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private Equestria Divided - When Harmony is Lost


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House Whitegold - Artisan District - Performance Hall


Sweetie Belle didn't show any reaction, used to the bashful looks she would usually get from other stallions, sometimes other mares, and almost always from children. She tilted her head up in brief thought before making eye contact with Myopia again. Before she could start explaining, her ears twitched at the sound of what only sounded like a distant crash. She dismissed it however, not knowing it was coming from Star Belle herself. "Ah yes, pegasus, purple mane and tail, orange coat, quite fond of wearing a lavender beret and a vest of the same hue. Oh yes, and really dark, almost black, brown eyes," she listed.


She levitated a silver pocket watch out of a pocket on her dress(there was another pocket that held a crystalline dagger in it, annoying courtesy of Rarity) and her eyes widened slightly when she checked the time. The young mare gave him a nervous grin , coughed, and said,"Yes, this troupe's actress? Can you fetch her for me, please?"




House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


"Oh... yeah... right," Star Rain said, half embarrassed, half frustrated. Knocking herself on the head, she used a water and heating spell to make the tea. The water spell was one of the couple of non-art spells that she could use without having to rely on her own picture technique. Heating spell, had to use an image of a phoenix to do it. When it was done, she reluctantly drank the tea, getting that pained expression and head shake whenever she consumes something distasteful.


I'll never get used to this stuff she thought as she choked down the last of it. "Ok, it's done. Think we can get started now?" she asked more excitedly than a minute ago, taking out one of her books. She had to admit, the tea did its work well. It still had a bad taste, along with an unfortunate after-taste. 


(OOC: Hey by the way, my OC's mane is kind of in a messy ponytail and her neck and hooves are covered in dried paint. Wanna make note of it? *hint hint*

Edited by MagicalStarRain

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Crystal shook her head. "No news from me. One of the reasons I'm trying to sneak into Canterlot...just to get some idea of whats happened in the last two weeks. I left my home some time ago and the last city I was in was Philly Delphia...and what with having a horn...well...didn't have a great time there." She said, the blue fire puffing out as she noticed the mare's reaction. She tossed the ice covered logs to the side and tossed a couple more on, this time using a lighter to start a normal fire, shuffling back away from it slightly. "My name's Crystal Fire by the way." She said. "Want something to eat?"





((OOC: Lila isn't a Eupohorie, she's a pyromancer or somethin'))



Rather then her smile fading, Wind laughed in response to the colt. "Who gave you the idea that I'd put my own needs in front of our goddess, you know nothing about me except that I lead a squad of euphories, not to mention one of the better squads. Are you saying that I don't care about the laughing mare? Sweetheart, I take drugs because they make me the most powerful killer in the sky so I may serve the laughing mare. I am out fighting every day all day, killing and returning with sacrifices, if one of us is gonna talk about who needs to learn how to properly serve our goddess its you, always hiding and tinkering with your stupid toys. And the day I die know what I'll be thinking of? What I ate for breakfast HAHAHA. Now play nice or Blood will be angry and put you in a time out." She gave another high pitched laugh before looking back at Derpy, still with that same crazed smile spread across her face as she awaited the mare's answer.



@@Tricksters Pride,


Violet glanced back at the wraith and smiled slightly. "Someone's having fun." She said, aloud as she slithered over a large absentmindedly running her hoof over her hatchet in her belt. "So...how long you been a part of Everfree, Shadow?"

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Courtyard


(Oh oops. I was gonna have Eternity mention that but I forgot :/ )


"Get started? But we already did. You used a water and heating spell to make the..." Eternity then noticed the dried paint on her body.  "Ummm... did you have some sort of... art mishap? Hmmm clean your self up." Eternity took out a towel and tossed it to Star. (If you are wondering why he has a towel. Let's just say you never know if you are oing to get wet while practicing magic.) Then we can get started." Eternity took out a book from his addle bags while Star should of been cleaning of the dried paint. As he was flipping through the pages he began to talk to her. "You know Star, I've been thinking. Perhaps we should start focusing on your art magic. Maybe specialize you a bit and find a fighting style to go with your talent. I mean Twilight, even if she isn't the greatest of teachers, she will teach you more on fighting and improving your magical capabilities as well and, overall, make you stronger. I can help with that too. But perhaps I should help you more with that talent of your's. might make you more specialized and develop a unique style of magic or combat. I mean a unicorn good in fire magic should focus on that correct. Maybe you should focus on your art. But we also may be able to turn that into a fighting style as well as-" Eternity paused. He noticed Star was done and probably mostly clean. "Oh... were you finished? Was I rambling again? We should get started on what I actual had planned for today shouldn't we?" Eternity smiled sheepishly. 



@@Tricksters Pride,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Marketplace


As soon as Dorado saw Vickers up close. All he could see was dollar signs. I mean who wouldn't want a slave that would do whatever you want? And it wouldn't be immoral or against the law because it isn't even alive. But unfortunately the dollar signs were walking away along with a bunch of valuable metal. He could of just ran after him and grabed him, but then that damned Ironheart would probably have overwhelmed Dorado. He probably has supplies at his home that could aid him. Home... Dorado was thinking of a plan. He needed to get to  Gear's home. She probably has much more valuable things there to steal along with Vickers. However, it might be better if they did go to his place. Maybe he could get her to improve his arsenal before he robs her blind. 


