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private Seekers (Pokemon RP)


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Tempest smirked slightly, and shook his head. "I don't think so. Cynder, use ember." He said.


Fennekin jumped off of Jigglypuff's head, but fell asleep before she could pull off the attack.


The trainer sighed, as Cynder fell to the ground. "I should've saw that coming." He thought to himself.

((On mobile, so no fancy colors.))


Jigglypuff gave a triumphant grin. It should be able to defeat this annoying fire type with one more super effective Roll-out. As if on cue, that's exactly what Cheren commanded it to do. "Roll-out!" Jigglypuff curled up into a ball, and began to race at the sleeping Fennekin, easily hitting it.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Cynder was thrown back by the rollout, and woke up. She found it hard to stand, but she would not lose this fight.


Tempest was put in a tough situation. He could call Cynder back and end the fight, and that"s what he was about to do. "Cynder." He said.


The Fennkein glanced at her trainer and shook her head.


The trainer was slightly surprised, but smiled. "Ok, let's do this." He said, before Cynder was enveloped in a blinding light.

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"Hmph." Cecil grunted, as he bent down to pick up the pokeball. He turned to face his other two pokemon, "alright, good work, you two. I think it's about time we challenge the gym here." He held up the pokeball in his hand, "but, let's make sure everyone is nice and healthy, first." He clipped croagunk's ball to his belt, and then grabbed his other two pokeballs, and returned his pokemon to them.


He walked around the city for a bit, and found the pokemart before he found the pokecenter. He checked his bags, "tsk, I used one more pokeball then I thought I'd need. Perhaps I should get some spares, after all." He walked into the pokemart, bought some supplies, and left. "right, that should last me quite a while."


He continued onto the pokecenter, and left said center shortly afterward, his pokemon fully recovered. He grabbed croagunk's ball, and summoned it before him. "Croa?" It questioned upon its summoning. Cecil pointed to its face, "alright! Listen up, for this is your orientation!" The croagunk simply stared at him blankly, before turning it head away and crossing its arms, "-gunk."


Cecil's eye brow twitched, "look at me when I am speaking to you!" The coragunk lazily turned and opened one eye to look at him, before turning her back, "-gunk." "You little-" he said, before just planting his palm firmly into his face. He dragged it down off at a slow pace, "right, whatever. But I'm still going to talk, so just listen."


"Henceforth, you are an official member of my elite team of pokemon. This confers unto you a special set of privileges as well as responsibilities. Your first privilege is that you may at your own behest be summoned out of your pokeball, and you may stay outside of it so long as it does not conflict with your responsibilities. Secondly," he raised his hand, displaying two fingers upright to the croagunk's back, "as one of my compatriots, you deserve a code-name, one that signifies your status and role in the team."


"Croa?" the croagunk questioned, back still turned. Cecil put his hand to his chin, "yes, from now on, you are no ordinary croagunk. I shall bestow upon you a fitting name." Cecil's eyes drifted down in thought, "let's see. I found you in this, a petulant city of decay and shady characters. Growing up, you must have had a tough time, honing your skills just to survive in the streets and alleys that could only loosely be called your home. Thus it is, that I dub thee..." he lead into, pointing dramatically at the croagunk, who turned around, "Rogue!"


The croagunk was clearly unimpressed, "-gunk." Cecil crossed his arms, "well, I don't even care if you like it! That's not the point." Cecil brought to of his fingers to the bridge of his nose, turning at an acute angle, "alright, now for your responsibilities," he said, flourishing his hand back off his face, displaying his index finger, "first, you may at any point be called to assist in battle. In combat situations, you are expected to comply and cooperate with both me and the rest of the team. Failure to do so may result in your untimely demise... not by my hand, of course." He uncurled his middle finger, "Which brings us to your second responsibility. Stay healthy, dammit! Back down from a fight, if I judge you incapable of winning it! I will not tolerate your stubborn pride putting you into unnecessary danger." The croagunk looked at its new trainer, a mixture of surprise and disapproval upon its face, "croa..."


Suddenly, Cecil's other two pokeballs opened on his belt, his two other pokemon bringing themselves out. Cecil looked at the pair, "ah, perfect timing, I had just finished Rogue's orientation." The growlithe pranced over to the new team member, and sniffed it. The croagunk flinched backwards a bit, but the growlithe moved forward anyway and licked its face, then stepped back, "lithe!".


