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gaming Double standards against Nintendo.


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Also, I do have a bit of an issue with Nintendo stance on visuals not mattering as much as gameplay. How can one blame developers for wanting more artistic freedom in terms of realism and the smoothness of visuals in their games? 

I wish I could say the same thing, but look at games like Sonic Colors on the original Wii. Not only does it pack a great Sonic the Hedgehog experience, but the stage visuals are awesome as well.

Seriously, if this doesn't catch your eye



Then I don't know what's gonna.

Though, that's probably not a fair comparison. It's not even a first party game :P

Edited by StevenEarthPony


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

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It's a Japanese company that's really it. Unlike Sony that changed from a Japanese market to an American market Nintendo stayed with more in Japanese games. America doesn't care about Japanese games anymore which is why there is a lack of console JRPGS in the market out side of Final Fantasy, Tales of, and Persona (all of which have dropped in quality IMHO).


It's a Japanese company that's selling Japanese games some "hardcore" gamers love to hate. Look at X an amazing looking game that nobody talked about at E3. 


Oh and bias really really bias.



  • Brohoof 1
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've never heard of them banning anything over T on the Gamecube before, if true they must've backed down on that pretty quick since it had Resident Evil, Eternal Darkness(published by Nintendo even), and that Metal Gear Solid remake within the first year or two of it.



TMK the original intent was to keep the GC a "family friendly" console. But the players weren't to happy IIRC.


Not sure if it happened pre, or post release. I just recall it was a bit of a fiasco for them, because it kinda put off a lot of people. And the GC was a great console. Odd controller, but it felt so right in most games.




From what I've seen, it's become cool among the ponies that call themselves "hardcore gamers" to completely forget gaming's roots and hate on Nintendo for being "kiddy" as of the Wii/360/PS3 generation.



Ironic part is, these same people are the ones that'll brag about having the DS/3DS games and going ape for any new pokemon games...


Home console = bad.


Yet somehow


handheld = good


they're also the ones that'll often slander the PSP/PSV, and have so openly given them a  bad name that even Sony and the developers believe that tripe.

the PSP was an amazing little thing, and the PSV is nothing short of a PS2.8 IMO. Its a great little device, thats very under rated, and wrongfully hated upon by both players and developers alike.


Personaly.. I have a hard time justifying my 3DS :( sooo much shovelware... and any of its really good games (Nintendo exclusives aside) have been getting sent to other consoles/handhelds...

Edited by GrimCW
  • Brohoof 1
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It's a Japanese company that's really it. Unlike Sony that changed from a Japanese market to an American market Nintendo stayed with more in Japanese games. America doesn't care about Japanese games anymore which is why there is a lack of console JRPGS in the market out side of Final Fantasy, Tales of, and Persona (all of which have dropped in quality IMHO).


It's a Japanese company that's selling Japanese games some "hardcore" gamers love to hate. Look at X an amazing looking game that nobody talked about at E3. 


Oh and bias really really bias.



That link is getting shared.



Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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TMK the original intent was to keep the GC a "family friendly" console. But the players weren't to happy IIRC.


Not sure if it happened pre, or post release. I just recall it was a bit of a fiasco for them, because it kinda put off a lot of people. And the GC was a great console. Odd controller, but it felt so right in most games.






Ironic part is, these same people are the ones that'll brag about having the DS/3DS games and going ape for any new pokemon games...


Home console = bad.


Yet somehow


handheld = good


they're also the ones that'll often slander the PSP/PSV, and have so openly given them a  bad name that even Sony and the developers believe that tripe.

the PSP was an amazing little thing, and the PSV is nothing short of a PS2.8 IMO. Its a great little device, thats very under rated, and wrongfully hated upon by both players and developers alike.


Personaly.. I have a hard time justifying my 3DS :( sooo much shovelware... and any of its really good games (Nintendo exclusives aside) have been getting sent to other consoles/handhelds...


Tell me about is, although I have be honest that my NDS gets more time than ,my PSP for various reasons.


Also, you're ponify extension is showing Xb



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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It's a Japanese company that's selling Japanese games some "hardcore" gamers love to hate. Look at X an amazing looking game that nobody talked about at E3. 


Oh and bias really really bias.



Aw snap




America doesn't care about Japanese games anymore which is why there is a lack of console JRPGS in the market out side of Final Fantasy, Tales of, and Persona (all of which have dropped in quality IMHO).

>Persona Series

>Dropped in quality



  • Brohoof 1
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heh the NDS has more selection to get at tbh than the PSP/PSV, at least available.  So no real surprise. HOPEFULLY the PSV will take off, but this is assuming that Sony sticks to their guns this time.

