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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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7 Stalkers remaining.

2 are injured.

0 are disabled.

1 are dead.


Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.


- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.


- Stalkers are very fast learners and pass on knowledge with their pack by a kind of shared intelligence or 'hive mind'. They adapt to difficult situations very quickly: even a small pack can become very dangerous after just a short duration as they adapt to negate their preys strengths. Packs tend to range from five to as many as thirty Stalkers - occasionally reinforced by other, likeminded creatures.





Ready for the blade this time, the Stalker twisted in the air - fully turning and allowing the edge to glance it's hide as it brought the crescent claws around from the side. It followed this up by flitting forward to smash itself into the pony with unexpected force.




The second rolled into an upright position and blinked as Blast charged at it. It simply stood - motionless - until the pony was mere inches away, at which point it flitted to the left - leaving only the wall where it had been standing.


The staggered third Stalker blinked - nothing had suggested that this prey was capable of magic - not more than a few tricks and illusions and certainly nothing that needed defending against... though its aura was unusual - familiar even. There was a touch of Arcana about it. As the creature found its footing again, it paused - unsure exactly what to do as it shielded itself.


One of the pair behind Eclipse chose a new strategy - it flitted through the air to appear above the unicorn: dropping with otherworldly claws outstretched.




The sixth Stalker was caught unaware, its legs swept from under it. Contending with both the sudden impact and the strange laws of this world, it crashed to the ground: carapace hardening in anticipation of an attack.

@,@@Midnight Scribbler


White Eclipse

Eclipse was beginning to break the black goop away, and it seemed that powering up his magic was doing some good. However, progress came to a halt when two stalkers lunged onto his back, sinking their claws into his skin.

"Ack! Get off of me, repulsive creatures!" Eclipse managed to get himself to the nearest wall. Despite the seemingly thin structure of the monsters, they weighed a ton when multiplied. He tried ramming his back into the wall, attempting to shake them off. When he looked to his side, he saw Aegis fighting one of the stalkers, Amethyst devouring one of the fallen beasts, and Clockwork just... standing there.

"Clockwork! Don't just simply spectate! Help us!" Eclipse said, continuing to ram his back into the wall.


Blasted Nova

The impact was catastrophic. Blast went so fast, it seemed as if he left a gaping hole in the wall. It left him dizzy and with quite a splitting headache (And making a large crack in his skull), but in a moment or so, he regained himself and stood across from the stalker.

"Heh. You're pretty fast. Let's see which one of us is faster, then." Blast said, kneeling down into a running position. These guys weren't kidding around. It was time to get serious. Blast was going to try to take the stalker's guard down, then while he was regaining himself, he'd strike.

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


Still dispersed along the shadow that Clockwork cast Shadow laughed quietly his voice echoing with condescension as Amethyst consumed one of the wounded Stalkers. "And now they know that she's here, clearly showing herself to be the most appetizing target in the room without waiting till there where to few of them to harm her... All the better for the one left to pick up the pieces little one. Such small meals are not worth that much effort in the end of things." He then directed his attention to Clockwork. "I'll handle it if one of them goes for you doctor... Proper compensation would be most welcome if i'm required to help though."

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Aegis Dare



Aegis grinned as the Stalker went down. He was no expert at fighting, not by a long shot, but he had faith in himself and was confident that he could win if he was careful and quick enough. He struck at the stunned Stalker, using his wings to accelerate his already agile movements and amplify the force behind his kick as he swung his leg downwards, intending to crack its carapace against the rock floor.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Frost looked at the outsider and raised and eyebrow at the comment, "Alright....just keep quiet, he said softly as a he started to back up slightly holding his bow up in a ready position to fire encase any of the Stalkers decided that he was going to be there next target. "Celestia this really is something...." he said under his breath taking in the sights of what was unfolding in front of him.

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Madness reigned in the tunnels - pony and beast beat at each other mercilessly in the confusing battle - the darkness obscuring vision and making it impossible to keep track of what was where. Confusion: a speciality of the pack dwelling beasts.





7(?) Stalkers remaining.

3 are injured.

1 are disabled.

1 are dead.


Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.


- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.


- Stalkers are very fast learners and pass on knowledge with their pack by a kind of shared intelligence or 'hive mind'. They adapt to difficult situations very quickly: even a small pack can become very dangerous after just a short duration as they adapt to negate their preys strengths. Packs tend to range from five to as many as thirty Stalkers - occasionally reinforced by other, likeminded creatures.





Confident it its ability to fend off the suspiciously dangerous creature: the Stalker eyed it hungrily - a look of feral starvation in its eye. Not normally what would have been considered 'peaceful' creatures anyway, this magically-dead world was leaving it starving for any trace of life... and the fight was only exhausting its reserves further. With each movement and every spell it grew more bold and seemed to care less and less about potential injury.


Advancing at a purposeful pace, it bore its teeth - or rather, the maw of edges which resembled teeth, as it circled slightly - positioning itself so that the preys back would be to a wall while it waited for the pony to strike again...






