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movies/tv Who are your favorite mature fictional characters?


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My favorite mature characters are the outer senshi from Sailor Moon. They just define style, elegance, and poise. It also helps that most of them are teachers, which shows that they really care about the youth, and they're probably the best fighters in the Sailor Moon universe, thanks to all the training they've went through, showing that they're extremely disciplined. They just have this cold, methodical way of doing things, and yet they do care about their friends. And their transformation theme is pretty badass, and it made me appreciate the violin. And even their youngest member (Hotaru) is pretty mature.



Edited by Wingnut
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Goku from Dragon ball Z he always put himself in front of others to protect the ones he loves. Like when he transported cell to king kai's and pretty much saved the whole planet that's why he is a mature character in my opinion  

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1: Kirito-Sword Art Online, although he was ignorant at times he would always help those who needed help.


2: Natsu-Fairy Tail, Natsu is always a great friend to everyone and never lets anyone suffer (unless they truly deserved it)


3: Haruhi-The Meloncholy Of Haruhi Suzumia, she's random fun and there's always something fun going on around her.


4: Light Yagami aka Ratio Yagami-Death Note, one of the best anti heros of anime, he got rid of evil however did so with evil ideas.


5: Sora-Kingdom Hearts, Sora is one of thoes characters who can see the light in every bit of darkness and never gives up on the people he cares about.

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Sora is cool but I prefer Roxas.


Tidus from FF-X sure he is lighthearted but got serious when it counted and wasn't afraid to stand up for yuna.


Tifa Lockhart-Strong willed and level headed.


Idk when I did watch yugioh for the short time I did Seto kaiba seemed to be the only mature one to me., plus I liked his story.


Squall - Cool, level headed and brave.


Celestia- She banished her sister shows she understands doing what is right even if it hurts you., keeps calm and is very insightful.


Maya-Vandread strong and fearless.

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Well, I'm drawing a bit of a blank here, so for now, I'm gonna go with Klonoa, from Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil.

Now, this one's fairly debateable, as Klonoa has yet to appear in a single game where he's an adult in (outside of possibly the Wiimake, but we don't talk about that okay disappointment). Despite that, Klonoa's a strong-willed, motivated character out to do what he thinks is right, even if it doesn't directly pertain to his interests or obligations. In fact, he's even indirectly called a fool by another teammate due to saving the world more just because he's saving the world because he wants to despite it not being his world. Now, yes, Klonoa definitely has some lapses in his maturity (i.e. lightly panicking when being called a pervert, being disoriented when being flirted with, etc.), but he's definitely a mature and well-meaning character who MORE than needs a proper third installment (No, the spin-offs that turn him into loud and happy comic relief do NOT count).


... I love Klonoa to death, okay?

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Mature in age, or mature in outlook?


Either way, my favourite is probably Duster from the game Mother 3. He's led a crummy, isolated life and it would be understandable if he was bitter — but he's not. He just genuinely wants the whole world to be alright. Whenever there's danger, Duster worries about the other party members first. He even asks people to overlook his limp and just let him help. I think that sort of selflessness and determination is very mature.

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Mature in age, or mature in outlook?


Either way, my favourite is probably Duster from the game Mother 3. He's led a crummy, isolated life and it would be understandable if he was bitter — but he's not. He just genuinely wants the whole world to be alright. Whenever there's danger, Duster worries about the other party members first. He even asks people to overlook his limp and just let him help. I think that sort of selflessness and determination is very mature.

I meant mature in outlook. And yeah, Duster is definitely mature. Another mature character is King from the KoF series. She dressed like a man so she could enter tournaments, and prove to the world that women are just as capable of fighting as men. Another mature character is King from the Tekken series. He's extremely strong, but he has a heart of gold. He runs an orphanage (IIRC), and he uses the prize money he wins from the tournaments to help the kids in his orphanage. And of course, Valvatorez from Disgaea 4 is a pretty mature character (despite having this goofy obsession with sardines). He always keeps his promises, and every decision he makes is extremely honorable. Even when scouting potential candidates to help him when running for president, if someone didn't win the battle test, he would find some quality in them that he could use as an excuse for hiring them anyways, especially if they really needed the money. Adell is a lot like Valvatorez, he always keeps his promises no matter what, even if it means getting killed. And he puts family before anything. One last one, I think all the good guys from GI Joe are shining examples of honor, heroism, discipline, etc. Any one of them would make a very effective leader I think.

