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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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@@Ampharos,Daniel lowered his outstretched hand, confused as to why Matthew didn't shake it, but then he noticed him look another way towards three girls at the register; he seemed to be analyzing them by the look on his face.  Then Daniel noticed Matthew's face become a bit nervous as he examined the last one, but then Daniel noticed the rich looking one and then immediately face-palmed; 'Not her...'.  He looked back to Matthew and asked, "That rich looking one, how much do you know of her?  Because I happen to know a thing or two about her.  Let's take a nice walk and I'll tell you what I know...if that's alright with you."


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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@, @@Candiey


"Alright then, fair enough." Samantha said, backing off. "I'm going to pay for what I got and then head over to the bookstore." She said, ringing up the clothes and paying for them herself since the clerk seemed to still be dazed.


She made her way to the bookstore and decided to look and see if they had any news magazines to read.


She grabbed a copy of National Geographic and bought it, and went to the coffee shop in the book store to read it.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@, @@Suitaloo




The girl smiled at her. The Zoey girl was certainly much different, and Amber liked her, and her style. Peering over at the other girl, and frowning slightly, she sighed.


She watched the girl leave, and then glanced at the other. She was great.


'Amber,' the girl replied, taking her hand and shaking it gently.

Edited by Candiey


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Matthew tore his gaze back and gave a flat smile. He wrote on his tablet again and showed it to Daniel. He hated communicating with it, he figured expressions and gestures were enough to get by, but he couldn't explain with just hand gestures this time. 


I can tell that she's most likely rich, and tends to get what she wants. I can tell that right now she's in a bit of a problem, and is lying her way through it.  I can tell that she's most likely not that great of a person, and I can also tell she thinks highly of herself. It'd be easy to break her. I can tell you might be thinking about that. I've never met her by the way.


Matthew took the thing away as soon as he could see Daniel was done reading. Don't show off. Only causes problems. 




Dustin had followed slowly behind Samantha and sighed when she saw her leave again. He quickly payed for the jacket and scarf and shoved his hoodie into the bag before jogging slightly over to the book store. 

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Giggling quietly, Zoey nods back towards the direction of the dressing rooms.  "Well, uhm, I need to wait on a friend to get finished...  But it was nice meeting you, Amber.  I hope I'll see you around the Academy?  Don't be a stranger, okay?"  With another friendly smile Zoe winks at the Glameow gijinka, waving slightly before turning to go meet back up with Dusk.  She may not have been able to afford anything for herself after that, but she had made a new friend for the efforts...  And that was even better than a new outfit, right?











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Amber brushed the dust off her shoulder, and exited the shop after the girl in another direction. She'd left with more than she had hoped for, and smiled gently to herself. She felt the need to take a need, and walked over to the nearest bar, guarding her bags with her tail as she dropped them to the ground.


Zoey seemed nice.


She smiled at the girl at the counter who was slightly shorter and a beige-blonde. Taking the dark coffee drink, she replaced it with the correct amount of money and began walking towards the pokeWatch stall. She was meaning to get a new one anyway.


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Melissa perused the shelves and picked out a few books. Luckily they were cheap. The books were: A book about Ghost types, a book about Dark types and a book called The Lost Hero. She payed for them at the counter and went over to the cafe where Samantha was sitting. "What's got you so interested in National Geographic?"



What else am I meant to put here?


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Dark walked out of a dorm which totally was(n't) his, defiantly not whistling innocently with a smug grin that only people who have short stitched somemonkeys bed. Totally convincing.

"Now to see if the editor has gotten back to me yet"

Dark wanders down the hall towards his dorm, opening the door he found the gym.

"Close enough"

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Melissa perused the shelves and picked out a few books. Luckily they were cheap. The books were: A book about Ghost types, a book about Dark types and a book called The Lost Hero. She payed for them at the counter and went over to the cafe where Samantha was sitting. "What's got you so interested in National Geographic?"


