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sad The Blaze That Started The Flame

OG Blaze

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The Blaze That Started The Fire

Chapter 1



I awoke in this rusty cage that Discord called home. I had been stuck here for so long I'd almost forgot the days of the week, but luckily I could see through the bars of my iron imprisonment to view the calendar on Discord's cluttered wall. It always told me the date, but also depressed me at the same time. I wondered how much longer I had to suffer in this rotten hell hole. Though I did learn to deal with not being fed more than once a day with small bits on snacks in between the day, that didn't stop me from acknowledging that I wasn't being treated fairly. Then again, what could I expect from a Discord? Discord, the master of chaos, he could watch Equestria crumble and wither away while sipping on chocolate milk. He didn't care what had to be done as long as it made him happy, the whole world could burn and he wouldn't give a damn. I hate Discord, with all my heart, he's a heartless monster that doesn't care how his actions effect others.

"Hello there Blaze...how's your day been going so far?" Discord questioned as his head came from somewhere around the walls.

"I just woke up" I replied with sarcasm

"Oh but there's so much to see when you first wake up"

"Name one thing that would be worthwhile seeing when you're trapped in an isolated cage"

"The public execution of royal guards don't you know?" Discord proclaimed with a grin

I looked back into Discord's dark eyes with a bitter taste on my tongue

"I'm not going to watch you torture innocent pony's for your own amusement" I said while he backed up to the end of his cage

"Oh but it will be such fun to watch them squirm and dance!" Discord said while conjuring some type of boom box and placing it down beneath the cage

"What do you mean dance? What are you planning Discord?"

"Oh just a little fun competition" Discord replied with a snicker

"Now Blaze...hear me out...they're going to dance for the chance to receive a quick and painless death instead of a long and vigorous one"

"Your sick Discord...I can't believe you....Actually it's not even hard to believe someone like you would have ponies dance for their lives"

"You may be correct....I feel a slight fever.....But that's beside the point! I could be a terrible person and make them both eat out there own stomachs! But no!....I'd much rather watch them dance for their skin...Wouldn't you?"

I prepared myself to cover my ears and close my eyes shut. I hated having to listen to pony's being tortured for no reason other then to please a tyrant. I covered my ears but could still hear the screams of a whimpering stallion begging for his life.

"Please! Please! I'll do whatever you want! I have a family!"

"This is whatever I want....A family you say?! I'll send a postcard regarding your plead of mercy" Discord said to the whimpering soldier as he set up the boom box on the ground. There were two royal guards on the dance floor, one which looked like he had a few metals and ribbons, he had to have some experience under his belt.....or a lot.

"You're despicable soldier! It's common knowledge to die with honor! Not like some half-assed whining idiot complaining about his death!..I do a killer robot and plan to die with a swift death"

Discord laughed and put his arm the

stallion who was heavily decorated and also seemed like he knew the fundamentals of dying with honor, "I like you...You just wanna get the game over with so that you can die!

Your gonna do great!" The stallion turned his head in revolt from Discord. "Okay...Now that your all buttered up and ready to go!...let's begin!" Discord turned on the boom box with a snap of his fingers, music snapped to life from the boom box beats echoed through the walls loud enough to filter into my cage and hear the music too. The stallions stepped up to the dance floor and began to dance. The first stallion told there unsure of what to do, obviously he hadn't been prepared for the cruelty that Discord prepared for them. The second stallion has already on the Dance floor doing what looked like a damn good robot. Discord looked pleased all except for the one who wasn't dancing. In the first minute of the dancing the first stallion fell to the floor, "I CANT DO THIS! KILL ME! KILL ME NOW"

Discord stopped enjoying the music and turned to face the pony who was balling his eyes out on his glorious dance floor. Discord looked at him with cold eyes, "Fine...but don't say I didn't warn you" With a snap of Discord's fingers an oven appeared and the stallion was shoved into it, the oven was turned to a crisp 230 so the stallion would cook slowly. The stallion started knocking furiously on the window blood appearing where he would put his hooves and yelling for mercy. 'How much more disgusting could Discord get?' I pondered in my mind then realized I really didn't want to know. Discord realized Blaze cowering in his cage and decided to put the oven right up to the cage so he could watch all the excruciating pain that was going through the stallion right now. I didn't move at all I kept himself curled up in the corner of my cage with my hooves covering my ears all the while tears steaming down my face.


