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open Last Christmas (Christmas Romance RP)

LunaKitty R5

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He aw pain in Critics eyes. She wonderd what was happening. She got up but than stopped herself. This was between them.. She knew that it would be awkward to join in. She stayed behind at the couch watching their movements and making sure nobody got hurt. If they did she would get mad.

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"Though she seems to like you more" He headed to the elevator. "Hope you two are happy" He said as he waited for the elevator to open up. "I feel like I was just blasted by the elements of harmony and survived" He said as he went into the elevator and went to his floor

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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After finishing the song, and sitting back on the table, Dust watches Lunar Dance chug another beer down, then fly off.

"Well looks like you're alone again, you big idiot. You blew any chances you had with her in the elevator!" He bangs his head on the table, and orders another beer. "Wait, what in Equestria are you doing? You PROMISED her you wouldn't get drunk!" He thinks to himself, "SCREW IT!" He yells to himself, and chugs the beer down, he starts feeling dizzy and a little silly. He starts singing to himself.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Dust! OMG! What are you doing here? And their is a huge love thingy!)


She ran to critic and said What's wrong? You look heartbroken..?" She wrapped her wings around the earth pony and nuzzled him to cheer him up. She rested her head on his shoulder and watched as ponies passed by them.

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I felt Lunars presence. "I... I'm having some trouble processing some information that came to me."

'Yeah, like the fact we were chosen by a sane mare over a decent colt.'

"Uh, I need to relax for a bit, loosen up maybe."

I look at her with my saddened eyes. Feeling her wings around me. So soft. And her head on her shoulder.

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He went into his rom and dropped on his bed. "I should just rest...I can barely move at the moment and I broke my wing..." He said to himself as he laid on his bed his back facing upward as he didn't want to move at all. He closed his eyes and sighed. "She would probably be better off with him anyways"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"You can come to my suite if you want.. Take a bath.. I got the huge tub.." She murmured to him. She pulled him inside her room and started a hot bath in the giant tub.



(This oedema means he will choose him. I'm giving everyone a chance to prove themselves. Se just connects to Critic so she hangs out with him a lot. And plus she has such a gold heart she's helping him when he's sad.)

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(do you mean a love triangle? and i'm getting drunk cos i thought i failed at getting you to know i've fallen for you)


"DUST STORM! YOU IDIOT! STOP DRINKING! YOU'RE TIPSY!" He thinks to himself, "As I said before, SCREW IT!" He orders another beer and chugs it down, now thinking it is finally time to stop, he decides to go to bed. He gets up from his table, and walks over to the elevator, he sees Lunar sitting at the elevator waiting for it to come down, he squeaks as he doesn't want her to see him being tipsy and tries to hide, but fails.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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(So you want a physical conflict, but it doesn't seem like flame or I want to make the first punch.now here's my proposition. What if, he and I defend you from a group of... persistant suitors.)


I looked at lunar. "yeah, i'd like that actually."


'A dip in a tub, would be somewhat better. Go for it. I'm going to give ya some privacy. Good luck man.'

"Shall... "I clear my throat. "Shall we proceed."

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(That sunda like a good idea! I didn't want you to wreak flames face anyway XD )


She said "Y-You want me to go in I with you?" She stuttered than gulped than nodded. She climbed into the tub and sunk under water. She watched the bubbles floating around and she came up for air. Her hair soaked and flopping perfectly. She lened agesnt the edge and enjoyed the het.

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She sank into the bubbles. Her wet mane with her eyes were a sight to behold. She was indescribable.

-im in a bath tub with a mare. Best day ever.-

I looked over to Lunar. "So, um..." man, its hard to form words in this situation. But can you blame me. In this situation, I'm surprised I squeeked out that.

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She swam over to him and sat beside him. She said "What did you want to say?" She looked into his eyes. Her mane beginning to curl again as it dried. She ducked under water quickly and camp but up. She never went higher the her caller bone because that's 'not allowed' when sharing a bath with someone. Her parents always told her this and she listened. She didn't want to seem like she was dirty. So she didn't let her chest area out of the water. The bubbles covered the water.

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My breathing became heavy. This isn't possibly happening. Of all people she chose me. 14 years of isolation to be broken like this. At this point, it will be one hell of a way to break such a record. But... there was the acount of flame. He really liked her. And I took that away from the poor guy. By celestia, just thinking about that feels like eating a bowl of lead pellets.it brings an bigger frown to my face

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Dust Storm sighs and hangs his head, after hearing Mr Critical and Lunar Dance talking about taking a bath. "Too late you foal!" He sighs as he waits for them to get into the elevator and go up first. When the elevator comes back down, he gets into it and takes it up to his room. He walks into his room, "Well, looks like I'm going to be alone this holiday." He thinks to himself, "You should have asked her out when you had the chance, not making a remark about wing boners!" He kicks the wall with his hind legs and shouts, "YEAH RIGHT! AS IF AN EXTRAORDINARY MARE LIKE, FALL FOR A PONY AS STUPID AND PLAIN AS ME! GET REAL!" He kicks the wall again, then slumps in a pile on the floor and starts crying.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Lunar dance close her eyes. She leaned in and kissed Critic. She kissed him for about 6 seconds than drew away. She smiled and said "I-I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me!" She looked down.


