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private Seekers (Pokemon RP)


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The string shot flew towards were the croagunk had been, but the pokemon was quick on its feet. Immediately after firing off the mud slap, the croagunk bounded towards its left, effectively dodging the string shot. "Evidently, I was correct in my assessment that Rogue honed her skills on the street. This is some impeccable dirty-fighting."


"Another mud slap, Rogue!" "Gunk!" The croagunk simultaneously fired off another shot of mud, and tensed its leg muscles as it prepared to bound to another position.

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Tiana nodded triumphantly, releasing Glameow’s tail from beneath her shoe.  “That’s more like it.  You’re gonna have to learn some better manners if you’re going to travel with me, y’know.”  Her expression softened for a moment before continuing. "I am sorry for smacking you, though.  I wasn't exactly being the most patient trainer, even though you were being a bit of a brat, haha..."  With that said and done, Tiana squatted next to the Glameow, taking out a new poke ball and tapping its button to the feline’s head.









@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos     @Flareon: Descant/Bard




@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee       @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne



Pokemon fan?  Play X and Y?  Wynaut check out the MLP Forums Pokemon League!


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Tempest heard the impact of the attack, and sighed. "You asked for this." He said, a twinge of regret in his voice. "Cynder, use attract. Drago, use dig."

Cynder followed her trainer's command, and winked. Hearts then flew towards Dunsparce

Drago recovered from the hit, and dove into the ground.

The hearts did nothing on Dunsparce. It continued to barrel around, moving far too fast for any Dig to hit it. It's next target was Cynder, and it began to race towards her at top speed.



"No no, I just thought I'd visit the Mareep again before I go off. Plus I wanted to see if any new Pokemon had shown up around the ranch." She says walking over to the first padlock. One Pokemon that caught her attention was a sleeping Turtwig. Cilla was surprised to see a starter Pokemon just sleeping in the middle of the ranch, much less a starter from a different region. "He'd be perfect for our team, don't you think Espeon?" "Espe~" The Psychic type says cheerfully. "Let's let our new friend take a shot at this one. Come on out Swabul!" Once the bird is released it looks around confused before perching itself on Cilla's head. "N-no Swablu not right now. Use Peck on that Turtwig over there." Swablu uses Peck though she pecks Cilla rather than the Turtwig. "Ow! No the Turtwig! The one sleeping right over there." Swablu continues to ignore her trainer's orders and uses Peck on Cilla once again. "Ow! Espeon?" she says with a sigh. Espeon nods and uses Swift on the Turtwig.

Turtwig was woken up by all the commotion, and drowsily got up to see not only a Dunsparce tormenting a trainer and his two pokemon, but a Swablu pecking at another one. The Swablu looked to be the trainer's pokemon too. Turtwig chuckled to itself. As it got up, it was met by a barrage of stars. Though Turtwig didn't seem to take much damage from them, it's eyes suddenly became huge. Turtwig looked like it was about to cry.




The string shot flew towards were the croagunk had been, but the pokemon was quick on its feet. Immediately after firing off the mud slap, the croagunk bounded towards its left, effectively dodging the string shot. "Evidently, I was correct in my assessment that Rogue honed her skills on the street. This is some impeccable dirty-fighting."


"Another mud slap, Rogue!" "Gunk!" The croagunk simultaneously fired off another shot of mud, and tensed its leg muscles as it prepared to bound to another position.

Every Mud Slap Croagunk fired made Ariados significantly more blind. "Alright, Ariados... Just string shot and hang from the ceiling!" Roxie said, obviously getting frustrated. "Then string shot on the entire field!" Ariados pulled itself up to ceiling, and began to coat the area in web.




Tiana nodded triumphantly, releasing Glameow’s tail from beneath her shoe.  “That’s more like it.  You’re gonna have to learn some better manners if you’re going to travel with me, y’know.”  Her expression softened for a moment before continuing. "I am sorry for smacking you, though.  I wasn't exactly being the most patient trainer, even though you were being a bit of a brat, haha..."  With that said and done, Tiana squatted next to the Glameow, taking out a new poke ball and tapping its button to the feline’s head.

The pokeball once again absorbed Glameow into it. One... Two... Three. The pokeball stayed shut. Glameow has been captured



Glameow! The Catty pokemon! It claws if displeased and purrs when affectionate. Its fickleness is very popular among some.

Gender: Female                  OT: Tiana (Sylveon)                 Nature: Naive/A little quick tempered (Nature doesn't affect battle performance)

Currently Knows: Fury Swipes, Fake out, Hypnosis and Feint Attack. Can be taught Charm, Assist, and Slash with minimum training.

Ability: Own Tempo

Edited by Leafeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Tempest grit his teeth in frustration. "Cynder, dodge and use psybeam." He said. The trainer then had and idea. "Drago, use attract."


The Fennekin jumped out of the way, nearly getting hit by the Dunsparce. When she landed, Cynder fired a multi colored beam of energy at the Dunsparce.


Drago jumped out of the ground, and fired multiple hearts at the Dunsparce.