"All right, you three, let us go forth! To the gym!" Cecil led his pokemon, the trio of pokemon forming a triangular formation behind him. He had came upon the gym on his way to the pokecenter, and had no need to ask for directions. Standing at the entrance to the gym, he pulled open the door, the light of the outside illuminating his silhouette. This was, of course, exactly what he wanted, in the hopes it would give a dramatic first impression of him to the gym leader.




Unfortunately for him, the leader was already preoccupied. A small frown formed on his face, "tsk."


He walked up to the sidelines of the gym's arena, and took a seat. He didn't really recognize the challenger, but by the looks of him, he didn't think he was an Unovan native. "Must've been in another car, on the train. Oh well." His three pokemon took their seats alongside him, his sandslash and growlithe seating right by him, and the newly caught croagunk still keeping its distance.


He noticed that the challenger was using a sentret, against the leader's koffing. "Now, that's an odd match-up. I wonder if that trainer even knows what he's doing."

Edited by Aged Rain
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Before Vera rushed in for her Quick Attack, she made sure to use her tail as a spring to bounce above the Koffing before redirecting herself to tackle it into the ground. While the Sentret sprang upwards, Locke noticed a trainer come into the gym. He felt like the guy was judging him. He had taken a break from battling while in Sinnoh, after defeating the league of course, and it was definitely starting to show through in this battle.


But that didn't mean the guy had to be all judgy about him! 

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"Ah!"  Lurele quickly started to backpedal as the girl started pushing her back out the door, caught off-guard by the reaction she'd caused.  She had been expecting something more like the Seeker's Building in Asperita...  Comet had been so nice, after all.  "S-Sorry!  I was just curious...  I was wondering if anyone would be willing to tell me more about a guy supposedly following Kyurum!"


Glancing around she quickly lowers her voice, deciding that the way the man had acted it probably wasn't a good idea to talk about that in the middle of the street...  Glancing up at the Seeker's building again, Lurele apologizes again before turning to walk towards the Gym.  Sheesh...  I think I might get where Stella was coming from with her opinion on these people...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Cynder was thrown back by the rollout, and woke up. She found it hard to stand, but she would not lose this fight.


Tempest was put in a tough situation. He could call Cynder back and end the fight, and that"s what he was about to do. "Cynder." He said.


The Fennkein glanced at her trainer and shook her head.


The trainer was slightly surprised, but smiled. "Ok, let's do this." He said, before Cynder was enveloped in a blinding light.

Cheren tilted his head in confusion. "Two evolutions in two consecutive battles?" He thought aloud. "I must certainly be giving it my all today! Though, don't think I'll just give up because you have a freshly evolved pokemon! Jigglypuff, Dazzling Gleam!" Cheren commanded. Despite the fact the move wasn't very effective, it should be just enough to finish this.


Once Fennekin had completed the evolution, turning into Braxien, Jigglypuff released a blinding pink light.




"Hmph." Cecil grunted, as he bent down to pick up the pokeball. He turned to face his other two pokemon, "alright, good work, you two. I think it's about time we challenge the gym here." He held up the pokeball in his hand, "but, let's make sure everyone is nice and healthy, first." He clipped croagunk's ball to his belt, and then grabbed his other two pokeballs, and returned his pokemon to them.


He walked around the city for a bit, and found the pokemart before he found the pokecenter. He checked his bags, "tsk, I used one more pokeball then I thought I'd need. Perhaps I should get some spares, after all." He walked into the pokemart, bought some supplies, and left. "right, that should last me quite a while."


He continued onto the pokecenter, and left said center shortly afterward, his pokemon fully recovered. He grabbed croagunk's ball, and summoned it before him. "Croa?" It questioned upon its summoning. Cecil pointed to its face, "alright! Listen up, for this is your orientation!" The croagunk simply stared at him blankly, before turning it head away and crossing its arms, "-gunk."


Cecil's eye brow twitched, "look at me when I am speaking to you!" The coragunk lazily turned and opened one eye to look at him, before turning her back, "-gunk." "You little-" he said, before just planting his palm firmly into his face. He dragged it down off at a slow pace, "right, whatever. But I'm still going to talk, so just listen."