Its supposed to have "second screen" ability with the PS4.

But it also was supposed to do that with the PS2 and PS3, so we'll see...




Also, you're ponify extension is showing Xb


heh. oops.. TBH I read right through it at this point...

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There's quite a bit to say about this topic. I'm not sure anyone really hates Nintendo aside from the fanboys and Game Informer; but Nintendo has had a checkered history in recent times in terms of games and consoles they've released. In general, yes, though, gamers have been a bit harsh on Nintendo. 


The Wii was a great system. Sure, it paled in comparison when it comes to power, but if you are buying the Wii for power you aren't Nintendo's audience. The Wii was a fantastic creative system that had very little power usage, interesting controls that did work at times, and a decent library of games. People, however, looked in all the wrong places for good Wii games. I remember being disappointed with the lack of shooters until I played The Godfather: Blackhand Edition for the Wii which was unbelievable fun. It really was a blast running around and picking fist fights with people, and felt better than any fighter the 360 or PS3 could conjure up. Still, I sometimes wonder if people who played the Wii had ever bothered to play Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mario Kart, the Metroid Trilogy, or the numerous other first party games that rocked. Another department the Wii did well on was miscellaneous third party games that were genuinely a good time or unique. Endless Ocean was a game that really struck me with its beauty and relaxing music. In short, the Wii sucked....if you didn't know where to look. The other drawback, of course, was that good games didn't come out as often as they did with third parties working day and night on the other consoles. You also had to be patient.


Now, with the WiiU, I do think that Nintendo has earned a lot of criticism. They've reverted back to a tablet format for the controller and I'm honestly tired of see tablets everywhere. The WiiU, also, while it is an improvement feels like just that. I was looking forward to a new direction but I honestly think Nintendo dropped the ball here. Still, though, there are some good games on the WiiU and, though it's still a bit expensive, it is right for certain people. 


With all of that said, though, I believe the reason Nintendo has been receiving so much flack is because the great games haven't been on their consoles as of late. The Last of Us, Spec Ops, Fallout, the Tales series, Bioshock, Dishonored, and many more aren't on the WiiU and it's a shame. Sure the WiiU gets the occasional port like Deus Ex and Batman Arkham City, but it's not the same as having a steady flow of new and groundbreaking games. 


The real reason Nintendo deserves some criticism is not bad hardware, it's because they've been leaning too much on their go-to franchises and not appealing enough to the developers of some truly monumental games. In all fairness, Microsoft doesn't do much either but they have a more powerful console and brand recognition which gets them instant developer recognition. Sony, to their credit, has become much more aggressive in trying to get developers onboard and coming up with new first party IPs. I would almost say that Sony has become the new Nintendo in terms of having a flood of great games on their console. 

Point of Order: There were Tales games for Nintendo consoles (Graces for Wii, and Symphonia for Gamecube, as well as an Abyss remake for 3DS if my memory serves me correctly)



That said, I personally don't really like Nintendo due to the fact that they make it rather hard for devs to port their games. The WiiU is now the only console with a unique architecture, which means that they have painted themselves into a corner of exclusivity for both their own games and 3rd party ones. As much as I would love to see an XCOM game for the WiiU (The unique controller opens up several avenues for gameplay that simply can't be matched with other consoles) it will never happen because Firaxis can't afford to spend hundreds of thousands (or more) of dollars porting a game for a console that would likely not make up the investment. Nintendo's family pedigree is what has led to them making affordable consoles at a vast power disparity to the other major console makers (Which isn't even mentioning the PC, but that's for another rant). Nintendo is only going to lose more franchises as they go, and with the new consoles finally available to trade broadsides with the WiiU, they are going to have serious trouble staying competitive in such a fluid market. As much as I hate to draw the parallel, Sony is slowly killing Nintendo like they did Sega. Their more affordable console with its promised ease-of-use and access to the games that your ten year old 'wants' are going to push Nintendo to have to innovate... Or make a sequel to Chrono Trigger (A REAL sequel, not Chrono Cross) and reap profits off of JRPG nerds like myself.



heh the NDS has more selection to get at tbh than the PSP/PSV, at least available.  So no real surprise. HOPEFULLY the PSV will take off, but this is assuming that Sony sticks to their guns this time.

Its supposed to have "second screen" ability with the PS4.

But it also was supposed to do that with the PS2 and PS3, so we'll see...


heh. oops.. TBH I read right through it at this point...