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((note: bugs actually resist ground-type moves, and no, I do not know the logic to that. Thus, mud-slap does neutral damage))


The croagunk dodged the ariados's haphazard string shots, but the surface was quickly getting covered. Cecil scanned the battlefield, looking for something he could use to his advantage. "Ah!" He thought, an idea forming when he saw the hole that warden had previously dug. "Rogue, crawl into that hole!" Cecil commanded, "croa?" his pokemon questioned, clearly not comfortable with the idea of hiding underground. "Just deal with it! We can't have you get your feet stuck on that web!"


"Croa." The pokemon bounded over towards the hole, crawling in to shelter itself from the spray of silk above.


Content that the ariados was finishing up its maneuver, "Come back up, Rogue!". The croagunk pulled its head and torso from the hole. "Now, another Mud Slap!" The croagunk slapped some mud up towards the blinded ariados hanging on the ceiling.

  • Brohoof 1
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((Phone post, no fancy formatting))


Lurele rubs at the back of her neck as she looks at the fluttering Vivillon, then back to her Torchic who had been knocked rolling backwards from the Gust. "No fire attacks, huh? Well, that will certainly make things harder... Thank you for the warning, but wouldn't it have been better to not tell me about it?" She looks at Burgh curiously as she asked. He was certainly an interesting individual, alright... She couldn't help but start to like the artistic gym leader.


After waiting for a moment for him to answer, she decides its time to get back to the battle and points her finger at the Vivillon. "Well, you heard him Torch, no fire attacks! So go for Peck!" As Torchic's beak starts to glow she starts running towards Vivillon as fast as she can, her tiny legs pumpin quickly before leaping at the butterfly and trying to jab it with her beak.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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"Use Work Up, Furfrou." Cheren commanded, and Furfrou started to look rather upset. It stayed in this expression until Mienfoo started attacking with Pound. "Now, Baby-doll Eyes." Furfrou's eyes got big once more. Due to the priority of the move, Pound's power was reset to neutral once again. Add Furfrou's ability on top of that, and the move didn't do much damage at all.


Jacques cringed as he realized how this battle was going to progress.  Baby-doll Eyes was going to keep Karel in a neutral state, while Work Up continued to make Furfrou stronger.  His opponent could withstand hit after hit, but the Mienfoo's weak defenses could not.  As soon as Fufrou attacked physically, it would hurt.  A lot.  He could try switching to Mara, but if Karel's defenses were weak, then Mara's were nothing but prayers.  He was locked into this grueling dance, and he would not come out on top.


Then an idea hit him: one that was so insane, that there was no possible way it could work.  In fact, he could immediately think of at least a dozen ways that it would immediately fail.  But what the hell, he thought, you don't know until you try.  "Karel!  Use Meditate again, but do it while balancing on Furfrou's head!"  Karel looked back at his trainer with astonished confusion.  "Mie foo?"  "Yes, that means exactly what you think it means," Jacques confirmed.  "Use Detect at the inevitable counterattack."  Being on top of the opponent would allow Karel to avoid the gaze of Baby-doll eyes, and even if the Meditate failed, hopefully Detect would allow him to dodge whatever attack came his way.


Karel shrugged.  He had balanced on many things before; surely a pokemon that had every intention of beating him senseless would be no different.  The Mienfoo sprinted towards the Furfrou and jumped into the air when he got close, hoping to at least reach the pokemon's neck so that he could climb up it.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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The trainer looked like they were about to say something, but stopped themselves before actually producing any audible sound. The trainer then pointed to the exit Locke had been trying to go through. Though he didn't answer Locke's question, he looked to be telling him to go that way. When Locke didn't start walking in said direction about two seconds after he was vaguely directed to, the trainer attempted to usher him to the exit.


Locke looked at where the trainer was pointing and then back at the trainer. "Are you saying I can- Oh! Oh, okay. Alright I'm going!" Locke inched away from the man who was trying to practically push him towards the exit and gave him a somewhat awkward smile as he made his way to Pinwheel Forest, adjusting his jacket collar as he went. 

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Tempest grit his teeth in frustration. "Cynder, dodge and use psybeam." He said. The trainer then had and idea. "Drago, use attract."


The Fennekin jumped out of the way, nearly getting hit by the Dunsparce. When she landed, Cynder fired a multi colored beam of energy at the Dunsparce.


Drago jumped out of the ground, and fired multiple hearts at the Dunsparce.

Dunsparce barreled through the Psybeam, though didn't manage to hit Cynder, as the hearts collided with it, however, it slowed down, and eventually came to a stop.




((note: bugs actually resist ground-type moves, and no, I do not know the logic to that. Thus, mud-slap does neutral damage))


The croagunk dodged the ariados's haphazard string shots, but the surface was quickly getting covered. Cecil scanned the battlefield, looking for something he could use to his advantage. "Ah!" He thought, an idea forming when he saw the hole that warden had previously dug. "Rogue, crawl into that hole!" Cecil commanded, "croa?" his pokemon questioned, clearly not comfortable with the idea of hiding underground. "Just deal with it! We can't have you get your feet stuck on that web!"


