zintiik's wary mind.


"My apologies, Lor-  Orion.  The emotion present after your last conflict made it difficult for me to remain in character...  So I sought to take advantage of the situation in order to drive a rift in the group, to possibly convince some of them to return to their homes."


Zintiik sighs, sounding somewhat sad.  "Unfortunately, the majority of them are as hard headed as I predicted.  I may have convinced one or two of them to change their ways and turn back, but in general they banded against me."


Realizing that Orion's question may have had to do with his appearance rather than his presence, Zintiik quickly addresses that issue as well.  "If you meant why I am in this form, worry not, the group of vagabonds is still unaware they were being watched.  I simply thought it wise to not keep secrets from Lady Willow...  I found her in the woods upon my way back."  He turns to smile at where Willow was, buzzing his wings quietly again.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@, @, @@SilverHeart,


Scribbler paused, realizing that the new pony he saw was in fact a changeling. Suddenly he felt a cold fear creeping up his spine. This was no company of good leaders, but the follower of evil lords. He slowly backed away from Orion, giving Zintiik his space. Suddenly Scribbler felt that he had made the wrong choice in allies, but it was too late for that now, he was bound to his honest word, at least for the time being. He hadn't any reason to abandon his role here yet. Perhaps this wasn't as bad as he feared, perhaps it was a rogue changeling. The thought was absurd, but he entertained the idea, wanting to believe he hadn't chosen a dark path once again.

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Crimson saw how stressed Pavisa looked and momentarily stopped his nervous shifting, giving her a concerned look. "You might wanna be careful soldier, carrying a heavy load like that around here could get you into some deep shit...I'm not gonna ask to carry that for you or anything, but all I'm saying is try not to push yourself...ok?" Asked Crimson with a small smile, trying his best to keep calm around all the needle like rocks.

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A wolf leapt at Blake. He grabbed it and flung it at the wall. He bucked it and it fell apart. Another jumped on his back, and tried to bite his neck, only gnawing on his collar. He body slammed it into another wolf, both exploding. He punched several of the other ones in rapid succession, eventually grabbing one by the head and swinging it in a circle, smashing several more. He laughed cockily as he smashed it onto the ground.


There was suddenly a loud rumbling as the den mother stepped into view. Standing almost 15 ft tall. He panicked and began running. "Oh fuu--"

Edited by Blake Diamante
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(OOC: If Willow isn't behind Zintiik, I'll alter the post.)

Mirror Image


@@Midnight Scribbler,@, @, @,  


The mare stared at the changeling in surprise for a few moments before smiling at him. It was a rare occurrence to find a changeling separated from it's hive. Hopefully this would prove a valuable chance to study magic similar to her own. For the first time Mirror noticed a mare behind Zintiik, assuming that she was the sister Orion had mentioned, Mirror politely bowed before them both before speaking, "My name is Mirror Image, It is a pleasure to meet you both. I believe that Mister Scribbler has already mentioned that we don't pose any threat to you."




Silver Heart


Silver Heart slowly followed the path that the others had taken. Having quickly fallen behind the others, she decided to take her time so she would acquire the fewest injuries necessary. Even as slow as she had been going, there were already a number of small cuts.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Hearing Crimson addressing her, Pavisa turned to grin at the pirate.  "Soldiers complain about everything, Crimson.  Now it's sweet for a pirate like you to care about me, but don't worry, I'm fine.  You should pay more attention to where you're going than where I am."  With a smirk she points to a particularly sharp rock a short distance in front of the pirate.  "I can live with a few scratches, but if you're not paying attention I'm not gonna be the one sewing you back up!"





@@Midnight Scribbler@@SilverHeart,


Two strangers, two potential wild cards.  The mare, Mirror Image, was the more suspicious one to Zintiik now...  She had actually smiled at him.  NOT a reaction he was expecting.


