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I give up.


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I think I'm just gonna give up drawing. Nothing I do anymore is good enough for me. I'm disappointed in all aspects of my life right now. I'm just stuck in this rut, it never ends. I might finish that power pony poster board, a couple drawings I promised my best friends, but aside from that I'm just done. Maybe one day I'll be capable of actually making myself proud of the work I produce but that time isn't now. Guess I'll need to find a new hobby now.





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Whaaaa? When you can do something THIS GOOD? Yes, I know your most likely going to say "Oh, But this is so bad compared to others!" Yes, But...This is really good, I could draw this well, and as for you, You are at a good spot. Take up drawing OCs for practus, this is a REALLY good staring point!

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Dude, never, and I repeat, NEVER, make your own standards too high with art. You will never be pleased with your own work; ergo, you will never improve.


Always expect what you know you can do, or even sometimes less. When you see your finish product, you look at it in that light, then come up with ways to improve. It's easier to get better when you like what you do, then being furious at it all the time.

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I actually quite like that drawing.... 


If you truly feel that your art isn't good, maybe taking a break is a good thing for you, especially if it upsets you. But I wouldn't recommend it if it is something that relaxes you while you do it. I had a buddy that was in a similar rut, so he would spend his free time drawing and burning his work until he finally dug himself out of it. 

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I know exactly how you feel. I use to draw all the time, was always getting compliments on my work even thought I didn't think I was that good, but I've not drawn for many years now. The majority of my work was lost in a flood, and since then I've been in a rut as well. It's a bad luck flood basically and I can't seem to break the cycle. I've been wanting to start up drawing again, but my plate is just too full at the moment.


My point being, while not that clear since I'm a bit rambly tonight, if you feel like you need a break then you should take one. You'll get back into things when the time is right, or you'll feel free and get into something else.


Like the others have said though, your stuff is actually pretty good. You also have a unique style that could potentially stand out, and in the pony artwork crowd, that's getting hard to do.

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I think I'm just gonna give up drawing. Nothing I do anymore is good enough for me. 

That is called the Artist's Curse. You work on a piece and you improve while doing so and so you don't notice the difference... because you improved. If you don't like drawing for the art of story telling or emotion feeling then you're into art for the wrong reason I think.

Edited by Bohtty
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That is called the Artist's Curse. You work on a piece and you improve while doing so and so you don't notice the difference... because you improved. If you don't like drawing for the art of story telling or emotion feeling then you're into art for the wrong reason I think.

I used to have fun drawing, but it's become so much of a hassle. Art was a hobby of mine I did for pure enjoyment, but lately it's like it's more of a chore.


I think I just need a really long break before heading back into drawing.

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Believe me when I say that I completely empathize with you and your mindset on your work, as I share the same perspective on my own limited artistic abilities.  I am also aware that I will most likely contribute little to nothing that will change your mind and alter the path that you have described.  But damn me if I will not try anyway!


One thing I will empashize right now is that the artist is always their worst and most demoralizing critic.  But, just like any other critic, you must take the good with the bad; to take what is progressive thinking and continually improve your work upon that while pushing aside those that are only meant to hinder.  You skill with colored pencil, as you have demonstrated with your Power Pony piece and a recent Pinkie Pie/Gummy one, honestly has me envious of your abilities with the medium.  Your drawings by themselves also possess a unique style all your own, which I find enjoyable to look at (some even giving me a good chuckle and a smile).


As I said, I have been in your position before, where nothing was good enough in my eye both in drawing and life itself.  Several times, in fact with a couple instances that I have walked away from art and disposed of anything that would bring back memories of my 'failure.'  But one cannot hope to improve if they lie down and give in.  If you do find enjoyment in what you do despite what you may feel as inadequate, then you would be doing a disservice to yourself by backing away now.  


I believe the best thing you can do for yourself is to take a step back and consider several things: what are you current strengths and weaknesses, what do you like and dislike about your work, what do you need to improve upon, what course of action would you proceed with to improve, what do you wish to accomplish with your art, are you happy when you draw (and, if not, what reasons are there for this).  To gain this overall perspective on your work will give you more clarity on what you need to focus on and what needs to be done to attain what goals you may have.   


Art is not an easy path to travel along, as it does take much dedication, study, time, pratice and, most importantly, patience.  It is soley up to you to continue the journey that you have started and if you ultimately do decide to seperate from it, I am sure everyone will respect your decision.  But also remember that if you do pick up the pencil again, there are those that will be there to support you and willing to take every step along side you to help you reach your potential (myself included).  For now, take this chance to relax and step away for a moment, as you have more than earned it.  And for what little it may be worth, if you ever need to talk, I will always be available.


