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Rarity fans: Why do you like Rarity?


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She's got a gorgeous design, she's probably the funniest character in the show, her voice is amazing, she can sing very well, and she's an endearingly flawed character who brings a unique personality to the table. There's loads to love about Rarity if you're willing to see it.

Edited by DashForever
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Rarity is generous, both in material possessions, and in being willing to forgive. She is entertaining to watch, with her occasional outbursts of drama. She is extremely talented at her craft, and generates beauty on a daily basis. She is charming and beautiful, and has not only ambition, but the skill to make her ambitions reality. She is a quick thinker, light on her feet, able to kick flank when she needs to, but is still poised and elegant, and strives to bring out the elegance in others. She struggles daily with her urges to give to others, as well as wanting good things for herself. She is flawed, but often rises above those flaws to reaffirm her fundamentally generous nature. When it counts, she give to others exactly what they need.


And if she wasn't being kept back by her ties to her friends, she would already be a part of the Canterlot high society.


Perhaps the more pertinent question is this: Why DON'T you like Rarity? :D

Edited by SolarFox
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I adore her for several different reasons. Namely, her design is absolutely gorgeous and probably the best in the show, in my opinion. She can be funny with the random bursts of her over-dramatic attitude and she's just a lot of fun to enjoy. She's at a good place in life, and is a good role model that shows you can enjoy your passion without having to be miserable. She's talented, has good taste in fashion and pretty much everything else, has a lovely singing voice, and she's just a flawed yet really enjoyable character. 

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Even though RD is number 1 for me (well for now at least), Rarity and AJ are both fighting for second place and trust me they aren't far behind RD. Now, I like adore love Rarity as well because of her simply beautiful design, the perfectly colored mane with just the right 'fancy touch' to it completes it. She spends a very generous amount of her time to please her friends even when little changes cause her to start from scratch. Her over-dramatic reactions keep me laughing all the time and she has a good understanding of the balance between her friends and other business related ponies. But what really sets it for me has got to be the voice! Her voice just fits in perfectly I mean PEEERRRFEECTLY with the character whether it's singing or on the set, and that is what breaks the tie from most of the other characters.





Maybe I'll let the picture do more of the talking.

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Rarity has a very strong spirit. I really respect her character. She is charming, graceful, she has a good sense of humor and she has a cute French accent. This character breaks the stereotypes. With one hand she glamorous woman of fashion, but Rarity isn't a phony and respects all who surrounds her. She is kind and sweet, and most importantly she generous! My fav episodes with her is "A Dog and Pony show" and "Castelmania" Rarity is awesome, people just needs a time to understand her, just give her a second chance (like I did) :)

Edited by zev_zev
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Why do I love Rarity? Well, I do believe all of my reasons have been mentioned in the above posts already (she's hilarious, charming, adorable, I love her design, her voice is amazing! etc.), so I'm just going to say that I can relate to her in more ways than I initially thought ... not to mention I love the colour purple, it's my favourite colour. :D

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So, so many reasons! :D


I like Rarity because of her sincerely kind-hearted demeanor, yet conflicting flaws, her beautiful voice, both singing and regular, her episodes make me happy and are always the most interesting to me, I find her diva side to be humorous, her flawless, beautiful character design along with an engaging personality that gives her that dream girl feel; beautiful appearance, beautiful personality.


What I like most about Rarity, though, is the fun I have getting to be a Rarity fan; a little hardcore fanboying is good for the soul, right? :D I've got some really bad heart defects, but if I were to say Rarity hasn't been therapeutic for that problem, I'd be lying. MLP has in general, yeahh, but Rarity is definitely the driving force behind my interest in the whole show; it wouldn't ever be the same without her, dammit. I can't help but squee a little bit when someone sends me fanart of her or I squeeze my Rarity plushies tightly :wub: I got all sorts of Rarity merch in my room to give it a more fabulous feel.


She just makes me happy, man. That's all it comes down to :D



Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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In most other cartoons, an affluent fashionista like Rarity would be cast as little more than a flat, unsympathetic antagonist. You know this type; The snob, the bully, the mean girl. Indeed, a possession of wealth and love of fashion seem to go hand in hand with shallow elitism or outright villainy in most media. However, Rarity defies convention by going against her stereotype, proving to be one of the most (if not the most) complex, sympathetic characters on the show. For this reason alone, Rarity deserves respect, for turning tropes on their heads and standing out as a truly unique character.