The second stalker flinched away - one of the smaller, thinner ones, it didn't seem to want to fight. It snarled menacingly and backed away a few more steps - ready to warp away again as it moved to back itself against a wall again.




The wall wasn't pleasant - not to be pressed against. It was cold, earthy even - downright uncomfortable to the creature of magic. Touching the creature wasn't all that nice either. The third Stalker released its grip from the impact, but not before digging in its claws.




Why were these creatures so varied? Couldn't they just decide on a method and stick to it? Magic, pointy sticks and now... they didn't even have claws!


The Stalker grunted - a surprisingly convincing sound for something that had neither lungs, nor any need for air - and braced for the closest type of attack it could relate to: the sword. While it probably helped, the form of the carapace wasn't ready to sustain a blunt strike. The magical shell cracked: dark light shining from within.


Sensing the warmth inside the pony, it lashed out: determined to restore itself by draining the creature as it snapped its 'teeth' at the offending limb.




Amethyst Void.


It would have been prudent at this stage to assist in the fight: claiming the spoils while these ponies fought might have seemed... impolite... to some. She was in a strange world though - one where she needed to make sure her power lasted as long as possible: and fighting wasn't going to help her preserve her reserves of energy. The Stalker was... adequate, she supposed. Nothing special - but it served its purpose.


She began to pick her way back through the battle - thankfully, the ponies seemed load and blundering enough to hold the attentions of...


A pair of eyes locked hers as she turned back from observing the carnage - followed by a maw of black edges which was as close to salvaging as possible without the correct biology.


"Huh. Where did you come from?" The outsider noted - the tone of her voice betraying her casually optimistic words.

Never quite forgotten.

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Madness reigned in the tunnels - pony and beast beat at each other mercilessly in the confusing battle - the darkness obscuring vision and making it impossible to keep track of what was where. Confusion: a speciality of the pack dwelling beasts.Stalkers


7(?) Stalkers remaining.3 are injured.1 are disabled.1 are dead.

Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.

- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.

- Stalkers are very fast learners and pass on knowledge with their pack by a kind of shared intelligence or 'hive mind'. They adapt to difficult situations very quickly: even a small pack can become very dangerous after just a short duration as they adapt to negate their preys strengths. Packs tend to range from five to as many as thirty Stalkers - occasionally reinforced by other, likeminded creatures.


Confident it its ability to fend off the suspiciously dangerous creature: the Stalker eyed it hungrily - a look of feral starvation in its eye. Not normally what would have been considered 'peaceful' creatures anyway, this magically-dead world was leaving it starving for any trace of life... and the fight was only exhausting its reserves further. With each movement and every spell it grew more bold and seemed to care less and less about potential injury.

Advancing at a purposeful pace, it bore its teeth - or rather, the maw of edges which resembled teeth, as it circled slightly - positioning itself so that the preys back would be to a wall while it waited for the pony to strike again...@@Geek0zoid,


The second stalker flinched away - one of the smaller, thinner ones, it didn't seem to want to fight. It snarled menacingly and backed away a few more steps - ready to warp away again as it moved to back itself against a wall again.


The wall wasn't pleasant - not to be pressed against. It was cold, earthy even - downright uncomfortable to the creature of magic. Touching the creature wasn't all that nice either. The third Stalker released its grip from the impact, but not before digging in its claws.@@Windbreaker,

Why were these creatures so varied? Couldn't they just decide on a method and stick to it? Magic, pointy sticks and now... they didn't even have claws!

The Stalker grunted - a surprisingly convincing sound for something that had neither lungs, nor any need for air - and braced for the closest type of attack it could relate to: the sword. While it probably helped, the form of the carapace wasn't ready to sustain a blunt strike. The magical shell cracked: dark light shining from within.

Sensing the warmth inside the pony, it lashed out: determined to restore itself by draining the creature as it snapped its 'teeth' at the offending limb.

---------------Amethyst Void.

It would have been prudent at this stage to assist in the fight: claiming the spoils while these ponies fought might have seemed... impolite... to some. She was in a strange world though - one where she needed to make sure her power lasted as long as possible: and fighting wasn't going to help her preserve her reserves of energy. The Stalker was... adequate, she supposed. Nothing special - but it served its purpose.

She began to pick her way back through the battle - thankfully, the ponies seemed load and blundering enough to hold the attentions of...

A pair of eyes locked hers as she turned back from observing the carnage - followed by a maw of black edges which was as close to salvaging as possible without the correct biology."Huh. Where did you come from?" The outsider noted - the tone of her voice betraying her casually optimistic words.

as the creature seemed unaffected by his attacks and looked prepared to go in for the kill he tried to think up a new strategy, but his thoughts were interrupted as he saw one of the beasts about to attack amethyst. Without stopping to think he bucked the monster in front of him in the face and charged after the one attacking amethyst. He tackled it out of the way and attempted to stab it in the throat. Edited by ~LoSt SoLe~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Blasted Nova

Suddenly, it seemed like the second stalker was backing away, in fear perhaps. A look of sadness came across Blast's face and he got out of his position.