The more typical reaction came from Scribbler, as the stallion tried to back away from him after realizing just what Zintiik was.  Distracted, or just slow?  Guess we'll find out.  With a playful smirk he looks at Scribbler and hisses loudly, his large fangs gleaming.

Edited by Lhee











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Crimson chuckled nervously and shook his head. "Hehe, w-what? These stupid things? Oh p-please! I-ive been through -much worse t-han a few sharp...pointy...jagged...nee- uh...spear like rocks...hehe" stuttered the pirate, his eyes shifting a bit. "Damn! Why in the name of Celestia am I not even scared of swords or dragons, but fucking nee- NO! Don't even think about it and it'll go away..." thought Crimson.

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Scribbler stood his ground, seeing this as a challenge. Knowing this changeling could not touch him as long as he was ready. He merely gazed at the changeling without expression, then raised an eyebrow, smiling.

"Well, that was rather rude. I offer my assistance, and you hiss at me? I suppose I'm to be afraid then, just because you are what you are? I am not intimidated by you, friend. I was merely startled to see a changeling away from it's hive. The only one with true power here, is clearly in no condition to be dealing with conflict at the moment."

Scribbler hadn't intended to deal with changelings, but here was one before him. He knew he had to play the game he started, now the pieces were in motion.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Blake ran as the wolf chased him. He saw a platform and got at idea. He pulled his afghan from his pack, and ran up the wall, jumping onto the platform. The mothers head was level with him now. He took his chance and jumped for it. He just barely landed on its forehead. He just barely hung on as it tried to shake him off. He looped the hood through its mouth, and tugged back, rearing the wolf. He then drove it toward the end of the crevice.


He rode it up and out of the valley, and noticed the group out of the corner of his eye. He pulled the wolf to a stop. "Hey, I told you I'd be back."


(Lol, couldn't help it, it was so tempting.)

Edited by Blake Diamante
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Mirror Image




Mirror Image decided to ignore the testosterone contest between the changeling and midnight scribe. And to instead focus her attention on Willow and her new pet. Before speaking Mirror put on her friendliest smile, "Why, hello there! You must be Miss Willow, right? You're brother has been quite worried about you."


(OOC: Posting from phone colored text wasn't working for me.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Scribbler noticed the mare wander in finally, hearing Mirror give his greeting threw him off slightly. He tilted his head, looking past the changeling, to see who he had welcomed. He glanced back at the changeling, expecting him to do something, and remaining wary of his every move. He didn't know weather Zintiik would warm up to him, it surely didn't seem promising by his response to merely being present.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Orion Starsinger.



@@Midnight Scribbler,



Orion blinked as the Drake sleepily uncoiled itself from Willow once again and snaked through the air towards its master: content in having completed its task.


'The Aspect is here...'


Orion blinked again: the world returning to his senses.


"Stop teasing the ponies Zintiik..." He groaned. "Sorry... I don't think he's spent much time around us."


Eyes following the Elemental as it proceeded to dart back and forth, his eyes eventually focused enough to spot his sister just across the stony clearing.


"Willow! You're okay, you're here!" He cried out, finding a second wind and stumbling to his hooves with as much stability as he could muster - given the circumstances.








"Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for him. We should find some flatter land soon where we can patch up: the doctors somewhere near the back I think." Kingfisher nodded her appreciation to the pony they had dragged along when fleeing from the Alicorn as she wedged a flat rock over what was clearly unstable ground as a crude bridge. "Sorry, I never caught your name?"


As the sun rose, the falls were quickly becoming clearer: no longer on the horizon - they grew closer with each step and couldn't be more than another hours trek away. Bloodied and bruised but so far without sustaining any major injury, the group continued onwards.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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“Name’s Aegis Dare. I’m just a wandering writer who got swept along with the current,” Aegis said with a grin. He wasn’t sure why he was in such a good mood, since he was all too aware of the prospect of horrible death on this adventure. “I’ll have to check up on the doctor and make sure he or she is ok. I daresay, you’re doing a wonderful job of leading this merry band of misfits, Captain. I truly mean it.” 

