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About this crazyness of Twilight's scepter


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I really like this meme for some reason. Just one look at that scepter cracks me up.


This is my favorite one.





I want someone to create a video version of this.

Edited by Carver
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Gak gak gak. You don't remember the Gak? My god it was like the whole fandom had collectively gone insane. Gak was so weird. The golden scepter thing is atleast relevant and funny.

Gak was.... *shudder* I don't even know. The word itself was invading all mlp conversations.


Oh yeah, I red about gak stuff in knowyouememe, which didn't seemed to have lasted long. Hmm...I completely forgot about that (temporarily) when I posted this.


And...I see quite alot of people find it annoying and some find it idiotically hilarious. Well, I find it amusing actually, how this small thing has risen to top insanely.

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I think the fandom has to have something to obsess about, so they desperately analyze each episode to find something small and insignificant and turn it into a giant craze. 


It's a waste of neurons in my opinion.

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I think the fandom has to have something to obsess about, so they desperately analyze each episode to find something small and insignificant and turn it into a giant craze. 


It's a waste of neurons in my opinion.

As small and insignificant it may be, it doesn't change the fact that its there, in the show, and some thought was obviously put into it being there for humour. I wouldn't call it a craze, its just another meme, along with the hundreds upon thousands of other memes out there, that's all. 


I wouldn't call it a waste of neurons either. I mean, if it makes people laugh, then whatever, right? 

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As small and insignificant it may be, it doesn't change the fact that its there, in the show, and some thought was obviously put into it being there for humour. I wouldn't call it a craze, its just another meme, along with the hundreds upon thousands of other memes out there, that's all. 


I wouldn't call it a waste of neurons either. I mean, if it makes people laugh, then whatever, right? 

'Craze' and 'meme' are synonymous.


People can do whatever they want. I'm just not one to jump the banwagon.

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The only thing I really like about that scepter is the way that the hair is drawn. Like, it goes all 180º around, it doesn't tend to one side just like the "real-life" mane that Twilight has.

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Oh yeah, I red about gak stuff in knowyouememe, which didn't seemed to have lasted long. Hmm...I completely forgot about that (temporarily) when I posted this.


And...I see quite alot of people find it annoying and some find it idiotically hilarious. Well, I find it amusing actually, how this small thing has risen to top insanely.

Yeah, sad thing is that i found it to be hysterical as well.

Now that i look back on it, i don't know what the hell came over me. Its like it hijacked my higher brain functions, the ones that tell me spamming the word Gak isn't funny. I feel shame.


As for the Twilight Scepter meme, it doesn't really interest me too much. Its cute and funny, but its not nearly as spammable as gak was.

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Yeah I've noticed the meme has spread really quick, especially on sites like Reddit and Derpibooru. I didn't even think it was that funny to begin with.sleep.png  Bronies are definitely a strange group of people. :P The fact that they analyze and look over the littlest details from the show and make it a huge deal is honestly one of the few things I dislike about the fandom.


I just hope this craze over Twilight's scepter dies out soon. Seeing how much of a forced meme this has become, it'll probably fade out quickly... at least I hope. 

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I think it is an abomination on society and should be obliterated. Don't you just hate it when you see random gold scepters with insane smiles popping up randomly? It's just plain stupid. Give me a break. I mean, COME ON.

I for one welcome our new scepter overlord.


Seriously though, that's one of the many things I love about this fandom. One little thing happens in the show and before long, it's everywhere. I'm sure some people find it annoying, but in my opinion, it's one of the things that makes the fandom more interesting. If not for things like this, we wouldn't have characters like Derpy, or Vinyl Scratch, and stuff like art, fanfics, and music wouldn't be nearly as interesting. Sure, there are some annoying fads (like Gak), but they usually calm down after a while, and I'm sure this one will too, but for now...



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I think it is an abomination on society and should be obliterated. Don't you just hate it when you see random gold scepters with insane smiles popping up randomly? It's just plain stupid. Give me a break. I mean, COME ON.




Sorry @Dark Horn but you had this one coming. =P


I think this meme is hilarious.


The scepter shall save us all!



EDIT: By the way, I am not serious. I am just joking with you.

Edited by Emperor Posh
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Sorry @Dark Horn but you had this one coming. =P


I think this meme is hilarious, I don't under stand why you hate it, it's not different than any other meme out there.

He has a scepter in his avatar, so I think he's being sarcastic. Either way, I have to admit, this seem like a forced meme, but it's still funny in my opinion.
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I didn't know where this scepter even appears... i still don't ;p, dangit now i'm gonna have to rewatch and look for it...


Frankly it doesn't bother me, meme's hardly do frankly, maybe i just don't pay enough attention to them idk.


But frankly it'll die out mostly after a little while, its not gonna stay around forever.


I didn't know that it appeared, but regardless i find the smile pretty funny, and the meme's don't bother me again, so yeah ;p.

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I didn't know where this scepter even appears... i still don't ;p, dangit now i'm gonna have to rewatch and look for it...


Frankly it doesn't bother me, meme's hardly do frankly, maybe i just don't pay enough attention to them idk.


But frankly it'll die out mostly after a little while, its not gonna stay around forever.


I didn't know that it appeared, but regardless i find the smile pretty funny, and the meme's don't bother me again, so yeah ;p.

Here I will link a video for you =P

It's the part in episode 2 when the scepter appears.

http://youtu.be/faKa8HAZupg?t=31m6s    Copyrighted!!!

Edited by Emperor Posh
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The whole thing is completely over my head. I don't understand it at all.
Hell, I was expecting Pinkie's "creamy frosting" line to be the next big thing, but that barely got any attention at all.
What the hell is wrong with you, people? It's a damn SCEPTER!

Edited by Bron-Yr-Aur
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I never saw her scepter the first time I watched the episodes but when I found them and saw it, I died laughing xD


All the memes only make it better :D :D

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