"Croa." The pokemon bounded over towards the hole, crawling in to shelter itself from the spray of silk above.


Content that the ariados was finishing up its maneuver, "Come back up, Rogue!". The croagunk pulled its head and torso from the hole. "Now, another Mud Slap!" The croagunk slapped some mud up towards the blinded ariados hanging on the ceiling.

"Alright, Ariados..." Roxie began. "There's no way Mud-slap's gonna knock you out, so just stay put." Ariados nodded, and remained where it was, which was just about the centre of the field. It was almost completely blinded now. There was no way it could fight long range.


((Phone post, no fancy formatting))


Lurele rubs at the back of her neck as she looks at the fluttering Vivillon, then back to her Torchic who had been knocked rolling backwards from the Gust. "No fire attacks, huh? Well, that will certainly make things harder... Thank you for the warning, but wouldn't it have been better to not tell me about it?" She looks at Burgh curiously as she asked. He was certainly an interesting individual, alright... She couldn't help but start to like the artistic gym leader.


After waiting for a moment for him to answer, she decides its time to get back to the battle and points her finger at the Vivillon. "Well, you heard him Torch, no fire attacks! So go for Peck!" As Torchic's beak starts to glow she starts running towards Vivillon as fast as she can, her tiny legs pumpin quickly before leaping at the butterfly and trying to jab it with her beak.

Burgh shrugged. "I don't believe relying on your opponent's ignorance to win is a proper technique. He said. "As an aspiring gym leader, I'm sure you are aware of a leader's responsibility? It's to gauge an opponent's power, not simply win! Though I'm sure some leaders, like the one in Virbank, believe otherwise. Once Burgh had finished talking, Lurele commanded her Torchic to use Peck. He pointed towards Vivillion, about to issue a command."Psybeam!" Vivillion began to fire a beam of colours at Torchic as it charged towards the bug type.


Jacques cringed as he realized how this battle was going to progress.  Baby-doll Eyes was going to keep Karel in a neutral state, while Work Up continued to make Furfrou stronger.  His opponent could withstand hit after hit, but the Mienfoo's weak defenses could not.  As soon as Fufrou attacked physically, it would hurt.  A lot.  He could try switching to Mara, but if Karel's defenses were weak, then Mara's were nothing but prayers.  He was locked into this grueling dance, and he would not come out on top.


Then an idea hit him: one that was so insane, that there was no possible way it could work.  In fact, he could immediately think of at least a dozen ways that it would immediately fail.  But what the hell, he thought, you don't know until you try.  "Karel!  Use Meditate again, but do it while balancing on Furfrou's head!"  Karel looked back at his trainer with astonished confusion.  "Mie foo?"  "Yes, that means exactly what you think it means," Jacques confirmed.  "Use Detect at the inevitable counterattack."  Being on top of the opponent would allow Karel to avoid the gaze of Baby-doll eyes, and even if the Meditate failed, hopefully Detect would allow him to dodge whatever attack came his way.


Karel shrugged.  He had balanced on many things before; surely a pokemon that had every intention of beating him senseless would be no different.  The Mienfoo sprinted towards the Furfrou and jumped into the air when he got close, hoping to at least reach the pokemon's neck so that he could climb up it.

As Mienfoo attempted to get atop Furfrou's head, Furfrou was ready. Though Cheren had not commanded it to use such a move, it used Headbutt on Mienfoo, who made a direct collision with Furfrou's head. "...Excellent work, Furfrou." Cheren said, indifferently. He was confused by the oppositions actions.


Locke looked at where the trainer was pointing and then back at the trainer. "Are you saying I can- Oh! Oh, okay. Alright I'm going!" Locke inched away from the man who was trying to practically push him towards the exit and gave him a somewhat awkward smile as he made his way to Pinwheel Forest, adjusting his jacket collar as he went. 

- Pinwheel Forest -

Pinwheel forest was dimly lit. Many fallen tree branches were hard to see, and could be easily tripped over. That was only in the deeper part of the forest, however, as a clear path also lead through the forest. In said path, a Slakoth slept. In the deeper part of the forest, a flock of Pidove rested in the branches of a few trees. A Yanma buzzed about. A group of Cherubi, Oddish, Petilil, Cottonee, Seedot, and Shroomish played in a small clearing. Near a pond's edge, a large Pumpkaboo played. An unseen battle could be heard in the distance.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Tempest sighed, as the Dunsparce stopped. "Cynder, use ember. Drago, use fire fang." He said, wanting to knock the Dunsparce out.


Cynder gave out a small cry, and shot several small flames towards the Dunsparce.


Drago nodded, and ran towards his opponent with a mouthful of flames.

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Cecil smirked, seeing that his plan to blind the ariados had been most effective. "Unfortunately, Rogue doesn't really have any moves to effectively deal damage against this thing... fighting techniques are ineffectual against bugs and poison-types..."