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@,@@SilverHeart, @@Midnight Scribbler, @,


Willow Starsinger


"Gah! Wh-who are these ponies?" Willow asked cautiously, backing away from Orion. "Orion, what's happening?" Willow asked frantically, shuddering. "You know these ponies?"






Narrowing her eyes at Blast, she made her point clear that she didn't want him to tell anypony. She felt a fuzzy feeling, though, when he told her that he was her friend.. it felt unusual, but good..


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Scribbler looks with surprise as Orion musters the strength to stand once again, this was some tough pony to endure such things, and remain on his hooves. He glanced back over to Willow and sits down, trying not to bring any more alarm to her than he'd seemingly already done.

"My apologies, you must be Willow? Orion's sister? My name is Midnight Scribbler, I have offered my assistance to Orion here. I mean no ill."

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Mirror Image


@@@Midnight Scribbler@, @,



Willow's reaction was not the one she had been hoping for. The fear of strangers was something that Mirror was all too familiar with. Mirror Image slowly stepped away from the nervous mare before apologizing to her, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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"Doubt it... but I appreciate the sentiment." The new captain snorted - regretting doing so as a small red line appeared on her muzzle - courtesy of trying to move too quickly through a particularly narrow cluster if rocks.




Orion Starsinger.




"A little... " Orion smiled before briefly turning his attention to the hyperactive Aspect: scratching its head (since nothing from the Litany described the best way to praise an elemental dragon) and gently shooing it away from under his hooves. "... they appeared shortly after I had driven away the interlopers. They say they want to help us, sister!"


He paused.


"And this is Zintiik - I think you might know him as something else though."

Never quite forgotten.

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Rakon continued to fly over the sharp rocks.  he wished he could help the ponies who could not fly but he couldn't lift any, since he was around the same size that they were.  He looked ahead to see how much longer the area of sharp rocks lasted.  He could at least help bandage the ponies once they were past this area. 


"Once we're through this I can help bandage those who need it." He said so the others could hear.  He controlled his speed of flying so he was with the main group of ponies.


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Eclipse could pick up several spikes with his psychokinesis and move them out of the way. Still, that didn't stop him from taking a few scratches every now and again. Eclipse let out a sigh.
"Ugh. This is the worst!" He commented, trotting by Pasiva's side. "We're heading to the Falls, right? How far is that exactly?" He asked, picking up a few more spikes and putting them out his of Pasiva's way.



 Blast tried to be a little bit slick in the spike path, since he noticed that Aphrodite was glaring at him. He decided to show off a little bit, but instead took a few cuts to legs. They began to bleed a little and he put his front hooves over the wounds.

"Heh. I guess I'm not THAT slick..." He said, keeping a cool tone as he said it.

Edited by StevenEarthPony


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@,
@@SilverHeart, @@Midnight Scribbler,


I'm gonna go with slow. This might be fun. The changeling had been about to make a sarcastic retort when Orion told him to 'stop teasing the ponies'. So he instead contends himself by changing himself into Midnight Scribbler and sticking his tongue out at the stallion, before turning back into his natural form just as quickly as he had changed. He grins playfully at Scribbler before hovering above the ground.

"It's no fun when the ponies don't play along anyways..." With his wings buzzing slightly he flies closer to Orion and Willow, feeling more comfortable around the two of them than around the two he doesn't know yet. Letting the two siblings get caught up with each other, Zintiik fixates on the tiny drake that had tried to taste him earlier. He slinks down into the grass as though stalking the drake, deciding to try and return the favor.



The guard grins jokingly at Crimson as she steps around another rock.  "C'mon big guy.  I thought stallions were supposed to be tougher than mares, you're not going shaky on us are ya?"  She winks at the pirate so that he'd understand she's just teasing him as she continues.  "If it's that bad, I'll carry you out of here if I have to..."