"Muy bien! Ahora, we should go to my place si? Go and take a look at my crossbows. Follow me, it's back in the Distrito de Delicias, District of Delights." 

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(Again, apologies for being so incredibly behind, so feel free to correct me on whatever I have wrong.)


House Earthborn - Military Workshop


Braith was used to hard work. It was, of course, part of the territory in her work on mechanics and the like, but she wasn't used to it on such a grand scale. However, Earthborn was her calling now, and the creamy pony was determined to make it her home.

Perhaps she wasn't as grand as some of the others, toiling all day with her bright eyes narrowed and her lips slightly parted as she breathed in those delicious hot metal smells, the smells of a war being fought, but she knew that she was a cog in a wheel greater than her and the removal would make the great war machine fall to pieces right at the hooves of its creators. The grunts were the real fighters here.

Not to say that Braith was in dissent about the chain of command; she had never been a fan of the uppity behaviour of politics, and she was happy to let the snooty ones keep that in their dainty little hooves, but Earthborn was different. They were (and no pun intended) more down to earth, not relying on fancy magics to further themselves but on raw strength, and she appreciated that, liked it, even.

The sweaty bodies around Braith toiled and she forced her mind back to work, not letting it wander off into its own depths. There was no time to think, only time to act, and the sooner she got her flank on making the best damn weapons in the workshop the sooner she could start on another.

Unlike a lot of the other ponies in the place, Braith loved her job. She didn't want to be promoted; she was happy with the singing hiss of water as hot objects were dipped inside, the way it bubbled in irritation at its disturbance before the ringing cries of the hammer as it smoothed things further, shaped, created. Mechanics and repair were an art form lost to most.

She was so focused she didn't hear a voice calling, and some other pony nudged her. She glanced up and he pointed his head to wards another pony she couldn't quite make out in the noise and steam of the factory.

A little irritated by this interruption, she set down the spearhead and wiped her hooves on her apron with a grumble, flicking her mane back irritably as she stormed forwards only to come face-to-face with Applebloom.

Braith swore loudly, and then covered her mouth. "Beggin' your pardon, miss," she said, her accent unidentifiable but slightly lilting as she raised her (oh dear) still grubby hoof in a salute. "So, uhm, what're you here for?"

Never the most eloquent, the earth pony smiled at her nervously, her differently coloured eyes nervous. A visit this big just had to be bad news for the simple creature and if there was one thing Braith hated, it was change.


(OoC: Sorry it's not very long but it's quite late...)


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House Everfree - Wandering Towards the Forward Scout Camp


"If you mean the forest i've been living off of it all my life. But you probably meant the house, well that's hard to say. I've always guarded the forest from intruders, there was just a change in how the forest commanded me. It used to subtlety steer me towards a threat but now... Eh same thing really i guess its just that the guiding force is getting less subtle and more direct, cause occasional i get letters given to me by animals. It was a little weird at first but eh who am i to complain, der wald ist wie der wald dosis. To be exact the letters started showing up around 10 years ago."








House Whitegold - Manehatten - Marketplace


('Looks at robs Gear blind.' Oh Anon we are going to have soooo much fun hehehe)


'Takes a few pieces of metal form Vickers as he passes by' "Sure but i'm going to take a bit of metal with me your crossbow appears to be using a few worn out parts and i'll replace them if you let me. Though you may have to adjust your aim a little cause i plan on making an upgrade if i'm allowed fix it up. After all your using inferior materials but i can shape Germaneian steel, so it may shoot a bit straighter and increase you range by a couple hundred meters." 'Smiles gently' "But that's only if you let me fix Isabella up, i know how ponies can be about their weapons."





(Sorry if its not up to my usual standards, i slipped on some ice so i'm quite dizzy.)

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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House Earthborn - Fillydelphia - Blueprint's Doorstep




Braeburn sighed and smiled sadly "Well, that's a darn shame, miss. There's been a ruckus up in the General Board about General Steel Shield's recent death and we were looking for a keen, skilled mind to help us out but., but you're a free mare like everybody else, and if you don't feel up to it, that's your decision." He used a hoof to manoeuvre his hat back up onto his head and inclined his head slightly as a way of saying farewell "See you around then, miss," he said, and turned to leave.


House Earthborn - Military Workshop




Applebloom saluted back at the weaponsmith with a pale yellow hoof "No worries, miss," she said, though her face remained stoic "Ah ain't one fer mincin' words, so Ah'll get straight to the point, right here, right now." She held up a hoof to signal for Braith to wait for a moment and rummaged around inside her saddlebag for a moment until she withdrew a yellowing scroll of parchment. She unfurled the scroll, revealing what looked to be an archaic map of Equestria.


"Now, this here's a map of Old Equestria," Applebloom said "And this here..." she pointed to a region deep in The Everfree Forest "Is an area of particular interest ta me and the Siege and Supply Corps at large, due ta the fact that it used ta be a highly-developed area of the Old Equestrian Empire." She stepped back from Braith and stuffed the scroll back into the saddlebag.