When you get right down to it, there's nothing wrong with having a taste for the finer things, and it's perfectly reasonable that one can be both a good person and a socialite; The two need not contradict, and in Rarity's case, they definitely don't. Rarity is wealthy, but also generous. She lives a life of luxury, but also works hard for it. She prefers cleanliness, but isn't afraid to get dirty or fight monsters to save the day. I think what I'm saying here is that Rarity seems like a direct rebuttal to the assumption that wealth, fashion, etc. are wrong, or somehow lesser pursuits than anything else. Rarity's interests are never portrayed as fruitless or vain, but rather as her passion, her art, and even her livelihood.


On the subject of fashion, Rarity flies in the face of yet another trope, in that she is portrayed not as a shopaholic, but as an artist. Rarity is creative, inspired even. Her medium just happens to be clothes instead of a canvas, which has been her passion since childhood. This is what she loves, not as a trend-follower, but as a creator. And isn't creativity a great value to send to any audience of this show? Whether your creative passion is art, writing, music, or even clothes, pursue it!


Speaking of pursuits, let's talk a bit about money. Rarity is almost definitely the most well-to-do of the main six, financially speaking, but what I find interesting is that she didn't grow up rich. Rarity hails from an ordinary middle-class family in Ponyville; Her parents are anything but the high-society lady she presents herself as, and this backstory shows considerable ambition on Rarity's part. Rarity started her own business, by herself, with nothing but her own vision and skills, and managed to become a successful businesswoman all on her own. This, I dare say, is an incredibly feminist role-model; Rarity is a strong, independent woman who achieved financial and business success all by herself, and she's awesome for it. In a world where we're repeatedly told that ambition is a bad thing, I like that Rarity is an unapologetically positive portrayal of an ambitious entrepreneur.


Not that her wealth makes her miserly, of course. Rarity is, after all, the element of generosity. Rarity seems to take on the philosophy of noblesse oblige, the belief that with great prestige, wealth, and privilege comes great responsibility to use it to benefit others. Rarity is incredibly successful, but does she hoard her bits and gemstones in a huge vault, Scrooge McDuck-style? Nope, she freely shares her wealth, happy merely at the prospect of making others happy. Rarity's generosity doesn't only extend to material wealth, of course; Rarity has a generous spirit, and is willing to donate time and effort as well as bits. She's even willing to sacrifice her own appearance, as demonstrated with her tail, to help someone else's. I could gush all day about Rarity's generosity, but I won't. If you want to read more, see my Generosity Master List.


Of course, merely having a character who defies convention, sets a good example, and demonstrates generosity isn't quite enough. Rarity is, after all, a character - and her job is to entertain as much as it is to inspire. And entertain she does. Rarity is hilarious, and her voice actor Tabitha St. Germain delivers my absolute favorite vocal performance in the entire series. Never have I seen a character go from prim and poised to completely freaking out and back again with such tremendously funny results. Whenever Rarity's on-screen, magic happens, and I never get tired of watching her.


And of course, Kazumi Evans' beautiful singing voice is always a treat. Here's hoping we get another Rarity song soon.


Out of a cast of already-amazing characters, Rarity stands out above the pack, and is indisputably my favorite pony. Hopefully, that answers OP's question.

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Well better question is why don't more ponies love her... 


She sings the best song from the show, "Art of the dress". 


She's sexy.. 



Come on... that's hot.. 


She's very sweet and loving, Making those dress's for her friends.. then remaking them the way they wanted them.. That's a wonderful pony in my book. 


She's funny.. like in "Sonic RainBoom" When she is flying over the sun and all the ponies see what kind of colors her new wings can make... that sound she makes just cracks me up every time.. 



I could go on and on about how wonderful she is and etc etc but I think I made my point.. She's a wonderful pony

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I like Rarity for many reasons.

  • She has an amazing singing voice.
  • She's adorable.
  • Her mane is fabulous.
  • I love the color purple, which makes me like her mane even more.
  • She's the sister of my favorite CMC.
  • She can whine her way out of any situation.
  • I love her voice, and the way she talks.
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Are you kidding?  If this scene didn't sell you, nothing will.