As Eclipse walked up to her Pavisa turned and grinned at the unicorn, waving a hoof to gesture to the Falls that were getting steadily closer. "I'm gonna say, about that far." Snickering to herself she quickly turns her attention back to the road, not wanting to take her focus off of the sharp rocks for too long. "I really don't know, though. We're getting closer, that's all I can say. Distance seems a little deceptive around here."

Edited by Lhee











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Crimson chuckled nervously. "What? Me? Shaky? Oh please! I'm not scared of anything!" said the pirate in a rather unconvincing tone, clearly eyeing the spikes worriedly. "L-Lets try not to worry too much about perception and worry more about distance, the sooner we leave this shithole, the better...oh, and just so you know, soldier girl, I actually wouldn't mind being on your back...but that would be very ungentlmen like of me, sorry to say, I'm a bit of a sucker for pretty mares and saving them from harm...but don't worry, your not the damsal in distress type..." said Crimson with a genuine grin.

Edited by ragestar
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"Well, from the looks of this group, you've seem to have been going at it for quite awhile now. That, I applaud." He said with sincerity. This mare seemed to have had a lot of confidence and determination in herself. And the way that she just joked with Crimson, he could tell that she was like Blast; a joker, at times. He then turned around to Crimson. "Oh, c'mon, Crimson. It's just some spikes. Here, let me assist you for a second." Eclipsed concentrated hard and pulled a few spikes out of the ground, clearing a path for Crimson. While he could accomplish this, it left him tired. "There. Now, let's get going." He said, continuing on.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@, @@SilverHeart, @,


Willow Starsinger


Willow calmed down a bit. "Are you sure you can trust them?" Willow asked, eyeing them suspiciously. She sighed. "Okay, let's just get it figured out in the morning. I'm exhausted," Willow says tiredly, trotting under a willow tree and dozing off.






Aphrodite heaved a sigh. "Nice move, smart one." She dug around in her saddlebag and wrapped some gauze around Blast's hoof. She put his hoof around her shoulder so she could help him walk properly: can't have an injured pony on the way to the new campsite.


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"Heheh. Sorry, Aphrodite." Blast said with a small drop of sweat going down from his forehead. He then took he arm off of Aphrodite's back and smirked. "That won't be needed, Aphrodite. I think I can manage on my own. Thanks for the gesture, though." He said to her.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Orion Starsinger.@@SilverHeart,@@Midnight Scribbler,@,

Orion blinked as the Drake sleepily uncoiled itself from Willow once again and snaked through the air towards its master: content in having completed its task. 'The Aspect is here...'

Orion blinked again: the world returning to his senses."Stop teasing the ponies Zintiik..." He groaned. "Sorry... I don't think he's spent much time around us."

Eyes following the Elemental as it proceeded to dart back and forth, his eyes eventually focused enough to spot his sister just across the stony clearing."Willow! You're okay, you're here!" He cried out, finding a second wind and stumbling to his hooves with as much stability as he could muster - given the circumstances.

---------------Kingfisher.@@Windbreaker,"Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for him. We should find some flatter land soon where we can patch up: the doctors somewhere near the back I think." Kingfisher nodded her appreciation to the pony they had dragged along when fleeing from the Alicorn as she wedged a flat rock over what was clearly unstable ground as a crude bridge. "Sorry, I never caught your name?"

As the sun rose, the falls were quickly becoming clearer: no longer on the horizon - they grew closer with each step and couldn't be more than another hours trek away. Bloodied and bruised but so far without sustaining any major injury, the group continued onwards.

(Alright, let's try this again.)


Blake rode the Timber wolf mother about the hills, trying to find the rest of his group. "You're probably going to be really steamed once I try and get off of you, huh." The wolf huffs in a little bit of derision. Blake smirked fakely, he snapped his afghan again to pick up the pace. He finally sees some familiar ponies. He pulls the wolf toward them and stops it only mere feet in front of them. After several seconds, he poked his head out. "Hmm, I beat the hour."

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