-------------6 months later-------------

Chapter 2


I zoned back into reality once more from his day-dreaming. I always took it up myself to look around my cage to see if anything ever changed, but nothing ever did. Everything always stayed exactly the same and nothing was ever different. Rust cluttered the floor, scratches and buck prints covered the walls of the cage when I first arrived here to try and escape. I wondered if Discord would ever get a new cage, but then a thought came to mind, 'Discord is an ass-hole' he would never do something nice for anyone if he wasn't going to get something out of it. Everyday I got to listen to the diplomatic skills Discord possessed, talking to each types of pony species, earth-pony, Unicorn, and Pegasus. Discord filled their heads with deceit, but they weren't full lies which confused me. Discord would tell the truth, but fill in gaps with lies. I wondered what kind of tactics Discord was playing. Maybe Discord thought if he shrouded the truth in lies, then when all the species found out they would have no one to blame considering Discord always told them the truth, but an altered truth. He always made false observations that he saw the unicorns poisoning the crops or the Pegasi were setting up more mortars on top of the clouds. Discord never left his castle in fear of Celestia and Luna coming and rescuing me. I would shout to all the species that Discord was lying to them and didn't have a clue what was going outside, but Discord cast a spell on my cage every time that he had some pony over at the castle to stop anyone from asking questions of my captivity. The spell cloaked my cage and filtered any sounds coming from it. Apparently I had been daydreaming again, I thought I could hear sounds of growling griffons and their wings flying off away from the castle, Discord came up to my cage, "And that..my dear Blaze..is how you start conflict" Discord left the cage and went back to his thrown casting a cloud of chocolate milk over himself. I sat there in disbelief thinking about what he could have said to upset the griffons so much?

-------------8 months later-------------

Chapter 3


It doesn't feel like anything is going to change. I'm going to be stuck here forever. Celestia and Luna can't fight back because of me, maybe I should just...........

No. I can't think like that. I've got to stay strong and play the waiting game until the very end. It's just so hard everyday I've got to keep myself entertained and alive. It feels like I've got no hope left to hold on to. I can't let Discord get the satisfaction of seeing me lose all hope, but then again he needs me or Celestia and Luna will storm this castle and put Discord in his damn place where he belongs, Hell. I fear I'll never see that day. I've been trapped since I was born which today would be seven years. It's been a struggle to wait here and watch the world pass by as I sit in this rusting cage losing my entire childhood to some jerk who wants to bring the world to shambles. Even if I get out of here where do I have left to go to? Family? Friends? I don't know my family at all if I even have one, I haven't made anything near a friend except the bugs that wander into my cage. I doubt that Celestia and Luna would do much with my after rescuing me, they have much better things to do then just take care of some stupid Alicorn. I've never met Celestia or Luna, I've heard stories from the ponies that waltz into this castle to converse with Discord. Stories of how they raise the moon and sun everyday, but why they would give so much power to two ponies I'll never understand. They're said to have waving manes and tails, with beautiful eyes and a personality so kind it would make you puke rainbows. I didn't know much about kindness only the fact that Discord didn't ever try to present it. Actually, truth is I didn't really know much about anything, I learned how to speak through listening to Discord talk amongst others and Discord occasionally allowed me to read some books, although if I didn't finish them in half of an hour he would burn them. Just burn history books that contained pieces of important information, that was just proof that Discord didn't care about anyone but himself. I learned a lot from the books, first book Discord gave me was a book on reading basics. I learned pretty fast which surprised me and moved on to harder reading levels. Though I was given books whenever Discord felt like it there was still the boredom I could never escape in here. When or if I get out of this stupid cage I'm going to be the master of waiting and maybe even boredom.