"It's interesting to me." Samantha said, shrugging. "I've never really been able to travel to the locations in these books, but I've really wanted to. They're very beautiful." She said, flipping to a page with the arctic being shown. "I wouldn't mind going to the arctic, seeing the Aurora Borealis and such. Even if it would be below zero most of the time."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"The Aurora Borealis? Those are the lights in the sky over at the north pole right?" Melissa askex. She placed the three books in her bag and asked another question. "Where else would you like to go? There's got to be other places besides the Aurora."



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"The Aurora Borealis? Those are the lights in the sky over at the north pole right?" Melissa askex. She placed the three books in her bag and asked another question. "Where else would you like to go? There's got to be other places besides the Aurora."


"The northern lights, yeah." Samantha said. "Honestly, I'd just like to travel. See jungles, islands, deserts, the whole nine yards." She elaborated. "Thing is... I'm not sure I ever will be able to get there." She delicately rubbed the picture of the sea. "I feel like I'll never be able to go there, because I need to be in a location wherever I can access electricity, in order to keep my augments from making me too lethargic to move." She began to explain. "You see, normally, I can just plug in and run on a charge for a day, without depleting any of my normal energy I get from eating. The problem is, that if I go for more than a couple days without charging, it starts to take a toll on my body. It's like going a few days without sleep, pretty much, even though I do get sleep. I'll get grouchy, but most of all, I'll get very hungry, because when the normal charge is exhausted, my augments start pulling on bioenergy that I get from food. It's kind of like an electronic tapeworm." She frowned and looked at her coffee. "The worst part is that I can remember a time when none of this was the case. Being able to just go anywhere without fear of a glitch that would require a technician to fix, or that I wouldn't have enough neuropyzene, or that I would be able to hold a charge. I'm tethered to society now. I need to be near somewhere with reliable electricity, or I could be in serious trouble." tears started to form and one came down her face. "It's an electronic leash."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Dusk merely nodded in silence as he was shoo'ed away to try on the jackets Zoey had picked out for him. Getting into the dressing room it wouldn't be longer than couple of minutes before he emerged out of them. He saw that his pals were off talking to other people in his absence and decided to join them near the entrance as he was now.


"Hey Zoe? How does this look? I like the plain one the most." Dusk said as he had left behind two other jackets in the room and had walked out to show his decided jacket. It really was just a plain leather jacket, but it somehow suited him just fine. The monotone-like colors played off each other well and it looked comfy on him as he was just the right body physique to show it off. He had taken off some of his bandages that wrapped his upper torso and left it bare skinned under the jacket. He too some off his arms and kept them wrapped around the wrist area. He had also unraveled the final bits of them around his feet so he wouldn't be able to trip over them anymore, but this also made him bare-footed...though he kinda liked it.


"I like it personally. It's super comfortable and now I don't have to worry about tripping over myself anymore....but the blindfold stays." Dusk said as he tightened it more over his eyes to keep people from screaming.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"Man,that's gotta be harsh. Why couldn't they fit you with solar panels as well? If they did, then you'd be able to go see all you're missing out on." Melissa's smile fell when she saw Samantha's tear. "Hey, don't cry. You'll be fine. Seriously." Melissa moved closer to Samantha in order to comfort her.



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I hand landed softly on Samantha's shoulder, and Dustin sat down next to her. "Hey... Don't... Don't be like that. You don't need to do that... I'll... I could take you someplace next time we get a break. Like a uh... full week break or something. We could bring like a um... hmm... Like one of those portable, big batteries or something. I just.... I don't wanna see you like this..." 

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@, @@Ampharos


"Thanks, both of you. I really appreciate it." Samantha said, rubbing her eyes. "I don't think a big battery would work though. Too heavy for not enough energy. My augmentations take quite a bit of energy, hence why I can't have a solar cell, like Melissa suggested. It'd have to be at least three meters square." She said, chuckling lightly. She took another swig of her coffee. "I have limits. Everyone does. I just need to figure out a way to overcome them."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Zoe giggles and slips around the counter to ring up Dusk's jacket, considering that the clerk was still dazed by Amber's use of Attract.  "I had a feeling you would pick that one...  But yeah, it looks good on you Duskie!  Say, I don't suppose you have any extras of those bandages, do you?  Or maybe the ones that you took off from around your feet...  I'm just thinking that if ya give me thirty minutes with some of those, a needle, and some thread, I could totally sew some onto it if ya wanted.  Total Dusclops look."