"Creature... I don't know if you can hear me, but I really don't want to fight you. I'll give you a warning; you can either walk away with both of us living, or we can continue to fight like this. The latter, to me, doesn't need to be." Blast couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth. But, at the same time, he wasn't ashamed. The creature seemed to be frightened, and he wasn't going to fight it without giving it the chance to fall back.


White Eclipse

Eclipse was in a catastrophic amount of pain. It was unlike anything he experienced. The creature's claws dug deep into his back, and it felt as if they released something... but he broke free. The goop was gone, from his horn at least. He could finally produce minor magic again.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Aegis Dare
Aegis pulled his leg back, trying to get out of the way of the Stalker’s return attack, but he felt the teeth(?) scrape against the skin near his hoof, then a warm trickle of blood from the stinging injury. He rolled out of the way and, in the same movement, made a counterattack, aiming to pierce that crack with his bladed wings.

Noble Persona
Noble continued to look into the situation within the city and the extent of his powers now that he was free from the background noise of thousands of voices rolling around like a storm in his head. But he knew all too well that if he delved too deeply, he would become exactly like Orion was. He felt pity for Orion, and wondered if he was alright. Scribbler, Willow, Zintiik and that mare he couldn’t seem to remember, too. Were they safe? Had that pirate gotten to them, too? He couldn’t say. But for some strange reason…he wouldn’t mind seeing them again.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Clockwork Green

@@Tricksters Pride,




Clockwork broke from his trans like state at the mention of his name. Shooting a cold and emotionless look to Eclipse, he watched as the creature descended upon him, and as they fought, he was suddenly brought to Shadow's attention. "Whatever it is, I can do for you.. Consider it done, my friend." His face broke into a vile smirk. Eclipse seemed to have shaken the creature from his back, but was badly wounded. Blood was everywhere. Clockwork trotted over to where he was standing, and pointed his caster at Eclipse, releasing some of the healing aura over his wounded back. The blood began to scab over, and heal, and the pain would be reduced, but the wounds would still be quite nasty until he had proper rest and medical attention. "There now, I am not without a heart. But know that if we all get wounded, there will be nopony to pick up your pieces when you do go down." Clockwork paused, lowering his voice in case these creatures could understand him. "I am no fighter, Eclipse. I have little of aid at my disposal that can deal with these creatures that wouldn't also cause a great deal of damage to you and the others. This is your fight. Make it count." He backed up, watching to make certain nothing was coming his way.

Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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Frost continued to sit back and hold his bow up, he wasn't sure why he was hesitating to just shoot at the creatures, was he afraid of hitting one of his teammates, did he not want to get into conflict. He thought all of this in a mere second that reality was taking place, in another he just lost all thought and returned to why he owned the bow, he fought, and killed if need be. Frost raised his bow and fired on the closest Stalker he could see.

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(?) Stalkers remaining.

3 are injured.

2 are disabled.

4 are dead.


Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.


- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.


- Stalkers are very fast learners and pass on knowledge with their pack by a kind of shared intelligence or 'hive mind'. They adapt to difficult situations very quickly: even a small pack can become very dangerous after just a short duration as they adapt to negate their preys strengths. Packs tend to range from five to as many as thirty Stalkers - occasionally reinforced by other, likeminded creatures.





"Will you stop getting in my way!"


Amethyst watched as the stupid one... did something really stupid - leaving his back exposed to charge down the single stalker in front of her. She paused - watching them tumble aside before shrugging to herself and continuing to carefully tread through the carnage: if he wanted to get himself killed then that was his business.


She stepped aside - firing a detonation squarely into the chest of the one recovering from the kick and passing through the resulting mist with a self assured spring in her step.


The newly engaged stalker screeched - a piercingly high pitched noise load enough to flood the passage with ease.



@@Frosty V,




Far from answering or giving any indication of whether or not it understood, the creature remained in position. It's 'teeth' bared in a defensive snarl as it occasionally glanced around and then back at Blast. It still didn't attack, but it didn't back down either.




Shaking itself down, the Stalker's focus was lost - it's shell flickered for moment as it tried to get its bearings and refocus on the prey. As it made its move to attack again, an arrow hurtled through the air: lodging itself cleanly into the chest of the creature and stopping it in its tracks. Bemused, the confused beast looked down and snapped angrily at the shaft - struggling to try and break it away from the problematic angle it had struck at. At this stage, its spell had been forgotten - the shadowy, twisted form visible clearly for the first time as it reared and writhed to try and remove the obstructing missile.




The prone stalker poured its energy into hardening its carapace - but to no avail. Tired, wounded and starving, even the remainder of its energy wasn't enough to stop the blade. As the edge pierced it and tainted its aura with the touch of metal, It dissolved into that same colourful cloud of essence as the others: quickly dispersing into the air.




