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how strong/powerful is discords magic?


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And yet he got three times defeated.


First by the Princesses then the mane 6 and lastly Tirek.


I think the fandom overestimates his powers. His powers appear to me as strong as the plot demands.

Combined with the fact of his immature personality, weak will and apparently easy to manipulate mind, he doesn't seem that dangerous.


Remember, he's a Spirit of Chaos and not a God as many of you guys tend to portray him.


The same applies by the way to the Princesses as well.

(Stated by Lauren Faust herself!)

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Discord will probably be nerfed in future seasons, since he seem too strong and they need villains to battle. Im expecting that every villain will now use some kind of anti-magic bubble that they will use to trap Discord and make him useless. Or just mind control him or turn him into stone or whatever.

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That actually is not a sign of power. Yes, he created the seeds, but this is alike to a brilliant but insane biologist who engineers a supervirus and drops it in a Tokio Subway. The Virus may be powerfull enough to kill tens of millions of people, but it isn't the scientist who kills all those people, just his creation.

Ya but the scientist did not create the virus out of nothing he genetically engendered an existing one. Is this what you think discord did

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After close examination it appears as though Discord is the 2nd most powerful thing in the MLP 'verse that we've seen so far, yes even more powerful than Tirek (Discord Absorbed).


The main reason why I believe Tirek (Discord Absorbed) is weaker is due to the battle with Twilight Sparkle. We have seen that larger groups of Unicorns can combine together to perform feats on par with an Alicorn, and Tirek absorbed the Magic from many of them. Then we see him absorb Discord's Magic (who by this point is widely accepted to be at the very least as powerful as 2 Alicorns) only to come to a stalemate against the power of all 4 Alicorns.


So, completely ignoring the 'just bad writing' argument (as this may have been their intent from the beginning), one of the more 'logical' possibilities is that Tirek was unable to use Discord's Magic, this may be backed (but not solidified to confirmation) by the facts that Tirek never reality warped in Twilight's Kingdom and that Discord's Magic was near enough confirmed to be unique.


Taking this into account, one can say that the Rainbow Power may not be as powerful as the Elements of Harmony, as a result Discord may still be more powerful than Tirek was at his prime.


Assuming this theory is correct, it would not be too far off to say:


Tree of Harmony > Discord >/= 'Super' Tirek > Alicorns > Base Tirek. 

Edited by Sanctified Absence
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Ya but the scientist did not create the virus out of nothing he genetically engendered an existing one. Is this what you think discord did

Yes, I think he just took the seeds of some creeper plant, and made it much stronger.

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Discord is as powerful as the writer needs him to be in accordance to the "Rule of Funny".

It's just pointless to try and measure his power.


In one episode he can change day and night as if it's nothing. In another he can't take the Elements away because "Celestia cast a spell".

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