With the purchase taken care of, Zoey leads him out of the clothing store to try and figure out where the others were.  They had said something about a book store...  Shrugging, Zoey walks over to the nearest mall map to try and figure out where they could have gone.  "Am I the only one starting to get kinda hungry?  Maybe it's just the smell from the food court..."







Hearing the doors to the gym open, Raiga steps away from the training dummy he had been using to look at who had entered.  Panting, the Raikou gijinka raises a hand in greeting when he sees another student he hadn't met yet.  


"Morning.  Or...  Is it still morning?  I think I've lost track of time in here..."  Raiga starts to push the training dummy back over to the wall where the others were lined up as he speaks, glancing towards a window.  Some people could tell time based on the position of the sun - Raiga wasn't one of those people.  


As the dummy is put back in place, he turns to look at Dark again.  Raiga's lips twitch in a hint of a smile - it was a difficult expression to do with teeth like his!  "I'm Raiga...  I would offer to shake your hand, but that would likely be more rude than friendly in my current state.  Assuming that you don't want to be shocked, that is..."  The Raikou gijinka chuckles quietly, trying a more relaxed approach than he had used the night before with the others...  After all, so far trying to stay formal had only resulted in getting leech seeds fired at him.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@@Suitaloo, @@Ampharos

"Well then that sucks. There's got to be someway to help you but that can be discussed at another time." Melissa looked up at the clock and realised it was almost elevn-thirty. "Wow. Is that the time already? Maybe we should head over to the restaraunt or do you want to wait for the others?"



What else am I meant to put here?


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@@Suitaloo, @@Ampharos

"Well then that sucks. There's got to be someway to help you but that can be discussed at another time." Melissa looked up at the clock and realised it was almost elevn-thirty. "Wow. Is that the time already? Maybe we should head over to the restaraunt or do you want to wait for the others?"


"I think we could go to the restaurant." Samantha said. "I'm getting kind of hungry myself. I think some sticky rice and some kelp would be good. I know fried calamari is really good with duck sauce too. And some of those greasy crisps that they give you in a bag with the food is really good too." She said, salivating a bit. "Ok I'm really hungry, let's go." She giggled.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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The moment Amaya stepped into the store, with Zach closely behind as if she had him on an invisible leash, it was like she had slipped away from the unfamiliar, bustling crowd of that mall and into her own home. The bookstore itself seemed much smaller than it actually was. The towering bookshelves took up most of the space, except for a small area in the back where customers could sit and enjoy their books. The lighting was somewhat dimmed, giving the place a sort of cool atmosphere.  And most importantly, it was practically empty! One or two customers grazed the selections while a young girl, chewing loudly on a wad of gum stood behind the counter.

A small, child-like smile slid over her lips and her wings flapped excitedly once or twice. For a moment, she looked up at Zach,
"I'm going to look around, okay?" She said. After that, Amaya was off!!


She spent her time drifting back and forth between bookshelves, scanning the shelves for different books. Every once in a while she would slide one out from the tightly packed lines, then slip it back into place and continue on. All the while, Amaya was humming to herself, shifting back on her heels and then lifting up on her toes, and repeat. Like a little dance. After what might have been forever. a small pile of books had formed in her arms. A book on gardening. A playbook. A book of poems, and several novels ranging from mystery to fantasy and an autobiography on... Gary Oak....
Just one more would be fine, right? A fairy tale, their must be at least a few!!

After a few minutes search, she finally it. It was a thick, binded storybook with a pink and green cover. A book as big as that would have lots of stories!  The only problem was...

