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books PLEASE FILL OUT - Coursework questionnaire


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(I apologize if this is in the wrong section. In case it is, please move it)


Er, yes. I would appreciate it if people could fill in this rather useless questionnaire. I believe it is part of English AS Coursework. I thought doing it on this forum would be easier, considering I don’t feel like going around and handing out papers like everyone else is… :I


Preferably, I would like for at least 20 people to sign it (that would be the bare minimum). I'd like the answers to be short and to the point.


If there's anything amiss with the questionnaire, don't question it - I either didn't care, or didn't know what the hell I had to do. I can't tell anymore. All I want from you is to fill it out as soon as possible. Oh, and I think I already said 'please', so yeah? Please? : p



Are you male or female?





What age range are you in?


14 to 18.

19 to 38.

28 to 35.

35 to 50


What is your favourite genre?


State your choice.


How often do you read?


Every day.

Twice a week.

Once a week.

Once a month.



What style of English do you prefer?


Serious and direct.


Witty and... not serious.


What is it in a book that keeps you reading? Explain, please


Explain answer.


What is it that makes you pick up a book? Explain, please


Explain answer.


What kind of beginning do you prefer? Explain, please


Explain answer.


What kind of ending do you prefer? Explain, please.


Explain answer.



Overall, do you prefer an idealistic narrative or a cynical one? Explain, please.


Explain answer.


Who is your favourite author? Explain, please.


Explain answer.Er, yes. I would appreciate it if people could fill in this rather useless questionnaire. I believe it is part of English AS Coursework. I thought doing it on this forum would be easier, considering I don’t feel like going around and handing out papers like everyone else is… :I


Preferably, I would like for at least 20 people to sign it (that would be the bare minimum). I'd like the answers to be short and to the point.


If there's anything amiss with the questionnaire, don't question it - I either didn't care, or didn't know what the hell I had to do. I can't tell anymore.



Are you male or female?





What age range are you in?


14 to 18.

19 to 38.

28 to 35.

35 to 50


What is your favourite genre?


State your choice.


How often do you read?


Every day.

Twice a week.

Once a week.

Once a month.



What style of English do you prefer?


Serious and direct.


Witty and... not serious.


What is it in a book that keeps you reading? Explain, please


Explain answer.


What is it that makes you pick up a book? Explain, please


Explain answer.


What kind of beginning do you prefer? Explain, please


Explain answer.


What kind of ending do you prefer? Explain, please.


Explain answer.



Overall, do you prefer an idealistic narrative or a cynical one? Explain, please.


Explain answer.


Who is your favourite author? Explain, please.


Explain answer.

Edited by Oleg
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Are you male or female?


Trans MTF


What age range are you in?


14 to 18


What is your favourite genre?




How often do you read?


Once a month


What style of English do you prefer?




What is it in a book that keeps you reading? Explain, please


Relationships between characters, romantic is best.


What is it that makes you pick up a book? Explain, please


Recommendations from friends.


What kind of beginning do you prefer? Explain, please


I like a book with a very deep and poetic beginning or opening paragraph.


What kind of ending do you prefer? Explain, please.


I like an ending which leaves it up to the reader to be able to interpret the ending differently. Set in stone endings suck.


Overall, do you prefer an idealistic narrative or a cynical one? Explain, please.


Idealistic. I like to be able to relate to the narrative.


Who is your favourite author? Explain, please.


Jenny Downham. Wrote the book Before I Die which was adapted into the film Now is Good. It's an absolutely outstanding work of art with great character development and relationships and it has been the only book in about 4 years that I've finished reading.

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Science Fiction


Every Day




I always want to find out what happens next. My brain keeps trying to fill in the blanks but when It can't I have to keep reading.


A good title or cover. If it catches my eye or sounds interesting, I'll read it.


Straight to the action.


A narrative ending. I want a feeling of closure.


Cynical. It's interesting to see what people think can go wrong and will go wrong. I have fun with my friends and read a cynical book to keep my brain thinking.


Eric Nylund

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Are you male or female?




What age range are you in?


14 to 18.


What is your favourite genre?


Horror, or more commonly referred to as "Psychological Horror" is my personal favorite genre. I also enjoy Action and Adventure ones.


How often do you read?


Once a month.


What style of English do you prefer?


Serious and direct.


What is it in a book that keeps you reading? Explain, please


Usually if a book contains characters that make me extremely interested are ones that keep my attention and keep me reading. A nice setting is enjoyable as well, preferably in the medieval times with swords and knights. 


What is it that makes you pick up a book? Explain, please


Usually recommendations from others. Also, interesting cover art grabs my attention fairly easily. 


