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open Sweet As Caramel: The Tour (RP)


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Solar Sentinel


Solar, after finishing his shift at Canterlot Castle, leaves as soon as he is revealed of duty. It had been too long since he had last seen Sunny, and he flew to her location as fast as his wings would take him, ariving at the backstage door of the arena, still in his full armor, trotting in without saying a word to anypony.


@,@@Frosty V, @@Rokkurin,

It took a little while, but he finally saw who he was looking for. Realizing that he had forgotten to take his armor off before leaving the castle, Solar though of an idea to have some fun with the mare and her friends.


The guard Lieutenant walked up slowly behind the group, taking great care not to be noticed by the three, before speaking. "Excuse me Miss, I'm afraid your going to have to come with me."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@,@@Frosty V,@@Rokkurin,


Sunny froze as she looked to Frost in worriment, wondering what she had done. It couldn't have been trouble...The mare didn't think she had done anything too mischievous in her time away from Appleloosa. Her eyes showed her confusion as she once more looked to Frost for assistance. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Guardian turned and took notice to the stallion guard member, thinking quickly and to have a little fun, he freaked out. "Oh no! They found us! Everypony for themselves!" he screamed before galloping away laughing his flank off. If no one reacted to this than at least they would laugh at him for freaking out.

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@~SadisticSkycoaster~, @~Evil Aero~


Frost looked down at Sunny and then back to the guard who had just entered. He stepped in front of Sunny, blocking her from the stallion. "She isn't going anywhere sir, at least not until there is a valid reason." He said almost in a growl. "Would you be so kind as to share that reason." He smirked

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@@Rokkurin, @@Frosty V, @,

Solar Sentinel

Solar couldn't help but laugh as the stallion ran away laughing, but face hoofed when Sunny didn't turn around. When confronted by the other stallion, be couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh, I believe she know the reason..." he said beaming. "Isn't that right Sunny?"

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@,@@Frosty V, @@Rokkurin,


Sunny's ears almost shot off her head as she heard her name spoken by the...his voice. "S-so...S-SO...!" Sunny whirled around, taking the headphones off quickly. Her eyes showed an extreme amount of shock and happiness all at once, tears already dribbling from her sapphire eyes. "SOLAR!" She screamed as she basically hopped over Frosty into Solar's hooves, giving him the greatest, fullest kiss she could give him. She grasped around his chest plate strongly as she continued passionately. 

Edited by ~Evil Aero~

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Guardian stopped and turned around as he exited the stage door. He poked his head back in and saw Sunny and the now identified stallion as Solar, having a passionate kiss. Guardians inner humor showed itself once again as he spoke out loud. "I like where this is going." He than fell on the floor laughing.

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@~SadisticSkycoaster~, @~Evil Aero~


Frost was confused.for a moment as he put his headphones back around his neck, still staring at the couple. After a long hesitation he smiled. "Wait....your Solar? Ha, well I must say I've heard a lot about you. I'm Frost. hopefully Sunny has mentioned me." He said with a large chuckle

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@, @@Frosty V,

Solar Sentienl

"Oh how I've missed you Sunny!" Solar said as he kissed the mare back, "It felt like an eternity" as he began to tear up.


Solar looked over to Frost nodding. "I've heard that name mentioned. to be honest, I'm almost afraid of what Sunny tells ponies about me." he said with a smile.


Squeezing Sunny, Solar looked deep into her eyes. "Sunny, I've got some news for you. As of twenty minuets ago, I'm on leave. I'm going to fallow you all over on your tour."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@,@@Frosty V,


Sunny's heart pounded furiously against Solar as her twinkling eyes looked into his. She was breathing hard from the surprise, almost speechless. "Leave? My tour?" The mare couldn't hardly think as she held onto Solar. She then looked to Frost once more cluelessly. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@~SadisticSkycoaster~, @~Evil Aero~


Frost chuckled at Solar before speaking. "She always says the best about you don't worry." He smiled as Solar mentioned a tour. When Sunny once again turned to look at him for some sort of an answer he smiled and giggled slightly. "I think he means a tour after you get a band together." He replied

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@, @@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar nuzzled Sunny as he closed his eyes. "You know...that thing that's like vacation...and I plan on spending as much of it with you as possible...that is if it's OK with you and your friends."  Solar said as he looked to Frost.