----------------2 years later------------

Chapter 4


Discord has been telling me of a surprise diplomatic visit from Princess Luna. You know what I did when he told me that? Spat right on his face and called him a fat liar. Of course I received the punishment for that after which was a slap across my face. I didn't want to get my hope up anymore than I already had. I read in one of my books that it was better not to hop, skip, and jump to conclusions when it came to pony's who you thought were lying. Lethe thing is, one Discord is not a pony and two I didn't think he was lying....I knew he was lying. He told me she would be here soon, I assumed the last time she saw me I was just a foal, but now I was 9 years of age and I'd grown a lot since then in size and knowledge. Apparently she would be here any minute alone by herself and not able to perform any type of real powerful magic. What I mean is she would not be able to defeat Discord by herself which really made me angry. Then I heard a door open from what I had finally found out was the end of the hallway. Discord cast his spell on my cage, but thankfully I could still see out of the one way mirror. There she was, the Princess of The Night, Luna. She was more beautiful then I had ever imagined. She approached Discord with out showing the littlest glimmer of fear.

"Luna!...It's sooooo good to see you again!....How's me favorite sister?"

"We're not related in any way, shape, or form Discord!"

"Oh but we've been through soo much together...It practically feels like we're related"

Luna shook her head in disapproval but continued to speak. "I'm here to talk about the Alicorn foal Discord, where is he?"

Discord flew above Luna's head and then back in front of her, "Oh he's fine....I've kept him in very good condition.."

"What are you serious!?!?" I yelled furiously, realizing after that no pony could hear me. If I've ever seen the king of lies that would be it! I'd been treated with nothing but cruelty! He didn't feed me more than once a day! He beat me when I didn't do what he told me! Even sometimes when I did exactly what he said, he still hit me anyway! I wanted to scream and blast myself out of this cage! Then suddenly....my horn started to glow, streaks of red came off and disappeared after they hit the ground. "Magic..." I repeated over and over again. "I know magic!" I yelled inside my cage, I looked around and let out a sigh of relief that this cage was sound proof. I tried to muster out another bit of magic, but my horn wouldn't do it anymore. Now I just felt depressed, I had summoned magic once but why couldn't I do it again when I commanded it to!? I calmed down and walked to the bars of my cage to listen once more.

"I won't make any negotiations without seeing the welfare of the foal"

Discord frowned and snapped his fingers, "Yes? Discord do you need me?" A voice appeared from behind Discord's throne. 'What trickery was this!?' I screamed in agony, but this time in my head. Discord had made a replica of me and was trying to pass me off to show that I wasn't being treated like a slave. Luna smiled and looked at the copy of me with hopeful eyes. Discord encouraged the copy to come over and meet the guest with a wave of his hand. The copy came up to the princess and turned his head, "Who are you?"

"I am Princess Luna and I'm here to negotiate for your freedom" Luna answered with a smile

The fake looked up to Discord and Discord nodded his head in approval for him to go back around the throne and wait for Luna to leave.

"Obviously you can see he's in great condition"

Luna frowned when she looked back at Discord, "Fine, I will negotiate on peaceful terms"

Discord smirked, probably because he was able to fool the Princess in such an easy manner.

Discord began the negotiation first, "Great..Now let me begin...*Ahem*" Discord brung out a giant list that went down the entire hallway. He then pulled out some glasses and started to read...."I would like the entire Kingdom"...... Luna opened her eyes wide and then released a sharp glare. She pulled the list from Discord's claw and pulled it closer to her eye, "This is preposterous!" She looked down the entire list, "All this has on it is "'I would like the entire Kingdom'" on it down the hallway!"

Discord took his list back, "It was such as big demand that I had to write it on a big piece of paper"

She shook her head in disbelief, "There is no way that Celestia or I would trade the entire Kingdom for...." She cut herself off before she finished, "We can't afford the entire Kingdom no matter how important the occasion"

I may have felt sad, but Luna was right, I really didn't have any importance other than getting in the way.

Discord looked angry now, "Well that's where the offer stands...That or I kill the young Alicorn"

"You obviously don't understand the importance of an Alicorn Discord! The chances of an Alicorn being born Discord....You know how rare that is! If you give me the foal now you are guaranteed a quarter of the Kingdom"

"Obviously,I don't care" Discord flew up closer to the Princesses face, "....Oh dear Luna...You can't possibly expect to believe that you'll come through with that promise."

