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What has happened to us?

Arc Brony 24

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I remember when I first became a Brony. Since Jan. 2012 I have personally seen an increase in the Brony population. Since then our motto of Love and Toleration has almost disappeared. I am not talking about everyone. One of the things I have seen is calling R.D. a homo. I personally don't agree with it. One thing that has stood out to me in past episodes is lack of Love and Toleration. In the past episode Fluttershy pounded somepony in a taxi sent somepony flying and turned into a monster. It is almost like the show is changing. I have also seen drastic character changes in the MANE 6. I am just wondering, what has happened to us? :huh:

  • Brohoof 4
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I've never seen any Brony use a sexual slur to describe Rainbow Dash. Usually, she's either treated as androgynous or tomboyish; at most, I've seen Dash shipped with other members of the Mane Six. But nopony here that I've seen has ever spoken ill of Dash in terms of her sexuality.


I will agree, however, that the recent episodes have trended away from love and toleration. More critical, however, is the increased absence of the Mane Six as a whole in a single episode. Though I understand individually developing their characters, now we are witnessing an increase in episodes where only one or two of the ponies show up. The Mane Six have almost always developed together, so I don't quite understand why the emphasis on their relationship has been neglected recently.

  • Brohoof 1


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I've never seen any Brony use a sexual slur to describe Rainbow Dash. Usually, she's either treated as androgynous or tomboyish; at most, I've seen Dash shipped with other members of the Mane Six. But nopony here that I've seen has ever spoken ill of Dash in terms of her sexuality.




Well, I don't know if this counts, but I had turned on Friendship is Magic on demand for my neice and my sister was there, it was the apple cider episode, and the first thing my sister asked me was is if the rainbow one is gay

  • Brohoof 1

okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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Well, I don't know if this counts, but I had turned on Friendship is Magic on demand for my neice and my sister was there, it was the apple cider episode, and the first thing my sister asked me was is if the rainbow one is gay


I did mention that fans (and, by extension, observers) have occasionally viewed Dash as being homosexual, probably due to her tomboyish nature and rainbow mane. But to call her a "homo"? That would be a derogotary term.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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who says we have to live under our motto, we can bend the rules every once in a while, I mean it is a cartoon after all. It is just a part of the show for humor value.
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If the fandom is changing as a whole--something I have not seen much evidence of, the anger over the whole Derpy Debacle aside--it may merely be due to the large influx of newer people. Let's face it: this fandom has grown massively like a raging wildfire, over such a small span of time that it feels more like it's been around for years, if not decades. But it hasn't.


This fandom is still in its infancy, no matter how much fan material we create each day, or how many we count amongst our ranks. It's going to have growing pains, periods of strife and discord, which are only natural. If you want to extend the metaphor a bit further, you could look at this second year of its existence as the Terrible Twos of its life.

  • Brohoof 16

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about the episode thing, its teaching younger kids on how to be good friends and what and what not to do, like last season (to me at least dont know about anyone else) is seemed like it was teaching them on how to make friends, while in this season it seems like it's teaching kids on how to treat people nicely and with respect instead of being a jerk to people.... but for us as teens its more for entertainment (at least to me)

  • Brohoof 5
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I believe the term Love and Tolerate itself was referring more to friends rather than people who are outright trying to get under their skin. Look at Trixie, she got under a lot of people's skin and they didn't really try to Love and Tolerate her, they even called her a showoff and a braggart.


Besides, Love and Tolerate itself is only one facet of friendship but the fans dwell on it like it makes the whole show. Love your friends, tolerate the things that are difficult to deal with within them such as Applejack and Rarity being so different from each other.


The show has never once said that they should love and tolerate everything that comes their way as there are many things that you have to confront rather than try to tolerate it. You think they could possibly love and tolerate Discord who laughed at the very notion of the elements of harmony?


It seems to me that the term has gone a little too far when people start believing the show is supposed to follow it. There are things you can't just tolerate and they are aware of this, even the latest episode was still dealing with the friendship lessons which are still going on in every single episode


Friendship extends to more than just your friends, it involves your pets (Tank) and children (Pound and Pumpkin Cake) as well. Remember people: It's friendship is magic, not friendship is tolerance.


about the episode thing, its teaching younger kids on how to be good friends and what and what not to do, like last season (to me at least dont know about anyone else) is seemed like it was teaching them on how to make friends, while in this season it seems like it's teaching kids on how to treat people nicely and with respect instead of being a jerk to people.... but for us as teens its more for entertainment (at least to me)


There are a lot of adults who could learn that lesson but they are more hardset in their ways to take it to heart unfortunately.