"Ah was hopin' y'all would be willin' ta join me!" she screamed over the noise.

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle & Below




Snowy Fields calmly walked down the long hallways of the castle, some of the staff acted nervously when he would pass by, no doubt because of the Inquisitor's attire. Every now and then Snowy would stop to admire the craftsmanship of the various murals, paintings, and stained glass windows of the Sister's. Further into the number of guards were inversely proportional to the number of slaves and servants. After descending a level below the castle, Snowy Fields had to stop to pass the various checkpoints. After passing the checkpoints Snowy eventually made his way to The Grand Inquisitor's office, which he had always assumed to be directly below the throne room. Snowy Fields bowed to the ground as he said, "I apologize for my tardiness, you're Eminence. The carriage ride here took longer than expected. Now, how may I be of use to you?"


(OOC: I'm terribly sorry about the quality and length of this post but it's way past 1:30 in the morning. I've been trying to write, with no real luck, for a few hours and I'm very tired. So instead I've given up and have half-assed it so I may sleep.)

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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House Earthborn - Fillydelphia - Blueprint's Doorstep




Braeburn sighed and smiled sadly "Well, that's a darn shame, miss. There's been a ruckus up in the General Board about General Steel Shield's recent death and we were looking for a keen, skilled mind to help us out but., but you're a free mare like everybody else, and if you don't feel up to it, that's your decision." He used a hoof to maneuver his hat back up onto his head and inclined his head slightly as a way of saying farewell "See you around then, miss," he said, and turned to leave.

(Typing this on phone again.)


House Earthborn - Fillydelphia




Braeburn left, and strangely enough, with little resistance. No flattery. No encouragement. Nothing. Blueprint wondered if General Braeburn was intentionally toying with him, but she knew better that the Apple Family never played with anything, being a straight and direct group.


Blueprint closed the door, locking it. She looked at Assonance and Asymptote; they were merrily eating their food. Anecdote, however, was simply playing with it. At this time, Blueprint did not care. She promptly went up the stairs to her bedroom, trotting up the flight of stairs, and flinging herself onto the two-pony bedroom.


Blueprint picked up a golden watch that lay on a small table adjacent to her bed. It was her grandsire's watch; Blueprint valued it greatly since the death of her grandsire ten years before - just a few months before the Princesses' disappearance.


Her grandsire had the same occupation as Blueprint currently had. He worked as a lawyer, well up to his seventies, and he often told stories about the cases he met in court and sometimes, in more leisurely times, spun parables and tales about these cases.


Blueprint remembered when she was once twelve, her grandsire had been given a case. It was a murder case. A griffon was tried for killing a county mayor, and the evidence was all explicitly tied up to him. Despite that, however, her grandsire decided to defend the griffon.


Blueprint had once asked why should he defend that griffon. Her grandsire only replied, "Because if I didn't, I won't be called a lawyer."


"But everypony is talking about you, in ugly ways. How you're trying to fight a losing battle and root for something that isn't like us."


"Doesn't mean that I should try to win. Scornful talk like that is no reason for me to win. And therefore, I must do this."


And he did. After that, Blueprint hasn't seen him for several months. When her grandsire returned, Blueprint began asking questions of what happened. He didn't reply, didn't mention anything about the case, until he was on his deathbed thirteen years later.


That was when he gave him that golden watch, and finally disclosed the outcome of the case.


Snapping back to reality, she went back to an upright position. Recalling her memory, she had a revelation. Would her deceased grandsire allow her to throw away this chance, not like a courageous pony, but a coward? Would he allow her to give up this one in a lifetime chance?


Swiftly, she dressed up, wearing her formal gray suit and hat. Blueprint glanced at the window; Braeburn hadn't gone far. She raced down the stairs, unlocking the door. Assonance, seeing her mother in such a hurry, asked, "Where are you going, mom?"


It was then or now she told the truth. "It's one of the General Board ponies. They...they hired me for something big."


"Then who's that friend of yours?" Asymptote pointed out.


"My 'friend' is General Braeburn," Blueprint responded. "Assonance, please take care of your sister while I'm gone. Go to school soon and-" she paused, her eyes glaring at Assonance "-you better not turn in your homework late."


And with that, she rushed out the door. "General Braeburn! General Braeburn!" she shouted, chasing the yellow stallion. "General Braeburn! I accept your offer! I accept!"


A pony always has one choice in her lifetime that would affect him or her personally. And I believe this one's mine.

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(Oh it's fine SilverHeart. Even though there are some inconsistencies. Just know that we are currently in an interrogation one and there's a dead unicorn in a chair heheh)


House Moon and Star - Underneath Canterlot Castle


"Perfect!" Trixie exclaimed. "Trixie knew you'd come soon. Now as Trixie has already told Energy, you two along with Reverend Crucible." Trixie gestures to him again. "Are to assigned on a mission. You are two search an acquire a certain pony, and break her back here ALIVE. Here is your target:" Trixie handed Kinetic some papers. Including a photo of the pony and some other information about her. "She goes by the name of Astrolabe and she currently resides in Hoofington. She is a suspicious pony. Trixie does believe she does not approve of the Inquisition or The House. Trixie also believes she could of plotted some things in the past. The only reason Trixie never has arrested her long ago was, we needed her to think she was safe and secure. We also needed her alive as well. She is incredibly smart, though not as smart as Trixie, and could be of use to us. The time has come now to put her to use. You are to go to her home, her address is on the papers, and bring her back here. She may be resistant though, so use force if necessary, but again do not kill her! Does Trixie make herself clear? If so, then Dismissed!" Trixie then left the room.


