cider float 2,538 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 A nuke vs. the Elements of Harmony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyNamedEarl 1,332 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Alicorn magic is a powerful thing... Creator of MLP Ruined Vines and Recorder Sh*t Equestria's Biggest Hip-Hop Nerd Everyday is Leg Day! Follow me on Twitter: @EarlBrony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmicHooves 2,705 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 US Military would win. No amount of alicorn magic can stop the US military from nukin' Canterlot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Not Yellow Diamond 925 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I would hope the US military for my own good... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Nth Doctor 663 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Sniper rifle Take 'em out from half a mile away "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." YouTube | FiMFic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cherry Bomb 51 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 My brains hurts from reading all of these posts...I mean it could go either way... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Cloud 18,337 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Depends on the Alicorns involved, if it's Twilight or Cadance then the US Military would win due to far greater numbers and more advanced weapons. If it's Celestia or Luna they can control celestial bodies such as the Sun and Moon, not even every military on the planet working together could fight that, all they have to do is move the Sun or the Moon closer to the planet to cause total devestation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Imagine bringing the nukes down then a bunch of unicorns teleport the nukes right to the enemy bases. 0.o 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractured 2,684 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) Alicorns wins for all of the reasons I previously mentioned. i.e, ponies magical feats are susceptible to Newton's Third Law. The forces that those feats give out are counterbalanced by their own bodies since they produce it, meaning they are literally hauling around the raw mass of whatever they're interacting with, as well as all of its resulting kinetic energy from moving it, etc. Now, for something like lifting the average pony telekinetically, you wouldn't get that high of a value. However, when it comes to manipulating Celestial bodies... Note: from the episode Lesson Zero Note: I do not own these calcs. All credit goes to user Fluttershy for making this Sun diameter = 1,392,684 km = 470 px distance Sun moved in that timeframe = 300-220 = 80 px = 237,052.6 kmSpeed = 237,052.6 / 2.5416 = 93,269.043 km/s = 93,269,043 m/s = 0.31c, relativistic+Mass = 1.9891×10^30 kg9.334E+45 J : - 2,230,879,541,109 Yottaton- 13,528x GBE of the Sun- 93.34 Foe, Solar System+ level 2.23x10^12 yottatons is the amount of energy produced in the exchange, and its that amount that at least the elder alicorns have to handle every time they move a celestial body. It's also that amount of energy we have to surpass in order to damage them, since once again, they're actively tanking these amounts of energy anyway with no apparent harm to themselves. Now, according to wiki (correct me if i'm wrong, I know wiki's not the most reliable source) our greatest nuclear weapon ever deployed was about 15 kilotons (~6.276x10^13 joules). The biggest atomic bombs we have to date carry around 20- 25 megatons of force(~1.046x10^17 joules. The sum amount of our global nuclear arsenal is about 7 gigatons (2.9288x10^19 joules), which still leaves us woefully underpowered in this fight. By a TNT equivalent conversion, it would take a yottaton, an octillion times the energy of our highest possible value, before we could even begin to injure Celestia and Luna. All this to say we lose, badly. The alicorns may be limited in that their directly offensive attacks are mostly point of impact, but when you don't seem to age and no one's capable of putting a scratch on you, it doesn't really matter. Along with using their multitudes of other spells, the U.S. military gets wiped off the face of the earth. Edited July 17, 2015 by Corona de Adamas 1 Produced by the phenomenal J.R. DT Fanclub here: OC Fantasy: OC Alice: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GXPBlast 597 November 9, 2015 Share November 9, 2015 (edited) Jdams should do just fine Edited November 9, 2015 by GXPBlast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toputoutfire 5 November 9, 2015 Share November 9, 2015 ponies magical feats are susceptible to Newton's Third Law. Twilight sparkle lift a baby ursa but her hoof injure when fall downstair in feeling pinkie keen. Magic aren't real but miracle are. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orbital_Forces 3 February 24, 2016 Share February 24, 2016 The US would probably win if they used nuclear weapons, they could win maybe without the use of nukes if they can surround them. But if multiple nukes were dropped at the same time, the US would win. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chara 1,565 February 24, 2016 Share February 24, 2016 (USA nukes Canterlot Castle) They are heartbroken... "Captures the Alicorns.... ??? .... Profit. Jdams should do just fine God is war porn (an actual term for this stuff) ever fun to watch. signature made by myself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuteycindyhoney 13,316 February 24, 2016 Share February 24, 2016 Princess Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie would win the war. Nukes or not, Pinkie's "Pinkie Sense" would detect the incoming weaponry in time for Twilight to teleport it away. Thank you Sparklefan1234!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Diamonds 282 February 24, 2016 Share February 24, 2016 Alicorns would win. Levitate all of the military, and slam them to the ground, victory. I mean if Princess Celestia can levitate the sun, she can definitely levitate every member of the US military. She can levitate tanks, plans, every weapon, etc. Unless the Alicorns play fairly. Then they US Military would win easily. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
El Duderino 879 February 24, 2016 Share February 24, 2016 US military. Sorry, but I don't think some alicorns could beat one of the most advanced military in the world. Lets say the US is loosing, they have at least one fail safe: I don't think sunbutt or any of the other alicorns could survive that. My ponysona/OC: Check out my Soundcloud too: DeviantArt: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuteycindyhoney 13,316 February 24, 2016 Share February 24, 2016 Here's a question. Physics obviously follow different laws in Equestria. Why does everypony assume nuclear warheads would even be able to detonate there? Thank you Sparklefan1234!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractured 2,684 February 25, 2016 Share February 25, 2016 You could throw all of the nukes and high level explosives ponies, to no avail. Because, as said before: 1 ) Unicorns and alicorns magical feats are subjective to Newton's third law. Because, unlike wands and other magical instruments that simply siphon mana out of the air to do their work, unicorns actually take the energy from their bodies, and use it do perform their magical works. Ponies try to use more magic than they have, ala one unicorn lifting the sun/moon, they can't do it. Unicorns use to much energy, or, alternatively, get it drained, and they can't perform magic. So, the energy all comes from within; in order to perform a certain act, a unicorn must have that specific amount of energy within them in order to do anything. 2 ) Unicorns/ alicorns can take that amount of energy being thrown back at them. Celestia vs Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon vs Celestia, etc. Alicorns (and thusly, i'd like to assume unicorns as well) can take the amount of energy they produce being thrown back at them, and more, in Celestia's case. And, in the case of lifting things with magic, containing all of the forces that come along with manipulating that object(reducing kinetic energy, sustaining the weight, etc.) Which basically means that, preempting these things being true, in order to damage a unicorn/ alicorn, you'd have to hit them with more energy than the greatest magical feat they have performed. Which... is a little outside of our paygrade, even for normal ponies. Consider that the Rainboom was a magical effect produced by a pretty damn average pony, all things considered, and it still covered half of a country, ripped clouds away from the horizon, and tore trees out of the ground, miles away from the blast zone. Our biggest nukes thus far deployed have only managed to wreck a good portion of a city; we're undershort. And that's not even getting to alicorns yet; that's just Rainbow Dash, who did that as a filly, with little effort on her part. In short, forget alicorns; we lack the effective amount of force to deal with even the average Equestrian resident, let alone their rulers. Produced by the phenomenal J.R. DT Fanclub here: OC Fantasy: OC Alice: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DANUTERCISD 204 March 1, 2016 Share March 1, 2016 US military, because there are only 5 alicorns I inhale dank memes, and i intend to make a dank signature soon. I also have shyabetes btw. