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open Children of the Night RP


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"Sounds like our princess is angry," Shadow chuckled to himself, powering up his horn. With a small amount of energy, but no little measure of concentration, the black stallion used his proficiency with manipulating the dark and sank into the shadows, effectively dissapearing from sight.


Now he had time "alone," he began to inspect the rune he accidentally burned onto the base of his hoof earlier, strangely the pain was still there, although at a much lower level than before. 

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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(OOC: I'm lost again, so I'll make something up.)


Storm was lurking around the castle to see what he could see. He trotted lightly so he wouldn't make noise. He picked up on that when, for a short time, made a pasttime of pickpocketing. He remembered those days quite clearly. He had his mane styled different, wore a black tunic... "Ah, those were the days " he said to nopony. Then, he smelled the smell. That one smell that smelled... Smelly. He grinned and headed into the nearest room. That room was the library. He expected it to be a medium sized one like in Ponyville, but it was giant. "Oh, sweet mother of Luna..." he said as he trotted off into the library.


He was there until the next day, without contact from another pony.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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(((Sorry. Had fifty million things to do today and just now had time to reply...)))


~Time Skip to next morning~


Lunar woke up. She noticed Stormwing wasn't next to her and got worried. She got up, walking down the hall. She saw the library light on and walked inside. "Stormy...? You in here...?" she called out.


Luna yawned, passed out by the door of Steel's room. She couldn't make it to knock on his door. She passed out right by his door.


Midnight was sleeping in her room; she decided it would be better if she slept in her own room. Grell seemed like he really wanted to be alone in the morning.


Aiko was still asleep; she hadn't slept in days. There was no way she was going to be up already.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Steel was In his room sweat drippin from his brow as he did many different exercises

Grell was up the heavy cretin that had Covered the wall had been moved back and he sat infront of it the candles around him flaring with his breathing as he focused his energy so the wall was a pentagram like symbol with nine points and it was glowing

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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($hopefully you remember what was happening )

Luna was outside of steels door steel was working out

Grell was I NBC his room

Midnight was in her room

Aiko was sleeping with flair beside her

Lunar was sleeping with stormwing

disregard this it wasn't showing all the posts

Rosey was sleeping in the coffin in grells room

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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// Ah, yes! The site's up again! Thank you, MLPF and Poniverse staff! //


There were books stacked up on tables, already read. Storm wasn't anywhere to be seen, though. Nothing said where he was, but he was surely in the library. He always loved reading. That was obvious, shown by the books stacked up. They were big, thick books that looked quite old.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Shadow drifted out of his half-consciousness. He learned many years ago that one could stave of fatigue for a day or two if they put themselves in a half-trance using meditation.


"Hmm?" He looked around the room, to find Lunar had left, recently.


The stallion walked out of the chamber, searching for any sign of where his charge might be. After some short while of looking, Shadow heard noises coming from what appeared to be a library, he poked his head through the door and took a look around.


The good news was Lunar was in there, giving himself a small sigh of relief he looked around, there were books of many kinds scattered everywhere, Looks like someone's been doing some heavy duty reading.


Picking up one of the books with his magic, a wave of memories flew through Shadow, it was not too long ago since this was his habitat, reading from dusk 'till dawn.


"Whoever was in here sure had an... Interesting taste in books." He gestured towards the stacks of them while calling to Lunar. Some of these books are ancient... Nothing of any real interest but still. He thought to himself as he cycled through the various tomes, books, whatever he could find, often carrying and cycling through more than ten at a time with his magic.

Edited by Blissful Chaos

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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Most of the books were old adventure stories of places like the Everfree and rivers, sort of like older Daring Do books. Once in a while, there would be a book on the occult and supernatural in the stacks, but most were history and adventure. There still was absolutely sign of the grey blue-and-black-maned pegasus.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Lunar walked into the library and walked around, looking for him. "Ah!" She tripped over a pile of books and fell.


Luna yawned, opening her eyes. She stood up, stretching and yawning.


Midnight woke up, blinking. She sighed, figuring last night with Grell was a dream since she wasn't in his room. She got out of bed, her eyes low.


Aiko woke up, blinking.

Edited by rainbowdashlover19

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Luna nodded, rubbing her eyes. "Y...you had me worried, so I stayed out her..."


Midnight brushed her mane, sighing. "Maybe last night really was a dream..." She brushed her tail.


Aiko blinked, looking at Flair. "O-oh... Hello Flair..." She blushed, kissing his cheek. "I slept okay I guess..."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Luna smiled. "Don't take too long, babe..." She walked to the dining room, humming. She was glad he seemed okay. She was worried about him.


Aiko blushed more, standing up. She yelped, her legs asleep, as she fell on top of Flair. "O-ow... I-I'm sorry..." She looked at him, still on top of him.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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He blushes as he has a beautiful mare on top of him. "Wow" he laughs as he hugs her. "Are you ok?" he smiles as he helps her up. He then chuckles. "You do realize i couldve died by my own destruction yesterday right...." he said shuddering at his own insanity he shook his head.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Steel smiled "I won't" steel said as he followed her getting a large glass of water a downing it -I have to get everything here taken care of before the Battle for the deal- steel thought not caring to make sure no pony was listening to his thought

Grell finished and walked out of his room and went to midnights knocking lightly

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Midnight blinked, going to the door. She opened it and blinked. "O-oh. Good morning, Grell..." She half-smiled.


Luna went into the dining room and sat down, waiting for the servants to get the food.


Aiko nodded. "You need to learn how to control your anger like I do. Practice meditation with me sometime. It'll pay off in the end."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Steel flew off up stairs to shower but first he would have to stop and talk to aiko he walked to her room and knocked thinking she would be alone

Grell smiled and kissed her cheek "good morning midnight did you sleep well" grell asked with a smile not knowing midnight thought it was all a dream

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Midnight blushed bright red. "U-uhm... Y-yeah... I slept good..." -Maybe it wasn't a dream...- she thought, looking at him. She nuzzled him, blushing big time as she giggled.


Aiko blinked, hearing a knock on the door. She got up, opening it. "Oh. Hello Steel. How are you this morning??"

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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