Solar deeply cared for the mare. The had an instant connection when they first met. Solar was excited for Sunny's big break, however the thought of all the ponies she was going to meet put him in a defensive mode. Nopony was going to mess with his Sunny Bunny.


Solar looked at Frost again. "Yep, and your going to have the best band in Equestria." he said with a smile.

Edited by ~SadisticSkycoaster~

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Guardian got an idea. He trotted inside the back stage area and pulled out his base. It started off smooth and he began to sing.




After he was done, he chuckled. I thought that it was perfect for the moment you two were sharing. He then put his stuff away. "If you need me i will be outside."

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@@Frosty V,@,  

Sunny blinked briefly at Frosty before her senses came back to her, "Oh...right." The caramel mare then turned to see her Solar's eyes with a blush as he nuzzled against her. She loved to feel him hold her and keep her close. The safety and warmth of her Solar's hooves always calmed her preciously. "I wouldn't want it any other way Soaly..." she hummed behind tears of joy, "I'm so happy to see ya...I love ya so much." Squeezing him a little more till his armor poked her uncomfortably, Sunny giggled. "You're armor's pokin' me Soaly..."

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@~SadisticSkycoaster~, @~Evil Aero~


Frost chuckled at Solars statement. "Yes her friends are OK with it, just don't get to.freaky when I'm in the room." He said with a laugh before Solar said they would have the best band. "One i sadly wont be a part of...." he trailed off, his voice becoming sad. "I just make Techno music...I wouldnt be able to help with the band much." He said, shrugging slightly.

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@@Frosty V,@,


Sunny wriggled free from Solar's grasp, noticing that her friend was seemingly upset and misunderstanding. The mare placed a caring hoof upon his should, smiling brightly to the smart pony. "Who says ya ain't Frost?" She mentioned, "You know more about what it takes to make a band do good than anypony I've met. I'd thought ya'd know I wanted ya a part of this."

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Frost looked at Sunny, he hesitated before smiling. He hadn't looked at the option of running the show rather than being in it, and he felt stupid for not seeing it. "I guess you are right.....I do know how to run a show haha, and who better to do it than me!." He said chuckling awkwardly. "Well Sunny, you got me. I'm comin with you." He laughed, putting Sunny in a head lock and gave her a noogie.

Edited by Frosty V
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Repsol looked in ashtonishment at the display in front of him. He expected to just push through the crowd, but now he was standing dumbfounded on some iceskates in the middle of a ice track in the middle of the music house! 

As he noticed the crowd looking at him, he decided to just roll with it and started to skate across to the door on the far end.

As he did so, his head started to catch up with what had happened. What. The. Buck.

Unfortunately, he never was a good iceskater, and he ungraciously made a massive faceplant right before sliding on his face through the door. 


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Guardian watched in awh as a mare created an ice path and gracefully skated on it. Although, when he saw the stallion attempt to skate but ended up faceplanting, he couldn't help but to chuckle as he slid through the door. Not watching where he placed his hooves, he stepped onto the ice path, and did the same thing. When he finally came to a stop, he shook his head and spoke "Let's do that again!" he said while laughing.

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@@Frosty V,

"Darnit Frost! haha stop it!" Sunny laughed as she fought against Frost's noogie, before finally releasing herself in a whir of her mane.  "You onry ole stallion!...but..." With a playful nudge, Sunny gave Frost a thankful wink, "I think you'd do just fine. Welcome to Sweet As Caramel, Frost!...that's what I'm wantin' to call the band by the way."