"Henceforth, you are an official member of my elite team of pokemon. This confers unto you a special set of privileges as well as responsibilities. Your first privilege is that you may at your own behest be summoned out of your pokeball, and you may stay outside of it so long as it does not conflict with your responsibilities. Secondly," he raised his hand, displaying two fingers upright to the croagunk's back, "as one of my compatriots, you deserve a code-name, one that signifies your status and role in the team."


"Croa?" the croagunk questioned, back still turned. Cecil put his hand to his chin, "yes, from now on, you are no ordinary croagunk. I shall bestow upon you a fitting name." Cecil's eyes drifted down in thought, "let's see. I found you in this, a petulant city of decay and shady characters. Growing up, you must have had a tough time, honing your skills just to survive in the streets and alleys that could only loosely be called your home. Thus it is, that I dub thee..." he lead into, pointing dramatically at the croagunk, who turned around, "Rogue!"


The croagunk was clearly unimpressed, "-gunk." Cecil crossed his arms, "well, I don't even care if you like it! That's not the point." Cecil brought to of his fingers to the bridge of his nose, turning at an acute angle, "alright, now for your responsibilities," he said, flourishing his hand back off his face, displaying his index finger, "first, you may at any point be called to assist in battle. In combat situations, you are expected to comply and cooperate with both me and the rest of the team. Failure to do so may result in your untimely demise... not by my hand, of course." He uncurled his middle finger, "Which brings us to your second responsibility. Stay healthy, dammit! Back down from a fight, if I judge you incapable of winning it! I will not tolerate your stubborn pride putting you into unnecessary danger." The croagunk looked at its new trainer, a mixture of surprise and disapproval upon its face, "croa..."


Suddenly, Cecil's other two pokeballs opened on his belt, his two other pokemon bringing themselves out. Cecil looked at the pair, "ah, perfect timing, I had just finished Rogue's orientation." The growlithe pranced over to the new team member, and sniffed it. The croagunk flinched backwards a bit, but the growlithe moved forward anyway and licked its face, then stepped back, "lithe!".


"All right, you three, let us go forth! To the gym!" Cecil led his pokemon, the trio of pokemon forming a triangular formation behind him. He had came upon the gym on his way to the pokecenter, and had no need to ask for directions. Standing at the entrance to the gym, he pulled open the door, the light of the outside illuminating his silhouette. This was, of course, exactly what he wanted, in the hopes it would give a dramatic first impression of him to the gym leader.




Unfortunately for him, the leader was already preoccupied. A small frown formed on his face, "tsk."


He walked up to the sidelines of the gym's arena, and took a seat. He didn't really recognize the challenger, but by the looks of him, he didn't think he was an Unovan native. "Must've been in another car, on the train. Oh well." His three pokemon took their seats alongside him, his sandslash and growlithe seating right by him, and the newly caught croagunk still keeping its distance.


He noticed that the challenger was using a sentret, against the leader's koffing. "Now, that's an odd match-up. I wonder if that trainer even knows what he's doing."




Before Vera rushed in for her Quick Attack, she made sure to use her tail as a spring to bounce above the Koffing before redirecting herself to tackle it into the ground. While the Sentret sprang upwards, Locke noticed a trainer come into the gym. He felt like the guy was judging him. He had taken a break from battling while in Sinnoh, after defeating the league of course, and it was definitely starting to show through in this battle.


But that didn't mean the guy had to be all judgy about him! 

Roxie didn't seem to notice the new trainer in the gym. She was far too focused on the battle at hand. Koffing was hit dead-on by the Quick Attack. Due to how Sentret had orchestrated it's move, the attack did quite a bit of damage to Koffing. Well, not that much. However, Koffing had been weakened enough earlier to drop down somewhat, and breath deeply. "Aw. You tired, bud?" Roxie asked her pokemon, who nodded. "Well, that's okay! Use Self-destruct!" Koffing nodded again, and began to glow white, which soon dispersed into a shockwave. The aftermath left Koffing fainted, and was returned to it's pokeball.




"Ah!"  Lurele quickly started to backpedal as the girl started pushing her back out the door, caught off-guard by the reaction she'd caused.  She had been expecting something more like the Seeker's Building in Asperita...  Comet had been so nice, after all.  "S-Sorry!  I was just curious...  I was wondering if anyone would be willing to tell me more about a guy supposedly following Kyurum!"