I wish you the best of fortunes to you on whatever you may choose and I do apologize for this wall of text.  Take care.

  • Brohoof 6
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Believe me when I say that I completely empathize with you and your mindset on your work, as I share the same perspective on my own limited artistic abilities. I am also aware that I will most likely contribute little to nothing that will change your mind and alter the path that you have described. But damn me if I will not try anyway!


One thing I will empashize right now is that the artist is always their worst and most demoralizing critic. But, just like any other critic, you must take the good with the bad; to take what is progressive thinking and continually improve your work upon that while pushing aside those that are only meant to hinder. You skill with colored pencil, as you have demonstrated with your Power Pony piece and a recent Pinkie Pie/Gummy one, honestly has me envious of your abilities with the medium. Your drawings by themselves also possess a unique style all your own, which I find enjoyable to look at (some even giving me a good chuckle and a smile).


As I said, I have been in your position before, where nothing was good enough in my eye both in drawing and life itself. Several times, in fact with a couple instances that I have walked away from art and disposed of anything that would bring back memories of my 'failure.' But one cannot hope to improve if they lie down and give in. If you do find enjoyment in what you do despite what you may feel as inadequate, then you would be doing a disservice to yourself by backing away now.


I believe the best thing you can do for yourself is to take a step back and consider several things: what are you current strengths and weaknesses, what do you like and dislike about your work, what do you need to improve upon, what course of action would you proceed with to improve, what do you wish to accomplish with your art, are you happy when you draw (and, if not, what reasons are there for this). To gain this overall perspective on your work will give you more clarity on what you need to focus on and what needs to be done to attain what goals you may have.


Art is not an easy path to travel along, as it does take much dedication, study, time, pratice and, most importantly, patience. It is soley up to you to continue the journey that you have started and if you ultimately do decide to seperate from it, I am sure everyone will respect your decision. But also remember that if you do pick up the pencil again, there are those that will be there to support you and willing to take every step along side you to help you reach your potential (myself included). For now, take this chance to relax and step away for a moment, as you have more than earned it. And for what little it may be worth, if you ever need to talk, I will always be available.


I wish you the best of fortunes to you on whatever you may choose and I do apologize for this wall of text. Take care.

Woah. O.O thank you so much. Everything you said really means a lot to me. Stress is really destroying my compassion for drawing; between my upcoming surgery, school, future college to think about, it's just all too much for my simple mind.


After everything everyone has said(you all as well as my family) I've decided not to give completely, but to take a break. Do some sewing if I need an art outlet, since I still find it fun. Maybe in a few months I'll be back in the spirit of holding a pencil, but for now I can't find any motivation.

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I think I'm just gonna give up drawing. Nothing I do anymore is good enough for me. I'm disappointed in all aspects of my life right now. I'm just stuck in this rut, it never ends. I might finish that power pony poster board, a couple drawings I promised my best friends, but aside from that I'm just done. Maybe one day I'll be capable of actually making myself proud of the work I produce but that time isn't now. Guess I'll need to find a new hobby now.





I was following your drawing of the power pony board!

If you're stuck in a rut, take a break. I often have feelings of crippling self-doubt in which I look at what I draw and hate everything about it and myself. You aren't alone. Don't give up- I'm not a great artist but I want to reach that day when I will become an amazing artist. But that won't be soon. Keep practicing a little after you take a break. There's no need to just quit. 

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Woah. O.O thank you so much. Everything you said really means a lot to me. Stress is really destroying my compassion for drawing; between my upcoming surgery, school, future college to think about, it's just all too much for my simple mind.


After everything everyone has said(you all as well as my family) I've decided not to give completely, but to take a break. Do some sewing if I need an art outlet, since I still find it fun. Maybe in a few months I'll be back in the spirit of holding a pencil, but for now I can't find any motivation.


You do not need to thank me, but you are more than welcome all the same.  Stress has a devious way of undermining even the most valiant of efforts and the most resilient of minds.  This does not make you simple nor weak, but human.  You are stronger than you give yourself credit for, moreso considering what challenges still await you.  As I said before, you do not have to face these alone.


I am glad to hear that you have decided not to give up, as it would be a shame for such an aspiring artist to leave so prematurely with yet untapped potential.  You raise a good point as well, that there is more than one outlet for artistic individuals and sewing sounds like a pleasant alternative.  I would not mind seeing your work in that area as well.  Might I aslo suggest sculpting with Super Sculpty or something similar?  I have found that this can be both a relaxing and absolutely fun way to pass the time while still keeping your creative mind going.  Granted my attempts amount to nothing but dirty hands and a  weird blob, but I can at least laugh at my miserable creation and try again.


Regardless, I do wish the best for you and I hope that you find yourself in calmer skies soon.  Take care.

