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movies/tv [Spoilers] Thoughts on "Day of the doctor?"

Sanic Screwdriver

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Hey everypony, the broadcast of the day of the doctor (doctor who's 50th anniversary) just aired. I wanted to know what you guys thought about it smile.png Personally I was disappointed, I didn't find it all that exciting and I just don't like the fact that we've heard about the doctor destroying Gallifrey for so long but now they said he didn't. It was cool the way they pulled it off and they gave a good explanation of why they don't remember and such but it still bothers me. I also think it left a bunch of other parts of the movie unexplained. However everyone has their own opinions and I'd like to hear yours biggrin.png

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I always thought the Time War took place before the 1st Doctor, but then someone told me it took place after the 8th Doctor, which then regenerated into John Hurt, which then regenerated into Christopher Eccleston. So now I don't know when the Time War actually happened.


Besides, we never got to see Matt regenerating or the regeneration that would lead into Peter Capaldi. I hope that's answered in the Christmas special.


One last thing: Will there be any more episodes until Christmas?

  • Brohoof 2



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From what I've heard the next episode is on Christmas and it will be the Christmas special and Matt Smith will regenerate in that episode. smile.png


Awesome! It means I'll have to wait only one month for it!


Starting the day after tomorrow!



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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I thought it kind of rushed, and that sub plot with the brigaders daughter was kind of dropped, or not closed properly. 

It needed to be a feature length film, in order for it to take on the responsibility it was holding for all us Whovians. 

But I loved it, I loved the scientist chick who had the doctor's scarf on, lovely shout out to all the fangirls and such. And it also presented an amazing loophole for my favourite character.

The Master has a cannon loophole to come back, we're getting the Master back.

  • Brohoof 2
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One of the bigger questions has finally been answered, how many seasons of doctor who will there be?


now before you go down into the comment section saying "as many as possible" hear me out. In the final episode of season seven of doctor who all the doctors show up to *spoilers* now one of the *spoilers* refers to the fact that all 13 doctors show up. but so far there has only been 11, see where I am going with this? another report said that in this episode all the doctors show up. So this means that there are two more guaranteed seasons, no more no less. Speculate away and thanks for reading.



child of the night

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You just knew the girl with fourth Doctor scarf wasn't gonna die, that just wouldn't pass. Speaking of them, the Zygons felt largely like filler here. We never got a conclusion to them now did we? Also the "screwdriver software" sequence was a missed opportunity, though I get that it was set up for the conclusion. 


It was great seeing all thirteen on screen at once, though for the sake of counting I still refer to John Hurt as 8-2. I may not have liked 9 all that much, but I can't say I didn't cheer seeing him albeit briefly on screen. David Tenant was still in top form though for me.   

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One of the bigger questions has finally been answered, how many seasons of doctor who will there be?


now before you go down into the comment section saying "as many as possible" hear me out. In the final episode of season seven of doctor who all the doctors show up to *spoilers* now one of the *spoilers* refers to the fact that all 13 doctors show up. but so far there has only been 11, see where I am going with this? another report said that in this episode all the doctors show up. So this means that there are two more guaranteed seasons, no more no less. Speculate away and thanks for reading.



child of the night


Wow! I didn't even think about that! XD


One of the bigger questions has finally been answered, how many seasons of doctor who will there be?


now before you go down into the comment section saying "as many as possible" hear me out. In the final episode of season seven of doctor who all the doctors show up to *spoilers* now one of the *spoilers* refers to the fact that all 13 doctors show up. but so far there has only been 11, see where I am going with this? another report said that in this episode all the doctors show up. So this means that there are two more guaranteed seasons, no more no less. Speculate away and thanks for reading.



child of the night


wait D: Reading another comment on here I realized john hurt counts. 1-11 plus Peter plus John aw man :(

  • Brohoof 2
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A few thoughts:


- Maybe it wasn't as slam-bang as we would have hoped, but it was never about being this big explodey-wodey action movie. Steven Moffat always intended it to be more of an emotional payoff for the character than everything, and it paid off in oodles.