Glancing around she quickly lowers her voice, deciding that the way the man had acted it probably wasn't a good idea to talk about that in the middle of the street...  Glancing up at the Seeker's building again, Lurele apologizes again before turning to walk towards the Gym.  Sheesh...  I think I might get where Stella was coming from with her opinion on these people...

As Lurele mentioned Kyurem, the girl's face suddenly shifted between a shocked and nervous expression, to a cheesy smile. Said smile was only seen for a few seconds, however, as she slammed the large door as quickly as she possibly could after Lurele's final apology.


Lucky for Lurele, the gym was almost right next door to the Seekers building. There didn't look to be any battles currently taking place.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Tempest smirked as the evoloution finish. "Thing just got a lot more interesting." He thought to himself.


Cynder glanced at her new body, and noticed that the Jigglypuff had used Dazzling Gleam. "Braxian." She yelled, as she held her paws in front of her and fired off a psybeam. The two attacks connected and caused a explosion.

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Tempest smirked as the evoloution finish. "Thing just got a lot more interesting." He thought to himself.


Cynder glanced at her new body, and noticed that the Jigglypuff had used Dazzling Gleam. "Braxian." She yelled, as she held her paws in front of her and fired off a psybeam. The two attacks connected and caused a explosion.

"I wonder which move that's replacing..." Cheren thought aloud. "No matter. Disable it, Jigglypuff." Instead of disabling it right when the command was given, Jigglypuff began to run towards Braxien. Hopefully close range would mean it'd hit without a doubt.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Tempest smirked at his Pokémon's newfound strength. "This could tip the scales in my favor." He thought. "Cynder, use psybeam again." The trainer wanted to test out Cynder's new attack, and to keep the Jigglypuff away from Cynder.


The Braxian smirked slightly, before firing multiple psybeams into the smoke from the explosion. She didn't want to miss, and she liked the feeling of this power.


Drago watched as Cynder fought, and couldn't help but be enraptured by her grace.


(Spoiler: Scratch got replaced. Also, I may have Drago have a tiny crush on Cynder.)

Edited by Nightfury01
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"Hmpf.  Rude."  Dusting herself off, Lurele turns to walk into the gym.  She was mentally going over what she knew of Burgh - she was a native to Unova after all, it was only natural she should have an idea of what to expect.  Burgh uses bug types...  And he's an artist.  That means he probably has a different way of seeing things than a lot of other people.  I should be ready for anything.  Bug types...  Fighting types aren't a great match-up against bug, but it's not exactly a poor one either.  Could be a long match though, neither type is good against the other.  Torch should be useful for sure...  But Rio or Scraggy?  Probably Rio...  Scraggy looks tough, but...  I dunno, he might need a test battle before a gym Leader...


As she steps through the door, Lurele blinks and looks around at the interior of the building.  Burgh was certainly an artist alright...  The gym wasn't at all like she'd been expecting.  "Uh, hello?  I'm here to challenge the Gym!"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Vera smirked after driving the Koffing into the ground, but her eyes grew wide as the Pokemon grew a bright white. She tripped over herself several times trying to get away, but there was no escape for her. The shock-wave fired the Sentret into Locke's arms, who was already flailing around in fluster. Barely catching the fainted Pokemon, Locke returned it to its pokeball and sighed, scratching the scruff on his chin. Both of his Pokemon had now fainted. Not something Locke had exactly expected on his very first gym battle. Was he that out of practice? Now thinking about it, Clarion would have been a much better choice, seeing as the Koffing wouldn't have been able to touch her with the Self-Destruct. "Ah, guess I'm more out of practice than I thought. You better bet I'll be back though!" With that, he began walking out of the gym to head to the Pokemon Center.

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@, @@Leafeon,


Cecil gasped a bit in surprise at the koffing's self-destruct. "Gah, such a lame move!" He thought. Seeing that the trainer was out of pokemon, Cecil stood up out of his seat. Before he faced the Gym Leader, Cecil considered the other challenger. "Hey, you!" He said, before the trainer left. He didn't care if he actually paid attention, but he wanted to say something anyway, "If you're dead set on challenging the gyms here, you better shape up! I'll tolerate no weakling rivals."