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@,  Finishing his coffee, Rut-Light sat his mug back down onto the small, round table next to the couch and just sat there.  He looked around his home; there were only 2 pictures of his family that hung from the white walls, he had a nice brick fire place with a mantel that arched over it with a few pictures on top, most of them depicting trains of different eras all the way back to when his grandfather was alive.  He had a tall, fine grandfather clock that sat in the back corner of the living room, it dinner plate sized pendulum swinging as the clock silently went 'Tick...tock, tick...tock'. The clock had belonged to his fathers-father, who is no longer living, and was passed down to him and has been in the family for more than 90 years.  Rut-Light just sat there on the couch and waited, she would come, bands always need transportation. 

Edited by Midnight-Inferno


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Repsol looked in ashtonishment at the display in front of him. He expected to just push through the crowd, but now he was standing dumbfounded on some iceskates in the middle of a ice track in the middle of the music house! 

As he noticed the crowd looking at him, he decided to just roll with it and started to skate across to the door on the far end.

As he did so, his head started to catch up with what had happened. What. The. Buck.

Unfortunately, he never was a good iceskater, and he ungraciously made a massive faceplant right before sliding on his face through the door. 

I looked down at him with a smirk planted on my face. "Yeah, I guess I should have warned you I could do that. It's what my talent's for; being able to create anything winter-y from my horn. I know it was a bit...weird of me to do that all of a sudden; but it was all I could think of. I apologize." My horn glowed white, and both the skates and the ice dissapeared. "Let's go."


(Parents not letting me be on much today. But I will be on timmorow, promise.)




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Repsol pulled his face from the icy surface as he heared the stallion next to him. He smirled a little as he saw that he had pretty much exactly duplicated his previous actions. "You know what? Let's not." He laughed before getting up, offering a hoof to the stallion next to him. "The name's Repsol Rave by the way. Or just Repsol for short. Also, the mare who caused all the exsessive faceplanting is Freezia over there." He pointed a hoof in the direction of the mare.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@~Evil Aero~


Frost smiled when Sunny broke away from his noogie. When she mentioned he was only one pony he just shrugged. "If I can't get a small crew together I'm sure I could just take all the separate wires and run through different hubs back into a few circuit boards up at the.....I'm doing it again aren't I?" He said letting out an awkward laugh as he rubbed the back of his head. "Thats a fine name Sis-I mean Sunny." He said, angry his thoughts had slipped into his sentence.

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@,  Finishing his coffee, Rut-Light sat his mug back down onto the small, round table next to the couch and just sat there.  He looked around his home; there were only 2 pictures of his family that hung from the white walls, he had a nice brick fire place with a mantel that arched over it with a few pictures on top, most of them depicting trains of different eras all the way back to when his grandfather was alive.  He had a tall, fine grandfather clock that sat in the back corner of the living room, it dinner plate sized pendulum swinging as the clock silently went 'Tick...tock, tick...tock'. The clock had belonged to his fathers-father, who is no longer living, and was passed down to him and has been in the family for more than 90 years.  Rut-Light just sat there on the couch and waited, she would come, bands always need transportation. 


Pink Mist walked around observing the scenery. No matter how much she loved traveling, she sure hated not finding a place to stay. She had gotten lost and there was nopony around to help her find her way. She saw a house up ahead with a light on.


Finally! Hopefully they'll let me stay. I don't want to spend the night outside.


She walked up to the front door and pondered whether to knock or not. I don't want to intrude, but I REALLY can't stay outside tonight. I just hope they understand.


She timidly knocked on the door and flinched a little. She wasn't used to just walking up to strangers' houses asking if she could spend the night. But there was no time to go looking for a hotel. She was lost and gettting tired, she needed to take a nap soon. Moving her hoof away from the door she stood there waiting and hoping that somepony would answer the door.

  • Brohoof 2


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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