I have spent about three times as much money on DS games as I have PSP games, but I have spent a lot more time on my PSP for 2 franchises... Valkyria Chronicles and Final Fantasy Tactics.

Edited by FractaLuna
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I'm probably one of those weirdos who prefer Sony's Handhelds to Nintendo(funny enough, I prefer Nintendo's consoles to Sony's)

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I'm probably one of those weirdos who prefer Sony's Handhelds to Nintendo(funny enough, I prefer Nintendo's consoles to Sony's)

I am the other way around, the Playstation 3 was my favorite console of the last generation but my favorite handheld is the DS/3DS.

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I have spent about three times as much bits on DS games as I have PSP games,

I repeat, the DS has more games.... Sooo.. thats kind of obvious in that it will happen.


Hard to spend more money on a device that has nothing for it vs one that has enough things to fill an entire warehouse.....


I personally just find that the games "I" enjoy most on it that aren't nintendo first party end up elsewhere anyways, taking away from my time on the device.

Edited by GrimCW
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Aw snap


>Persona Series

>Dropped in quality



I prefer the style of P1 and P2 (I also think Nocturne is vastly superior to any game in the Persona series) they're still great games don't get me wrong but the over animeness Persona 4 kinda killed it for me. I'll take P3's and P2's darker style anytime and I hope Persona 5 goes back to that darker style.

But let's be honest your sequels aren't going to live up to the previous one where teenagers fight Hitler. :lol: 


  • Brohoof 1
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Oh, and another thing. Don't call the Wii U "next-gen," because It's not. Quit trying to sit at the big boy table.







No, but really. I'm just going to post what I'm going to say, and then probably leave this topic.


I'm not going to discuss about the press conferences, or interviews, or showings at E3 and other conventions. No, as a Wii and Wii U owner. I'm going to instead discuss my personal experiences with these consoles.


Back in 2006, when I was a wee schoolboy, I saw every Wii commercial, overview, and praise for it's innovative controls and change in the gaming industry. Now, keep in mind, the console had been promised to really change gaming. Now, instead of sitting on your own couch, you actually interacted with these games. Your movements where further twisted into your gaming experience!


This was all fine, and I think everyone was really awaiting this console.


Does anyone remember how it was really hard to get a Wii? I don't know about anyone else, but every time I went to the store, I would always look at the game isle, and see, that every single one was gone. Seriously. I believe even the one that was for display purposes was even sold. I didn't get one until Christmas of 2007! But when I did, I thought this would be the console I would spend time on for years to come.


I could talk about how the Gamecube and N64 had been a huge part of my life... How Nintendo in itself was my childhood entertainment besides television. But no, this is focused on the Wii and Wii U.


This turned out to be false.


The Wii only lasted me until around March of 2008. Which was around the time when I was getting really tired of playing the crap out of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was bored. Entering an early phase of "growing up", I was not enjoying having to play another Super Mario re-make... Or play Mario Kart with my brother for the millionth time. Only really, there and then, did I experience this feeling of "no games". Sure, there were probably some games out there. But when I play a game, it's like a movie. Once and then you're done. And it still is the same way today. The only reason I play a game again is either because they have an online multiplayer aspect I like, or I just need to get more achievements due to me being a completionist. Combining this with Nintendo's "holding-your-hand" attitude, I really despised a lot of Nintendo's newer games. Sure, I found it helpful when I was younger, but I really don't need Luigi's help to beat another level of Mario. Nintendo started to disappoint me, and I gradually started to dislike them.


That summer, my step-father had bought a PlayStation 3. He meant to buy it for himself, but out of kindness, he decided that he would share it with me and my brother.


Now, I played a little bit of the PlayStation 2. Not enough for me to actually recall any games I played, but enough to remember I spent some amount of time on it. The PlayStation 3 definitely caught my interest the day my step-father turned the power on, and I can say, that console has still lasted me. Over the course of the next five years, I heard the compelling stories of Bioshock and God of War. Seen the action of Nathan Drake and Commander Shepard. The creative flow of LittleBigPlanet and the immersive gameplay environments of Mirror's Edge. All these I couldn't help but love.


The Wii gradually sat on my shelf... Collecting dust. I've only ever retrieved it when a friend requests we play SSBB for old time's sake.


When the Wii U was announced, I did not feel anything anymore. Nintendo really didn't captivate me with the games they where selling.


"Assassin's Creed IV?"


"That's a bit different for Nintendo!"