She smiled,

"Discord you can trust me...You are my favorite brother after all"

Discord smirked and flew back to his thrown, when he sat down he had a cup of tea in his hand. "I want at least 3/4 of the Kingdom and I'll let you keep Canterlot for free"

Luna stomped her hoof down with ferocity which in return made me jump a little bit.

"Do not act as if you are doing us a favor Discord!" She yelled from the bottom of the throne. She took a deep breathe and resumed speaking, "Half of the Kingdom and that is my final offer...."

Discord took a sip of tea and began to speak after he swallowed, "I'll think about the half of the Kingdom...You in the mean time should report back to your ruler"

"She's not my ruler Discord! We both take part in the welfare of the kingdom!"

"Are you sure about that?" Discord said with a grin, Discord could sense he was starting to aggravate her, "It seems as if she mostly takes the run of the place."

She shook her head and started trotting out of the castle. Before she left my line of sight she turned her head and looked what seemed to be in my direction? Could she see me through the enchantment that Discord used on my cage? She only looked for a second and left the castle without saying another word. I felt like crying....I felt like crying until my eyes burned out. Little did I know I was already crying. I got up from my knees and brushed myself off as much as I could in this dirty cage. After getting the majority of dust and dirt off me I wiped me eyes, which probably wasn't such a good idea but who cares? Definitely not Discord and as far as I saw neither did Luna, but I couldn't sincerely blame her for not selling out the entire kingdom for one colt. I sat there expecting Discord to come up to the bars of my cage and tell me how worthless I am and how nobody would care or realize if I died right now. I got use to those petty insults everyday, but I didn't let it get to me. It didn't look like he was going to come up here anytime soon so I guess it was alright for me to get some shut eye.

-------------3 years later---------------


Discord said it was my birthday today. Still don't believe him as far as I can levitate him, but he's the only word I can go on. Apparently it's also the anniversary of my imprisonment. So I guess I'm celebrating two occasions today? Is the anniversary something I should really celebrate? Discord sure did, he gave me a book on Equestria Inhabitants and one on The Pony Body. I was confused on why he would give me the second one and when I asked him he told me that it would help me understand things in a few years. Discord said I could keep The Pony Body one for as long as I wanted. I still didn't understand, but I guess I would figure it out later when I aged another year or so. It has been three years since the visit of Luna. I haven't seen her back in this castle since. I can't tell what that means yet for sure, but I have a hunch that Luna and Celestia are planning something. I couldn't be positive, but there really wasn't anything else to have faith in. I've been holding onto faith for as long as I could remember. I've only seen glimpses and small glances of the outside through the bars of my cage. I wonder what else is waiting for me out there in the world outside of my cage. I've read history books, but those were all from years ago. Equestria couldn't possibly still look like what I've read could it? I don't know why I even think about stuff like that, it doesn't matter because I'm never getting out of here. I want to have hope, I really do, but it's getting ridiculous. I spend everyday hoping that today will be different, maybe he won't hit me today, maybe he won't torture innocent pony's in front of me, maybe he won't insult me and tell me I'm nothing. I think I might be going insane, everyday I expect things to change, but they never do and it burns me up. Speaking of burn, I should probably finish this book on Equestria Inhabitants before Discord gets his hands on it and tarnishes it. I have to say it's an interesting book there's a lot more species that I haven't seen like: Timber wolves, dragons, and...Alicorns....

There was a section of the book that was for Alicorns. The fact that whoever made this book created an entire side of the book intrigued me so I turned to the page. The book told of a species of pony that had both wings and a horn. When I read this I took a quick look at myself just to make sure I met the criteria of an Alicorn, unsurprisingly I definitely was. I always wondered what an Alicorn was, Discord never told me. When I saw Luna walk in I just assumed she acquired the wings and horn because she was royalty. I couldn't by royalty.....Could I? I continued to read on in the book, apparently Alicorns were very rare and practically extinct from what I read of the accounted numbers. Alicorns could harness the ability of the Pegasi and Unicorn. Though Alicorns were a hybrid of the two species, and maybe the earth-pony as well, but I wasn't very sure. Alicorns could use the skills of both species to the fullest extent and maybe even a bit more. Some Alicorns had special abilities in using magic, such as learning to use magic at an earlier age and being able to do alternating genres of magic.