(Ok now dust is left. She's kissed Flame. But she will go to dust soon!)


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HOOOOOOLLLLLYYY CRRRAP! My mind was in light speed. I was extatic. My mind was racing far faster than That pink mare and rainbow athlete back home ever could. After settling down I finally returned to reality.

"Um, d-dont be. It was. Nice. But, still trying to process on what happened. Mostly why it happened." This is something not even celestia herself would possibly believe. I was kissed. By a real mare, hopefully. And no smarmy retort from my mental counter part. If I'm dead, and this is the after life, I wonder what took death so long.


(Do you want to play the antagonists or me.)

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She looked at him. She said "Your still trying to process it? I kissed you.. It's not that hard to understand.." She kissed him again but for longer. Her heart ws thumping out of her chest. She pulled away and leaned agents him. She smiled and started to think about her and critic.

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Dust Storm tries to snap him out of his funk by hitting himself across the face, "OUCH!" Too hard, he thinks to himself, he hits himself again, 'OUCH!" And yet, even harder than the first time. He gets up, and starts banging his head against the wall. I'm always the third wheel, totally useless and unwanted! "THAT DOES IT!" He yells to himself as he stops banging his head against the wall, "THERE'S NOTHING TO D OBUT LEAVE!" He yells again to himself, as he starts packing his saddlebags, he puts his saddlebags on and is about to go to the door when he trips over himself and twists his ankle and bends a wing out of place. "OH FOR BUCK'S SAKE! WHY AM I SO BUCKING PATHETIC!" He yells out in pain.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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She here's dust yell out in pain. She shots out of the tub bubbles dropping and she says "I will be back!" She races to were she heard dust cry out and she said "What's wrong?" Her bubbles still their and her body soaked. Her fluffy coat no longer fluffy as she just jumped out of a bath. She grabbed a blanket sticking out from his saddle bag and wrapped herself with it. She said "What's wrong?"

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"I..I tripped over myself and twisted an ankle and bent a wing out of shape, just as I was about to leave." He sighs, Damn it Dust! Stop being so nervous around her! "I CAN'T! SHE'S JUST SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL!" Dust blurts out then covers his mouth, "i..I'm sorry, I d..don't know why I yelled that out loud." He tries to get up but falls back down.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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A kiss. It was amazing. I've punchs, insults to the sharpest degree, and various other painful things. But, of 14 years, never have I encountered anything like this... kiss thing. It was fantastic. Nothing could compare.


"Well, its just. I've never really encountered anything-" before I could continue. She said she would be back.

Edited by Mr. Critical
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Her jaw dropped. Se said "Really.. Well you shouldn't leave.." She helped him up. Thus her cover up falling down and her looking at him with tears in her eyes and her face red. She screamed "PLEASE DONT LOOK AT ME IM SO SORRY!" She turned around her hooves (are doing the thing rainbow dash did when she was nervous) she looked for her room and bolted into eir. She got into the bathroom and froze. She and Critic made eye contact and she said "I know I may be naked... But i don't give a buck.."


(See here everyone has fluffy coats that you know covers their privates. Sooooo when they get wet their coats cling to them and they are left embarrassed.)

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Dust Storm sighs, as he watches her run away. Maybe I should stay, but I've just upset her, she probably hates me now. He shrugs his saddlebags off, hastily writes a note saying, ""I'm sorry it's just... well...well...I feel like a third wheel and I always make things awkward, and..and well I love you! But I could never compete with the others. If you want me, i have somehow found my way to the bar. - L...Love Dust Storm."

He He finds something he can use a crutch and makes his way to Luanr's room, leaves the note under her door and knocks on it. Then makes his way unsteadily towards the bar.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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-Wonder where she went to?-

Right on queue Lunar came in and her coat was clinging to her body. But what caught my attention is that she seemed upset about something.

"Hey. What happened?" I said in a sincere voice and got out of the tub. I walked over to her.

"You wanna talk about it." With my eternal frown on my face, but in a more comforting way.

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"I do not.." She looks down. "Dust saw me naked.." She bites her lip. Than looks at Critic and her eyes grow wide. She covers her eyes and says "I can't! Get back in the tub! Now!" She cried out and turned around. Waiting until he was in the tub. She said "Justc ause I'm turned around doesent mean you can stare!" She said. Her coat clinging to her made her cold. She shivered and turned around hoping to see him in the tub. She needed to wash himc ause he smelled.

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