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Furries 'n' Bronies?


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I have been thinking about the furry fandom for a while now, and why do some people say its basically the bronys, with just a couple of differences and others think they are two opposite things? Whats the right answer?


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My take on it is that the two are highly similar, they deal with a scene built around humanized animals, very strong fanbases with a lot of artistic talent, dedicated conventions seperate from the typical geeky convention scene, and disparate elements that are considered strange by mainstream media and society. Bronies tend to not like being associated with furries because of the lattermost element, but I personally believe that the irony of the whole matter is that bronies are worse and tend to draw more negative media attention than furries do nowadays. Furries as a fandom are more mature and mellowed out than the MLP fandom is.

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Some bronies are furries, some furries are bronies.

They, however, are definitely not the same.


I hate it, for example, when a hater calls us furries.

It's a very broad stroke. The similarities are marginal at best, and situational at worst.

Edited by Dattebayo


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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They are not completely the same but there are a lot of similarities, they are both misunderstood and often demonized by much the general public. I have known about furries for a long long time but even though I never judged them I did have certain misconceptions about them. The main misconception I had which is probably the most common among the general public as well is that it is a sexual fetish for most of them and I remember how surprised I was when I found out that while it is indeed the case for quite a few of them isn't the case for all of them. I didn't judge them for it as I am the last person who had any right to do that but before getting into ponies that was the only side of the furry fandom I had any exposure to and lets be honest it is a pretty big chunk of them. I never thought that about bronies though but finding out about clop wasn't all that surprising though as I figured "that is rule 34 for ya." Much of the general public has a misconception that it is a sexual thing for bronies as well even though that is not the case even with most cloppers (it is more like a bonus to them) but unlike furries they also have accusations of homosexuality and pedophilia as well and apparently some haters and trolls have even stooped so low as to use "autistic" as an insult.

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I know many furries but not so many bronies.  Some people say that furries are more devious than bronies.  I think that they both have their place in the world but they are definitely not the same.  I know more crazy furries than i do bronies.

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