"Times up" a voice from behind the bars on my cage said. I could only assume it was Discord and I didn't bother to argue at all because I knew it wouldn't do anything for me. I slid the book on its back to the end of the cage. I saw Discord's shady paw pick up the book and I could guess what was going to happen next to it.

——————2 years later—————

Growing Up.

Well...I finally realized what the purpose of that book Discord gave me was really for. I understand things a lot better now. Things regarding my body, personal feelings, and other ideas and thoughts I'm not so keen on sharing. Since Discord let me keep the book on the pony body I use it as a reference in case I need to remind myself on why I feel the way that I do. Which is quite useful at most times because the pony body really is something fascinating. It even gave me information on how to deal with the thoughts and feelings that come to my mind.....Which...I admit was a strange chapter to be reading, but nonetheless it gave me insight which was what it was meant for. Growing up. I'm practically a stallion now and I've lost my entire childhood. My knowledge is probably corrupted, social skills fragmented, but functional, and relationships non existent. I've been unable to make any friends or get to know any pony enough to make some type of relationship......

Basically love will probably be out of the question when or if I get out. "If I get out." Believe it or not that query is still as questionable as my magic skills. Which actually seem to be getting better as I age. At the moment it's my only hope of getting out of this hell-hole without the help of the Princesses. I was able to muster a bit of magic, but I really didn't know any spells that could aid in my escape. My magic skills were developing, but I was more focused on my wings. In a book on Equestrian Inhabitants I learned that Alicorns could harness the full abilities of the Pegasi and Unicorn. This was definitely something to consider in my condition because I needed everything I could to evade Discord. Knowing Discord he'd probably make my wings tie up in a knot when I tried to fly off. I don't want to imagine how much that would hurt. Forgetting the fact that Discord would probably do worse things to me after he brought me back to his castle and my stupid cage. If only Princess Luna had seen the condition I was really in then she would've never indulged in negotiations. I can't help pondering about that day she came. I wasn't really sure how to feel about it, but I did feel excitement. Excited because after fourteen years I had someone here with more of an interest than torturing and beating me. That day was more of a punch to the stomach than something to be excited about. Only thing that happened out of that was seeing a copy of me convince Princess Luna that I wasn't in any bad condition at all and that if she wanted me back then a third of the kingdom was about to become Discord's including its ponies. I didn't want to imagine the horrific chance of Discord in charge of other lives. He would probably treat them like me, but with a lot more ponies to try different things on. I sighed heavily and laid my head down on the cold floor of my cage. Felt like today was taking extra long to pass by. I started to close my eyes a bit, but then I could feel the wind picking up and breezing my body. It felt good, but I was shivering a bit. I wondered where it could have been coming from and if Discord felt it as well. I looked out my cage bars and towards Discord who was sitting on his throne with his eyes closed not seeming to notice the frigid air. It almost looked as if the air was just coming towards me. Then something landed in front of my hooves. I lifted up my left hoof and placed it down next the the paper and as I did......the wind stopped. I looked around and then at Discord again to make sure he hadn't seen anything. Thankfully he hadn't seen the paper float into my cage. I picked up the piece of paper carefully with my magic. The paper looked like it hard been torn from somewhere forcefully and had seen some bad conditions on the way here. I looked at what it had on the paper, in a weird different language that I wasn't too sure I fully understood, it read, "Sunflare" with directions and tips on performing........"Wait" I mumbles to myself quietly, "This is a spell" I concluded. I went to the back of my cage and sat down with the paper in front of my face. I didn't know where it came from, what it did, or how to perform it. I could learn it, but it would take a long time without someone to teach me professionally. I didn't think I was going to be able to practice it or Discord would without a doubt know that my magic skills were developed and needed to take extra precaution in watching me. I'd just have to hope that this was something useful and didn't take much practicing to fully master. I had hope to hang onto now. Actual real hope in something that could go right. I just had to believe in no pony, but myself.