The Reverend put on a smile once Trixie left. He walked up to the two Inquisitors he was assigned to accompany and bowed his head. "Nice to meet you two. I am Reverend Pale Crucible. Although, Trixie already introduced. Now shall we get going. I already have some of the supplies with me. We shall travel to Hoofington by train."


(Shall I do a timeskip to when we are on the train to Hoofington?)



@@Tricksters Pride


House Whitegold - Manehatten


"Que? Make Isabella's bow made out of metal? Oh I don't know about that senorita. Isabella is a wooden crossbow. If I were to make her bow metal she may be more difficult to reload. While right now all I need is my mouth or hooves to pull back the string with ease. I do not wish to reserve to one of those levers for a simple crossbow like Isabella. Besides accuracy is all in the shooter, not in the bow." Dorado replied back to Gear as they walked the streets of Manehatten back to his home. 

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Moon and Star - Underneath Canterlot Castle




(OOC: Oh sorry about that. I thought she had gone back to her office for the meeting. Also I'm leaning towards the timeskip.)


"Of Course your Grace." Snowy said to Trixie as she left the room. He turned to look at the corpse that was strapped into a chair. Poor fool. When it comes to playing with her toys The Grand Inquisitor is not somepony that knows the meaning of self-restraint. "I'll never understand why she insists on using those machines..." Snowy Fields turned to greet the other two ponies.


Snowy Fields returned the reverand's greeting "Reverand, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I agree, I made the two of you wait long enough. Let's go."


The other Inquisitor seemed rather familiar to Snowy, he couldn't shake the feeling that they had met before. "Inquisitor...Energy, was it. Have we met before? Hmm...is it possible that you used to be one of the scientists that I recruited for House Moon and Star? How did you get to be in the inquisition?" Snowy asked as he walked forwards to take the lead.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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"I what? Oh, no. No no no no no no. I can see where this is going. And for that matter, why am I tied up? What am I going to do, outrun six timberwolves in their natural habitat? Wait, what do you even mean by "fun"?" Okay, so, he says "fun", but what does he mean? I'm guessing death. These guys obviously don't trust me, and I can't make them trust me fast enough to be able to escape. If I try to overpower any of them, the dogs will get me. If I wait it out, I most likely die. I doubt I can appeal to their higher nature. I bet they haven't got any. The escape clause hasn't worked in years, so that's out. Come on, think!

Standoff cleared his throat. "Hey, um, any chance we can speed this up? I'm kind of not in the greatest condition here." He coughed for emphasis, then accidentally went into a genuine coughing fit that went on for several seconds. After a few moments, he spat out something that was a dark shade of red. "Oh, that's not good. Seriously? Could we walk a little faster?"

One of the Callers just nodded silently, and kept walking. Another muttered something to Standoff like, "Try and keep that blood inside of you. You'll need it." He smirked, and they contunued walking.


House Everfree - Old Moon Castle


The Callers and Standoff had covered the ground between where Standoff had been captured and the castle rather quickly, as after a while, the Callers, seeming impatient and rowdy, tied Standoff to the top of one of the Wolves so they could travel quickly. It was clear that they were restless, and obviously wished to be somewhere other than escorting this one sick pony to the castle. 


Upon arriving to the Castle, one of the Callers shared a few words with one of the doorguards - a Wraith with a tattered pink bow in her mane - and after their quickly muttered, quiet conversation, the Callers departed with their wolves, leaving Standoff tied up on the ground. The wraith - Flitter - barked into the main body of the Castle. "Witches! Outside, now!"  A pair of small, dirty-looking ponies hurried outside, and started prodding the tied up pony with their hooves and - for one of them - horn. They traced the stitches, examining his wounds. One actually forced his mouth open to look inside it, too.




Crystal shook her head. "No news from me. One of the reasons I'm trying to sneak into Canterlot...just to get some idea of whats happened in the last two weeks. I left my home some time ago and the last city I was in was Philly Delphia...and what with having a horn...well...didn't have a great time there." She said, the blue fire puffing out as she noticed the mare's reaction. She tossed the ice covered logs to the side and tossed a couple more on, this time using a lighter to start a normal fire, shuffling back away from it slightly. "My name's Crystal Fire by the way." She said. "Want something to eat?"




Cascade looked disappointed. "No news, huh?" She shrugged. "The Town of Golden Pines is just past those hills over there. It may be smack in the buffer zone, but it's also a pretty important info hub. It gets pretty large amounts of trade and traffic between the different factions, since it's right in the middle of everything. You gotta be careful going there, make sure you don't run into any factions that might not... agree with your stances, but..." She sighed, and nodded silently. "Food would be nice, I guess... The name's Cascade Swirl."