Emerald Gaze.




@@Tricksters Pride,


"Based...? No, no I've never seen anything like that. " Emerald shook her head solemnly - did they even have a base? She had always assumed so, but they were just ponies who happened to be in the right place at the right time. She didn't actually know about their structure at all.


The diplomat looked each way down the street: most of the sounds throughout the city had died down: the immediate area was silent and still.


"Come on - while its quiet. Even if we can't find them, there must be others around who can help somehow - we need numbers!."




@@Midnight Scribbler,






"Hundred bits says they're lying..." Muttered Kingfisher with a slightly more grim smirk than usual - before returning to the scowl that had been locked on her face as the scum had withheld her sword - who did he think he was? What right did he have? That was personal!


Not that they seemed to have any problems invading personal boundaries - at least abstract ones...


She shook her head in disgust - looking back along the hall that they had entered from at the sound if an ear-splitting screech - redoubling her glare at the unicorn holding her cutlass.


"I guess you don't care too much about whatever that was? As long as you're okay, right?"




The northern door let on to a short corridor, followed by a staircase which rose steeply upwards - gradually becoming clearer and lighter. The sparks hung in the air but were smaller and less densely packed, especially as they got further away from the crossroads.


It seemed that Orion hadn't expected anything to follow him this far.


At the pinnacle of the staircase, beams of light shone down from cracks and openings in the ceiling: it seemed to be natural light, though it was impossible to note anything of interest other than the whiteness.


After another short hallway stood a door: closed, but with a clearly broken lock. Serveral symbols were etched around the frame but the most prominent was an elaborately decorative eye - carved right in the door itself.

Never quite forgotten.

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(?) Stalkers remaining.3 are injured.2 are disabled.4 are dead.

Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.

- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.

- Stalkers are very fast learners and pass on knowledge with their pack by a kind of shared intelligence or 'hive mind'. They adapt to difficult situations very quickly: even a small pack can become very dangerous after just a short duration as they adapt to negate their preys strengths. Packs tend to range from five to as many as thirty Stalkers - occasionally reinforced by other, likeminded creatures.

@,"Will you stop getting in my way!"

Amethyst watched as the stupid one... did something really stupid - leaving his back exposed to charge down the single stalker in front of her. She paused - watching them tumble aside before shrugging to herself and continuing to carefully tread through the carnage: if he wanted to get himself killed then that was his business.

She stepped aside - firing a detonation squarely into the chest of the one recovering from the kick and passing through the resulting mist with a self assured spring in her step.

The newly engaged stalker screeched - a piercingly high pitched noise load enough to flood the passage with ease.@@Geek0zoid,@@Frosty V,


Far from answering or giving any indication of whether or not it understood, the creature remained in position. It's 'teeth' bared in a defensive snarl as it occasionally glanced around and then back at Blast. It still didn't attack, but it didn't back down either.


Shaking itself down, the Stalker's focus was lost - it's shell flickered for moment as it tried to get its bearings and refocus on the prey. As it made its move to attack again, an arrow hurtled through the air: lodging itself cleanly into the chest of the creature and stopping it in its tracks. Bemused, the confused beast looked down and snapped angrily at the shaft - struggling to try and break it away from the problematic angle it had struck at. At this stage, its spell had been forgotten - the shadowy, twisted form visible clearly for the first time as it reared and writhed to try and remove the obstructing missile.@@Windbreaker,

The prone stalker poured its energy into hardening its carapace - but to no avail. Tired, wounded and starving, even the remainder of its energy wasn't enough to stop the blade. As the edge pierced it and tainted its aura with the touch of metal, It dissolved into that same colourful cloud of essence as the others: quickly dispersing into the air.

---------------Emerald Gaze.@,@@Windbreaker,@@Tricksters Pride,"Based...? No, no I've never seen anything like that. " Emerald shook her head solemnly - did they even have a base? She had always assumed so, but they were just ponies who happened to be in the right place at the right time. She didn't actually know about their structure at all.

The diplomat looked each way down the street: most of the sounds throughout the city had died down: the immediate area was silent and still."Come on - while its quiet. Even if we can't find them, there must be others around who can help somehow - we need numbers!."

---------------@@Midnight Scribbler,@@SilverHeart,@@Nomadic,@,@,"Hundred bits says they're lying..." Muttered Kingfisher with a slightly more grim smirk than usual - before returning to the scowl that had been locked on her face as the scum had withheld her sword - who did he think he was? What right did he have? That was personal!

Not that they seemed to have any problems invading personal boundaries - at least abstract ones...

She shook her head in disgust - looking back along the hall that they had entered from at the sound if an ear-splitting screech - redoubling her glare at the unicorn holding her cutlass."I guess you don't care too much about whatever that was? As long as you're okay, right?"


The northern door let on to a short corridor, followed by a staircase which rose steeply upwards - gradually becoming clearer and lighter. The sparks hung in the air but were smaller and less densely packed, especially as they got further away from the crossroads.