--------------8 Months later------------


I'd woken up in my cage almost six times tonight. It just wouldn't stop, the bombarding of spells and other explosions filtered out every and any other sounds. It was so damn loud and didn't seem to have any end to it. Discord seemed to be enjoying it quite well, he had pulled out a lawn chair and was sitting right in front of the window, a front row seat to the hellish massacre. Just what in the hell was going on out there? I had tried moving closer to my cage bars to see what was happening, but it was just too smokey outside. I don't even know how Discord could be watching everything out there. I could ask, but I'm not sure I could handle the answer. Knowing myself and my curiosity I did anyway, "Discord" I yelled from my cage, "What's going on out there?" Discord turned his head to my cage for a response, "What you're hearing right now my dear friend.....are the cries of War....."

'War?' I thought to myself, what could've started conflict in Equestria? I really didn't want to know what had initialized the bombardment of the others outside. The loud Boom noises started to drown out, maybe they had run out of magic or something? I wasn't quite sure on how their war machines worked, mostly because I never read anything on them, but also because I never thought it would come to that. From the books that I had read, it seemed as if the species that lived on Equestria were reasonable and modest ponies. That wasn't to say perhaps the Zebra or Griffons had been an asset to starting the war, but I didn't like to point hooves without evaluating the entire situation. The loud noises stopped and I could finally hear and think clearly. I looked down at Discord, I couldn't believe I hadn't thought about it at the moment, but Discord could've been a huge factor to the start of the so called War as well. I thought back to the day that Discord invited the Griffons over to his castle to discuss certain....problems. He had talked to them for a while and had the Griffons leaving with a scowl and furiously flying out the door. He had left lots of other ponies mad and storming out of the castle, but the Griffons, they were a violent bunch and I wondered how they would deal with whatever Discord had told them. Since I didn't have much information on the outside wall I couldn't tell if anything else could've influenced a spark of war. War....was a different subject for me, I hadn't read much about it because....there simply wasn't a lot on the topic. Apparently Equestria has faced many years of peace and tranquility throughout its founding and beyond. Equestria had been doing pretty good for itself, considering I don't think it would be too hard out there to plant food and find water for themselves, but then it was the issue of other species moving in and needing to provide for themselves as well. That much I've learned, cultural and agricultural differences have a severe chance of sparking war, it could have been as simple as the Pegasi wanting to plant crops on Earth Pony land and the Earth Pony not letting them. I could see how the Pegasi would take offense to this and try to take the land forcefully. I could never understand why everyone refused to share, how couldn't there be enough land for all species to at least plant crops and sustain life for themselves. I guess I'd never truly understand it unless I faced war myself, which I hope I would never have to. What was known and written about war was that it was tragic, families dying, houses crumbling, and many of bystander lives being taken. It was sad, I didn't want to think about what it would be like to live a normal life up until now, then have it all come crashing down in one moment. Now I was just depressing myself, more than I already was that is. Since the hail fire of explosions had stopped, I guess I could probably try and get some sleep without any more interruption.

~~~~~~~~1 month later~~~~~~~~~

Chapter 8


Time, it seemed it was getting thinner and that I was just wasting it. I had a means of escape, but what if it wasn't what I thought it was I was screwed. I would only have one chance to escape, and I knew not if I could even safely perform the spell. Let's see, SunFlare, the sun was bright, very bright, and a flare was something used to signal people. So maybe the spell was used to summon very bright that signaled other ponies? That was no use to me though, no pony would care that they knew I was present here. Maybe I could work it differently to my advantage, or maybe the spell name was just as it was, a name. I couldn't possibly make an educated guess on what the spell did. I didn't have a choice, but to try it out. When Discord was asleep I might have a better chance to try it out, but a smaller magnitude. I peered outside my cage looking from side to side to find Discord. He was sleeping on his throne with something covering his eyes. "Asleep and eyes covered", I could try the spell now and there would be a fairly good chance he wouldn't see it at all. I retrieved the paper from its resting place in the corner of my cage and proceeded to unfold it. I looked outside of my cage once more to make sure Discord was asleep then examined the paper a bit closer. I went through the steps in my mind and did them in sequence in my cage. "First step, planet hooves firmly, done. Second step, deep breathe." I took in a large amount of air and let it out effortlessly. "Done, third step, begin to focus magic out of horn." I looked closely at the incantations on the paper to perform the spell. I assumed I was doing it correctly and began to run through the physical steps again. Slowly, but surely my horn began to glow and a small beam of light began collecting on the tip of it. "Oh crap."

The beam was getting too big! I had to release it before it was bright enough to wake up Discord. I focused the energy from the tip of my horn and out sending a flash of light bright enough to light the entire room outside my cage.

I quickly trotted to the bars of my cage and searched for Discord to see if he saw the flash. Thankfully, Discord hadn't even moved positions when I casted the spell. Right....the spell, I knew what it did now, a spell so bright it'll make your eyes melt, something just perfect for Discord. I can't believe I'd even able to cast that spell! At first I didn't think I was going to be able to do it, I'm guessing my Alicorn heritage probably helped in some way to cast that spell. Now I had a game plan, now I just needed the right time to put it in action