Cecil then turned to face the Gym Leader. "Well, then, I suppose I'll be your next challenger." Cecil said matter-of-factly, a determined look in his eyes. He flashed the badge pinned to the inside of his collar, "and before you ask, I already have one badge. So don't expect me to lose like that other guy."

Edited by Aged Rain
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@@Leafeon, @


Jacques had been snoring softly when a sudden mental smack jolted him awake.  Karel, who had been balancing on his trainer's sleeping face, was launched through the air, but managed to land skillfully on his feet and looked back at Jacques proudly.  "Gah!" he exclaimed.  "What is it?!"  And why was I asleep? he thought.  Then he remembered that things like that tended to happen when Jigglypuff were in the area.  He would have to check a mirror later to be sure that no mustaches, beards, monocles, etc had been drawn on his face.


He turned his head to see Mara glaring at him and gesturing towards the battle.  He looked, and felt as though he had been mentally smacked again.  Was that Fennekin... evolving?  Two battles in a row?!  It was almost as though he had seen lightning strike the same place twice.  Or was this sort of thing more common than he had thought?  He may have to really step up his game before challenging even the first gym leader of the region!

Edited by Antismurf9001

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Tempest smirked at his Pokémon's newfound strength. "This could tip the scales in my favor." He thought. "Cynder, use psybeam again." The trainer wanted to test out Cynder's new attack, and to keep the Jigglypuff away from Cynder.


The Braxian smirked slightly, before firing multiple psybeams into the smoke from the explosion. She didn't want to miss, and she liked the feeling of this power.


Drago watched as Cynder fought, and couldn't help but be enraptured by her grace.


(Spoiler: Scratch got replaced. Also, I may have Drago have a tiny crush on Cynder.)


@@Leafeon, @


Jacques had been snoring softly when a sudden mental smack jolted him awake.  Karel, who had been balancing on his trainer's sleeping face, was launched through the air, but managed to land skillfully on his feet and looked back at Jacques proudly.  "Gah!" he exclaimed.  "What is it?!"  And why was I asleep? he thought.  Then he remembered that things like that tended to happen when Jigglypuff were in the area.  He would have to check a mirror later to be sure that no mustaches, beards, monocles, etc had been drawn on his face.


He turned his head to see Mara glaring at him and gesturing towards the battle.  He looked, and felt as though he had been mentally smacked again.  Was that Fennekin... evolving?  Two battles in a row?!  It was almost as though he had seen lightning strike the same place twice.  Or was this sort of thing more common than he had thought?  He may have to really step up his game before challenging even the first gym leader of the region!

Jigglypuff was hit by quite a few of the psybeams in it's race towards Braxien. However, it made it. About to use Disable, Jigglypuff was struck by another Psybeam, while in mid-air. She was thrown back. "Jigglypuff is unable to battle!" The referee shouted. 


Cheren pulled out a pokeball to return Jigglypuff to it's pokeball. The battle wasn't over yet, though. Jigglypuff had done significant damage to both of this trainer's pokemon, and Rufflet had an attack that couldn't be dodge. He had an idea as to what Rufflet could do about Braxien's attract, provided Psybeam hadn't replaced that, as well. "Rufflet!" Cheren said, summoning his other pokemon again. "Aerial Ace!" 


Rufflet began to fly at Braxien with blinding speeds, hitting it dead on. It then flew behind Braxien, spinning around to keep an eye on it.




"Hmpf.  Rude."  Dusting herself off, Lurele turns to walk into the gym.  She was mentally going over what she knew of Burgh - she was a native to Unova after all, it was only natural she should have an idea of what to expect.  Burgh uses bug types...  And he's an artist.  That means he probably has a different way of seeing things than a lot of other people.  I should be ready for anything.  Bug types...  Fighting types aren't a great match-up against bug, but it's not exactly a poor one either.  Could be a long match though, neither type is good against the other.  Torch should be useful for sure...  But Rio or Scraggy?  Probably Rio...  Scraggy looks tough, but...  I dunno, he might need a test battle before a gym Leader...


As she steps through the door, Lurele blinks and looks around at the interior of the building.  Burgh was certainly an artist alright...  The gym wasn't at all like she'd been expecting.  "Uh, hello?  I'm here to challenge the Gym!"