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

Still searching for players! Join today!

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@@MagicalStarRain, @,


House Whitegold - Artisan District - Performance Hall


It was a truly rare sight to see Lady Belle nervous for a change; If he was being completely truthful with himself, Myopia had to admit that it was a rather endearing sight. However, she had given him a task to do and time was a factor. Reaching up to remove his hat with his hoof, he offered the lady a polite bow "I'll be sure to bring her back as soon as I find her. Try not to panic in the meantime, alright?" With a reasuring smile and returning his hat to its rightful place, the head of Thneed Co calmly made his exit from the Performance Hall, his thoughts already trying to figure out how in name of Prince Blueblood's fancy blooming trousers he was going to track down a pegasus that had already been not only in flight but fleeing a really high speeds in a timely fashion, what with being a unicorn and all.


As he stepped out into the open air of Manehatten, he took a moment to look around in the vain hope of seeing some kind of method in which to track down his quarry only to blink in utter surprise when his eyes landed on a pegasus that matched the description given to him, minus a beret that was quickly located on the ground mere feet away, in a complete one mare heap on the ground. Enjoying his good fortune, he approached the downed mare with a friendly (if slightly worried) smile on his face as he offered her a hoof up and off the ground. " Are you alright Ms?"




@, @@Marathon, @,


(My mistake. I will argue that she looks like one.)


Fillydelphia Hideout- Central Chamber


Fully aware of just how childish arguing this matter in front of a messenger of his beloved must have looked, Lautrec took a deep breath. "Look, let us just accept the fact that all of us are expendable and replaceable in the cause of making the Laughing Mare happy and leave it at that."  Of course, what the toymaker didn't add was that some were more expendable and much easier to replace then others with drugged out mares being just above the most basic of cultists, but that was just basic tact. Returning his attention to the so far silent Derpy, Lautrec's offer of tea and baked goods still stood.

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House Moon and Star - Underneath Canterlot Castle



Kinetic froze with a look of absolute horror on his face. He wasn't even aware of others speaking to him, not when the same scene that haunted his nightmares flashed before his eyes. The mob of Cultists chasing him, ponies devoured by those twisted abberations, and the Smiling Doll... They terrified him the most. 


'Hoofington... Anywhere but Hoofington...'


He snapped himself out of it somehow, and began to concentrate on the task at hoof.


"Sorry, I was...I was lost in thought. Let's move out, shall we? The sooner we get this done, the better I'll feel." He said.


Kinetic cursed his rotten luck. He wanted to be a scientist, but was instead drafted into the Inquisition. He also wanted to stay far away from Hoofington, and now he was being sent to Hoofington. Either he had the worst luck in Equestria, or Grand Inquisitor Trixie wanted him to suffer. He let out a dejected sigh and prepared to follow the others to the train. With luck, he could 'confiscate' some alcohol on the way.


'How wonderful... I get sent to terror town on an off day. What could possibly go wrong?'

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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House Whitegold - Manehatten


(Hehe i was hoping that you'd say that, the draw would be to much... For a regular inventor.)


"Hmmm your right the draw would be to mu-.... You know i could probably rig up something special to lessen the draw, but that would take a bit of time.....! Oh i could make an auto-drawing matrix, that would even allow me to make a real ranged weapon for Ironheart. Actually if i put enough power into it i could probably get rid of the draw altogether. Thank you for that. This will even give me a purpose for some of my more useless materials. (Says to herself.) Hmm i think that ill try to build a ranged construct next, but how am i going to handle reloading?.... Dam i need one of those 'magic missile' spells to ensure optimum efficiency, but i don't know how to do that spell yet. I'll try using a container of some sort but i think that the spell would work best. (Focuses back on Dorado.) I'm sorry but i only know theory about accuracy cause i haven't actually used a crossbow yet, i was planning getting one before i started using them in my constructs but the metal shortage made my time a little scarce."

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


Great, he's off on one of his rambles again Star Rain thought as she used the towel to get the paint off. What's that? Using my special talent for fighting? How? I guess I can use it for camouflage. Or paint an illusion barrier of sorts. But seriously, how? Oh great, now I'm rambling like Anon is right now! Geez, it's so much like my father... She gritted her teeth at that painful memory, since it was the cause of the conflict from a little over a year ago. Has it really been that long? I must've been fifteen at the time... She had gotten over her father's death, but not her mother's cruelty that was born out of grief. The grudge was still alive.


Well, I have to focus now. I can vent in my diary later. All the stains but a few blue and black ones on her hooves were wiped off. Getting an idea, she levitated the towel up into the air behind Eternity's back while he rambled and waited with a mischievous grin. "Awesome but before we start, do you know where your towel went?" she asked while snickering.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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@@Windbreaker, @@SilverHeart,


(~Timeskip~ ~Woooosh~)


House Moon and Star - Train from Canterlot to Hoofington


Crucible was looking out the window of the train. Since they were in the Inquisition they had their own private car to themselves.  They had just reached the base of the mountain. Shouldn't be long 'till we reach Hoofington. He though to himself. A waiter brought in some drinks for them, mainly alcoholic ones. The reverend poured himself a drink into a glass and took a sip.