- The Zygons are freaking awesome. Surprised it took them this long to bring them back. But yeah, their subplot just sort of falls to the wayside.


- Let out a bit of a squeal during

the Peter Calpadi and Tom Baker aka Best Doctor Ever (tied with David Tennant) cameos



- I love that it ends on an optimistic note. After seven years of grieving with the Doctor, we now have the brightest shimmer of hope in a long time.


- Nice use of Rose Tyler.


- Sort of wondering how this affects the Master and his drum problem.


- Now I'm really glad Matt Smith didn't regenerate here. Would have felt crammed in.


- If I have one complaint, it's that, as is common with Moffat's run, the plot got a little too abstract for me. Nothing horrible like the power of love being used to kill the Daleks, but it's all a bit nebulous sometimes.


- We've come a long way since the days of sets regularly toppling over the actors.


- That final image :,D.

  • Brohoof 1


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I thought it was great! It was brilliant to see some old favourites such as David Tennant. Man, that man's awesome.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • Gives us full circle of the whole series that needed to happen since 2005
  • Great use of music
  • All 13 Doctors save Gallifery
  • Cameo apperences FTW
  • Cannon loophole to bring The Master back (Yay Moffet is actually listening)
  • Moffat episode where no one dies
  • That final scene


  • 13 lives for The Doctor confrimed (Yikes way to lie to us Moffat and way to press the big red button on the series)
  • Zaygon polt rushed and forgotten about
  • Clara was there to be there;didn't play any important role
  • The Bad Wolf should've shown herself to  10 and 11 (Why not? She wouldn't damaging the time stream)

Overall:85/100 or a B+

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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It was amazing. Really, it was.


I especially loved the reference at the beginning, the school location. Right back to the first episode. Brilliant.


Although I would like to know the resolution to the Zygon problem.




I always thought the Time War took place before the 1st Doctor, but then someone told me it took place after the 8th Doctor, which then regenerated into John Hurt, which then regenerated into Christopher Eccleston. So now I don't know when the Time War actually happened.


Besides, we never got to see Matt regenerating or the regeneration that would lead into Peter Capaldi. I hope that's answered in the Christmas special.


One last thing: Will there be any more episodes until Christmas?

The Time War took place before the Ninth Doctor, it is something only introduced with Christopher Ecclestone.


It was confirmed a while back that Matt Smith would be leaving at Christmas, so we wouldn't see his regeneration. On that note, no, there are no more episodes until Christmas.


Hope I've cleared things up for you.

Edited by Questioner Returned
  • Brohoof 1


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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But in all honesty, I was very very pleased with the episode. It was well worth the wait and kept everything thing it needed to hidden. It was amazing.

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My favorite part of the special was when David was all like "I'm the Doctor. I've lived for 934 years. I'm the Fury of the Night. I'm the Oncoming Storm. And you... are just a bunny, aren't you? Never mind then."

  • Brohoof 3



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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I loved it. It was very enjoyable especially the ending where they somewhat save Gallifrey instead of basically destroying it. Only thing I didn't like about it was the Zygon plot not ending properly but I didn't really mind though. My favorite part was the very end when the Doctor is standing with the other 11 of him and goes "At last I know where I'm going. Home. The long way around." And also the part when 11 remembers the white circles in the Tardis and asks 10 what are they even for and he goes "I have no Idea."


At least now The Doctor can return to Gallifrey. Can return home. The only bad part is,



Having 11 travel and search for Gallifrey is going to eventually cause him to regenerate.


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It was amazing! Such a great job and Steven Moffat didn't kill anyone. Even more amazing. 
I can't wait for the next season to come, if the doctor will find Gallifrey and his people... Gonna be so great! Really looking forward to it.
Also, it was really nice to see Tennant and Rose again. Best doctor and the best companion.

