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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Dusk saw the sudden appearance of Nik and was taken back by it. Dusk's eyes grew wider as he floated back a bit giving the guy some room from what seemed to be a sloppy attempt at Teleport. See boys and girls, this is why it's good to get exercise and walk to places yourself...well it'd probably benefit Dusk too since he was such a weakling...he could use the exercise.


Dusk merely kept his silence and stared at the guy, though just like before, he was finding it hard to keep his flair of paranoid filled emotions in check.


"I'm sorry I gotta.." Dusk said hiding his face as he turned away from the group floating a few feet away from them. He did a few breathing exercises to keep himself focused and in control. He didn't want a repeat of what had happened. It kept him thinking though...why was he so worked up? What made him like this? Sure Nik wasn't the most favorable of company and did some messed up stuff, but why would it mess with him so much? Gods, he's been causing quite the scenes, maybe it'd just be best if he had some time to himself.


@, @@Ampharos, @, @,


"I'm off to another class, don't wait up for me." He said towards his friends as he found himself floating off down the hall needing to think for a while...then he wondered...were there any counselors in this school?

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She cast a side-ways look at her foxy freaked out female freind Zoe. She reminded her of a whimpering puppy... Just alittle though...

She pushed back the feeling of nausea that came along with the mention of battling. Right. That was someone she would have to do..

"It'll be... fine. I'm sure of it. Very.... unterrifying a=and I'm sure noone will aim for such a pretty face, right?" Amaya tried to best to comfort the poor girl, waving her hand as if to dismiss the thought of it.  She shot the boys a pointed look. Say something helpful!


Suddenly a posse of pals had formed, as she tilted her head up to find Dusk standing-...floating there. She started to speak, but he quickly dismissed himself when Nik poofed in beside them. Oh. I suppose... We can talk later...

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


Lhee sighs quietly as he follows Razor out of the doors, flipping his bone club in the air and catching it as an absent-minded habit.  He'd thought he would enjoy Battle Class, and he had really enjoyed everything that the professor had said...  Up until the Delphox mentioned finding a partner.


Great.  That means having to get along with someone enough that they'd agree to it.  He thought for a moment about asking Razor if she'd be his partner - she seemed nice when she wasn't trembling in fear of him, and the only other ones he'd spoken with so far were Nik and Dusk.  But, as usual, Lhee's own thoughts were hammering his self esteem into the ground.  Get real, Bonehead.  Why would she want to be partners with someone as boring as you?  Not to mention she's terrified of you...  Tch, such a drag, maybe I can get by with just beating up the training dummies...







Zoey shrieked when Nik suddenly appeared in front of them.  She wasn't usually the skittish, paranoid type, but she also wasn't normally stuck in day dreams of having a Machamp pummel her in the face.  ((Did I just figure out why Dark types are weak to fighting moves!?))  Rather than the calm, flirty way she would have usually reacted, Zoe reacted out of instinct...  She used Double Team as she yelled "Notmyface!"
Her natural abilities with illusions took over and suddenly there were a half dozen panicked Zoeys in the hall, all dropped down onto all fours like they were about to pounce.  Blinking as she realizes what she did, Zoey jumps upright and quickly dismisses the illusions.  She wasn't scared at this point, just completely embarrassed.  With her face turning a bright red she manages to half-shout out "SorryI'vegottagobye!" before turning and sprinting down the hall.  This morning had turned terrible, and the blame was entirely on her overactive imagination...
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@, @@SleeplessSketch, @@Ampharos, @

"I'll try to calm her down. Bye!" Melissa hurried after the fright Zorua. Using Aqua Jet, she applied the speed boost to her feet and ran to catch up to Zoe. Eventually catching up to her she asked,



"Zoe what's wrong? Are you okay?" Melissa put her arm around Zoe's shoulders.