"Perhaps we can take this time to get to know ourselves better yeah? After all this probably isn't the first mission Trixie is going to assign us. So tell me, how long have you two been to Hoofington before?"





House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle - Courtyard


Eternity was confused by this question at first. Then  he noticed that something was levitating above him. "Why it is-" He looks up above, only to find the towel with paint on it landing flat on top of his face. He levitated it off him, looking a bit aggravated. A couple bits of paint was on his coat now. He wet the towel using a water spell to clean the paint of it then used the wet towel's tip to get the couple spots of pain on his face. He looked at Star with a stern look, while still levitating the towel. However, he just sigh and then smiled and laughed a bit.


"You got me didn't you? Good one. You gotta always be aware of your surroundings." As he was speaking to her he began to lift up the nearby cup of tea behind her without her noticing. Since he was still levitating the towel, his horn glowing wouldn't have given it away.  "You know, this sort of ties in with today's lesson I had planned for you. To sense," the cup was above her head, "where magic," he tilted the cup, "is." He began to pour some of the tea on top of her head, but not all of it. "Hahahaha! Oh relax it should of cooled off by now. Shall we actually begin? Here put on this blindfold." He gave her a blind fold to put on.




@@Tricksters Pride


House Whitegold - Manehatten - District of Delights


Dorado gave the mare a bewildered look. He was bit confused at some of the words she was using, and the one she did understood, made it seem like she was over complicating things. "Ehhh perdón? Lessen the draw? Auto-drawing what? Get rid of the draw? Senorita, I appreciate your offer in wanting to help me but umm... Isabella is supposed to be a simple, easy to use, ready crossbow that I can use at any given moment. If You were to modify it that much. I'm afraid it simply wouldn't be convenient for me to use. To lesson the draw of the bow, you would need some sort of.. oh whats the word... machine? (He means mechanism) Something like that. Like a lever(crank) or something. I already have crossbow like that at my home. With Metal bows, very large and powerful, and with levers too. I use all those for long range sniping. Pero, I use Isabella because she is lightweight, easy to use, quick to reload, and able to be strapped to my leg. I don't need something complex though." There are only three things Dorado is intelligent in, thieving and making money, combat, and weaponry, mainly ranged weaponry. 


"Tell you what senorita. Are you familiar with gunpowder weapons? They have yet to event an arquebus with a trigger system that a non-unicorn can use. If you can improve the arquebus, mainly to have a trigger system for and Earthpony of Pegasus, that would be really helpful."

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


Star Rain jumped at that sudden spill, then shot Eternity a stern look that quickly softened. When it came to pranks, she was a better sender than receiver. "The retribution is quite disproportional, don't you think?" she responded with a light laugh that made her feel stupid in situations like this. She should've been used to it by now though, but the Archmagister just brings back unpleasant memories of home, post-death of her father. No Star Rain, you can vent it later in your diary. For now, you've got-


"Magic sensing?" she asked in a voice that also said "Are you serious?". She began tying on the blindfold and asked,"How am I supposed to sense when somepony is sending a magic blast at me? Does magic give off sensory waves of some kind when it's being used?" 


With the blindfold on, she felt, well, blind. Unlike the blind heroes of the many stories she had read, she doesn't have the supersensitive hooves and ears that allows them to get around like a normal pony can, sans the ability to read and recognize color. She felt totally blind here and it was freaking her out.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Whitegold - The Wall


There was a great raucous amongst the various militia ponies, as well as a few passing around bits. They formed a rough circle and in it stood two fighters.


One was a fellow militia pony with a spear in the crook of his leg, panting and sweating heavily. The other was a silvery coated pegasus pony with a black leather vest, tricorn hat with his own feather in it, and armed with two wing swords. He was also sweating but seemed more in control of himself and the fight.


The earth pony made a few awkward jabs, the pegasus simply leaning out of the way of the strikes, before knocking the spear aside and closing. He held one sword to the earth pony's neck. Then just lightly tapped him on the shoulder with his hoof.


"That concludes this . . . training demonstration, fillies and gentlecolts. I have a deadline to reach and I can hear my type writer calling me." Said the pony of fortune. There was laughter and applause as he left the barracks but was then stopped by a larger unicorn stallion.


"Captain Draft." Steel greeted him respectfully but not amicably.


"What do you think you are doing Steel? These are MY ponies!" He roared with a hoof to his chest.


"First of all, the volunteer militia are under the command of Lt. Minute, so my being here is none of your business. Second, just to alleviate your concerns, the Lt. hired me to train her ponies in swordplay. I would bet that just one of these fighters behind me could beat eight of your conscripts." Steel said accusatorially. "Sadly this exchange must end, I have some writing to do in my apartment."


Steel flew over the officer and proceeded through the Wall, making his way to his home in the Artisan District.



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 House Whitegold - Manehatten - District of Delights


(Yah Gear tends to overdo things but they do work so meh.)