Yeah. That's great. However, I'm not going to spend my money on a new console when the same games are going to be third-party to other's as well. I spent some time watching them. Seeing how things would play out. In the end, my family ended up getting the Wii U anyway's. Indifferent as to whether anyone would play it or not.


And it was just as I expected.


So many people flipped when they tried it. No one thought it was as "hardcore" as other consoles.


I'm in the background thinking... "What did you expect?". For the last year, the Wii U has only been turned on for a total of four times. Eyup. FOUR.


In conclusion, I might actually use the Wii U when the new Smash Bros. comes out... Until then, I don't see a point in playing it...

Edited by The Symphony of Discord

"... But MW2's soundtrack is orgasm inducing. Admit it, the music literally changed the campaign from "generic-nuclear-bomb-chase action movie' into 'holy-fucking-shit, hero-going-all-over-the-world, epic-invasion, Jesus-Christ-its-a-f--ing-walrus, justice etc..."



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I never understood the hate towards Nintendo either, maybe it's because some people prefer home consoles over handheld consoles which we have seen what that has done to the community. If you ask me, with all of the new games and exclusives coming out this year I'm still wondering if Nintendo can try to surpass the hate we'll have to wait and see.

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Nintendo has been around since the 80's. They saved the video game industry back in the 80's when the big crash came into play. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't even HAVE video games right now. 


Actually, I believe Nintendo has been around since 1889, or so.


I do agree with what you're saying though. If Nintendo never existed the Video Game world would be very different today. Also, there'd be no Pokemon. :(


People give Nintendo a lot of crap, but just remember that all the games you love such as Pokemon, Mario, and Zelda are all Nintendo games .

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Actually, I believe Nintendo has been around since 1889, or so.

That would be impossible. Super Mario Brothers was made in 1980.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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That would be impossible. Super Mario Brothers was made in 1980.

While that is true, the company itself was actually founded in 1889. I believe they started off as a company that made card games. It's a little hard to believe that Nintendo is so old, isn't it? Here is an article about the subject if you're interested. :)




Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Well, about Nintendo, I left them after the Gamecube and the DS.


The first day it went out, my neighbors bought one. Well, I was disgusted by the controler; it just doesn't feel great. And it drains battery like a hole in a bucket, it's awful. So I skipped the Wii (And the name sux lol), I haven't really missed anything. I played sometimes with my friends, but I ended up bringing my gamecube controller. Also the lack of good games to me.


Then the WiiU came, still the same horrible name worsen. So I went to Future Shop one day and I decided to try it. Well, the controller is even worse. And it must cost a leg to buy another controller. And the same things over and over.


I guess I'm not really atracted by the new consoles and everything, I even think GTA5 is boring. I'd rather play "Barbie 12 dancing princesses" on my GBA. Maybe one day I'll do reviews of these old games on the Gameboy, DS and Gamecube lol.

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While that is true, the company itself was actually founded in 1889. I believe they started off as a company that made card games. It's a little hard to believe that Nintendo is so old, isn't it? Here is an article about the subject if you're interested. :)




Nintendo did start in 1889 . They made Hanafuda cards.


Edit: Beaten to it.



Huh. Well, I guess you're right. Though, I like them better as a game company.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Want to hear something more interesting? They also, at one time, set up a taxi company, a love hotel chain, a food company(instant rice), and several other things.

"Come stay at Nintendo Inn, where your satisfaction is assured! Wahoo!"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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TL;DR - Game journalism is garbage. Nintendo got themselves in trouble with marketing and third party support. I don't care for third parties if they keep letting out shooters and shovelware, no matter the system. Nintendo needs to rethink their relationship with third parties, dropping the system is a terrible idea. THE WII U IS "NEXT GEN," STOP SAYING IT ISN'T. The GamePad is not as terrible as one might think IMO. I'll be uprading to the Wii U down the line, deal with it.


"Game journalists." HA. What a fucking joke. Ever since they called Sonic Unleashed a worse game than Sonic '06, I've never trusted them with opinion on games I'm looking into playing.


Now I'll admit the way Nintendo's been marketing the Wii U has been a real crapshoot at best. I mean seriously, how did they not consider the fact that people are going to get it mixed up with the older console? Retailers are screwing up ads like crazy, even they don't get the difference between the two. What the heck, guys? Was there really no other brand name you could market this under?


But the main problem with getting third parties on board with the Wii U is what's under the hood. The system uses a completely different architecture than its competitors (PowerPC over AMD). As a result, this makes porting games to the Wii U a pain in the ass, making it vulnerable to major bugs that weren't in the original game in the first place. If they'd actually switch to AMD, we could easily see much broader third-party games for the system. Although, the decision to stay with PowerPC probably made to allow backwards compatibility with the Wii, much like the Wii did for the GameCube. These three systems use similar hardware to each other.