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  • Lelouche-He took matters into his owns hand in an attempt to advance his agendas. Freeing Japan from the Brittanian Empire seems like a noble enough thing to do. Independence for the win!

Kakashi-A great teacher who always looks out for his students. Modest, and humble in nature. A very strong shinobi. Not a man you want to mess with.

Edward Elric-Not the most mature personality-wise, but he has a good heart and a great sense of justice. He always does what's right, and he works hard to achieve his goals.

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  • Lelouche-He took matters into his owns hand in an attempt to advance his agendas. Freeing Japan from the Brittanian Empire seems like a noble enough thing to do. Independence for the win!
  • Kakashi-A great teacher who always looks out for his students. Modest, and humble in nature. A very strong shinobi. Not a man you want to mess with.
  • Edward Elric-Not the most mature personality-wise, but he has a good heart and a great sense of justice. He always does what's right, and he works hard to achieve his goals.


Yeah, Edward Elric is definitely a solid character. I still get chills when he confronts Shou Tucker after he found out he turned his daughter into a chimera


Shou Tucker: I'll finally get to be a state alchemist!

Edward: Like HELL I'm letting you become a state alchemist.... like hell!


I also liked the scene when Envy was trying to get Edward to kill him and hate him, and he refused, and even tried to protect him from Mustang, before Envy killed himself.

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Applejack: I pretty much have to mention AJ with her being best pony and all. I admire Applejack's inner strength, she has been through so much and has come out of it stronger than ever.


Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles): Aside from Leonardo he is the most mature of the turtles acting as a decent voice of reason but also a character that I think is a true ninja combining modern science with ancient ninja arts making him probably the most true to what the ninja's were about with taking whatever was available to them and using it. The 2012 version is a little less mature but I still like him though not as much as other versions of him.


Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles): He is often very strict and be he is also very compassionate and loving treating the turtles like his own sons. He teaches them not only about ninjitsu but also about honor and basic right and wrong.


Goku (Dragon Ball/Z/GT): He has that interesting mix of maturity and child like innocence that is quite rare. He is pure of heart and noble of intentions but has always kept himself grounded and never lost that child like spark he had.

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Ramza Beoulve(Final Fantasy Tactics) 

Phoenix Wright

Big Boss  



Solid Snake


That's all I got, I'm too lazy to give descriptions

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Hi !  Because this thread is dealing with mature fictional characters in general, it has been sentenced to Media Discussion. 


My brain isn't working too well at the moment.  There are others but the only name I can come up with right now is Obi Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: A New Hope.  :derp:

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Does it have to be in an anime or cartoon? Everyone here has only been posting cartoon characters so i'm just wondering. Also by mature are you referring to mature shows? I'm just assuming so.


Anyway the first character that comes to my head is Jesse Pinkman. I just feel for much sympathy for him and the struggles that he goes through. He's really relatable for the fact that his parents never believe in him and that he just wants to find who he is and someone who cares about him. Also anything that goes well for him never lasts long. It's pretty tragic really. :( I just really wanna give him a hug or something. Also I have a huge crush on him so there's that. Lol

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Does it have to be in an anime or cartoon? Everyone here has only been posting cartoon characters so i'm just wondering. Also by mature are you referring to mature shows? I'm just assuming so.


Anyway the first character that comes to my head is Jesse Pinkman. I just feel for much sympathy for him and the struggles that he goes through. He's really relatable for the fact that his parents never believe in him and that he just wants to find who he is and someone who cares about him. Also anything that goes well for him never lasts long. It's pretty tragic really. :( I just really wanna give him a hug or something. Also I have a huge crush on him so there's that. Lol

It could be from any show, or even books. And by mature, I mean characters who act maturely.

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