"Rogue!" Cecil called to his pokemon. Without a word, he signaled his pokemon to move to the sidelines. Noting her trainer's silent command, the croagunk simply nodded, and bounced to the sides, making sure to not step on the sticky floor. Cecil whistled, and Scout the growlithe happily bounded onto the field. "You know what to do." The growlithe was about to yelp in eagerness, but Cecil shot him a death glare that warned the pup not to.


The growlithe ran up towards the ariados, the fire-type's naturally high body heat singing the silk as he stepped on it. It opened its mouth wide, its fangs glowing with heat as flames formed around them.


"Hopefully, my silent commands catch the ariados unaware."

Edited by Aged Rain
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Near a pond's edge, a large Pumpkaboo played. An unseen battle could be heard in the distance.


Locke stepped happily off the bridge as he looked around, the odd encounter not hindering Locke's excitement. He noticed a quite nice looking Pokemon near a pond and slowly walked over to it. "Aw! Aren't you the cutest little thing?" "Sen!" "Yes, even more than you, Vera." "...Sentret?" "Hmm... I don't know... It's a pretty close tie... Probably Clarion since- Hey I wasn't being literal! Anyway, let's check up on this cutie patootie... Blech! Don't ever let me say that again, Vera." Locke quickly checked his Pokedex for the very little information on the Pokemon. What it did give though, was the Pokemon's type. Which happened to be part Ghost. "No way! Don't look like much of one though... Not like it matters! Sorry Vera, but you won't do much against this thing!" Sen? Sentr-" Neglecting the fact that Vera knew Foresight, Locke sent out Revvy the Gastly, in case the Pokemon wasn't too friendly. Crossing her arms and huffing, despite just getting trained up to the skill level of Revvy, Vera began to wander away from Locke, towards a bit of a scuffle she heard. 

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"Oh!  Hehe...  Right..."  Lurele smiled slightly - she was starting to like Burgh...  He really seemed to know what he was doing as a Gym Leader.  "Oh, Torch, watch out!"  The hyper little Torchic tried to avoid the Psybeam, bouncing off to the side.  While it managed to avoid the attack, it did manage to keep her from getting any closer to Vivillon...


Watching her Pokemon trying to avoid the attack, Lurele starts to grin as she pumps her fist in front of her again, letting her other hand rest on her hip.  "That'a girl, Torch!  Don't let it hit you, be patient until you can get close enough to hit it with Peck!"  She grins across the gym to Burgh, winking at the gym leader.  "Fair is fair, you warned me about Vivillon's powder...  Well, we have a surprise in store too!  The longer Torch battles, the faster she gets!"  Watching as the Torchic again starts to dash towards Vivillon, she did indeed seem a little quicker than she had before...  Her Speed Boost ability was beginning to take effect!











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Tempest sighed, as the Dunsparce stopped. "Cynder, use ember. Drago, use fire fang." He said, wanting to knock the Dunsparce out.


Cynder gave out a small cry, and shot several small flames towards the Dunsparce.


Drago nodded, and ran towards his opponent with a mouthful of flames.

Both of the moves hit Dunsparce, and it started to breathe heavily. Noting that Tempest was not someone to be messed around with, it ran to another patch of grass to hide there, and scare the occasional trainer.




Cecil smirked, seeing that his plan to blind the ariados had been most effective. "Unfortunately, Rogue doesn't really have any moves to effectively deal damage against this thing... fighting techniques are ineffectual against bugs and poison-types..."


"Rogue!" Cecil called to his pokemon. Without a word, he signaled his pokemon to move to the sidelines. Noting her trainer's silent command, the croagunk simply nodded, and bounced to the sides, making sure to not step on the sticky floor. Cecil whistled, and Scout the growlithe happily bounded onto the field. "You know what to do." The growlithe was about to yelp in eagerness, but Cecil shot him a death glare that warned the pup not to.


The growlithe ran up towards the ariados, the fire-type's naturally high body heat singing the silk as he stepped on it. It opened its mouth wide, its fangs glowing with heat as flames formed around them.


"Hopefully, my silent commands catch the ariados unaware."

"Ariados, left!" Roxie shouted. Not that Ariados needed her to shout that. It could feel the web burning away from its left under it's hooked claws on its feet. Turning that way, as Growlithe was almost right upon the bug type, Ariados knew exactly what move to use next. "I wanted to save this move for a bit later, but oh well. Ariados! Use Sucker Punch!" Roxie said with a grin. Due to how close Growlithe was, and Sucker Punch's priority, Ariados easily managed to hit Growlithe just under the muzzle with one of it's feet.