It seemed that Orion hadn't expected anything to follow him this far.

At the pinnacle of the staircase, beams of light shone down from cracks and openings in the ceiling: it seemed to be natural light, though it was impossible to note anything of interest other than the whiteness.

After another short hallway stood a door: closed, but with a clearly broken lock. Serveral symbols were etched around the frame but the most prominent was an elaborately decorative eye - carved right in the door itself.

"I was trying to help you!" He said in annoyance before the creature screeched a shrill and almost unbearably loud cry. He put one hoof to his head as his ears were assaulted and cursed, before stomping on the creatures face repeatedly "shut the fuck up! I'm trying to have a conversation!!" He growled angrily Edited by ~LoSt SoLe~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Aegis Dare


Aegis recoiled in shock and horror at his own actions. He’d rationalized that fighting was the right thing to do since the Stalkers were between him and his friends, but that all changed when he had killed the Stalker that could barely defend itself against his attacks. And yet the others killed and didn’t even seem to care. The thought of killing made Aegis feel sick, but his faith was shaken by the fact that his friends killed so easily. ‘Do they even care that they’re killing living creatures?

  • Brohoof 3

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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After the mare had teleported away and Aphrodite asked her question 'Strings' (Colors) sat on one of the steps and sighed, this looked like it was going to get really busy soon... "Well all you need to do is make sure nopony hurts me or kills me, i can defend myself but if push comes to shove i don't have much in the way of offensive spells... Honestly though i don't even know what i need to do right now, i need to go see what the heck is going on first before continuing with Ice's evacuation plan. I could use some help?"








After getting the off duty guards mobilized to try and escort the surrounding populace into the caverns (Having dug an entryway into them in case the 'Royal Guard' decided to crack down on them.) Ice decided to wait at the main entrance (Guarded like the others.) for Noble and her guards to see how negotiations went with the militia, while they weren't very important by this point they could be useful in a successful evacuation should they wish to work with her in a beneficial manner.





Bolt (And guards)



In the beginning the creatures that where dumb enough to attack (Or get within range) where dropped quickly but they learned fast, it was still fairly easy to kill them but they had started working together and attempting to ambush both the guardsponies and the civilians that they had picked up along the way. (Currently being shown how to use crossbows and light arms just in case.) Thankfully they couldn't effectively attack the formation yet but soon they would figure it out and the guards would have to change tactics before they lost somepony. 


Bolt had decided to train the civilians and Gwyn (A surprisingly quick study.) to use some of the crossbow's and light weaponry while they where moving, and though he felt a little sympathy for Gwyn and her brother he kept his mouth shut. Not only was it none of his business but there where more useful things for him to do. (He wasn't a psychologist.)'*Well he may be a bit off key but at least he cares for his sister... Alllllmost there now, just a few more blocks.*' Though shortly afterwards he heard a clang and turned around to shoot one of the monstrosities... only to see that one of his ponies had dropped his weapon after 'Artorias' had done something to it... and picked it up, leaving the guard unarmed. Bolt sighed in exasperation and a mild irritation before speaking up with an irritated drawl. "Could you give Living back her weapon, i don't think its a good idea to go unarmed right now... And could you save the testing till we get back, its nice of you in all but where almost there and playing around with our weapons in a hostile situation is a bit risky. Calm or not those things learn too fast."

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Midnight Sky


So far Midnight had learned a fair bit about the limitations of the Stalkers. While their power was formidable, they were still stuck in their current physical forms, though the thickness of their carapaces was alterable. In addition, they were susceptible to surprise attacks that didn't give them time to react and that high penetration attacks with physical objects seemed to work quite well. Of course there was also Eclipse's strange magic and Blast's brute force, but those were beyond Midnight's ability to recreate. Deciding to test out his ideas, Midnight levitated his spear up into the air and targeted the noisy Stalker that was with Ronin. Then with all the force he could put into his telekinesis, Midnight launched his spear at the ethereal creature, aiming for the spot at the base of it's neck. He'd rather not take the risk of only injuring the thing, that could get messy, so Midnight knew he had no choice but to go for the kill. Though there was a part of him that wished he could capture one of these Stalkers for study, after all they were creatures of Arcana just like Amethyst but they didn't have a voice to complain with nor the power to resist if he handled them right. And on top of that Midnight had no doubt that Sunshine probably felt like taking one home not for research but to domesticate and keep as a pet, just like what she tried during one of their early encounters with Timberwolves.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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White Eclipse

White Eclipse walked up to the downed creature and charged up his magic. It seemed like Frost's arrow did the trick, and the creature was now completely defenseless. The unicorn proceeded to charge his magic, and he fired the shot at the stalker on the ground.


Blasted Nova

Blast sighed and approached the backed stalker. He showed a look of peace in his body language, and he held out his hoof. He gave a small smile to the creature, hoping he'd take it without attacking.