What kind of beginning do you prefer? Explain, please


I prefer ones that thrust you right into the action. They seem to grab my attention the easiest. 


What kind of ending do you prefer? Explain, please.


I prefer bittersweet or just endings that leave the reader feeling sad. I find them to show the best that not everything has a happy ending and I find them to be more like real life than any other kind. 


Overall, do you prefer an idealistic narrative or a cynical one? Explain, please.


Cynical. I seem to relate to those more. 


Who is your favourite author? Explain, please.


I don't really have one but Patrick Ness wrote my favorite book, A Monster Calls. He seems to write more suspenseful material to me. 

Edited by WheatleyCore
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What age range are you in?



What is your favorite genre?

Horror, but with a little touch of tragedy in it.


How often do you read?

Once a day


What style of English do you prefer?

Serious and direct.


What is it in a book that keeps you reading? Explain, please.

If a book has characters that aren't one-dimensional and are just in the story just to be there, I'm able to analyze the characters to figure out how they work.


What is it that makes you pick up a book? Explain, please.

The art on the cover of the book usually reels me in, and if my friends recommend me to read the book.


What kind of beginning do you prefer? Explain, please.

I prefer the beginning of a book that brings you directly into the action, without too much exposition that can leave the reader confused until the very end.


What kind of ending do you prefer? Explain, please.

An ending that leaves the reader sad, that they wish the book didn't end at all. It shows that not every book needs a happy ending, the real intense ending that leaves you on the edge of your seat.


Overall, do you prefer an idealistic narrative or a cynical one? Explain, please.

Cynical, it makes me relate to them.


Who is your favorite author? Explain, please.

William Shakespeare, a very iconic and legendary author that knows how to express his feelings in his books to tell you how he feels.

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Are you male or female?



What age range are you in?

14 to 18.


What is your favourite genre?

Science Fiction.


How often do you read?

Once a week.


What style of English do you prefer?

Serious and direct.


What is it in a book that keeps you reading? Explain, please

As long as I'm interested in the book, I will continue reading it.


What is it that makes you pick up a book? Explain, please

A lot of different things can make me pick up a novel. If I see a book by an author I like, I'll pick it up and read the description on the back. If I see a book about a topic I enjoy (World War 2, Video game, ect.) I'll pick it up as well.


What kind of beginning do you prefer? Explain, please

I like beginnings that just kind of jump into the story, without a lot of boring intros, and such.


What kind of ending do you prefer? Explain, please.

One that is either satisfying, or leaves you wanting more, in which case you may then go to read the sequel if there is one. Cliffhangers are nice as well.


Overall, do you prefer an idealistic narrative or a cynical one? Explain, please.

Idealistic usually, although that's not to say I don't like Cynical narratives either.


Who is your favourite author? Explain, please.

I don't really have one. Stephen King is a great author, and I've read a few of his books. If I had to choose, I'd probably go with him.

Edited by Mikami
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Are you male or female?




What age range are you in?


19 to 38.


What is your favourite genre?




How often do you read?


Twice a week.


What style of English do you prefer?


Both of these:

Serious and direct.

Witty and... not serious.


What is it in a book that keeps you reading? Explain, please


Interesting and tolerable characters because it's just what I find to be the most appealing part of a book.


What is it that makes you pick up a book? Explain, please


Usually a recommendation from someone else, because I don't want to go through the trouble of getting a book that I know nothing about and then not like it.


What kind of beginning do you prefer? Explain, please


Ones that give a decent introduction for the characters, because, again, the characters are what I read for.


What kind of ending do you prefer? Explain, please.


Something that makes sense, given the material preceding it.  Deus ex machina is a nono.


Overall, do you prefer an idealistic narrative or a cynical one? Explain, please.


I find cynical to be more realistic, though I'm sort of a sucker for happy endings as well.


Who is your favourite author? Explain, please.


      Eh, tough to say.  I might have to go with Brandon Sanderson at the moment, though I've only read three of his books and those were technically just finishing a series that someone else started.  He's very good at building a world and creating characters that both make sense and aren't overly annoying.

Edited by Antismurf9001
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Are you male or female?




What age range are you in?




What is your favourite genre?


Adventure or Mystery


How often do you read?


About once a week. Sometimes twice.


What style of English do you prefer?




What is it in a book that keeps you reading? Explain, please


I like it when characters grip me and make me want to explore their personalities more. That's what keeps me reading.


What is it that makes you pick up a book? Explain, please


Well, I usually read the back first so I can get a good fill first. But, what makes me pick it up is either what genre it is or author it is written by.