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Zoe squeaked as Melissa caught up with her, the Zorua girl's face still red with embarrassment.  "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine, I just want to be alone for a little bit talk to you later!"  Zoey giggles nervously and forces a grin onto her face, her ears still flat against her head, completely embarrassed by how she'd reacted back with the others.  She wanted to be alone for a little bit so she could calm down...  After working herself into a panic over imaginary situations, she couldn't remember ever feeling so foolish before.


She carefully slips Melissa's arm away from around her shoulders, still giggling nervously.  The giggles were at least better than the panicked breathing from before, though they were still embarrassing...  Zoey manages to force her eyes open so she can wink at Melissa...  Before ducking into her dorm room and locking it behind her.  She might miss a couple classes, but it was the first day...  It would all be introductory material...  And if she missed something important, she'd have Zach and Amaya fill her in later!

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"Okay then, I'll talk to you later." Melissa turned away from the closed door and headed back the same way she went. Passing the library she headed inside and perused the shelves. Seeing a book catch her attention, she headed over to a very dusty corner of the library, made herself comfortable and began to read. She may miss a few classes but she just wanted to get away from what happened during the morning.

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The crowd dispersed as quickly as it had formed. Amaya watched, her head tilted loftily to the side. She pushed back her bangs with a light sigh.


      "You're very popular, Nik." She observed.


(*moe head tilt*)



Ms Claudia


    She had since retrieved her witchy hat, and was in the process of setting it in just the right position on top of Darius's head. 

"Quite a lively batch this year, " Claudia observed. " Wouldn't you say?~ So ready to bite at each others necks...metaphorically speaking, of course.~ Oh-"  She caught veiw of the clock on Darius' desk, and took a step back. " Dear me, Duty calls! I mustn't be late to my own class," She giggled, spinning before she made for the door. " Unlike someone we know~..."

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'Then the sister reveals herself in front of the royal court, there is lots of shock, the princess is broken hearted but the brother consoles her saying that there is reason they swapped, his sister really does...'

Click Click


Dark cracks open an eye,

"Yes Joshu?"

Dark looks around the class noticing the students leaving,

"Oh is violence praising over? Good good, now, I believe we have different classes the rest of the day. I'll possible see you at lunch, but I do want to meet some of the other students, and write more novel. I'll defiantly see you back at the dorm, TTFN"

Dark walks away merrily, heading to his next class, losing himself in thought.

'I hope I don't run into anypoké. Now where was I, ahh yes, the brother assuring the princess his sister..."

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"Right. Catch ya later then." He headed out the door and went towards his next class. Going by his maple was heading towards ......... the toilets. 'Good. I needed to go there anyway.' After finishing he then headed off to his next class. For real this time. 'Great. I think Dark's sense of direction is rubbing off on me.' He rubbed his temple as he walked.

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Darius Corsac




"Wait, don't forget your- *sigh* never mind..."  He'd been about to say 'don't forget your hat', but Claudia was out the door before he could get it all said.  Rolling his eyes and grinning, Darius sighs before readjusting it on his head.  She'd remember eventually...  Gathering up his tome again, he glances around the empty gym before making his way out to the halls and starting towards his office.  Hopefully he'd get to use the opportunity as a chance to catch up on sleep...

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@Lhee @DarkDarsi

Razor and Lhee entered the main building of the academy. They traveled through the few turns to get to the next class they had. Razor stopped when she saw a gijinka she recognized. "Dark!" She called to the gijinka concentrated on writing something. "Hello there!"

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Dusk floated along in the hallway trying to collect his thoughts. He though it best to avoid contact with Nik until he realized what was going in with him. If there was a counselor, he didn't know where to find 'em. He'd probably need to talk to someone about this anyway...not with his friends though, he was much too ashamed of himself to do so.

It had to have been a good while or so before Dusk had realized he had wandered quite a ways away from where he was. Breaking from his deep thought he looked around his surroundings seeing he was well into the more recreational area of the school. From art rooms to music rooms and even choir rooms, Dusk was on a little adventure onto halls he never visited. There he found what seemed to be one entrance into the library. It wasn't odd that a library would have more than one entrance to it, but he didn't realize how big it would be thinking he was well away from where he thought the library was.