Locke stepped happily off the bridge as he looked around, the odd encounter not hindering Locke's excitement. He noticed a quite nice looking Pokemon near a pond and slowly walked over to it. "Aw! Aren't you the cutest little thing?" "Sen!" "Yes, even more than you, Vera." "...Sentret?" "Hmm... I don't know... It's a pretty close tie... Probably Clarion since- Hey I wasn't being literal! Anyway, let's check up on this cutie patootie... Blech! Don't ever let me say that again, Vera." Locke quickly checked his Pokedex for the very little information on the Pokemon. What it did give though, was the Pokemon's type. Which happened to be part Ghost. "No way! Don't look like much of one though... Not like it matters! Sorry Vera, but you won't do much against this thing!" Sen? Sentr-" Neglecting the fact that Vera knew Foresight, Locke sent out Revvy the Gastly, in case the Pokemon wasn't too friendly. Crossing her arms and huffing, despite just getting trained up to the skill level of Revvy, Vera began to wander away from Locke, towards a bit of a scuffle she heard.

((If any of you have watched Clannad, this Pumpkaboo is basically Fuko, but with Ghost types instead of starfish.))


Pumpkaboo continued to play in the water until it noticed Revvy and Locke. When it did, it looked straight at Revvy. "Boo." It said, in a quiet voice, then suddenly hovered up to Gastly, and said it again, this time louder. "Boo." After a long pause of Pumpkaboo saying nothing and doing nothing, it suddenly tried to hug Gastly, despite the distinct lack of arms. Pumpkaboo looked completely infatuated by Revvy, and had almost completely zoned out.


Sentret, on the other hand, came across a Sawk and Throh fighting each other. Neither noticed the small Sentret.




"Oh!  Hehe...  Right..."  Lurele smiled slightly - she was starting to like Burgh...  He really seemed to know what he was doing as a Gym Leader.  "Oh, Torch, watch out!"  The hyper little Torchic tried to avoid the Psybeam, bouncing off to the side.  While it managed to avoid the attack, it did manage to keep her from getting any closer to Vivillon...


Watching her Pokemon trying to avoid the attack, Lurele starts to grin as she pumps her fist in front of her again, letting her other hand rest on her hip.  "That'a girl, Torch!  Don't let it hit you, be patient until you can get close enough to hit it with Peck!"  She grins across the gym to Burgh, winking at the gym leader.  "Fair is fair, you warned me about Vivillon's powder...  Well, we have a surprise in store too!  The longer Torch battles, the faster she gets!"  Watching as the Torchic again starts to dash towards Vivillon, she did indeed seem a little quicker than she had before...  Her Speed Boost ability was beginning to take effect!

"That is indeed interesting..." Burgh said. "Though, fire types usually don't last very long in battle. No matter. Vivillion, I'd like you to make the call here." Vivillion remained where it was, and waited for Torchic to get close. Once it had, Vivillion released a yellow powder. Stun Spore. That might just even the odds a bit.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Tempest sighed, as Dunsparce ran away. He didn't want to hurt the Pokémon if it wasn't necessary, but he didn't quite feel right about it. He then looked out over the ranch, wanting to find a Pokémon that would fit with the force that was his team.


Drago glanced at Cynder, while Tempest walked around the ranch. She didn't seem to notice, and the young dragon thanked Arceus for that.

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((If any of you have watched Clannad, this Pumpkaboo is basically Fuko, but with Ghost types instead of starfish.))   Pumpkaboo continued to play in the water until it noticed Revvy and Locke. When it did, it looked straight at Revvy. "Boo." It said, in a quiet voice, then suddenly hovered up to Gastly, and said it again, this time louder. "Boo." After a long pause of Pumpkaboo saying nothing and doing nothing, it suddenly tried to hug Gastly, despite the distinct lack of arms. Pumpkaboo looked completely infatuated by Revvy, and had almost completely zoned out.   Sentret, on the other hand, came across a Sawk and Throh fighting each other. Neither noticed the small Sentret.


((Dammit Leafeon! I said I didn't want to catch it! Stop making me regret that!))


Locke nearly had a heart attack at the Pumpkaboo's adorable advances, while Revvy just gave the Pokemon an odd look as it essentially just made contact with him, considering neither Pokemon had arms. Locke was making barely audible noises as he fussed over the adorableness of what was going on. He was so intent on just watching the incredibly cute Pokemon that it didn't even come across him then to try and capture it.


Meanwhile, Vera watched intently as the fight went on. Oh! Maybe she could try and test her new attack on them! The Sentret smiled at the thought and scampered over to the Pokemon, attempting to request to spar with them. "Sen Sentret!" 

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As Mienfoo attempted to get atop Furfrou's head, Furfrou was ready. Though Cheren had not commanded it to use such a move, it used Headbutt on Mienfoo, who made a direct collision with Furfrou's head. "...Excellent work, Furfrou." Cheren said, indifferently. He was confused by the oppositions actions.


Karel was already in midair when he realized the folly of the plan.  There was no way to pull off Detect like this; all he could do was brace himself for the impact.  The collision sent the Mienfoo soaring backwards to roll over several times and skid to a stop several feet in front of Jacques.  Jacques blinked, and then stated, "Ah, well that happened."  He mentally filed this tactic away into the 'Astronomically Stupid' category.  Karel managed to get up, but Jacques knew that he couldn't take another hit like that, and Detect would only get him so far.  "Karel, return.  Mara, you're up."  Due to the Mienfoo's regenerator ability, it was always better to recall him before he took too much damage.  That way, he would have a chance to heal up, and could come back into the fight later.


