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dnsoatnfkafenhr vkfsldja f0ip j DAFUQ!?! Sorry my fav is gamcube i pick gamecube above all.... My fav games (including smash bros are on there) From there I really only love older systems.. My PS4 is nice but it doesn't have duck hunt :( or harvest moon lol xD 


Anywho.... Trophies!


If you had to only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

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Auburn. FSU hasn't faced an offense like Auburn's, or a defense like Auburn's. (Auburn's defense isn't even a point to brag about) It also doesn't help that I am in fact an Auburn fan.


Why is Annie Leonhardt such a colossal bitch?

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He's singing with Charlie. The words refer to Charlie, even if Grandpa Joe is singing.


Are you a Rarity fan yet?




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because his father was never around to buy him chocolate


Not quite, but the last episode sure is making me lean more and more towards her.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? (New vs. Old)

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My OC kind of is, but if you put me in any fight i'd be that guy with the garbage can lid cringing as blood flew everywhere.


Who's your daddy?

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Yes, for everyone. I also happen to be the champion of the sun.

Shite, ninja'd.

Uhhh...I don't know which reference to use.


When you first heard the *squee* sound effect on FiM, did you think of Ed, Edd, n' Eddy?

Edited by Orangejack
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