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gaming What is Everypony's Favorite Pokemon and Type?


Favorite Type  

87 users have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite pokemon type?

    • Normal
    • Fire
    • Water
    • Grass
    • Electric
    • Ice
    • Fighting
    • Poison
    • Ground
    • Flying
    • Psychic
    • Bug
    • Rock
    • Ghost
    • Dragon
    • Dark
    • Steel
    • Fairy

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Normal: Girafarig
Fire: Rapidash
Water: Kingdra
Grass: Meganium
Electric: Magneton
Ice: Articuno
Fighting: Breloom
Poison: Seviper
Ground: Camerupt
Flying: Articuno
Psychic: Girafarig
Bug: Beedrill
Rock: Aerodactyl
Ghost: Haunter
Dragon: Salamence
Dark: Absol
Steel: Steelix

Favorite of all: Rapidash

Favorite type: Fire
Least favorite Type: Normal, too many cute stuff here. Also Fighting.

  • Brohoof 1
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Normal: Porygon-Z 

Fire: Arcanine

Water: Empoleon

Grass: Breloom 

Electric: Raikou

Ice: Weavile

Fighting: Lucario

Poison: Nidoking

Ground: Rhyperior

Flying: Skarmory

Psychic: Alakazam

Bug: Scizor

Rock: Cradily

Ghost: Dusknoir

Dragon: Garchomp

Dark: Zoroark

Steel: Bisharp

Fairy: Shaymin


Favourite Type: Ice

Least Favourite Type: Normal. 


I added Fairy To Make it That I only had one Favourite For Each Type, or I would have Two for Grass.

  • Brohoof 2


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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Favourite type:Dark

Favourite Pokemon:Mudkip (Even If he is water you gotta love Mudkip)









Bug:don't like any


Dragon:I just forgot but it's iris' pet in the anime



Sorry if I've forgotten any

Iris's pokemon is named Axew, i just figured i'd say since nobody said anything yet :P.


Anyways, as for the question... I'm gonna have to get back to you on that...

Edited by Zygen
  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Iris's pokemon is named Axeu, i just figured i'd say since nobody said anything yet :P.


Anyways, as for the question... I'm gonna have to get back to you on that...

I think you mean Axew, Unless it was Nicknamed That. or that was a Typo. But I'm pretty sure it's Axew. :P


Dat Charcater Limit is Amazing...

  • Brohoof 2


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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I think you mean Axew, Unless it was Nicknamed That. or that was a Typo. But I'm pretty sure it's Axew. :P


Dat Charcater Limit is Amazing...

Uh, yeah, i had a feeling i screwed up the spelling(Darn you poor spelling abilities. :/.) Thanks for the correction to my erm, correction :P.

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Uh, yeah, i had a feeling i screwed up the spelling(Darn you poor spelling abilities. :/.) Thanks for the correction to my erm, correction :P.

No Worries, I do it all the time with Various Pokemon Names, a few are quite difficult to remember how to spell such as Raikou. 

Just wondering if it was a Misspell or Nicknamed that, 

  • Brohoof 2


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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Hey guys! I updated the poll by adding Fairy type. I was going to wait for X and Y to be released before adding that type, but since some people are already mentioning it. I thought I should just add it in early. That is all. :)

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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This um... isn't official. The only confirmed fairy types are Sylveon, Flabebe, Spritzee, Swirlix, Xerneas, jigglypuff, Marill, Gardevoir, Mawile, and Dedenne. So no Shaymin. 


Yes, I know, But It's in the List to be possibly be confirmed in the near future, I only placed it there as I only wanted to have one favourite per type, If it isn't confirmed in the near future I'm going to change it, but for now I might as well keep it as it is.

  • Brohoof 1


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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Yes, I know, But It's in the List to be possibly be confirmed in the near future, I only placed it there as I only wanted to have one favourite per type, If it isn't confirmed in the near future I'm going to change it, but for now I might as well keep it as it is.


Oh okay then, that's kind of what I suspected. I don't really like speculating too much, which is really the only reason I mentioned it. I haven't tried to guess what pokemon will be fairy in case my dreams get crushed and it turns out to not be :P I think my favorite fairy so far is Xerneas. Freakin majestic fairy deer. Perfect.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh okay then, that's kind of what I suspected. I don't really like speculating too much, which is really the only reason I mentioned it. I haven't tried to guess what pokemon will be fairy in case my dreams get crushed and it turns out to not be :P I think my favorite fairy so far is Xerneas. Freakin majestic fairy deer. Perfect.


Yeah, you're right about that, the only one I've really guess that would be fairy is Shaymin, I don't really want any of my other choices to be crushed either, And Well, Xerneas just looks so amazing and Elegant, just suits so well, I just hope it turns out better than the other legendary, that I just can't place my finger on the name.

  • Brohoof 1


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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Normal: Linoone

Fire: Cyndaquil

Water: Magikarp

Grass: Shiftry

Electric: Galvantula

Ice: Froslass

Fighting: Hariyama

Poison: Muk

Ground: Marowak

Flying: Skarmory

Psychic: Alakazam

Bug: Scizor 

Rock: Onyx

Ghost: Haunter

Dragon: Salamance

Dark: Mightyena

Steel: Aggron

Fairy: Gardevoir


Favorite Type: Ghost

Least Favorite Type: Fairy

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 1


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Normal: Slaking

Fire: Arcanine

Water: Samurott

Grass: Breloom

Electric: Ampharos

Ice: Froslass

Fighting: Gallade

Poison: Weezing

Ground: Sandslash

Flying: Staraptor

Psychic: Xatu

Bug: Crustle

Rock: Rhyperior

Ghost: Chandelure

Dragon: Salamence

Dark: Zoroark

Steel: Aggron


Favorite type: Electric

Least favorite Type: Grass

  • Brohoof 1



Thank you, Twilight, but our princess is in another castle.