When Lurele called out in the gym, a voice could be heard from behind her. "Ah! Yes! Hello!" The voice said. The person behind her was most definitely Burgh. He seemed to have just suddenly appeared. Weird.


Weird was also a word that could describe the trainer himself. His clothes were a bit flamboyant, and his hair was rather long. He was most certainly odd looking. "I suppose you have come for a battle? He asked. "How many badges do you have, might I ask? Most people who challenge me already have two, or sometimes three."




Vera smirked after driving the Koffing into the ground, but her eyes grew wide as the Pokemon grew a bright white. She tripped over herself several times trying to get away, but there was no escape for her. The shock-wave fired the Sentret into Locke's arms, who was already flailing around in fluster. Barely catching the fainted Pokemon, Locke returned it to its pokeball and sighed, scratching the scruff on his chin. Both of his Pokemon had now fainted. Not something Locke had exactly expected on his very first gym battle. Was he that out of practice? Now thinking about it, Clarion would have been a much better choice, seeing as the Koffing wouldn't have been able to touch her with the Self-Destruct. "Ah, guess I'm more out of practice than I thought. You better bet I'll be back though!" With that, he began walking out of the gym to head to the Pokemon Center.


@, @@Leafeon,


Cecil gasped a bit in surprise at the koffing's self-destruct. "Gah, such a lame move!" He thought. Seeing that the trainer was out of pokemon, Cecil stood up out of his seat. Before he faced the Gym Leader, Cecil considered the other challenger. "Hey, you!" He said, before the trainer left. He didn't care if he actually paid attention, but he wanted to say something anyway, "If you're dead set on challenging the gyms here, you better shape up! I'll tolerate no weakling rivals."


Cecil then turned to face the face Gym Leader. "Well, then, I suppose I'll be your next challenger." Cecil said matter-of-factly, a determined look in his eyes. He flashed the badge pinned to the inside of his collar, "and before you ask, I already have one badge. So don't expect me to lose like that other guy."

Roxie spun Koffing's pokeball atop one of her fingers, before dropping it to catch in her hand. "Right, kid." Roxie said in a somewhat sarcastic tone, noting the new arrival. "All right!" She suddenly exclaimed. "I've been waiting forever to try out a pokemon for challengers with only one badge! Right! Let's go!"


Roxie picked out another three pokeballs from the guitar case near her feet, and put away the two she had taken for her battle with Locke. "Ariados, let's go!" She said, summoning a red spider pokemon. "Oh. You'll need three pokemon, if you didn't already know."



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Cynder grit her teethin pain, but held her ground.


Tempest sighed. He knew Cynder wouldn't be able to take another hit like that, but an idea grew in his head. "Cynder, couner sheild with psybeam." He said.


Cynder smirked, and fired multiple psybeams in random direction. It would be nearly impossible to get close to the Braxian.

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Cynder grit her teethin pain, but held her ground.


Tempest sighed. He knew Cynder wouldn't be able to take another hit like that, but an idea grew in his head. "Cynder, couner sheild with psybeam." He said.


Cynder smirked, and fired multiple psybeams in random direction. It would be nearly impossible to get close to the Braxian.

Cheren smirked slightly, but soon reverted back to his normal look. Obviously, his challenger had overlooked Rufflet's speed. It'd be easy enough for Rufflet to dodge every single attack Braxien made using Aerial Ace. "Use Aerial Ace again!" Rufflet nodded, making a sharp turn to the left of Braxien, and moving around her in a circle. Any attack aimed at Rufflet had no chance of hitting him, and all the other ones were easy enough to dodge. When Rufflet hit Braixen once again with Aerial Ace, the move wasn't as direct, therefore not dealing as much damage. 



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"A bug, eh?" Cecil remark. He considered his three pokemon, who had walked up behind him. "Scout could have an advantage with his Fire-Fang. However, he could get poisoned far easier then Warden... and, let me not forget this is a spider pokemon. Likely, it will try to entangle or slow my pokemon in a web. I'm not entirely sure if Warden's claws are sharp enough to cut through spider-silk, but if Scout gets tangled, then he might not be able to wrangle himself out with just his fangs. Hmm... well, when in doubt, I know who I should lead with."


"Warden! Step up." The sandslash complied, walking onto the battlefield to face the ariados. It sharpened its claws against one another, doing a flourish much like it did when Cecil summoned it to face the croagunk, "slash!"