(I'm sorry I couldn't word this better XD))


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


"Deal," she mutters quietly to Kingfisher.  Even now she wasn't about to back away from one of their bets - it was one of the few things managing to keep her sane.  Pavisa simply rolls her eyes in response to Scribbler.  "Right...  Like you can just buy Canterlot Guard's armour on the streets."  The fact was the destruction of her armour felt almost like a final nail in the coffin, so to speak, of her time with the Guard.  She wouldn't be able to get her hooves on another set, not without stealing it.  "You already broke it, do whatever you want with it I guess...  But if I get hurt somewhere that there should have been armour, it's on your head."







As the changeling reached the top of the staircase, he quickly flew over towards the door to look at it.  Glancing back at where the others were surely following before looking at the door again, Zintiik contemplated if he should wait for them...  But, there was no promise that Orion wasn't already farther ahead.  He should catch up quickly.


Part of him said to just push open the door and walk through - after all, Orion was his friend!  Right?  But the paranoid part of the changeling's mind, the part that had kept him alive for so long, wouldn't let him do that.  Instead Zintiik tries to push the door open slowly and quietly, hoping to slip in unnoticed to see what he had to deal with.







@@Tricksters Pride,


Glancing warily down the streets, Stahl nods in agreement.  "Right...  I'm not sure which I find more unsettling, the cries of panic or the silence..."  Stahl kept his blades drawn, just in case...  Walking up next to Emerald his horn glows a little brighter as he extends the reach of his sabers to surround both of them.  


"I don't suppose you have any idea where we should be looking?  Wandering the streets aimlessly is about as likely to take us straight to one of those things as it is to other ponies."  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Noble Persona & Gwyn


Noble snapped out of his trance and returned the weapon. “Sorry. I just hate sitting around when I could do something.” He took out a small crystal from his belt pouch and stared at it intently. This was how he was monitoring the situation within Canterlot, by enchanting objects around Canterlot to function as a surveillance network, all linked to this crystal. This was beyond his already impressive power without the Litany, but now that it was set up and now of use, he needed to let Strings know and show him how to use it.


Gwyn was inspecting the crossbow. It seemed in good order, but she would have to modify it later. She remained cheery and upbeat since recovering from her own panic attack, but she wanted to be ready in case they ran into trouble. ‘I just hope I don’t have to use this.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@SilverHeart, @, @, @


Denarius tilted back his ears at the sharp screeching noise echoing throughout the hallway. It probably wasn't there to signify a particularly joyous omen. Scribbler was likely going to debate with the two mares until time itself stopped, and his current penchant for prattling onwards about peace appeared not to be helping. Still Denarius waited for a pause in their conversation before he swivelled around to face the stallion. "Scribbler, why do you continually treat me so harshly? Of everypony here, I've given you most. I gave up most of my possessions on hoof just to provide the material for stitching you up". He moved to the other side of Scribbler with his horn pointing at the recovering wound. He gestured with his hooves as he spoke"Granted, you've also appeared to of taken offence at some of my remarks just now. I meant no harm, but my opinion might prove useful to you. Wouldn't you agree, I'm probably the most neutral of ponies here". 

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Aegis Dare


He still couldn’t believe it, even now. Shaken and in no condition to fight, Aegis made his way back to the others who sat out the melee to wait out the rest of the battle. He had a nervous expression, trying to deal with the stress of his situation. ‘I…I killed it. But I’m not a killer, am I? Am I a bad guy?

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Nomadic,@, @, @@Midnight Scribbler, @


Mirror hesitantly placed her left hoof on the ground, before placing her full weight on it. The spell had worked, she'd thank him later. Mirror lifted her leg to work at it, the fur was still singed though. Not that mattered for now. Mirror looked at the two captives, "I'm going to go ahead and start looking for Orion. You're free to follow me or follow them." Mirror said as she pointed at the two stallions. Mirror rolled her eyes, couldn't the two of them just ignore each other, there was enough going on without them getting into an argument. "Scribbler dear, when you two are finished, please put up a shield so nothing can come up behind us, The less distractions when we deal with Orion the better." Mirror started to walk towards cleared path. She looked over at Willow. "Willow. Let's go find your brother."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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(1) Stalkers remaining.
1 Living.
1 Disabled.

Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.

- Large, curved claws.
- Fangs
- Magical affinity (movement based)
- Physically strong and very agile.
- Hard carapace.

- Stalkers are very fast learners and pass on knowledge with their pack by a kind of shared intelligence or 'hive mind'. They adapt to difficult situations very quickly: even a small pack can become very dangerous after just a short duration as they adapt to negate their preys strengths. Packs tend to range from five to as many as thirty Stalkers - occasionally reinforced by other, likeminded creatures.

Having sustained losses and not managed to bring down a single one of the ponies, the remaining Stalkers began to flit away: seeking other prey. They were desperate - but not stupid. At least this way they could regroup: recover their wounds and their numbers, and share their knowledge of these violent creatures with the other packs.

