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open Team Fortress 2: the new team


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(Sorry! I was asleep! :P )


"It felt... wierd..." Alfred replied. "It hurts a lot, but then it's over instantly and you're back at spawn, perfectly healthy! Not something I've experienced before." Listening to the Medic's suggestion, he nodded. "That does seem an apt plan! Let's see how it goes then!" As the smoke cleared and Al appeared as a RED spy (OOC: speaking of which, has posted lately?), before running off onto the battlefield.

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As the demoman died he quickly respawned, after registering what'd had happened he cursed loudly "sonnovamotherof..." He angrily drew Eyelander "I'll kill that engie bastard, and his little medic too!" He said to himself, before running out of the respawn and to get his revenge

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After a slight hiding from the action, Casey entered the BLU sewers. He had found his sniping post. He decided to wait for any poor soul that would be flared. He would be waiting and waiting and waiting, for a minute or two... Possibly longer, it was difficult to calculate...

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(Some much happened overnight, ugghh. It took a bit to catch up, but I'm here.)


The pyro fell to her knees and died.... Seconds later Suri spawned back. "Okay, well that strategy was pretty good. Better then I thought it would go." She said to herself. Looking around, she was thinking of a way to infiltrate the base, that way she could burn them to death with out them even being ready to defend. She ran to the Blu sewer entrance, while switching to her trusty Lolichop.

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This time Alfred took a slightly different approach than last time. Instead of taking the sewers, he decided to try the main door. Still in his RED spy disguise, he ran inside the base. After locating the main stairway, he climbed up it and went in through the door to the stairs that led to the intel room. "So far so good..." he thought to himself.

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Rob then took a run for the intel. He took the main entrance to the RED base and hoped to god he doesn't get killed this time. There were no one around when he entered the base. Rob then took the path to the Intel room which Alfred wasn't taking. He then met up with the BLU spy, disguised as the RED spy. Rob gave Alfred a thumbs up and said "good luck". He stayed out of the RED Engineer's sight so he won't get suspicious, considering the "RED Spy" isn't killing the BLU scout.

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The engineer looked up, seeing the RED (blu) spy, and waved. "Well howdy pardner, what are you doin down here?" he asked, remembering his previous encounter with the BLU spy, and being a little bit suspicious. His hand unconsciously moved closer to his Wrangler.

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Rob then took a run for the intel. He took the main entrance to the RED base and hoped to god he doesn't get killed this time. There were no one around when he entered the base. Rob then took the path to the Intel room which Alfred wasn't taking. He then met up with the BLU spy, disguised as the RED spy. Rob gave Alfred a thumbs up and said "good luck". He stayed out of the RED Engineer's sight so he won't get suspicious, considering the "RED Spy" isn't killing the BLU scout.


(Sorry! I was asleep! :P )


"It felt... wierd..." Alfred replied. "It hurts a lot, but then it's over instantly and you're back at spawn, perfectly healthy! Not something I've experienced before." Listening to the Medic's suggestion, he nodded. "That does seem an apt plan! Let's see how it goes then!" As the smoke cleared and Al appeared as a RED spy (OOC: speaking of which, has posted lately?), before running off onto the battlefield.


Mieczyslaw seemingly had no reaction to the Spy's remark. "I won't count on either of us reviving all the time. I've heard of mercenaries here on the battlefield, permanently dead. I would recommend you try to die the least times as possible; you might not be as lucky the next time. Now let's get moving."


Healing the BLU Scout, the Medic rushed through the bridge towards the RED base. He made a quick glance at his Ubercharge meter. 84%. "Almost ready to charge," Mieczyslaw declared as he walked down the stairs. So far, he had seen no enemy mercenaries...where have they gone off to? This did not sound good to him...


Not long afterwards, he met with the Scout, stopping them on the blind turn. He put a finger of silence in front of his mouth, waving gestures to the RED Engineer and Medic nearby. He made a series of hand waves, mouthing the words: "Wait for my signal." The BLU Spy, Alfred, was naturally conversing with the RED Engineer. Come on, make it quick. Get the sapper on the sentry so we can move out.


"Well howdy pardner. What are you doin' down here?" Mieczyslaw felt a cold sweat drip down his neck. He can't afford to be detected too early, otherwise the plan will fail horribly. The BLU Medic took a quick peek when the RED Engineer was talking with his fellow "friend", conveniently away from his line of sight. 


"Shoot. The Engineer doesn't seem like moving away from his buildings. We need a distraction so the damn fool can move away just a few meters. Scout – do you have anything loud on you?"

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Henry watched the Spy enter the Room... "A spy? Vell, it could be worse. Ve could have a Sniper doing nothing on our team... But I haven't seen anyone other than ze Engineer here... oh vell, better late zan never I suppose..."


While Henry was talking, he noticed the small motion the Engineer to his wrangler... and decided it was best to keep the spy distracted. If it was the enemy Spy, it would focus on the Engineers buildings, but if it really was a RED spy, their focus would be less on the buildings and more on conversation and co-operation.


Out of the corner of his eye, Henry saw a small blur of motion. He decided it was best to investigate... taking out his needle gun, he walked to the door, rounded it, and saw a Scout, Medic, and Demoman standing there looking at him, all on BLU. Without even thinking, he ran back into the Intel Room.


"Incoming!" He shouted, turning around and taking aim with his Needle Gun.