  • Brohoof 5
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The vast majority of the "Rainbow Dash is lesbian." posts/videos/images are meant to be humorous, nothing more. I do think, though, that an influx of new members of the herd has increased the overall level of anger/aggression, as we saw in Derpygate. Still, this increase is minor. In the future we may have a problem of a larger number of intolerant fans, but for now I wouldn't worry; in Derpygate prominent Brony websites were fiercely critical (almost to the point of intolerance) of Bronies intolerant of Hasbro, so violation of the "Love and Tolerate" mantra is still taboo.


"We will not tolerate intolerance."

  • Brohoof 2



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I think that the show isn't so much about "Love and Tolerance" anymore simply because of the community itself. Since alot of us are older, "darker" topics need to be adressed instead of just simply friendship. "Putting Your Hoof Down" is a good example since I've seen (and myself have suffered) many people try to be assertive but become a bully in the process.

And about Rainbow Dash, I seriously don't understand why people call her a lesbian...

  • Brohoof 1
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I remember when I first became a Brony. Since Jan. 2012 I have personally seen an increase in the Brony population. Since then our motto of Love and Toleration has almost disappeared. I am not talking about everyone. One of the things I have seen is calling R.D. a homo. I personally don't agree with it. One thing that has stood out to me in past episodes is lack of Love and Toleration. In the past episode Fluttershy pounded somepony in a taxi sent somepony flying and turned into a monster. It is almost like the show is changing. I have also seen drastic character changes in the MANE 6. I am just wondering, what has happened to us? :huh:


I'm fairly sure that every fan of the show still holds Love and Tolerance close to their hearts.


I think what the most recent episode was trying to demonstrate was that too much tolerance is just as bad as too little. Assertiveness simply means standing up for your rights without violating the rights of others. The episode shows us what happens when someone goes too far into either extreme. Aristotle stated that every ethical virtue can be described as an ideal midpoint between a painful excess and a painful deficiency. In this case, the painful excess of assertiveness is Flutterbitch while the painful deficiency is Doormatshy. The lesson (just like the moral of every episode) is then woven into a parable of sorts to allow just about anyone to understand it which, I think, is very clever.


So what I'm saying is, I think the show is doing just fine and that ponies are the gospel truth. ;)

"The wisest people are always smiling. This is because they've realized that life is one big joke, and they've figured out the punchline."


"When you've decided to do something, either do it with style, or don't do it at all."


"Every atom in our bodies was forged within the fiery heart of a dying star. We are all connected to each other and the universe."


"Before I was born, I was dead for billions of years and it hasn't inconvenienced me one bit."

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Not a way to set examples in your post to bring up a point in discussion there. The stance in our "Love and Tolerate" motto has gone downhill since the fandom's massive numbers in growth, but those examples you stated in your post are not suitable for this discussion. I have a more farsighted, concocted example instead.


Since the “Save Derpy” campaign slogan had its commotion amongst other bronies and with Hasbro, we’ve attracted more attention than we did before the fandom was rising in numbers in its early stage. What a marvelous way to set an example on the “Love and Tolerate” motto, isn’t it? A blissful characteristic we've shown with this act and who knows what we'll attract next if this continues (what group of people will be lassoed into the herd next?).

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It does seem like the focus on love and tolerance has faded a bit, but I have something to say.


I do NOT think it is insulting to imagine Rainbow Dash is homosexual. I DO think it is insulting to think that such a thing would slander her character. Now, I am straight, but whether Rainbow Dash is or not I am not comfortable when ponies speak of the idea of her liking her own gender as if the very concept was repulsive. If there is any lack of love and tolerance that I've detected, it's on this subject. It seems that some objections might stem from the idea that it's because it would seem too obvious, what with the rainbow colors and tomboy attitude. But that doesn't mean you can't play it straight and honest like everything else in the show. It doesn't have to be a shallow stereotype if the character is written well, which goes without saying for this show. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't - my point is that it doesn't and shouldn't matter.