It was on the very top shelve, just barely peeking off of the ledge.  Amaya stretched her hand out high, lifting up on her tiptoes too. But it was too high up for our little ducky. With a small sigh, she peeked to her left and right, making sure no one was too close to her before using her wings to give herself a bit of a lift. Ha ha! Almost there.. Just a bit higher and I have it, then we can go meet up with everyone and-  Just as she managed to take the book in her hand, she noticed something. On the bookshelves that was head level with her, was a itsy-bitsy sized person, or was it a doll. What a strange place for a doll.... Oh! It looked remarkably like.... Nik...
Nik! One of his doppelgangers!!


Amaya suddenly cried out from surprise, and dropped to the floor like a brick. The books that had been clutched to her chest just moments ago thudded to the floor around her, though she had manage to keep her grip on the storybook somehow. On the very edge of her book was the little thing balancing. With much self control she held back the urge to swat the Nik Jr. like a bug.

" Hey! Take this already. I've been waiting forever Lady"  In one of the doppelgangers hands he clutched a tightly folded paper note, which he held out to her with an exuberant thrust. Quietly and hesitantly she took the paper from him, holding it between her thumb and finger.






".......... thank...you?"                                   * nervous sweating*

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Rune got up after eating and began to pack up the tents. "I'm done breakfast, and packed up, let's get moving." Rune said, as the group followed him, everything on their backs. They began on the hike. Rune and Synthia went around the mountain, heading towards the top in a spiral-like fashion. "So, you like camping so far?" He asked



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@@Suitaloo, @@Ampharos

Melissa giggled at Samantha's food description. "Just hearing you talk about it makes me hungry as well. Did you just describe a meal that they have at the restaurant, because it sounds like you've been there before." Melissa commented. "Hey Dustin, I want to hear what you say about us going to the restaraunt."



What else am I meant to put here?


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Rune got up after eating and began to pack up the tents. "I'm done breakfast, and packed up, let's get moving." Rune said, as the group followed him, everything on their backs. They began on the hike. Rune and Synthia went around the mountain, heading towards the top in a spiral-like fashion. "So, you like camping so far?" He asked

"Ya, it's great! Especially with friends, but... I can't help but think that we're missing something. I'll get back to you on that." She reached out and grabbed Rune's hand, a ribbon wrapping around their wrists. She smiled at him as they walked. She was a little concerned about Koh, but the islander seemed to be doing fine. Even if he was carrying half the camp. Edited by Dawnpath - Dusktrail


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Ya, it's great! Especially with friends, but... I can't help but think that we're missing something. I'll get back to you on that." She reached out and grabbed Rune's hand, a ribbon wrapping around their wrists. She smiled at him as they walked. She was a little concerned about Koh, but the islander seemed to be doing fine. Even if he was carrying half the camp.


The four continued to hike, enjoying nature. They decided to break for lunch at a river. "So, how do you like this hike Synthia? A bit more than you're used to back at the labs, right?" Rune said, only teasing. "I've just got some energy bars for this right now, I don't need much else." He said. "I welcome the chance to get a proper meal at least." Koh said, as he sat down the large burden of supplies and sat on a rock. "We should probably make a plan as to where to go next, since we didn't bring enough supplies to spend two nights out here, it would be a bit too much for even Rune and I to carry. I honestly want to just get back to school, I've got a paper to work on and then just lay around for a while. It's a bit more physical activity than I'm used to." Koh said, laughing out loud. "Well, I'd like to keep going to the top of the mountain, you and Lolita can go back if you wish, but Synthia, what would you like to do?" Rune asked his girlfriend.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Dark jumps and looks around the gym before spotting the new giji person, (please note then marks at the beginning of then sentence)

"He's sparkley"
'Hello there, My name is Dark, I am a student here, and you look old so I'm not sure what our interactions will be'

Edited by DarkDarsi
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Nik felt a psychic connection to his clone and smiled as the note arrived. A flick of his hand and the clone crumbled to dust. Right now, Nik was scrubbing up the school, trying to finish up the work psycho janitor had left him. Even so, Nik was trying to learn a new move while doing so. He was getting close to mastering Giga Drain

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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