"I would use Roll-out, but the possibility of a web... no, Warden'd just be stopped in his tracks." Cecil tugged at his scarf, "Dig, Warden!" The sandslash burrowed into the ground.

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Tempest grit his teeth in frustration as Cynder was hit by another aerial ace. It didn't do enough damage to knock her out, but it was still something. "I have to find a way to get past that thing's speed." He thought, as he noticed Gible's holes. "Cynder, go into the ground, and use psybeam." He said.

Cynder nodded, and dove into one of the holes that Gible had dug, and found the point where each tunnel met. She then fired psybeams in random directions. It reflected off the walls, and fired out of the ground at random intervals.


(Can we please end this soon. Others are waiting, and it would be rude to keep them waiting.)

Edited by Nightfury01
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Jacques shrieked as he dodged away from one of the many rogue psybeams.  What is wrong with this guy?! he thought.  Was it really necessary for him to endanger everything?  Jacques's pokemon didn't seem to mind though.  Mara actually appeared to be bored, teleporting out of the way of any beam that came too close, and Karel found this to be the perfect time to practice his move Detect.  At least this meant that Jacques only had to worry about himself, though he was unfortunately the only one of the three that couldn't hide safely inside of a poke ball.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Glameow attacked right on queue giving Espeon time to counter with Confusion. Espeon picked Glameow up and threw her back towards Tiana. "Err...I think it's weak enough to capture now, heh heh." Cilla said still blushing. She returns Espeon to her Pokeball and quickly leaves Route 19. Once she arrives in Floccesy Town she stops by the ranch. "Hello? It's Cilla again, I'm passing by so I thought I'd stop for a visit." she explains.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Oh!  Umm..."  Lurele starts to laugh lightly, rubbing at the back of her neck in embarrassment.  "...Zero."  She smiles as she stands there waiting for a response, but the pause felt far to uncomfortable to her.  "I'm Lurele, by the way...  Uh...  Hoping to be a gym leader myself some day..."  Not that Burgh probably cared, she felt better filling the silence with mindless chatter though.  No badges...  He's going to think I'm a total joke!  Why didn't I just go to challenge Cheren, he's used to challengers not having badges, he wouldn't have judged me!











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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"A bug, eh?" Cecil remark. He considered his three pokemon, who had walked up behind him. "Scout could have an advantage with his Fire-Fang. However, he could get poisoned far easier then Warden... and, let me not forget this is a spider pokemon. Likely, it will try to entangle or slow my pokemon in a web. I'm not entirely sure if Warden's claws are sharp enough to cut through spider-silk, but if Scout gets tangled, then he might not be able to wrangle himself out with just his fangs. Hmm... well, when in doubt, I know who I should lead with."


"Warden! Step up." The sandslash complied, walking onto the battlefield to face the ariados. It sharpened its claws against one another, doing a flourish much like it did when Cecil summoned it to face the croagunk, "slash!"


"I would use Roll-out, but the possibility of a web... no, Warden'd just be stopped in his tracks." Cecil tugged at his scarf, "Dig, Warden!" The sandslash burrowed into the ground.

"Use String shot, Ariados!" Ariados began to create a strong web at Roxie's command. It attached this to the ceiling, and began to hang from it. Ariados could easily survey the battlefield.


Tempest grit his teeth in frustration as Cynder was hit by another aerial ace. It didn't do enough damage to knock her out, but it was still something. "I have to find a way to get past that thing's speed." He thought, as he noticed Gible's holes. "Cynder, go into the ground, and use psybeam." He said.


Cynder nodded, and dove into one of the holes that Gible had dug, and found the point where each tunnel met. She then fired psybeams in random directions. It reflected off the walls, and fired out of the ground at random intervals.


(Can we please end this soon. Others are waiting, and it would be rude to keep them waiting.)


Jacques shrieked as he dodged away from one of the many rogue psybeams.  What is wrong with this guy?! he thought.  Was it really necessary for him to endanger everything?  Jacques's pokemon didn't seem to mind though.  Mara actually appeared to be bored, teleporting out of the way of any beam that came too close, and Karel found this to be the perfect time to practice his move Detect.  At least this meant that Jacques only had to worry about himself, though he was unfortunately the only one of the three that couldn't hide safely inside of a poke ball.

