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request shop Wallpapers, Sig, Avatar, Video Layouts Shop

Dark Heart

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Heyo I was wondering if you can make me a signature, the size should be 600x100


My OC pictures (there is a few) is in the Spoiler




Can the background be a Wasteland picture from Fallout:3?


And there can be a text in the middle saying my OC's name: "Rocky Doo" in a font called "Social Animal" and below it can it say "Nothing Left. Just Nothing" in a font called "Dirty Ego"

Edited by Rocky Doo

                  This signature is proudly made by Dark Heart!



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Heyo I was wondering if you can make me a signature, the size should be 600x100


My OC pictures (there is a few) is in the Spoiler



Can the background be a Wasteland picture from Fallout:3?


And there can be a text in the middle saying my OC's name: "Rocky Doo" in a font called "Social Animal" and below it can it say "Nothing Left. Just Nothing" in a font called "Dirty Ego"

Sure let me search for the fonts first then ill do you request ok? as for the rest of the stuff np ill do my best to deliver what you want. can you post or tell me what your Cutie marks is its kinda blurry

@@Rocky Doo


Here you go, i wasint sure about the color scheme for the letters but i choose the color of your mane if want any changes tell me.


Edited by Dark Heart


Official Member of the Chaos Dark Army

Official Member of the Octavia Melody fan Club

MLP Forums Request Shop: https://mlpforums.com/topic/128177-dark-hearts-request-shop/


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Sure let me search for the fonts first then ill do you request ok? as for the rest of the stuff np ill do my best to deliver what you want. can you post or tell me what your Cutie marks is its kinda blurry

@@Rocky Doo


Here you go, i wasint sure about the color scheme for the letters but i choose the color of your mane if want any changes tell me.


HOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYY CRAP IT LOOKS FREAKIN SWEET, *calms down* I will gladly put it immediatley and credit


                  This signature is proudly made by Dark Heart!



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(I just saw my boyfriend post here xD and I also love you're art work and you look like an artist making them.)


We'll i would like too request two things so here they are:


For wallpaper:


Ponyfied Shelf of me:



Background:(I got no reference for the background but can you make one? if so i would like the background too be black with my ponyfied shelf's cutie mark in the middle with my ponyfied shelf.)


For Sig:


Two ponyfied shelf's of me and my boyfriend: 





Text:Felicia and Jordan


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(I just saw my boyfriend post here xD and I also love you're art work and you look like an artist making them.)


We'll i would like too request two things so here they are:


For wallpaper:


Ponyfied Shelf of me:



Background:(I got no reference for the background but can you make one? if so i would like the background too be black with my ponyfied shelf's cutie mark in the middle with my ponyfied shelf.)


For Sig:


Two ponyfied shelf's of me and my boyfriend: 





Text:Felicia and Jordan

ok ill get to work on them tmw since its 12:43 am right now so once i come back from work tmw ill do it ok


Official Member of the Chaos Dark Army

Official Member of the Octavia Melody fan Club

MLP Forums Request Shop: https://mlpforums.com/topic/128177-dark-hearts-request-shop/


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@, Here is your wallpaper, didnt want to go full dark cause it would make the hair to similar and it will clash badly, also went ahead and make a new design hope you like it.



Official Member of the Chaos Dark Army

Official Member of the Octavia Melody fan Club

MLP Forums Request Shop: https://mlpforums.com/topic/128177-dark-hearts-request-shop/


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NP glad you like it as for the sig ill finish it tomorrow since i have to do extra stuff for that one.

Ok i will wait even though I'm not patcinte as much plus when i request for something too be done for me nobody tells me its ready and they probaly forget about it *Sigh* :/ like i requested a minecraft pony of my ponyfied shelf and i said is it done yet and the say there still working on it and it never been posted more days later *sigh* :( :/.


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Ok i will wait even though I'm not patcinte as much plus when i request for something too be done for me nobody tells me its ready and they probaly forget about it *Sigh* :/ like i requested a minecraft pony of my ponyfied shelf and i said is it done yet and the say there still working on it and it never been posted more days later *sigh* :( :/.

xD no worries as you can see from my previous works in this topic i dont take longer than 24 hours since i dont have that many request so its easy to keep up. plus what i do for the most part is over layering and not drawings, so its faster when it takes time is when i have to customized specially when it comes to OC so thats way i said 24 hours after order so yeah ^^ i whana do something good and not something when im tired or uninspired.