My OCs: Persona Split   Schematic   Deluded Mind

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dark types have okay stats and great designs
i love ghost and dragon types too

we need more ghost types

my least favorite types are normal and water tho, there's way too many of them and water types five me headaches.  Normal types can either be tanks or just really dull.


although i usually choose my pokemon based on design (Stats too, I take EVs and natures seriously)
my favorite designs are the dark types so I haul the around.


Normal: Smeargle

Fire: Ninetales

Water: Suicune

Grass: Serperior

Electric: Luxray

Ice: Glaceon

Fighting: Mienshao

Poison: Seviper

Ground: Flygon

Flying: Rayquaza

Psychic: Espeon

Bug: Scyther

Rock: Terrakion

Ghost: Giratina

Dragon: Dragonair

Dark: Absol

Steel: Lucario


Favorite type: Dark

Least favorite Type: Water and Normal

Edited by FiretailFriesian
  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 months later...

Now that I have played Pokemon Y, I have decided to update my list a bit. I have replaced the pokemon I had for Ghost, Dragon, and Ice types for these three.


Ice - Avalugg

Ghost - Aegislash

Dragon - Noivern


Noivern is my favorite pokemon out of them all now. It is so cool and cute. wub.png

  • Brohoof 2



IF is best girl.

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Ooo...this might be tough!


Normal: Porygon-Z

Fighting: Blaiziken

Flying: Skarmory

Poison: Roserade

Ground: Nidoqueen

Rock: Rhyperior

Bug: Scizor

Ghost: Froslass

Steel: Mawile

Fire: Blaiziken

Water: Starmie

Grass: Roserade

Electric: Galvantula

Psychic: Espurr

Ice: Weavile

Dragon: Goomy

Dark: Weavile

Fairy: Mawile


My overall favorite type is Steel, and my overall favorite Pokemon is probably Mawile. Skarmory and Weavile are very close though.

  • Brohoof 1
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So hard to chose just one for each, but I will try...

Normal: Snorlax

Fire: Entei

Water: Vaporeon

Grass: Ferrothorn

Electric: Zekrom

Ice: Cloyster

Fighting: Scrafty

Poison: Venusaur

Flying: Salamence

Psychic: Latios

Bug: Volcarona

Rock: Tyranitar

Ghost: Gengar

Dragon: Noivern

Dark: Hydreigon

Steel: Heatran

Fairy: Sylveon

Thank goodness for dual typings, allowed me to cheat a bit. :P


Favorite type: Dragon, I love most of them.

Least favorite type: probably Normal, I don't hate any type but Normal is probably the most useless in theory and practice.

(Bonus!)Favorite type combo: Ghost/Normal, which doesn't exist yet, would work well though by having the one benefit of Normal typing(immunity to Ghost) and none of the cons of it with Ghost typing negating the Fighting weakness, and would have only one weakness to Dark. Would be great on a defensive Pokémon I think. :wacko:

Edited by SBB64
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Normal: Zangoose

Fire: Arcanine

Water: Blastoise

Grass: Meganium

Electric: Ampharos

Ice: Lapras

Fighting: Blaziken

Poison: Nidoqueen

Ground: Excadrill

Flying: Staraptor

Psychic: Gardevoir

Bug: Leavanny

Rock: Archeops

Ghost: Chandelure

Dragon: Latias

Dark: Umbreon

Steel: Empoleon

Fairy: Togekiss


Favorite type: Water

Least favorite Type: Bug

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite pokemon is espurr, well, simply because it is awesome!

The way it peers into your soul, staring straight at you, and due to the fact that it is a restraint pokemon.

It also loves food. Just like me.

Well, here we go!

Edited by Flipturn


~Pokemon forever!~

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Probably a generic choice for best Pokemon but I'd choose Eevee :3 A little ball of fluff that looks like it'd be impossible not to snuggle has a tonne of evolutions for a massive variety of skills and moves and he/she is a fox XD case closed.

  • Brohoof 1


This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika

Hey so Johari

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Banette.  He has such a sad backstory, and he's just so cute and cuddly looking.  

Favorite legendary is mew.  Mew is the ancestor of all, i don't care about all the new crap they've been adding to void mew's story, he will always be the ancestor of all :D


Favorite eeveelution is leafeon.  

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*dies from thinking so much*


Well, I really love foxes and sort...that's why Eevee and Zorua end up being my all time favorites.


However, I can not include them because they are my automatic love. As Gen 6 came....


I loved Meowstic. I really started to grow on Meowstic.




LUNA=Best Princess


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My favorite pokemon is espurr, well, simply because it is awesome!


The way it peers into your soul, staring straight at you, and due to the fact that it is a restraint pokemon.


It also loves food. Just like me.


Well, here we go!


Hi there - just letting you know that there already exists a thread for discussing our favourite Pokémon, so I've merged your thread with it. :)

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