"Alright Mara, use Disable, then Confusion when you get the chance."  Disable usually blocked off the last move that was used, so he hoped that Headbutt would be disabled.  It was risky, since he only knew three of Furfrou's four moves, but he didn't have much of a choice at this point.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Sable let out a sigh of relief once Tempest finished his battle with Cheren. However once the gym leader called Jacques up instead of her, she had had enough. "Oh for the love of...Come on Umbreon we're going. Hopefully Roxie will be free when we get to Virbank." She says walking out of the gym and heading to Virbank. As luck would have it, Roxie was currently busy fighting someone else. "Damn, I was really looking forward to fighting her too." She says. Roxie was Sable's favorite gym leader and she loved her music, but it seemed she would just have to come back later. When she finally arrived in Castelia City the first thing she did was check the gym and, of course, Burgh was busy with another trainer. "Uhhg, where are all these people coming from?" Sable says quite annoyed. Given the choice between going north to Nimbasa and east to Nacrene, she chose east figuring she could hurry and get the Basic Badge from Lenora then try and get the Trio Badge in Striaton.


Running down Skyarrow Bridge, she bumps into a man in grey clothes and nearly trips on herself. "Ah! Hey watch yourself, you saw me coming." Sable says knowing full well it was her fault. She takes a moment to look at his strange attire. She hadn't seen clothes that strange since the days of the original Team Plasma. "I'm no fashion designer, but you might want to wear something other than a bunch of grey. Just a thought." Normally she would keep all this to herself but Sable was quiet mad about the whole situation with the gym leaders and didn't care much to use her filter. Umbreon studies the man as well. He got a bad vibe from him but couldn't tell why. He growls at him lowly.



Cilla ran over to Turtwig when she saw the poor thing about to cry. "Oh no no, shhh." She said trying to calm the grass turtle down. "Don't cry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Here, this Oran Berry should make you feel better." Cilla said holding out a blue round berry. Swablu continued to sit on her trainer's head as it was quite comfy.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Ah, Torch, be careful!"  It was too late though, as the Torchic had already been in the process of leaping towards the Vivillon.  This meant she had jumped directly through the cloud of stun spore, practically on a collision course with the butterfly.  Running out of ideas, Lurele decided their last chance now that the Torchic was paralyzed was going to be to take the risk and ignore Burgh's warning...  At nearly point blank range, Lurele calls out to her Pokemon "Use Ember!"  Torchic's beak starts to glow with heat before she opens her tiny mouth, attempting to shoot the Ember attack at Vivillon.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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After a few minutes, Tgmpest decided to go for one of the Marrep. He noticed one that was exactly close to the herd, and walked towards it. "Hello." He said, smiling slightly. He wouldn't fight the Pokemon, but just wanted to see if it wanted to come with him.

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The ariados's sucker punch smacked the growlithe straight in the jaw, effectively closing its jaws before it could bite the spider. "Non! The web must've alerted the ariados... " The growlithe sprawled onto the floor, confused by the ariados's sudden attack. Cecil looked at the ground, noting the singed web, and how the ariados seemed hooked onto the silk. Growlithe's mouth still burned with fire, and Cecil's eyes widened as he thought of an idea. 


"Scout, bite the silk, set as much of it ablaze as you can!" The growlithe got up, "-lithe!" and bit into a thicker section of the silk, tugging at it and setting it on fire. The fire spread from that point, as the growlithe pulled and dragged the burning silk in his mouth all across the floor.

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Tempest sighed, as Dunsparce ran away. He didn't want to hurt the Pokémon if it wasn't necessary, but he didn't quite feel right about it. He then looked out over the ranch, wanting to find a Pokémon that would fit with the force that was his team.


Drago glanced at Cynder, while Tempest walked around the ranch. She didn't seem to notice, and the young dragon thanked Arceus for that.


After a few minutes, Tgmpest decided to go for one of the Marrep. He noticed one that was exactly close to the herd, and walked towards it. "Hello." He said, smiling slightly. He wouldn't fight the Pokemon, but just wanted to see if it wanted to come with him.

"Baah!" Mareep cried loudly when Tempest approached. It seemed friendly enough. The wild pokemon in the pens were naturally friendly to people, as they saw them often. 


((Dammit Leafeon! I said I didn't want to catch it! Stop making me regret that!))


Locke nearly had a heart attack at the Pumpkaboo's adorable advances, while Revvy just gave the Pokemon an odd look as it essentially just made contact with him, considering neither Pokemon had arms. Locke was making barely audible noises as he fussed over the adorableness of what was going on. He was so intent on just watching the incredibly cute Pokemon that it didn't even come across him then to try and capture it.


Meanwhile, Vera watched intently as the fight went on. Oh! Maybe she could try and test her new attack on them! The Sentret smiled at the thought and scampered over to the Pokemon, attempting to request to spar with them. "Sen Sentret!"

((I had the idea to make it that adorable when you said you didn't want it. I'm spiteful like that.))