As much of a nuisance it is to port new games, it makes it easier to allow backwards compatibility with the Wii, which ran on similar architecture. It highlights something I praise Nintendo for doing over the other two: it allows a smooth transition between console generations which is more cost-effective to loyal owners. There's a lot more value in the Wii U than the previous system with the fact that every single Wii controller is compatible for both old and new games. You don't need to buy extra hardware to play the new games, unless the ones you had broke or are missing a key accessory. I know, it limits the capabilities of the hardware moreso than the other two, but need I remind you that it's not the graphics that make a game, it's the bloody gameplay.


Angry Joe brought up the Wii U's rough year in his top controversies of 2013, and he points out how Nintendo is suffering from the system's lack of sales and the attitude that third party publishers are showing against it. While third party support is definately something that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later, I don't give a shit about these guys, you know why? There's very little variety these days. I despise how saturated the market is with shooter after shooter after goddamn shooter. Not to mention most games, even the ones that are in a different genre, tend to be poorly designed and rushed to market just to make a quick buck.


Yes, there are those third party titles that actually try to be good, they actually understand what gamers would like to see, not what a focus group would like to see. But do you really think most third parties are going to care about what gamers like? No, of course not. They're after your money, and they're doing whatever it takes to get their hands on it, at the cost of quality software. This trend is not going away, and no system is immune: not the Wii U, not the PS4 or Xbox One, not the handhelds, not even the PC. Shovelware is everywhere, and no one is safe.


Changing the internal hardware isn't gonna do a thing to help, so the only way third parties are going to develop games for this system is if either 1) Nintendo and the gamers show these people how you can take advantage of the GamePad and the controllers properly or 2) They suck it up, take a risk, and try to give one of their franchises a chance on the Wii U.


Some of these "journalists" are calling on Nintendo to just drop the Wii U altogether. You know who else thought that dropping their latest hardware was a good idea? Sega. The CD and 32X add-ons were desperate attempts to keep the Genesis competitive against the SNES. Those horrid attempts while the Saturn was being developed got them killed in the long run when they were discontinued. Consumers blasted Sega for tricking them into buying the add-ons, so most of them moved to either Nintendo with the N64 or Sony when they entered the arena with the PlayStation. Not even the Dreamcast, being the most cutting-edge system at the time it came out, could keep that ship from sinking. If Nintendo drops the Wii U, they are shooting themselves in the foot in the long run. Consumers are going to hate them more for just leaving them with unsupported hardware that came out not too long ago than having only a small number of killer apps.


Oh, and to the guy who said the Wii U isn't next gen: my god, you sound like such a fanboy. So how do you define "next-gen," hmm? The Wii U is not an enhanced Wii, it's a whole different animal. It's takes a concept that worked, adds HD graphics, and introduces a tablet controller that opens up more control and interface options than any previous console was capable of. Sure it doesn't directly stream to Twitch, sure it can't handle realistic graphics as much as the PS4 and Xbox One, sure it isn't as interactive with your TV as the others. BIG FLIPPIN' DEAL. It's not like it needs those things to make it a game console. What makes a game console are the games. Not all those pointless features that makes them a glorified cable box.


I've tried the GamePad at a Toys 'R' Us, and it wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. As a matter of fact, it did its job near perfectly. Yes, it's different and runs off the tablet craze, but if it does what it intended to do, that's good enough for me. Being a new owner of a 3DS, I'm opening up to using a separate touch screen for game control. And the games I'm seeing are just beautiful, I've never seen Mario or Zelda so crisp. It is a next-gen console, get over yourself.


Down the line, we'll be upgrading to the Wii U. I don't give a shit about what these "hardcore" gamers or these so-called "journalists" have to say about it. I'm playing Nintendo games because, in my honest opinion, they know more about quality games than most other game companies do. Quit the "stop having fun" attitude and look at these systems for what they are.

Edited by FirestormCAN
  • Brohoof 2


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My favorite part was when they said Nintendo should scrap the WiiU and release another console for $400, because that wouldn't be completely stupid.  Hilariously, once Nintendo sent a heavy hitter out (Super Mario 3D World), those same hacks changed their tune completely.


I'm getting deja vu here.  Weren't these the same people who said that Sony should abandon the Vita?  Did they like eating their words so much that they came back for seconds?

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