~~~~~~~~~5 days later~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter 9.


It has been 5 days since I casted SunFlare, I hope I have still retained the skill of casting it and will be able to do it when I truly need to. I'm waiting for the opportune time to cast it, I know for a fact that the spell takes a second to warm up, I'll need some sort of distraction to prepare the spell. Believe me, with chance like this I've been waiting and searching patiently during the past few days for an opportunity to blind Discord and perform an escape. Nothing has been able to give me enough time to prepare the spell and lure Discord near me. A loud knock interrupted my train of thought, it came from the front door of the castle. Two more knocks came before Discord decided to get up from his throne and investigate the knocking. Before he went for the door he played his usual routine and put the enchantment on my cage to cloak me. CRASH! "Storm the castle!" a voice from below my cage ordered, before I knew it Griffons started flooding the castle. "Arrogant idiots", I stated to myself, "Wait....." This is the perfect time! I planted my hooves and tried to breathe easily, but the overwhelming screams and yelling from outside was making it hard. The screaming had come to a stop, "Crap!", I breathed and focused magic out of my horn. The light began to gather on the tip of my horn and began to glow, I could see the enchantment fade away.

"Go time", Discord saw the light emanating from my cage, "What are you doing up there!?" He flew up to my cage and proceeded to open it, "Stop that now or you'll suff..." I casted the blinding spell and watched as Discord fell to the ground covering his eyes. "You little brat!", I spread out my wings and without thinking jumped from my cage. I floated in the air a bit before coming down hard and crashing some what softly into a wall. "Dang it..." Discord started to get up, I has to perform another spell, but this time even faster! I breathed and began focusing as much magic as I could, the light was getting insanely bright and if almost couldn't see with it gathering on my horn. Discord came at me and I released the beam directly at his eyes, "UUGGHH!!!", I saw him open his eyes, but he wasn't looking at any general area. His eyes were completely yellow except for his pupil, the spell must have got him good. I backed up a bit and turned to gallop as fast as my legs could carry me out the door that was now laying on the floor. I ran, ran, and ran some more, not even looking back for a second to see if he was following me. I was deep inside a forest and quiet a unsettling one at that. It had oddly shaped trees and fog collecting in the air. I kept galloping as far away from the castle as I could, I had to get back to the Princesses, they would keep me safe. I saw light interjecting between two trees, I went towards the light and when found it showed a small little town inhabited by a group of earth ponies. I tried to walk towards them, but fell to the ground, I fainted from over exhausting my body.....

I was now in deep sleep.

Edited by Blue Optyx
  • Brohoof 2


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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It was really well written. It felt disorganized though, and kind of cluttered. Also, commas were used in place of periods. That's the only problems I see. Other than that, is love to keep reading. It's all tiny details that stick out to me :P

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Good story and I can't wait for more but that image of one of the royal guards in an oven just won't let me go to sleep and whenever I watch an episode of MLP and I seed a guard (which is pretty much every episode because I don't skip through the theme) I just think "he might be the one who dies in an oven at the hands of discord

:( :( :( :(

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Good story and I can't wait for more but that image of one of the royal guards in an oven just won't let me go to sleep and whenever I watch an episode of MLP and I seed a guard (which is pretty much every episode because I don't skip through the theme) I just think "he might be the one who dies in an oven at the hands of discord

:( :( :( :(

Thanks for your feedback, also I'm glad I could paint a descriptive image of a Royal guard been baked in an oven for you, that's a job well done for me.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Yeah periods kinda needed work, I did type this on mah iPod so I didn't get to see it on full view, I'm definitely going to work on it, Thanks for your feedback!