Once Pumpkaboo had stopped it's infatuated state, it looked Revvy right in the eye. It then began to spout sounds that could only be comprehended by other pokemon. The noises roughly translated too. "What's a fellow ghost type like you doing with a trainer like that? Especially one so cute! How about we run away together?" As Pumpkaboo said this, it made exaggerated expressions to convey urgency.


When Sentret entered the arena, the two pokemon immediately stopped fighting. This pokemon clearly wasn't from the forest. Those guys would leave the two fighting types alone to do what the typing suggested. Throh sighed at the Sentret's request, while Sawk tried to usher it to a clearing where a bunch of grass types were playing together.


Karel was already in midair when he realized the folly of the plan.  There was no way to pull off Detect like this; all he could do was brace himself for the impact.  The collision sent the Mienfoo soaring backwards to roll over several times and skid to a stop several feet in front of Jacques.  Jacques blinked, and then stated, "Ah, well that happened."  He mentally filed this tactic away into the 'Astronomically Stupid' category.  Karel managed to get up, but Jacques knew that he couldn't take another hit like that, and Detect would only get him so far.  "Karel, return.  Mara, you're up."  Due to the Mienfoo's regenerator ability, it was always better to recall him before he took too much damage.  That way, he would have a chance to heal up, and could come back into the fight later.


"Alright Mara, use Disable, then Confusion when you get the chance."  Disable usually blocked off the last move that was used, so he hoped that Headbutt would be disabled.  It was risky, since he only knew three of Furfrou's four moves, but he didn't have much of a choice at this point.

Furfrou proudly puffed its chest out at Mienfoo's return. It would count this as a victory for now. The proudness of Furfrou led it to have no hope in dodging Disable, and Headbutt was made no longer usable. Cheren merely tilted his head, then put a hand to his chin. "This is a psychic type, no?" Cheren thought aloud. "I suppose I wouldn't use Headbutt in that case, anyway. Furfrou, use Bite." Furfrou began to run towards Mara, running in a slightly zigzagged pattern to avoid possible attacks, fangs aglow.



Sable let out a sigh of relief once Tempest finished his battle with Cheren. However once the gym leader called Jacques up instead of her, she had had enough. "Oh for the love of...Come on Umbreon we're going. Hopefully Roxie will be free when we get to Virbank." She says walking out of the gym and heading to Virbank. As luck would have it, Roxie was currently busy fighting someone else. "Damn, I was really looking forward to fighting her too." She says. Roxie was Sable's favorite gym leader and she loved her music, but it seemed she would just have to come back later. When she finally arrived in Castelia City the first thing she did was check the gym and, of course, Burgh was busy with another trainer. "Uhhg, where are all these people coming from?" Sable says quite annoyed. Given the choice between going north to Nimbasa and east to Nacrene, she chose east figuring she could hurry and get the Basic Badge from Lenora then try and get the Trio Badge in Striaton.


Running down Skyarrow Bridge, she bumps into a man in grey clothes and nearly trips on herself. "Ah! Hey watch yourself, you saw me coming." Sable says knowing full well it was her fault. She takes a moment to look at his strange attire. She hadn't seen clothes that strange since the days of the original Team Plasma. "I'm no fashion designer, but you might want to wear something other than a bunch of grey. Just a thought." Normally she would keep all this to herself but Sable was quiet mad about the whole situation with the gym leaders and didn't care much to use her filter. Umbreon studies the man as well. He got a bad vibe from him but couldn't tell why. He growls at him lowly.



Cilla ran over to Turtwig when she saw the poor thing about to cry. "Oh no no, shhh." She said trying to calm the grass turtle down. "Don't cry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Here, this Oran Berry should make you feel better." Cilla said holding out a blue round berry. Swablu continued to sit on her trainer's head as it was quite comfy.

The trainer on the bridge - clearly annoyed - got up from the beam he was leaning against and stood in front of her. He was about to usher her through the exit, but then noted that she had a pokemon out and about, obviously aggressive. Saying nothing, he pulls out a pokeball, and summons a pokemon. Glalie. The trainer then tried to usher Sable through the exit, while Glalie tried to usher Umbreon. 


Turtwig immediately stopped crying, and produced a happy sound, eating the Oran Berry from Cillia's hand. It stopped half way, noticing Espeon, and hid from the psychic type behind Cillia.




"Ah, Torch, be careful!"  It was too late though, as the Torchic had already been in the process of leaping towards the Vivillon.  This meant she had jumped directly through the cloud of stun spore, practically on a collision course with the butterfly.  Running out of ideas, Lurele decided their last chance now that the Torchic was paralyzed was going to be to take the risk and ignore Burgh's warning...  At nearly point blank range, Lurele calls out to her Pokemon "Use Ember!"  Torchic's beak starts to glow with heat before she opens her tiny mouth, attempting to shoot the Ember attack at Vivillon.