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ARagY 1,152 March 3, 2016 Share March 3, 2016 Incompetent army versus pastel talking horses Yeah I think we all know who's going places To each their own Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meson Bolt 2,648 March 3, 2016 Share March 3, 2016 (edited) Well, as much as I'd like to think we simply wouldn't fight (because who would want to fight with such adorkable ponies), I don't think either side would win if it came down to a fight. If it really came down to dire circumstances, the alicorns could give their magic to Twilight again and have her take us out (which would be sad but an awesome way to die), or Celestia and/or Luna could crash the sun/moon into Earth, effectively destroying us. In addition, the U.S. could probably nuke the alicorns into submission, but the explosions would cause fallout all over the Earth, and in a world that's NOT ready for it (unlike the Fallout games), we'd all probably die of radiation. In the end, no one wins. A lot of people mentioned that nukes would be ineffective against Celestia or the other alicorns, because they've been shown to survive (what we assume to be) higher energy attacks (ex. Chrysalis). However, in my opinion, Celestia only survived that attack because 1) she was ready for it and could block it with her own attack, and 2) it was in beam form. In addition (as seen in the recent finale) Chrysalis' beam couldn't even put down a normal Zebra for good, so I doubt its power... Besides that, a beam is different than a nuke. A beam comes from one direction, a nuke's devastation goes in all directions. Celestia is a living, breathing pony, meaning she probably at least needs oxygen. As a nuke detonation would burn all the oxygen in the area, even if she survived the initial blast, she'd at the very least run out of oxygen and pass out/suffocate (especially if we're talking several nukes here). Edited March 3, 2016 by Meson Bolt Your family is who you make it out to be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonInquisitor 1 March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 (edited) I think Alicors would lose.And weary fast.No one in MLP univers koews wath a bullet is or waht sniper rifel can do.And war would not start like moast people think.It wouldn't be that US military just opened fire.Ponys are friendly and generals would use that.Even if half of US military would be moved to Equstria.I don't think ponys would reack.They don't koew wath tanks is made to do or that assult rifel can kill theam.I think we don't need nukes to win war.Even baltic stated could beat Equstria.Alicors can die from a bulet.But alicors would't koew wath bulet could do to them.I think all alicors and powerfull magic caster would be found.They would under go prosedur that would determen if they could be killed with headshot.Before war sniper would be taced to snipe all magic caster.And wean trigers would be puled,Equstria would be leaft defeancials.Lithuanias Military (for exampal)would take capital.Strategil securing it.And other citys would folow.Ponys would koew wath is happing because they lack kwologe wath the war is.Royal gurd get wath is happinig But they would alredy be suroudet.Few fithg would acure and ponys would qukly get wath is happinig and that we have clear superiority.War would be won by Lithuania or any othe contry.Why ponys would lose? That is because they don't koew wath war is.Equstria dosen't saw that many wars as we did.Ponys lack evrything to win.Any dangerus spell caster and Alicorn would be sniped before war even would started.And no pony would evean have a clue wath would happen next.And I don't get why people think that Equstria would have any chanse agains humanas.If US president would be sniped by Chines sniper we would koew that that is war or if Russia army would cross NATO or US border(Land in aliaska) that would also result in war.If our militarys of earth would march to equstria without shoting any one.No one would reack aggresevly to that. All in all ponys lack kowlage about war to stand a chans agaist us.They would reconize that a war is happinig until we would alredy be won the war. Edited March 17, 2016 by Dragon empirior Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
That Guy with the CMB 5,873 March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 It really depends on what the writers want to happen - based on story development. c: I'm such a smarta- I mean, smarty. You know what I mean? Romans 10:9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DragonInquisitor 1 March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 And I don't crare that thear is magic.Celesitia, ponys ,and other Alicors are made from flesh and bones.And Snipers Bullet could penetreit flesh and break bones.And magic can't stop bullet.No one in Equstria would be aware that war is coming.People sometimes forget that we are weary diffrent from MLP univers.We are not that pecefull as equstria.Gowerment and corporations would use equstrai.Friendship is bigest equstria weaknes in war. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 The way I see it the alicorns will be overwhelmed by numbers. It doesn't matter how powerful they are against too many enemies they can't hold out forever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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