The Stalker screeched back again before diving towards the pony: it didn't strike though. Inches from being able to reach out, it flitted through the air. 
Seconds passed: it didn't reappear. It didn't strike from any shadows and it couldn't be heard. Not willing to sacrifice the rest of its pack, the Stalker had fled.



The smallest stalker let out a piercing screech of its own: though it lacked the volume or the power of the larger one. It scuttled a step to the left, then the right - unsure of exactly how to escape this monster that was reaching towards it. Jumping into the air, it flitted - only to misjudge its direction and appear just in time to crash dizzyingly against the far wall of the passageway.


Overwhelmed by the cluster of attacks, the starving creature staggered for another moment before its legs shook and it fell to the ground: motionless.
Amethyst Void.
@@Frosty V,
@@Midnight Scribbler,
@@Tricksters Pride,
Amethyst wandered through the carnage: not that it could be called as much. True, the mist of the Stalkers essence was gruesome in its own way, but surely the effect was lost on these barbaric ponies? Regardless - it cleaned up much more easily that the 'blood' and 'gore' that creatures of earth tended to leave behind...
She ambled casually towards the more intelligent ponies - those loitering on the sidelines just like she would have done, had she not needed the energy.
"Weird - I thought they'd put up more of a fight - they didn't kill any of you." She said in a matter-of-fact tone, motioning towards the ponies finishing the melee in front of them and their wounds. She shuddered a little - not at the merciless butching of what constituted to 'the local wildlife' back in her world: that was fine - encouraged even - but what knotted her chest was much more mundane. "Ugh... is that blood? It's a bit... icky... isn't it? You have that inside you? All of you? Ew..."


Emerald Gaze.

@@Tricksters Pride,

"Well..." Truth be told - she wasn't certain. True, she was good at manipulating others: but that hardly equated to leadership of any kind. 

"I guess... We could try to find Sol and some of the Sons - I've seen one or two of them around. Or we could try and get back into the castle - maybe together we can get some assistance from the guard... would any of them follow you, against orders?"
None of these ideas were idea - they all relied for too much on luck and variables that she couldn't control.

"Or... we could try to find that unicorn again? He did say that he had equipment - and ponies. Even if he's useless himself - we might be able to get some help from them?"




@@Midnight Scribbler,



"You got us into this - we're coming with you!" Kingfisher snarled - stepping forward. "If you think you can convince him to give up and go home? Fine! But we're going with you in case that doesn't work and he decides he's gonna kill eveyone he can get his psycho hooves on!"
She sighed. The nosebleed had stopped - that was good, it was getting increasingly irritating. Rounding on the unicorn who was still holding onto the last of her possessions - well, aside for the half bottle of Brandy - she glared at him.

"So fine! Do what you want - but give me back my sword so that I can do my job when it fails! What do you think the two of us are going to try and do? Attack the five of you?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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(1) Stalkers remaining.1 Living.1 Disabled.

Extremely thin, wolflike creatures - slightly smaller than a pony. Hardened magical energy forms a dark, shell like exoskeleton covering the body.

- Large, curved claws.

- Fangs

- Magical affinity (movement based)

- Physically strong and very agile.

- Hard carapace.

- Stalkers are very fast learners and pass on knowledge with their pack by a kind of shared intelligence or 'hive mind'. They adapt to difficult situations very quickly: even a small pack can become very dangerous after just a short duration as they adapt to negate their preys strengths. Packs tend to range from five to as many as thirty Stalkers - occasionally reinforced by other, likeminded creatures.



Having sustained losses and not managed to bring down a single one of the ponies, the remaining Stalkers began to flit away: seeking other prey. They were desperate - but not stupid. At least this way they could regroup: recover their wounds and their numbers, and share their knowledge of these violent creatures with the other packs.@,


The Stalker screeched back again before diving towards the pony: it didn't strike though. Inches from being able to reach out, it flitted through the air. 


Seconds passed: it didn't reappear. It didn't strike from any shadows and it couldn't be heard. Not willing to sacrifice the rest of its pack, the Stalker had fled.@@Geek0zoid,


The smallest stalker let out a piercing screech of its own: though it lacked the volume or the power of the larger one. It scuttled a step to the left, then the right - unsure of exactly how to escape this monster that was reaching towards it. Jumping into the air, it flitted - one to misjudge its direction and appear just in time to crash dizzyingly against the far wall of the passageway.


Overwhelmed by the cluster of attacks, the starving creature staggered for another moment before its legs shook and it fell to the ground: motionless.



 Amethyst Void.

 @@Windbreaker,@@Frosty V,@,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Tricksters Pride,


Amethyst wandered through the carnage: not that it could be called as much. True, the mist of the Stalkers essence was gruesome in its own way, but surely the effect was lost on these barbaric ponies? Regardless - it cleaned up much more easily that the 'blood' and 'gore' that creatures of earth tended to leave behind...