Official Member of the Chaos Dark Army

Official Member of the Octavia Melody fan Club

MLP Forums Request Shop: https://mlpforums.com/topic/128177-dark-hearts-request-shop/


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xD no worries as you can see from my previous works in this topic i dont take longer than 24 hours since i dont have that many request so its easy to keep up. plus what i do for the most part is over layering and not drawings, so its faster when it takes time is when i have to customized specially when it comes to OC so thats way i said 24 hours after order so yeah ^^ i whana do something good and not something when im tired or uninspired.

Oh ok we'll it's kinda sad in a way because you're art is good and not mostly other people request one.I use too do requests but i get tired plus I'm lazy so most of the requests i get are halfly finished and some are not finished and i love doing art maybe i should do layering and open a layering request shop and We'll I'm not really that good at drawing but i do vector's too in inkscape wait a minute i might open a vector requests shop but close it if I'm tired and not wanting too do them and i will have a status of how the requests are doing...


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Ill get on whit it, ill do i don't do animated stuff, i do stuff like my sigi were the letter change but not oc animation etc  so yeah if you want like my sig that i can do, if not ill do all static.

@, np glad you like it


Couldn't find exactly what you wanted but hope you like this.




Since you told me you wanted space for animation i leaft the sigi a bit empty like you ask




Same goes for the avatar im not good whit animation so i didnt attemp it, but i left the avatar in alpha so you can add animation if you wanted.




Ill work on the other OC you ask for ok lets see what i can do.

PS, Btw whats the name of the oc?

The OC you ask the package its done if you want me to modify them whit names tell me or leave like it is.








hope you like both orders.


Such skill, much art, such fun, wow.


Much love, such want, wow, such magic, love.


P.S her name is Flann. www.ask-flann-stuff.tumblr.com

Edited by Aquaspark



Signature by LittleRawr. Want your own? Go here


Or something like that, anyways. 

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Okay I am back with some vectors!  :D

Now for the everything package.....


Signature: 600x100

Background: Something along the lines of your Vinyl Scratch (best pony XD) backgrounds

Text: "music is the strongest magic" in the middle and have DJ Spacer on the opposite side of wherever you put the vector





Avatar: (Normal size)

Background: Something like what you did for King Prisman, I thought that is a pretty cool way of doing avatars.

Text: Spacer

Vectors: You can choose which ever one works best for you




Wallpaper: (Normal Size)

Basically a Vinyl Scratch wallpaper saying "Vinyl Scratch's #1 Fan" with a couple Vinyl vectors, which ever looks better.


Video Layout:

Well I can't really think of what I'd want for this, don't really do lets plays but would it make sense to use it for music purposes? I am getting into that industry.


Extra Vectors If you get any other Ideas:




Hopefully this isn't too much to ask for, I give you thanx in advance  :squee:

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Okay I am back with some vectors!  :D

Now for the everything package.....


Signature: 600x100

Background: Something along the lines of your Vinyl Scratch (best pony XD) backgrounds

Text: "music is the strongest magic" in the middle and have DJ Spacer on the opposite side of wherever you put the vector





Avatar: (Normal size)

Background: Something like what you did for King Prisman, I thought that is a pretty cool way of doing avatars.

Text: Spacer

Vectors: You can choose which ever one works best for you




Wallpaper: (Normal Size)

Basically a Vinyl Scratch wallpaper saying "Vinyl Scratch's #1 Fan" with a couple Vinyl vectors, which ever looks better.


Video Layout:

Well I can't really think of what I'd want for this, don't really do lets plays but would it make sense to use it for music purposes? I am getting into that industry.


Extra Vectors If you get any other Ideas:




Hopefully this isn't too much to ask for, I give you thanx in advance  :squee:

Np ill post them as soon as im finish


Ok here we go.







Wallpaper: * i didnt want to put more than one vinyl since it would look crowded and confusing but since both of you are dj why not a battle then xD



As for the overlay, ill need a link to your youtube channel that way i can come up whit a overlay or maybe a badge you can use for your videos*

Edited by Dark Heart


Official Member of the Chaos Dark Army

Official Member of the Octavia Melody fan Club

MLP Forums Request Shop: https://mlpforums.com/topic/128177-dark-hearts-request-shop/


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OMG OMG YES!! I remember complimenting some of your wallpapers before! Can you do a package of a sig and avatar? Something Luna-ish pls! ^^ Galaxy patterns would be great but if you cant do that, then it's okay :) Size of the sig is 600x100. Thanks!


Please click on the egg to help hatch it otherwise it will die!

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OMG OMG YES!! I remember complimenting some of your wallpapers before! Can you do a package of a sig and avatar? Something Luna-ish pls! ^^ Galaxy patterns would be great but if you cant do that, then it's okay :) Size of the sig is 600x100. Thanks!