  • Brohoof 2


"If we have the courage to decide ourselves for peace, we will have peace." - Albert Einstein

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I think people are reading a bit too deeply into Rainbow Dash's sexuality. It's a kid's show after all and even if she is a filly-fooler, she's still the same awesome pony that she is.

"The wisest people are always smiling. This is because they've realized that life is one big joke, and they've figured out the punchline."


"When you've decided to do something, either do it with style, or don't do it at all."


"Every atom in our bodies was forged within the fiery heart of a dying star. We are all connected to each other and the universe."


"Before I was born, I was dead for billions of years and it hasn't inconvenienced me one bit."

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I had someone tell me RD was a gender confused Pony and that despite asking for people to correct him on grammar he refused to remove the: "his" when writing a small description of what inspired him to write the comic in question.


Yeah some people are just gonna be jerks. Every fandom has jerks and every fandom has it's perks.


Wow...I sounded like Zecora for a sec...

  • Brohoof 3



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I remember when I first became a Brony. Since Jan. 2012 I have personally seen an increase in the Brony population. Since then our motto of Love and Toleration has almost disappeared. I am not talking about everyone. One of the things I have seen is calling R.D. a homo. I personally don't agree with it. One thing that has stood out to me in past episodes is lack of Love and Toleration. In the past episode Fluttershy pounded somepony in a taxi sent somepony flying and turned into a monster. It is almost like the show is changing. I have also seen drastic character changes in the MANE 6. I am just wondering, what has happened to us? :huh:


Why does everybody keep saying that the latest episodes have been lacking in love and toleration? Sure, the very last one did, but before one we got probably the happiest of them all, and the ones before haven't been anything close to Putting your hoof down.



About Rainbow Dash, when I was a new brony I heard everywhere people calling her lesbian, however I don't anymore...


Anyways, you might have a point. Very few people follow the love and tolerate rule, on the internet or in real life (I try my best, and I'd say that I do a pretty good in tolerating (specially in real life), but I'm not so sure about the loving part). If that rule was one followed like it should, it must have been in a period where the brony community was really really small, and the people in it saw it as a nice change of phylosofy. Now there's too much people and even though those people share love for the show, they disagree in everything else. Small groups forever!

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Even if the show is evolving is that really a bad thing? there is still a valuable lesson in every episode. There are still incredible moments of happiness and joy. Why do we have to care about what other people think or say? its not something that we've done before has it? if bronies themselves start calling RD a homo then all that needs to be done is talk to them individually. Reminding them that bronies are respectable people and should act like such. if i ever saw a comment like that i would tak to that person and tell them how i feel.

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Why are so many people critical of the recent episodes? I think it's great that convention is defied a bit, isn't that the point of this fandom?


"Putting Your Hoof Down" didn't preach the conventional messages of a children's television show, but its moral was still acceptable by the vast majority of society. Why do so many dislike it?

  • Brohoof 1



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The way I see it is... It's the internet. There's going to be some rage/hate/trolling, what have you.


And like many others have said, it is just a cartoon after all...



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Although I try to believe in Love and Tolerance I don't always expect other to do the same. Things are always changing, but that doesn't mean they are changing for the worst. It is what we make of the change that matters, so lets not see this as the decline of our community, let us see it as a change for the better. There will always be trolls and haters on the internet, but I think that we can all handle it. There was a troll problem here on the forums a few weeks back if some of you may remember, and what did the community do? We laughed. Not because we wanted to fight back, but because we didn't let it get the best of us. We are used to trolling and hatred directed towards us, but we stand united together. We.....Tolerate. This community is so rich and prosperous that I don't see any possible decline for a while, years maybe.


I can sort of identify with you that there has been a change in the community, mostly in our attitude. Since this Derpy debacle, I think we have grown a bit......tense. Once again this isn't anything major and we should gladly welcome change in our community. At the end of the day we are all Bronies are we not? So lets all stand together and welcome the change in our community, for the better.

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Our "Love and Tolerate" is a myth, It was never there to begin with.


All we did was to demand others to "Love and Tolerate" us, but we never "Love and Tolerate" others, even between ourselves.

  • Brohoof 2


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