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Diamond Tiara Fan Club

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Just something I did the other day as a gag.

Anyhow, does anyone going to remove the 'April fools' tag now?


It reminded me of this




let's keep the formerly most hated character pics coming 


  • Brohoof 2
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  • 2 weeks later...

   After watching the latest episode, my opinion of Diamond Tiara has turned 180, and now she has become an affable character, I believe she will be one of my favourite filly characters. I admire the stellar writing, the crew has done a fantastic job with character redemption, from Sunset Shimmer to Discord, they have even given Diamond Tiara, a true character emotion, she kind of Reminds me of character from Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazaki has written many antagonists with redeemable qualities, a trait I truly admire. I can also relate to Diamond Tiara, I know what it is like to be pressured into success, and to not associate with bad influence, not for my sake but to make my parents look good, but I enlisted in the navy, and I told them off, after I came back they finally gave me a life, now my brother did the same thing, I could see my story through Diamond Tiara, she was more than a spoiled rich kid, she was used as vehicle to flaunt her mother's status, although I don't know how her father Filthy Rich played to her vanity, nevertheless, it is good to see her evolve past the bully character, or the rich toffee nose, I hope to see her become a better character, and become closer to the cutie mark crusaders.

Wow, that was very well said. I agree, that was a great post. *claps* :icwudt: 


  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is SO CUTE! *dies from cuteness* :wub:

*Hands you Phoenix Down*

Isn't it though?  :love:


I love DT so much! I lover her even before she was reformed. Her and Applebloom are best fillies. <3


I couldn't agree more. <3


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have always thought that DT was such a cute filly, and I always found her bad attitude to bee adorable as well. Now, I can't help but tear up every time I watch crusaders of the lost Mark! Her back story with her parents is just so heart breaking, and she is one my all time favorite ponies!

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Can I join? Aside from Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara is my favorite filly.


Yes! As the rogue insurrectionist self entitled inheritor of this fan club, any and all who love DT are completely welcome to join! We may be a small club, but we've got heart! And diamonds!



I have always thought that DT was such a cute filly, and I always found her bad attitude to bee adorable as well. Now, I can't help but tear up every time I watch crusaders of the lost Mark! Her back story with her parents is just so heart breaking, and she is one my all time favorite ponies!

Then you're in the right place! It's Diamond time here, all day, every day! And look how happy she is to hear it!


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I never thought I'd say this but Diamond Tiara is now best filly. And yes I'm actually being dead serious. I like her more than The CMCs. Why? I not only think she's cute but she had great character development and redemption. And all I wanna do is just hug her so hard now.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 weeks later...

*pokes head in*


...tbh, corona really reshaped my view of DT. and also Erroria, Skyla, the Alicorns, probably Twilight, and eventually someone else. i dont know who, i just know. but thats besides the point.


and this is the first fan club iv posted in, so...



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