And also, one thing that really confuse me.. Since John Hurt now is the regeneration of the 8th doctor, does that mean that hes the 9th, Christopher Ecc the 10th, Tennant 11th, Matt the 12th and Peter capaldi will be the 13th? Some people say that John isnt a real regeneration, so hes like 8.5, and christopher Ecc still 9th one. So confusing...

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Yeah, we need to get it figured out. I think Math Smith will still be the 11th Doctor, otherwise the "eleventh hour" episode and the whole "Fall of the Eleventh" thingy will go down the drain.



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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I liked the episode overall, especially the ending with Tom Baker there. The one thing that spoilt it for me though is it felt like David Tennant was in it for the sake of it, and when you put him and Matt Smith side by side they were pretty similar in my opinion :P But then MLP season 4 premiere came along and beat Doctor Who ;)

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Dear god everyone, I think I have something of news.


Remember a while back NASA found a planet very, and I mean very, similar to Gallifrey? It was ages I ago though I made a thread about it.

Well, if Gallifrey is somewhere else, either stuck in the bloody painting or in a different universe. Then maybe the Gallifrey we found in our universe, may be the one from his.

And of course, we haven't received any signals from them because:

A) They're in a new world, so of course they would be wary to contact anything

They have literally only just came from a war, they have to recover and such before they present themselves

C) They may be worried about another version of their home already here, or maybe a different version of Daleks in this universe. They can't go another Dalek Army after being attacked. 

And about a million other possibilities as to why we haven't gotten any contact of sign of them being there.


And you may be wondering, why didn't we pick anything up while we found and scanned the planet?


They are Timelords, they are sure to have somesort of technology to hide themselves from more primitive civilisations. 

Or maybe because of the time war they don't have any sort of technology or anything of the sort for us to pick up.

Or maybe through the teleport/ transportation they lost most of their technology, maybe it blew up because some things would work in this universe. Causing the technology to destroy itself. 

I must also remind you, we're so not as advanced as them. We could have scanned that planet and totally missed them anyway, without them putting any effort into hiding themselves. 


SO maybe we may get an episode where the doctor looks for Gallifrey, and he comes here

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One of the bigger questions has finally been answered, how many seasons of doctor who will there be?


now before you go down into the comment section saying "as many as possible" hear me out. In the final episode of season seven of doctor who all the doctors show up to *spoilers* now one of the *spoilers* refers to the fact that all 13 doctors show up. but so far there has only been 11, see where I am going with this? another report said that in this episode all the doctors show up. So this means that there are two more guaranteed seasons, no more no less. Speculate away and thanks for reading.



child of the night


In the episode, it was showed that Capaldi was the thirteenth Doctor. And, before he was shown, the Timelords in the room counted 12 Doctors, including the Time War Doctor. So, Capaldi is the last Doctor, since he can regenerate only 13 times (according to some source I can't remember, tho.)


And Capaldi has signed up only for one season, so we shall se, if we get only one season of the Doctor or what.



BUT - to the episode!


I loved it! There were a couple of obvious plot holes (like, how they didn't wrap up the cliff hanger from the last episode and what happened to the zygons), but I loved it anyway!


I personally love the plot twist that they're going to save Gallifrey anyway. Some might not like it, some might. And I am one of those who approve this. I've always found Gallifrey a fascinating civilization and always wanted it to flourish, and finally, it can! The ending was a little "Whaaat the hell happened", and I'm wondering if the War Doctor still thinks he destroyed Gallifrey after that...


And they FINALLY wrapped up what happened with the Queen (in one episode, the Doctor was told that the Queen was very displeased with him and he didn't know why. And was it in the "End of Time" where he returned and told that the title "virgin queen" isn't that accurate anymore...?)


And I'm SO waiting for these certain plot holes to resolve. Was the Doctor able to go to the Time War only thanks to the Moment? Or why could he go through the "timebubble"? And what happens to the End of Time -episodes after this?


But the communication between the Doctors, priceless! Oh, and the bunny! And and and so many great things I just can't think of! ;__;



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