Sure np just give me a couple of hours to rest my eyes and ill do your request ok


Official Member of the Chaos Dark Army

Official Member of the Octavia Melody fan Club

MLP Forums Request Shop: https://mlpforums.com/topic/128177-dark-hearts-request-shop/


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Hmmm, would it be possible to do a gif of several images? like a slideshow? I am just interested in a signature at the moment.

Here are the images. (Crop them as you see fit).



yeah it would be a simply gif like minbe instead of letter would be the images that i can do, any lettering or messaje?

@, Sig done tell me if there is anything you want me to change.


Edited by Dark Heart


Official Member of the Chaos Dark Army

Official Member of the Octavia Melody fan Club

MLP Forums Request Shop: https://mlpforums.com/topic/128177-dark-hearts-request-shop/


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Wow. You're work is simply amazing! I can't believe how much you do for everyone! It's crazy! You're so cool! :D


Is it okay if I request a forum package? Just the signature, wallpaper, and avatar? If so, this is what I had in mind:




I wanted all four of my OC's in this. If it's not asking too much, basically I want it to work like this:


These are the vectors:


Carter: http://i.imgur.com/CRsbZv8.jpg


Blossom: http://i.imgur.com/MAFB3Gm.png?1


Felix: http://i.imgur.com/LM8xs2s.png?1


Mike: http://i.imgur.com/jnUl51P.png?1


What you can do, is work them all from left to right in the center of the wallpaper. So Carter would be the far left, blossom would be next to him, next to Blossom would be Felix, and Mike would be on the far right. Now, the way I want it too look is very similar to this: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/28500000/Mane-Six-Wallpaper-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-28564586-1280-800.jpg


If you could make it look like that, with my OC's, that'd be perfect! Though if it's okay I'd rather the background not be black. Or, I suppose since you're super good at this, it's up to you what you think works best there. But the main thing is my characters are lined up in said order with that kind of glow of color representative of their coat color.




The signature can basically be the wallpaper just in signature form at 600x100. The only thing I would like different in the signature is that you have their names above them in the same glowly color as you already gave them. And in this case I'd prefer the background was that simple black as I showed you in the mane six wallpaper reference.




I really like what you did for DJ Spacer! Can you just use Mike and put him in that similar format? Color and all those other things are completely up to you here. 150x150 size of course.




Oh dear...I hope I didn't ask too much. :( Please tell me if I did. I apologize ahead of time.

Edited by FeIix


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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Wow. You're work is simply amazing! I can't believe how much you do for everyone! It's crazy! You're so cool! :D


Is it okay if I request a forum package? Just the signature, wallpaper, and avatar? If so, this is what I had in mind:




I wanted all four of my OC's in this. If it's not asking too much, basically I want it to work like this:


These are the vectors:


Carter: http://i.imgur.com/CRsbZv8.jpg


Blossom: http://i.imgur.com/MAFB3Gm.png?1


Felix: http://i.imgur.com/LM8xs2s.png?1


Mike: http://i.imgur.com/jnUl51P.png?1


What you can do, is work them all from left to right in the center of the wallpaper. So Carter would be the far left, blossom would be next to him, next to Blossom would be Felix, and Mike would be on the far right. Now, the way I want it too look is very similar to this: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/28500000/Mane-Six-Wallpaper-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-28564586-1280-800.jpg


If you could make it look like that, with my OC's, that'd be perfect! Though if it's okay I'd rather the background not be black. Or, I suppose since you're super good at this, it's up to you what you think works best there. But the main thing is my characters are lined up in said order with that kind of glow of color representative of their coat color.




The signature can basically be the wallpaper just in signature form at 600x100. The only thing I would like different in the signature is that you have their names above them in the same glowly color as you already gave them. And in this case I'd prefer the background was that simple black as I showed you in the mane six wallpaper reference.




I really like what you did for DJ Spacer! Can you just use Mike and put him in that similar format? Color and all those other things are completely up to you here. 150x150 size of course.




Oh dear...I hope I didn't ask too much. :( Please tell me if I did. I apologize ahead of time.

Ill try my best the avatar wont be a problem, the wall and sig will just take time so depending it may take me a full day so just be patience whit those but ill try my best.


Thank You :).I love it!

Thx glad you like it ^^


Official Member of the Chaos Dark Army

Official Member of the Octavia Melody fan Club

MLP Forums Request Shop: https://mlpforums.com/topic/128177-dark-hearts-request-shop/


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