She ambled casually towards the more intelligent ponies - those loitering on the sidelines just like she would have done, had she not needed the energy.

 "Weird - I thought they'd put up more of a fight - they didn't kill any of you." She said in a matter-of-fact tone, motioning towards the ponies finishing the melee in front of them and their wounds. She shuddered a little - not at the merciless butching of what constituted to 'the local wildlife' back in her world: that was fine - encouraged even - but what knotted her chest was much more mundane. "Ugh... is that blood? It's a bit... icky... isn't it? You have that inside you? All of you? Ew..."

---------------Emerald Gaze.@,@@Windbreaker,@@Tricksters Pride,"Well..." Truth be told - she wasn't certain. True, she was good at manipulating others: but that hardly equated to leadership of any kind. "I guess... We could try to find Sol and some of the Sons - I've seen one or two of them around. Or we could try and get back into the castle - maybe together we can get some assistance from the guard... would any of them follow you, against orders?"


None of these ideas were idea - they all relied for too much on luck and variables that she couldn't control."Or... we could try to find that unicorn again? He did say that he had equipment - and ponies. Even if he's useless himself - we might be able to get some help from them?"





@@Midnight Scribbler,@,



"You got us into this - we're coming with you!" Kingfisher snarled - stepping forward. "If you think you can convince him to give up and go home? Fine! But we're going with you in case that doesn't work and he decides he's gonna kill eveyone he can get his psycho hooves on!"


She sighed. The nosebleed had stopped - that was good, it was getting increasingly irritating. Rounding on the unicorn who was still holding onto the last of her possessions - well, aside for the half bottle of Brandy - she glared at him.

"So fine! Do what you want - but give me back my sword so that I can do my job when it fails! What do you think the two of us are going to try and do? Attack the five of you?"

as the creature disappeared he waited several seconds for it to return and attack again, when it didn't he sighed and sheathed his sword and scoffed as he heard amethyst. "What's wrong sunshine, never seen a little blood before?" He asked with a small smirk as he walked up to the group. He was happy to see that they'd all survived.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Frost brushed himself off, not really doing much for the fight except helping eclipse out with the one arrow he was able to get off at the Stalkers chest. He let out a small sigh of relief and turned to Amethyst, raising an eyebrow at the pony. He had only just seen her, he tilted his head when she questioned the blood. "Y-yeah blood is inside us." He said slowly

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Midnight Scribbler







Scribbler suddenly wondered what he'd gotten himself into. He was being assaulted with negativity from almost every angle, and all he'd been trying to do was diffuse the problem. And now more problems seemed to be cropping up, judging by the shrill cry coming from the southern entrance. Pavisa and Kingfisher continued to respond venomously to him, which he chose to take without response. There was little more to be said if she did not want repayment. Denarius began defending his own position, mentioning having given up his possessions. Scribbler was suddenly humbled by this, having been only partly lucid during the whole ordeal. He suddenly realized why the stallion no longer had his saddlebag. He reached up, touching the stitch on his forehead. It had now mostly healed up, after a couple of his aura spells had washed over it. "This.. This was the stitching from your bag?" He glanced down, feeling stupid having insulted him now. Looking up again, he seemed much more reserved. "It seems I owe you as well, then. Forgive my attitude, Denarius. It is difficult to tell who to trust out here.. And I don't remember much of that night." He glanced over his shoulder as Mirror spoke to him, passing by. "You have my word, Mirror." He glanced to the other two, who'd not taken kindly to any of them. Finally he answered their abrasive questioning. "I don't care to argue any further.. If we must be together, we should all at least try not to kill one another." He trotted off after Mirror, turning as he got just in between her and Kingfisher. "I will return this to you, but I am taking a great risk in doing so. I do not trust either of you, and I am sure that the feeling is mutual. But if it is a show of trust you wish, then here it is." He removed the blade from his robe, and held it out to Kingfisher, handle first. He was ready to jump into action if she tried anything. "I can only hope you are trustworthy. But you have my word, no harm will come to either of you from our side unless it is in self defense." With that, he turned, and continued on into the tunnel's entrance, standing next to Willow. "I must block this passage. If you are coming along, then now is your chance."


Clockwork Green




Clockwork scowled as Eclipse seemingly ignored his comment, and continued fighting. He could continue fighting, that was a plus, but the lack of thanks left a bad taste in Clockwork's mouth. He chose to ignore it, moving back out of harms way, and finding Aegis, seemingly shaken from taking the lives of these creatures. He placed a hoof on his shoulder. "I know that look.. You feel remorse for these beings, don't you?" He smiled "Shake that feeling for now, this is survival. They would have killed you. It had to be done, you are not out of place here. Nopony will be blaming you for killing these things off. It's them or us, and if you don't kill them, we will all die in the end. Who will stop the apocalypse from happening if not us?" He gazed to the pegasus, hoping he would see the wisdom in these words. Clockwork knew these things weren't like ponies, they would have killed them all, that was no lie.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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