"Hmmm.." Dusk thought for a bit and contemplated on what he should do...his other class didn't start for another few minutes as he looked at the corridor clocks. Maybe he should scope it out before he would do his research for later. So much thinking and never enough doing was always a bad habit with Dusk..

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@The Leafeon Pinkeh


'The couple looked at the congregation, King and Father smiles at them proudly, his Queens face unreadable, which they knew meant she was holding back her feelings, the only one missing was...'

"...ello there!"

Dark looks up to see he is about to walk into the lovely lady from last night and caveman looking guy.

However that was subconsciously, he just bumped into them anyway...

"Gah!" He shakes his head quickly, bringing himself back to everyone else's reality,

"Sorry 'bout that mates, off with fairies I was. What can do for ya?"

  • Brohoof 1
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Joshu was so busy walking he had no idea that there was a teacher he was about to crash into. 'Whoops.' He tripped over and fell.

"Sorry. Miss, didn't realise where I was going." He grabbed his fallen map and stood back up. He finally looked at her and noticed that she was the one from Battle Class. "You were from Battle Class. With Professor Corsac. Do you teach that class as well or a different one?"

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Nik smiled slightly as Zoe and Dusk ran off. At least he wasn't going to get triple teamed, that would suck. 

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that everyone knows my name now" Nik muttered in response to Amaya, rubbing his skull in an attempt to make the pain of the failed Teleport go away. "Anyway, I think you got my message but just in case, I forgot it was a Swanna leg" Nik repeated, denying to mention that it had been of a mother Swanna and he had eaten the eggs afterward

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Synthia squeaked and tacklehugged him. Then she blushed and produced a mumbled excuse and fled. Once she was a safe distance away, she looked over her schedule and compared it to a wall map to find her next class. Her cheeks were hot too: she hoped she wasn't coming down with something.

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Dusk decided to enter the library and get himself into action rather than floating around all day thinking. Once entering the library, Dusk was overcome with the strong scent of aging paper that well stocked libraries of old usually consisted of, this was a marvelous library. Dusk wandered about taking in the glorious sight of bookshelves upon bookshelves, books upon books, and old oak desks upon desks. Dusk was giddy and overwhelmed with thoughts of endless research and studies, he was like a kid in a candy shop.

"This is amaaaazing..." He muttered in awe as he unexpectedly floated closer to the librarian's desk admits the tomes of knowledge and imagination.

"Hello..? Anyone there?" He called out looking for the librarian of whom was nowhere to he seen. He figured it'd be best to introduce himself before going ahead and checking out some books.

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Synthia squeaked and tacklehugged him. Then she blushed and produced a mumbled excuse and fled. Once she was a safe distance away, she looked over her schedule and compared it to a wall map to find her next class. Her cheeks were hot too: she hoped she wasn't coming down with something.


Rune was surprised at the sudden jumping Eevee Gijinka grabbing on to him, and then immediately running off. He chuckled to himself. 'Well, good to know she wouldn't mind me being her knight in shining armor then.' He thought. He needed to hurry up, if he didn't get moving now, he'd be late to his next class.

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Dusk decided to enter the library and get himself into action rather than floating around all day thinking. Once entering the library, Dusk was overcome with the strong scent of aging paper that well stocked libraries of old usually consisted of, this was a marvelous library. Dusk wandered about taking in the glorious sight of bookshelves upon bookshelves, books upon books, and old oak desks upon desks. Dusk was giddy and overwhelmed with thoughts of endless research and studies, he was like a kid in a candy shop.


"This is amaaaazing..." He muttered in awe as he unexpectedly floated closer to the librarian's desk admits the tomes of knowledge and imagination.