What kind of beginning do you prefer? Explain, please


I usually like a rather comfortably paced beginning, that way I can get to know the characters a bit before heading into the actual adventure.


What kind of ending do you prefer? Explain, please.


I like happy endings. If it doesn't give me that, give me a good cliffhanger so I'll want to read the next installment.


Overall, do you prefer an idealistic narrative or a cynical one? Explain, please.


I like idealistic. It needs to make sense


Who is your favourite author? Explain, please.


...No favorite

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What age range are you in?

19 to 38


What is your favourite genre?

I'd had to say mystery, especially if it has supernatural or horror elements 


How often do you read?

Not as much as I should, maybe once a month


What style of English do you prefer?

Classic-ish(?) or

Witty and... not serious.

Either one really


What is it in a book that keeps you reading? Explain, please

If it's engaging and really pulling me in to see what happens next. Painting a good picture of what's going on and having prose that reads well and isn't clunky helps to.


What is it that makes you pick up a book? Explain, please

The first thing I notice is an interesting cover and title, it goes on from there if the summary looks interesting


What kind of beginning do you prefer? Explain, please

One that sets up the story well and opens to a interesting situation. 


What kind of ending do you prefer? Explain, please.

Either happy or bittersweet for longer stuff(I feel like a complete downer in a long book is a let down it makes me feel like I wasted the time and emotion I invested in it. In a short story that doesn't take much to get through(especially horror) a downer ending is more forgivable. I guess it's forgivable in horror in general though.


Overall, do you prefer an idealistic narrative or a cynical one? Explain, please.

Generally idealistic(because I tend to by overly cynical myself and I'm trying to get away from that), but a cynical one can work if it's for humor or making a good point.  


Who is your favourite author? Explain, please.

Aside from writers I read as a kid(R.L Stine) I really haven't read enough books from any one person to say. 

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Are you male or female?




What age range are you in?


19 to 28.


What is your favourite genre?


Children's or teen fiction


How often do you read?


Every day.


What style of English do you prefer?


It depends on the book I'm reading... So all three

Serious and direct.


Witty and... not serious.


What is it in a book that keeps you reading? Explain, please


A good story, relatable characters and plenty of hooks... I lose interest easily so if I'm not entertained I generally put the book down


What is it that makes you pick up a book? Explain, please


Anything from an interesting cover, title, blurb, or if I've read books from that author before


What kind of beginning do you prefer? Explain, please


one that grabs my attention and draws me into the character's world


What kind of ending do you prefer? Explain, please.


If the book is that of a series, a cliff hanger that links to the next book, if it's just a one off, preferably all story arcs resolved, but perhaps with a few questions left unanswered just to speculate on



Overall, do you prefer an idealistic narrative or a cynical one? Explain, please.


Idealistic... Cynicism really bugs me.


Who is your favourite author? Explain, please.


CS Lewis at the moment... I love the Narnia books and I just get swept away in the lands he creates.

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What age range are you in?


28 to 35.


What is your favourite genre?


Depending on mood, I like fantasy, murder mystery, horror or nonfiction, especially true crime and ghost stories. I also read chicklit if I feel like it.


How often do you read?


Every day.


What style of English do you prefer?


Serious and direct.


Witty and... not serious.


All three, depending on what mood I'm in at the time.


What is it in a book that keeps you reading? Explain, please


I like an interesting storyline with twists and turns, as well as good, well rounded characters that I care about. I also like a book to have a well written plot that just grabs you from the moment you start reading.


What is it that makes you pick up a book? Explain, please


If the blurb on the back suggests a good story, then that usually reels me in.


What kind of beginning do you prefer? Explain, please


I like to read about the characters so I can get to know them before the action starts.


What kind of ending do you prefer? Explain, please.


Depends. If I'm reading chicklit, I like for all the characters to be neatly paired off and all the loose ends tied off. With other genres, I like it if part of a series, there's a sequel hook. Sometimes, a clever twist at the end, or even a pyrric victory can work.


Overall, do you prefer an idealistic narrative or a cynical one? Explain, please.


Depends on my mood. It changes. Either can work if done well.


Who is your favourite author? Explain, please.


Far too many to list, but here's some: J K Rowling, Tolkien, Ruth Rendell, Agatha Christie, Minette Walters. Obviously, everypony's heard of the first two; the last three are all crime writers. I like these authors cuz they write well and are very good at making good characters. Minette Walters is unknown among most people but she writes very good crime fiction where the characters are always believable and flawed and the end result is very unexpected.

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