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Why must you?

How can you just quit art? D: your talent is too great to go to waste! Don't let things get in the way so much that you just quit, please don't quit or I'll be suu sad :(

Edited by Pelate
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Why must you?

How can you just quit art? D: your talent is too great to go to waste! Don't let things get in the way so much that you just quit, please don't quit or I'll be suu sad :(



I'm so sorry! D: my insides are dying because of your sadness at my art struggles. /:


I'll still find other ways to keep giving back to the art community! Like sewing, possibly sculptures, or whatever else. Drawing and painting have become very stressful for now. I seriously can't even sit down and draw a circle without blowing up in a rage of fury.

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It's totally fine to take a break from drawing, sometimes artists just fall in a rut. I've actually noticed that when this happens, more often than not it's not the skill level that's changed, but actually the artist's "eye". Maybe your ability to analyze your art and see the flaws in it got sharper, and you didn't even notice it. There is nothing at all wrong with stepping away for a while - if drawing is something that you do for fun as a hobby, then it shouldn't be giving you so much stress. You'll probably come back to it a few months or whatever from now, and find that you are not only as good as you used to be, but maybe even a little better :) Just take a deep breath, give yourself some space and time, and it will come back to you.

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Ralph Peterson, the jazz drum teacher at Berkley said that when you look at other peoples success, you don't see all of the time and effort they put into their success, just that moment of their success.  Giving up is the only way to jeopardize your own success.  If it's fun and you like it, then that in of itself is enough to make you successful eventually. 

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I think I'm just gonna give up drawing. Nothing I do anymore is good enough for me. I'm disappointed in all aspects of my life right now. I'm just stuck in this rut, it never ends. I might finish that power pony poster board, a couple drawings I promised my best friends, but aside from that I'm just done. Maybe one day I'll be capable of actually making myself proud of the work I produce but that time isn't now. Guess I'll need to find a new hobby now.



Maybe you shouldn't just try and act disappointed by something that is really good, in the effort to try and get people to say nice things. You know like those people on Facebook which are like "why am I so ugly :(" after posting a picture of themselves in a pose wearing a bunch of make-up.

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Hi, Cupcakes14! I've been here just for a couple days, but I've got something to say too, if you don't mind  :blush:


Right now just take a break and relax, cheer up, hang out with friends, do something that you like! (It's like an old friend. Sometimes you may arguing, even get angry and frustrating on each other, but eventually you just know "We are friends no matter what". Same principle here.) And when you doing so, think about why you chose art in the first place. I mean there is a million things you could do, but you've chosen art.


I believe because you like it. Because in some way it makes you happy. Follow you heart. It somehow already knew what is the best for you! I know it's sounds like "Duh! I've heard it a thousand times before!" but it is important. I know what I'm talking about, because I'm, who gave up. I've traded my heart's desires for practical things (like learning not interesting skills for me to get a job), because I felt similar that time. And it's so not cool!


One more thing, art is never about technique, it's about feelings. When I first saw you drawings a couple days ago, they made me feel happiness. I believe this is what it's all about. It's one hell of a skill to make other people happy. And you already do it just fine!


And I absolutely sure I just one of many, many people who loves your art.


The choice is your's to take. But, if you wanna know  :), I always will be waiting for your new works.


Thank you very much for your art! I wish you well!


P.S. Sorry for my English, if I misspelled something.

Hey, your birthday date! It's the same as mine! Awesome! Sorry for offtop  :squee:

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Well, I obviously can't make the decision for you, but I really hope you don't give up on your art.

SkyBound put it into words way better than I ever could (and I agree with everything he said), but as someone, who has had his share of really crappy moments in life, I can tell you that creating art is therapeutic.

So my advice would be, if drawing just frustrates you, try out some other things for a while, but don't stop creating.

I hope there are better days ahead for you.



someone who wholeheartedly enjoys your art and has saved most of your sketches as references for improving my own.

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
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Maybe you shouldn't just try and act disappointed by something that is really good, in the effort to try and get people to say nice things. You know like those people on Facebook which are like "why am I so ugly :(" after posting a picture of themselves in a pose wearing a bunch of make-up.

Are you suggesting I made this topic to fish for compliments?


That was not the purpose. The doodle I posted is probably the last thing I'll draw for a few months, kind of like a last little drawing before I take a long break from art. Although, before everyone told me to not to just give up my original plan was to completely stop drawing since it gave me no more joy.


To me that doodle wasn't all that good. To me I know I can do a lot better, but whenever I try to create a drawing I sit with a blocked uninspired mind and whatever I slap on the paper is mediocre imo.


Whatever you think is fine though. If you assume I'm some attention whore who wants to get compliments then go ahead and think that.

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