I loved the story but the fact you did that on an iPod makes it 1,000 times cooler, I mean that is unthinkable.

Credit to Kiki


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I loved the story but the fact you did that on an iPod makes it 1,000 times cooler, I mean that is unthinkable.

Honestly, I thought it would be much smaller on like word and stuff.

I'm so glad you like it.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Nice, like the idea, and the way its written, hope to see more from you later on!


The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age.”


H.P. Lovecraft "The Call of Cthulhu" 

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Thanks for your feedback, also I'm glad I could paint a descriptive image of a Royal guard been baked in an oven for you, that's a job well done for me.

Your welcome for the feedback and its a great story but seriously it's 2:58 AM how do I un-see that?

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Nice, like the idea, and the way its written, hope to see more from you later on!

Thanks, I hope to write more, but I'm very lazy most of the time and never feel like writing anything unless I'm absolutely doing nothing.

Your welcome for the feedback and its a great story but seriously it's 2:58 AM how do I un-see that?

Well I would hope you never un-see it so that you always remember to come back here and check for a new chapter.



I was thinking of using the part above as some sort of a prologue, and then maybe have the rest of the story be living the rest of his life.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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I now have no need to un-see that image in my head. It's been there for so long that it's just like "meh" although I still act like fluttershy watching an animal die whenever I see a royal guard.



When I watched "equestria girls" I cried when I saw flash century in his pony form at the end of the movie.


:( :( :( :(

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I now have no need to un-see that image in my head. It's been there for so long that it's just like "meh" although I still act like fluttershy watching an animal die whenever I see a royal guard.



When I watched "equestria girls" I cried when I saw flash century in his pony form at the end of the movie.


:( :( :( :(


That's good, since their seems to be a slight increase of notice in my FanFiction I might start to work on it more regularly now.

I hope to make this FanFiction unique and not like anything else that's been made just from a slight remembrance. 


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Nice, like the idea, and the way its written, hope to see more from you later on!

I can't wait for the next few chapters to come out!

Also check out my fanfic:http://mlpforums.com/topic/95347-rd-in-ac/

It's a work in progress and I desperately need feedback and suggestions to make it longer and better.

I loved the story but the fact you did that on an iPod makes it 1,000 times cooler, I mean that is unthinkable.

I loved the story but the fact you did that on an iPod makes it 1,000 times cooler, I mean that is unthinkable.

Just wanted to put the word out, new chapter(s) ((hopefully)) will be out soonish. :)


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Just wanted to put the word out, new chapter(s) ((hopefully)) will be out soonish. :)

Hay can you do me a favor and PM me when they are out I would love to read them but I know that I will forget about it. 

Credit to Kiki


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Hay can you do me a favor and PM me when they are out I would love to read them but I know that I will forget about it.


Yes of course, when they come out you'll be the first to know :)


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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I'm happy to release update 2.1:

Chapter War: Finished and Edited.

Chapter Timing: Finished (Not Edited)

Chapter Escape: Finished (Not edited)

Chapter Visitors: Edited


Enjoy the update and more to come soon :)


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Wow, this is great! you have definatly hooked me, its well written and has a real creative storyline!

welldone, looking forward for future chapters :)


/) free hugs included (\

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Wow, this is great! you have definatly hooked me, its well written and has a real creative storyline!

welldone, looking forward for future chapters :)

More to come very soon :)

Glad you're interested.

  • Brohoof 1


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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YES! FINNALY! New chapters! It's getting really interesting and I really like how you ended the last chapter with him finally escaping from that damn castle. And without a single stallion being cooked in an oven. (Seriously man, I think that one part at the start messed me up)

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