As much as I love that scene and that episode it didn't sell me on her, ironically it was this friend of mine who is a hard core Rarity hater that got me to start liking her. I kept thinking "come on she can't be THAT bad." She took me the longest out of the mane 6 to warm up to and for a while I didn't really get the appeal either and although she is not my aboslute favorite I do like her. I like her because of her strong creative side and the fact that though she dosen't always get along or see eye to eye with her sister Sweetie Belle that she does care about her and wants to make her happy. Even before I warmed up to her though I never really hated on her because as a long time fan of Applejack I know what it is like to like a pony that isn't as popular as the others.

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I love her design, her hair is amazing and her personality is great. Rarity is different from most cartoon girls who love fashion because instead of dressing up to impress boys and get a boyfriend like most girls in cartoons she does it because she finds it fun so for her its a passion to make dresses and to look good. Another thing that puts her a cut above other girls is that she can handle herself, like in the episode 'A Dog and Pony Show' she shows that she doesn't have to wait for her prince in shining armor to save her and she can in fact save herself. I also love her for little things like her voice, and she is a great singer! She also is a pretty funny




Edited by TurtlesForSale
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Besides being the most becoming pony in Ponyville, Rarity's voice and personality are best in show. One of my favorite things in the show is watching her reactions to random different things.


Watching her work through her flaws has been one of the best journeys through MLP:FiM for me.


All in all a wonderful pony with very much to like about her.

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  1. She is adorible

She is very funny at times

I love her voice. xD

Did I mention that she is adorible?

I enjoy her fighting with Applejack. XD

Edited by A CrayZ Cat
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Here's why Rarity is my favorite of the Mane Six:


-Being a seamstress is in and of itself a noble profession. Clothes are one of the necessities of life. And she has the skill to make nearly anything that is needed.


-She's conscientious. I like that she combs her mane "just so", makes a smore "just so", sews a dress "just so", that she enjoys "high society and culture", etc. What some people would dismiss at nitpickiness (i.e. Applejack) and snootiness is actually just concern for quality and excellence. She's the perfectionist of the cast.


-She's the most verbally articulate of the Mane Six. I value verbal articulation greatly because it's a trait I possess. It's my forte.


-In "The Best Night Ever", she's patient with Prince Blueblood, trying to overlook his flaws to see if he has any trace of gentle-manliness in him. Then, when she realizes he really is that much of a "royal pain", she messes his mane up. How satisfying!


-She's defensive of Spike when bullies tease him. "I'll rip him to pieces if you touch one scale on his cute little head!" from "Dragon Quest". No wonder he's enamored with her.


-She's distinctly feminine, along with Fluttershy. I mean, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are both cool and all, but girls who act girly will always win more admiration from me than tomboys.


-Despite the aforementioned femininity, she can still kick a little ass when it's needed.


-Her blue mane and eyeshadow are lovely. Her voice is lovely. So are her red glasses.


-It's hilarious watching her wallow in drama, especially when it's over something relatively minor.


-Pretty much everything that happens in the "A Dog And Pony Show" and "Rarity Takes Manehattan" episode. 


-As Dr. Mechano noted, Tabitha gives the best vocal performance in what is already an all-star cast. Rarity's voice is dynamic.


And there are my reasons! I'm not sure if this will elevate her above second-to-last/last place in popularity among the Mane Six but I've done what I can.

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I have 50 reasons:


And could probably come up with 50 more(and more), if I wanted to... :wacko:

I think I'll just generalize a bit though- Rarity's an awesome, beautiful character both on the inside and the outside, and nopony else is quite like her. :D

Also, this classic image:


Which just helps prove my point of her being like nopony else. ;)

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Because Rarity has to try. Her element isn't just ingrained. She isn't like say, Fluttershy. (Everytime I use this argument I pick on her, sorry Flutters.) She just is kind. It just happens. But Rarity isn't always generous. She has her faults and her flaws. She may fall, but she stands back up. Every time one of the other elements comes into question, it's some drastic change that is always solved by the end of the episode and forgotten about. But with Rarity, she has to strive to embody her element.


Also because she so damn fabulous.  :D

Edited by Brosparkles
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It'd be helpful to know why you don't like her; I think we've flooded this topic with plenty of reasons :D


-I can't relate to her whatsoever. 

-She's always whining (or complaining)

-I don't like her singing voice

-Her episodes usually aren't that good

-She just comes off as one of those snobby, "I'm better than you" annoying rich people

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