Burgh looked a tad confused. A fire type move? After he had just told the trainer it'd fail? "Alright Vivillion. Use Powder!" Due to Powder's priority, Torchic was covered in the powder. The powder absorbed the Ember, causing all of the powder to explode. Though Vivillion was pushed back, Torchic took the bulk of the damage. "Now use Gust with gusto!" Vivillion began to flap it's wings at Torchic, creating a strong wind current.



The ariados's sucker punch smacked the growlithe straight in the jaw, effectively closing its jaws before it could bite the spider. "Non! The web must've alerted the ariados... " The growlithe sprawled onto the floor, confused by the ariados's sudden attack. Cecil looked at the ground, noting the singed web, and how the ariados seemed hooked onto the silk. Growlithe's mouth still burned with fire, and Cecil's eyes widened as he thought of an idea. 


"Scout, bite the silk, set as much of it ablaze as you can!" The growlithe got up, "-lithe!" and bit into a thicker section of the silk, tugging at it and setting it on fire. The fire spread from that point, as the growlithe pulled and dragged the burning silk in his mouth all across the floor.

"Get out of there, Ariados! Use String Shot at the ceiling again!" Ariados was just about to do as Roxie had said, but suddenly felt a burning sensation. The fire had finally reached Ariados, causing the pokemon to cry out in pain. The fire cleared soon after, showing a fainted Ariados and a web free arena. "Good job. Ariados, return." Roxie said, looking somewhat modest for a second, then reverting her face back to a confident grin. "Now that I've seen all your pokemon, I know who to use. Qwilfish! Let's rock this!" She said, summoning a spiky fish. "Bubble!" Qwilfish fired an array of bubbles at Growlithe as soon as it had been released.

Edited by Leafeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Tempest smiled slightly, and ran a hand through the Mareep's soft fur. "I assume you already know why I'm here, but I'll still ask this anyway. Do you want to join my team while we travel through Unova?" He asked, feeling a slight tingling in his hand. The trainer slowly withdrew, and pulled out a Pokeball. He then set it on the ground in front of the wool Pokémon.

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Cecil ran his hand through his hair, "well, I didn't really obfuscate that information. That's just not my style, ya' know." Cecil was so caught up in himself, that he hardly registered the bubbles going toward his growlithe. The growlithe itself, was too preoccupied gaily bouncing through the dying flames to take much notice of the enemy, either.


Thus, it would come as no surprise to anyone watching when the bubble attack made direct contact with the growlithe. Despite being a rather weak attack, it caught the growlithe by enough a surprise that he has knocked off his feet, yelping "grow!". This caught its trainer's attention, "huh? Oh, right! Scout, use Agility to come back!"


The pup got back on its feet, and quickly darted past the qwilfish into the sidelines. "Your turn again, Rogue!" Cecil said, not even turning back to the sidelines to face his pokemon. The croagunk happily bounded back to battlefield, eager for another round. "If I remeber correctly, Rogue has an affinity for absorbing water... Dry Skin, the pokedex called it. The poison typing still weakens her fighting attacks, but also her mudslap... A straight on revenge would probably be my best best."


"Rogue, use Revenge!" The croagunk nodded its head, "croa!" as it bounded toward the qwil fish to smack it. "If the qwilfish hits first, the revenge will do more damage, effectively negating the resistance. But... I fear that fish might have a ground move of its own... mud-slap would be terribly ironic."

Edited by Aged Rain
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"Enough, stop!"  Lurele ran forward into the battlefield to pick up her paralyzed Torchic, hugging the little fire type to her chest.  She looks at Burgh and smiles sadly before nodding her head politely.  "I forfeit...  Torch won't be able to touch Vivillon when she's paralyzed.  Uhm...  Thank you for the battle, Burgh...  I'll be back for a rematch once we've gotten stronger, you can count on that!"


Carefully returning her Torchic to her Pokeball so she didn't get hurt further, Lurele turns to leave the Gym and make her way to the Pokemon Center.  As the nurse took care of her injured Pokemon, Lurele sat there in the waiting room hugging her Riolu.  "I guess I'm a lot weaker than I thought, Rio...  You guys deserve a better trainer than me..."  "Riolu!"  The small fighting type glared at his trainer before abruptly slapping her across the face.


"Ow!  Hey, you little jerk!"  The trainer and her Pokemon glared at each other for a small moment before Lurele sighed and lowered her gaze, quickly pulling the Riolu in for a hug.  "...Thanks Rio.  I'm sorry...  I'll get stronger so you guys can be proud of me...  I promise."  "Roluuu..."  The fighting type hugged his trainer in return, sitting like that until Nurse Joy brought back Torchic and Scraggy's Pokeballs.


With all of her Pokemon back to full health, Lurele sighs and walks out of the Pokemon Center holding Riolu's hand.  She couldn't go back to the Gym yet, she would just get beaten again...  She would need to go and train to make her team stronger, to make herself stronger as a trainer, first.  Sighing quietly she turns to the north, ignoring the crowds of people in the large city as she made  her way towards Route 4.  It was very likely the most crowded city in Unova...  Yet other than the Riolu holding her hand and the Pokemon in their balls with her, Lurele was starting to feel very alone.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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