"Hello..? Anyone there?" He called out looking for the librarian of whom was nowhere to he seen. He figured it'd be best to introduce himself before going ahead and checking out some books.

Delphina re-entered her medival themed library to discover: a student! Hooray! She quickly found the lad, "Heyyo, need something?" What a silly question... he is in the library, after all. She analyzed him to think up the best possible fantasy book for this new face.

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Ms Claudia


    She heard the crash behind her, and spun on her heels to survey the damage. Ms Claudia giggled, crossing her arms over her chest.

    "Oh dear, you didn't have to go and trip yourself! Your little body would have just gone right through mine.~" She cooed. "Hmm~ What class do i teach? I hold approximate knowledge on many things, but my course, dear, is History."  She took notice of something, and reached forward with faux familiarity and adjusted his headset, which had been about ready to slip off his head.




    She nods, silent for a moment. " I heard it....It was quite strange. I didn't know a normal type could do something like that. Like you were sitting right there..." She hummed. "O-..Oh! Yes, right! I bieleve you, that you forgot it was... Swanna..." Amaya ran her hand through one of her ponytails, bringing it over her shoulder in the process. She hesitated for a second.


   " Did...did you need something Nik?"

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Dusk saw the Kirlia Librarian enter the library and immediately heard the enthusiasm in her voice, was it usually empty? Could've just been that this was merely a passing period, but still..

"Hellooo, I was just...wandering around, I might have to stop by later and spend the rest of my afternoon here, I just wanted to see what it was like before I did." Dusk said smiling behind his mask. It was oddly Medieval themed in here, but it kind if enticed him more to read a book, like a wizard gathering knowledge for difficult research an- oh gods the Medieval was contagious..

"I-I'm sorry, I'm Dusk, a pleasure to meet you miiiiss...?" He introduced himself to the other. It was hard to believe she was part of the faculty here, she was short enough to look like a student! Though that aside she certainly dressed up for the part, it speaks volume for her dedication as one.

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"Nope, just tell Dusk to stop slamming me against walls" Nik muttered before walking off, feeling rather embarassed. He hated botching teleports, it made him feel like he had gotten a hammer to the face. Nik sat down and used Slack Off growling as his stamina dropped. At least it would relieve the pain.

(OOC: Ready for time-skip)

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Dusk saw the Kirlia Librarian enter the library and immediately heard the enthusiasm in her voice, was it usually empty? Could've just been that this was merely a passing period, but still..


"Hellooo, I was just...wandering around, I might have to stop by later and spend the rest of my afternoon here, I just wanted to see what it was like before I did." Dusk said smiling behind his mask. It was oddly Medieval themed in here, but it kind if enticed him more to read a book, like a wizard gathering knowledge for difficult research an- oh gods the Medieval was contagious..


"I-I'm sorry, I'm Dusk, a pleasure to meet you miiiiss...?" He introduced himself to the other. It was hard to believe she was part of the faculty here, she was short enough to look like a student! Though that aside she certainly dressed up for the part, it speaks volume for her dedication as one.

She grinned, "Ms. Molly. If you need anything, you can either shout really loudly, or wait at my desk. Shouldn't bother anyone, since there's no-one else here," a brief look of sadness crossed her face, to be quickly replaced by her grin. She flashed a thumbs up and walked away whistling.

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Dusk blinked a few times and nodded in agreement as she walked off leaving him behind. He looked around the library and smiled even more looking at the endless pieces of knowledge ready at his fingertips. Though as much as he would have loved to crack a book open and read it, classes were starting soon. Dusk floated towards the back wall of the library and phased right through it. He would come back much later in hopes of getting lost within the pages of the books, but for now his concentration was needed elsewhere.

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Joshu didn't realise that his headset was about to fall off.

"Thanks for adjusting my headset. You teach History? That's my next class!" He checked his map, then checked the classroom for it and realised it was in the opposite direction to where he was going before. "You wouldn't happen to know how to get there would you?"

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