"Oh don't worry about convenience, i would never design something that wasn't easy to use even if i tend to make it a bit complicated. You wouldn't need to worry about draw time either i make machines well, so it would reload nearly as fast as Isabella without any need for you to do more than mentally command it to reload, all you would have to do would be to insert the bolt. It would have almost the same amount of power and range as one of your larger crossbows and be roughly the same size as Isabella. Even though i cant promise that it would weigh the same as Isabella i don't use iron i refine my metal into steel, just like the stuff you'd see in Germaney so it would be far lighter than a full size crossbow." (Shes just thinking out loud by this point.)


(She seems a little disgusted at the mention of the Arquebus.) "Yes i am familiar with that particular weapon and its a shame that the all unicorn team of morons that made it screwed up so badly. That weapon had such promise but they made it so counter-intuitively, there was no need for those clearly unicorn supremacist morons to make the trigger so hard to use. They even managed to reduce the power of a gunpowder weapon. Have you seen some of the Earthborn ones they even have repeaters, admittedly they kinda screwed up in regards to range but still. It would be foals play to make one usable by Pegisi and Earth Ponies, but i'm not allowed to purchase one of those because i got some of those morons fired when they where assigned under me. Normally this wouldn't affect me but one of their rich fathers, who where probably the only reason that they had their jobs , made sure that i wouldn't benefit from his recently jobless sons work. He even sent a pair of assassins at me. Either way if you wanted me to make you a gunpowder weapon you'd have to get one for me."


(You might notice that a suspicious looking Ironheart is still tailing you, cause he had to go over an open patch in the rooftops.)

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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House Moon and Star - Train from Canterlot to Hoofington



Kinetic poured himself a drink and chugged it down, which may not have been the greatest idea, but he was properly terrified.


"I, um, I've been to Hoofington once before. I wasn't an Inquisitor back then, just a field scientist. I don't remember why I was there, but the Cult of Laughter attacked, and everything went wrong. Very wrong. Their foul creations, and the Laughing Dead..." Kinetic shuddered at the memories. He poured another drink, this time drinking it slowly.


"I'm no coward, sir, but seeing those...things... Well, it's not a pleasant effect. I haven't been back to Hoofington since, and to be frank, the place terrifies me to my core."


He laughed nervously, more trying to calm his own nerves than anything else. His first mission as an Inquisitor and he felt like he was about to blow it.


"Anyway, Inquisitor Fields, I've realised that I never answered you back at the Research Facility. Yes, I am the same Kinetic Energy you, um, apprehended upon my return to Canterlot fifteen or so years ago. It has been quite a long time. I was drafted for the Inquisition after my last visit to Hoofington. Something about 'survived the Cult rebellion, Inquisition material'. Before I knew it, I was undergoing training to be an Inquisitor. I believe this to be a test to see if I really am Inquisition material..."

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Cascade looked disappointed. "No news, huh?" She shrugged. "The Town of Golden Pines is just past those hills over there. It may be smack in the buffer zone, but it's also a pretty important info hub. It gets pretty large amounts of trade and traffic between the different factions, since it's right in the middle of everything. You gotta be careful going there, make sure you don't run into any factions that might not... agree with your stances, but..." She sighed, and nodded silently. "Food would be nice, I guess... The name's Cascade Swirl."



Crystal nodded, grabbing some stale bread from her bag. "I guess I'll look there then. I'm honestly...just walking without a purpose...quite sad really." She said, her voice rather bland as she put some butter onto the bread...which she usually liked to save...but she had a guest. "Is that where you're headed?" She asked, using her magic to levitate the bread over to Cascade. "And my stances...well...stop this war. I will do that however I deem best. Of course there are some houses that I'd be unable to join...Stormwing and Earthborn would be two no's for sure..." She sighed. "Let me make some tea." She said, using her magic to get out a pot from her large travel bag, along with a little bit of water.





Fully aware of just how childish arguing this matter in front of a messenger of his beloved must have looked, Lautrec took a deep breath. "Look, let us just accept the fact that all of us are expendable and replaceable in the cause of making the Laughing Mare happy and leave it at that."  Of course, what the toymaker didn't add was that some were more expendable and much easier to replace then others with drugged out mares being just above the most basic of cultists, but that was just basic tact. Returning his attention to the so far silent Derpy, Lautrec's offer of tea and baked goods still stood.



"Thaaaaaaaat.....was a Great comeback." Wind grumbled in response, her voice barely audible. "Juuuust...great~" She said, her voice even more quiet with a little extra...something. Her voice seemed to quiver slightly as if she was holding back a hysterical laugh or maybe a scream.
She stared at the floor before snapping out of her trancelike state, looking up. "HI!"





"If you mean the forest i've been living off of it all my life. But you probably meant the house, well that's hard to say. I've always guarded the forest from intruders, there was just a change in how the forest commanded me. It used to subtlety steer me towards a threat but now... Eh same thing really i guess its just that the guiding force is getting less subtle and more direct, cause occasional i get letters given to me by animals. It was a little weird at first but eh who am i to complain, der wald ist wie der wald dosis. To be exact the letters started showing up around 10 years ago."

