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If I ever have superpowers, I would have great bolts of photon energy I can use to attack evildoers and give ponies a helping hand if there's something amiss. I would even be a back up generator for Equestria if a blackout happens.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'd love to have Spiderman, and Wolverine's abilities. Super strength, wall crawling, higher jumping, those Claw things, healing all wounds.


 Add Webs too that as well. I know that's not a superpower Spiderman actually has (he just built machines to make the web and shoot it.) But I want it anyway.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm aware of the warnings, but I still might like mind reading. It's very, very difficult to interpret a smile as either "Maybe if I acknowledge them they'll go away", or "I'll look nice to invite them to talk to me more"


Who knows, maybe I could turn it into a more world-solving superpower. Read the mind of a major investor of a super-corporation to find that his quest for money is fueled solely by his poor orphan upbringing when he had to earn everything himself; then try to counsel him on it based on the knowledge.

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I wanna be able to talk to animals. Sounds crazy and over-rated, but then I would be able to befriend them and also be able to call on their abilities, i.e. get a pack of wolves to hunt my enemy down. XD

  • Brohoof 2
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Not really a "superpower" in the traditional sense, but if I could be granted total mastery of all martial arts, that would be awesome! I'm a martial artist in my actual life, but have gone too long without formal training, I've had to keep sparring with a target to keep from the techniques I do know from atrophying. To have absolute knowledge of all styles, especially ones that involve swordplay, would be amazing.


If we are going for blatantly super-normal abilities however, I would like the ability to alter reality through writing.


Now, this isn't a simple "anvil drops on bad guy" and then it happens. The rule is that it has to fit within narrative causality. Think of it a bit like how Pinkie employs various stock cartoon tricks. She can't do them at will, only when it would be funny.


In my case, I could make anything happen, but it has to have an explanation that makes sense. For the same reason a plot hole can destroy a readers/viewer's suspension of disbelief, if I don't give a reason that makes sense with what's already established in the "story" than the resulting inconsistency will backfire. If I were to write, "the sky turns green." It would . . . because the aliens are now invading.

  • Brohoof 2
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I would wish for the power to transform into a monster every time I get angry, like the Hulk. The reason is that transforming into a monster when people make you angry is a cool power to me, also, if I calm down then I change back. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd want the ability to convince anyone to do anything I want just by speaking to them or writing them something. Then I just have someone do research for me in order to make other powers a reality.

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Transforming into anything i want and having the powers of said beeing. Maybe like Queen Chrysalis improved. Otherwise power over water. EVERYTHING HAS WATER! There is NOTHING water can't corrode, dissolve or whatever. Even the human body succumbs after having too much water. Electronics dead... mind powers? Dead too... i virtually control blood and your body this way. Also... water-cutters cut through ANYTHING... so... you're done. Any last words?

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Telepathy, no idea why but that interests me.  :yay:


Would be an interesting ability to have, can't think of any examples of where I would use it though.

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The Zach Morris Time Out: the ability to stop and resume time at will to allow you to think a situation over, escape, or anything else you can think of.


The best power in the work d.

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I would either want one of the following:

-Control of Gravity

-Time Manipulation/Travel

-Ice Manipulation


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I'd be invisible. I'd like the idea of able to be apart of different places/groups without anyone knowing I'm there. It'll be like watching a show or something, since I'm more of a watcher in real life than a speaker. And I could learn to fly with my force field or something plus it protects me.

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