((Gym battles take a long time, hence why I stated this kind of roleplay is slow paced. The great thing about Unova is that there's enough gyms to skip a few, plus the Nacrene gym gives the exact same badge as the Aspertia one.))


Rufflet was taken aback. It fluttered around, trying desperately to dodge incoming attacks. Cheren gave no command, as there wasn't much he could do. Rufflet would just have to wait it out. An occasional psybeam would hit the flying type, but it seemed more annoying than anything, and the attacks weren't doing much.



Glameow attacked right on queue giving Espeon time to counter with Confusion. Espeon picked Glameow up and threw her back towards Tiana. "Err...I think it's weak enough to capture now, heh heh." Cilla said still blushing. She returns Espeon to her Pokeball and quickly leaves Route 19. Once she arrives in Floccesy Town she stops by the ranch. "Hello? It's Cilla again, I'm passing by so I thought I'd stop for a visit." she explains.

There was an old couple in the ranch house. The two of them bowed at the trainer's arrival. "Well, hello Cillia!" The woman said. "Anything we can get you?"




"Oh!  Umm..."  Lurele starts to laugh lightly, rubbing at the back of her neck in embarrassment.  "...Zero."  She smiles as she stands there waiting for a response, but the pause felt far to uncomfortable to her.  "I'm Lurele, by the way...  Uh...  Hoping to be a gym leader myself some day..."  Not that Burgh probably cared, she felt better filling the silence with mindless chatter though.  No badges...  He's going to think I'm a total joke!  Why didn't I just go to challenge Cheren, he's used to challengers not having badges, he wouldn't have judged me!


Burgh said nothing for a second, but suddenly spread his arms out. "Why, that's a wonderful dream! I hope to be able to teach you something, then!" Burgh exclaimed, stepping behind Lurele, where the battlefield was. He summoned a Seawaddle. "As per Unova league rules, you must have two pokemon for a challenge your first gym. You get first attack, as well.

  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Tempest smirked as his plan seemed to be working. "Now, use attract and ember." He said.


Cynder smirked as she leaped out of one of the holes and winked at the Rufflet, launching hearts at the bird. She then shot a small stream of fire at the small bird after using attract. The close vicinity of both attacks would make it hard to dodge, even with Rufflet's speed.

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"So, it seems we reached an impasse." Cecil remarked. The situation at hand was dull, he found. One in the ground, one on the ceiling. "We don't really want to expose ourselves, and none of my team really has a ranged attack... but, on the other hand... this is boring," he thought, stroking his chin.


"Alright, Warden, come on up!" Cecil yelled. His sandslash popped his head up, roughly just below the ariados. He looked at his trainer inquisitively, "sand?"


Cecil covered his face with his hand, "don't just sit there looking like an imbecile, do a defense curl!" The sandslash complied, popping itself out of the ground, and curling into a ball.


"His spiked exterior should prevent any real damage, and... well, his spines are scalloped, so it shouldn't be easy for him to get too entangled in a string shot." Cecil tapped his foot. He was clearly perturbed by how the battle was going. "Such inelegance. What ever happened to just scratching at one another until one passed out?"

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Lurele blinked before smiling at Burgh's reaction, the gym leader being much more accepting than she'd been expecting.  Turning around she nods and pumps one of her fists.  "Alright, here we go!  I know just who to use, too!"  She starts to reach for Torchic's Pokeball, but before she even touches it suddenly one of her other Pokeballs bursts open...  Leaving her newly acquired Scraggy standing there in front of her.  As though making an entrance Scraggy spreads its arms out wide.  Unfortunately this left its folds of loose skin free to fall down around its ankles.


Scraggy stands like that for a couple minutes, unblinking and seeming not to notice.  "Uh...  Scraggy, hon..."  He continues to stand there for a while before finally looking down, gasping and reaching down to pull the skin back up.  Covering her face with her palm, she smiles apologetically at Burgh.  "I uh...  Just caught Scraggy...  Oh well, Scraggy, if you want to volunteer, go ahead and use Dragon Dance!"


Again, an awkwardly long pause.  She was about to reach for Scraggy's Pokeball to recall him, sighing heavily, before the little Pokemon suddenly starts jerking back and forth and glowing red.  Sheesh, is he always like this?  This could...  Make the battle much more difficult...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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