@@Tricksters Pride,


"Interesting..." Violet replied, looking back at him before looking forwards again. "I've been here since...a long time." She said, not really wanting to get onto the subject of her childhood...there were allot of bad memories mixed in with that. "Anyway...you ever been to any of the other houses?" She asked. "Like...the cities and stuff?"

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@,  @@Marathon


((Sorry guys. Last night was hectic.))


Cult of Laughter- Fillydelphia Central Room


Ditzy giggled a bit as Lautrec presented her with tea, and nodded, but while he argued in the favor of the pyromancer, her smile shrank a little bit. She was silent for a while before speaking up. "Let me assure you, Lautrec, that if half of what you say about your relationship to the Laughing Mare is true, you certainly are not expendable." She turned to Lila. "Very well, you may..."







Ditzy snapped her head towards Red Wind and smiled. "Hello, there. You get your stove. Now, go ahead and get packed if you aren't already." And with that, Ditzy poured herself another cup of tea, as well as grabbing a muffin as well.




As the necromancer looked over at the Euphories as well. "If there is anything to keep in mind- don't do drugs. Unless you want to end up like them." He shrugged and looked at the you presented him. He smiled. "Thank you, apprentice. And now... we just wait for the others to get ready..."


And suddenly, a horn blew, sounding remarkably like a squeaky chicken.


"And there we go!" Suddenly, the box at the end of the cart started to unwind...


And as soon as it hit POP, out burst a large, scaly Grinning Worm. Other than it looking like a demonic snake, it was also wearing makeup and a ridiculous jester hat on its head as well.


And with that, the band started forward...





And, suddenly, whether the guards on the Wall acknowledged it or not, a party of the Cult of Laughter suddenly seemed to appear from beyond the city, heading directly towards a southern mercenary camp...

Edited by Magos Amphrose
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Cult Of Laughter- Border of Manehattan


Tarot smiled a bit and was about to reply when the horn blew. "Well that's a strange hor-" And before she could finish her sentence a grotesque snake/ clown hybrid seemed to materialize out of thin air. Tarot nearly fell off the wagon at the sudden noise, but she managed to compose at least some of her dignity.


As Tarot caught her breath from the scare, she could feel a force emanating from the group. Devilish laughs and crazed whoops sounded everywhere like sirens and an energy of pure and intense insanity seemed to reverberate from the ground this parade walked on. Ponies were everywhere, dancing, singing, laughing. If anyone were to see this before the war, they would think a circus parade was marching through.


And Tarot couldn't help but feel empowered by this. It was rare for her to see something so... indestructible. A smile crossed her face as she watched the ponies tumble down the road. Why she was smiling, she would likely never know, but for one of the few times in her life, she felt like she could do something, make a difference. Perhaps not a good difference, but it was a feeling she never had before.


"Is this always how the Cult travels? Its... incredible!" She said, feeling as though she was a filly, watching a performance of sheer madness

Edited by Jake Hurwitz
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@, @, @@Marathon,


The fact that he was able to bring laughter to anypony was a delight to Lautrec, but there was something about how Derpy laughed that made him feel extra super happy about it. However, her statement caused him to frown a little in confusion. "On the mortal scale of things, all of us are replaceable. From the lowest cultist just learning to smile for the Laughing Mare for the first time to the Highest of Prophets. You, me, the drugged out acrobats; all of our jobs can and will no doubt be done by those who replace us when the time comes and our souls depart to be with our beloved Laughing Mare while our bodies are left to rot and be twisted as her desires and whims command. However, we are the standard bearers. We are the ones whom those who follow us will be judged against by the Laughing Mare herself and all we can do in that regard is set the bar as high as we can."


While the subject matter was somewhat depressing as it was humbling, Lautrec offered Derpy a warm smile. " Of course, once we die our spirits will pass on to stand alongside the Laughing Mare herself and those who served her best in live will go on to be rewarded for their actions so it all balances out and it's really nothing to worry about. On a more upbeat subject, will you be joining us for our little party near Manehatten? There will be death, fire and a musical number and I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say it just wouldn't be the same without you Lady Derpy."

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House Earthborn - Fillydelphia




Braeburn was honestly surprised that Blueprint had turned down his offer - in his eyes, the majority of Earthborn citizens would have leaped at the chance to serve the House in such an intimate and sensitive matter, but it seemed that some ponies just weren't cut out for that service...


However, the Commander was soon to be proven right in his assumption when the detective mare came rushing back out of her house calling after him, prompting him to turn around with a bright grin on his face "Well, ain't that just the apple in the pie?" he said happily and pushed his hat back off his head again "We'll be headin' to the station now miss. just you stick with us and we'll be at Appleloosa in no time at all." He grinned again, then turned back around to continue towards the station.


House Earthborn - Ghastly Gorge - Fillydelphia Gem Mine




Iron Anvil smirked ruefully "Harsh but true - what else would you call a pony who rapes, pillages and feasts on the bodies of the dead? Nevertheless, I will hear your terms, thought whether I act on them is at my discretion," he looked at one of the Ponies-at-Arms "Hold here in case any of this stallion's friends come down the valley," he said, then motioned over his shoulder to the Caller with a nod "You, walk with me."

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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