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"Hmm?" Suri tilted her heat seeing a sign that said intel room . She ran through and saw a briefcase sitting on a desk. She walked towards it, carelessly, but quickly realized there was a turret when it shot her. She ran around the corner and Switched into her primary weapon (flamethrower). When she was ready, she walked back in, fire shooting randomly around her. She began laughing maniacally when she shot the flames.


edit: I'm confused.

Edited by Rupee Rarity
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"Damnit!" the engineer yelled, seeing the medic running away from where the spy had come from, pulling out his wrangler, and shooting at the spy with the machine guns, before shooting some rockets down the hallway. "Where in Sam Hell is our Pyro!?" he yelled. 

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Mieczyslaw seemingly had no reaction to the Spy's remark. "I won't count on either of us reviving all the time. I've heard of mercenaries here on the battlefield, permanently dead. I would recommend you try to die the least times as possible; you might not be as lucky the next time. Now let's get moving."


Healing the BLU Scout, the Medic rushed through the bridge towards the RED base. He made a quick glance at his Ubercharge meter. 84%. "Almost ready to charge," Mieczyslaw declared as he walked down the stairs. So far, he had seen no enemy mercenaries...where have they gone off to? This did not sound good to him...


Not long afterwards, he met with the Scout, stopping them on the blind turn. He put a finger of silence in front of his mouth, waving gestures to the RED Engineer and Medic nearby. He made a series of hand waves, mouthing the words: "Wait for my signal." The BLU Spy, Alfred, was naturally conversing with the RED Engineer. Come on, make it quick. Get the sapper on the sentry so we can move out.


"Well howdy pardner. What are you doin' down here?" Mieczyslaw felt a cold sweat drip down his neck. He can't afford to be detected too early, otherwise the plan will fail horribly. The BLU Medic took a quick peek when the RED Engineer was talking with his fellow "friend", conveniently away from his line of sight. 


"Shoot. The Engineer doesn't seem like moving away from his buildings. We need a distraction so the damn fool can move away just a few meters. Scout – do you have anything loud on you?"

"Gotcha, pal!" Rob shot at the secondary locker room with his Force-A-Nature. Hopefully it will do the trick of distraction. He waits for minutes... "Come on, engie, get over there... come oncomeonecomeon."


"Myc, ubercharge me when he comes, alright?" Rob said. He hopes the engie doesn't walk the wrong way and to the Medic and himself.

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(You're in BLU intel? On RED team? Okay :3)


Alex fell right off his dispenser as he awoke from his nap from hearing his sentry fire. "What, wha- oh, right." He grabbed his shotgun. Suddenly, a seemingly insane pyro jumped out and began spraying fire in all directions. Although Alex was ignited, his dispenser quickly extinguished the flames. His sentry fired more shots at the pyro and Alex also fired off a round of his shotgun.

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"Gotcha, pal!" Rob shot at the secondary locker room with his Force-A-Nature. Hopefully it will do the trick of distraction. He waits for minutes... "Come on, engie, get over there... come oncomeonecomeon."


"Myc, ubercharge me when he comes, alright?" Rob said. He hopes the engie doesn't walk the wrong way and to the Medic and himself.


@, @,


Unfortunately, Mieczyslaw's plan backfired, as he forgot to realize that the Engineer wasn't the only person in the room. When he least expected it, a RED Medic popped out of the corner, yelling all signs of distress while firing his needle gun. A needle or two hit the BLU Medic's shoulder, and the BLU Medic shot a crossbow bolt back in retaliation. "We are compromised! Exterminate the Engineer and his buildings first, then we get the Medic!"


With quick coordination, he switched to his Quickfix Medigun and filled up his Ubercharge. Almost instantly, he used the Ubercharge on the Demoman. "Hurry! Demoman, destroy the buildings and distract the Engineer's Sentry! Scout, chase down the Medic! I will regroup with you there! We can't afford to lose a member!"

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The engineer heard the yelling, and chuckled. Obviously they didn't know about his Wrangler. He turned, and said "Hey Doc, could you possibly go deal with that scout? I've got these two." he said, hoping the medic would be able to take out the scout, as he had before.

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@@Guardian Angel,

"Got it, but zey have a Medic as well, hope you can deal with the Uber! The medic told the Engineer. His Thigh was screaming in pain from the Crossbow Bolt that went through it, so he quickly pulled it out and ran up to the Dispenser, allowing it's Medigun beam to heal him. He sat there and waited for the scout to run by, needle gun at the ready. "Zis scout doesn't learn, it seems" he muttered to himself.

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"Heh, heard you..." Rob whispered to himself. What the medic doesn't realize is that the scout has a Flying Guillotine as his secondary weapon. He sneaked down the right hallway very slowly, tip-toeing... as the Medic was looking down the other hallway, Rob then threw the Flying Guillotine at the Medic without warning. The Medic is now bleeding from that butcher knife, and Rob shot the Engineer two times with his Force-A-Nature, and then ran up the stairs and waited for them both to come up, and get damaged again. Maybe even get killed.


"Yo' don't realize you're messing wid' not only A kid, but THE kid," Rob taunted.


EDIT: OOC: ffffffffffffffffuuck. I didn't realize the dispenser and sentry was there. Scratch out what I just said.

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"Heh, heard you..." Rob whispered to himself. What the medic doesn't realize is that the scout has a Flying Guillotine as his secondary weapon. He sneaked down the right hallway very slowly, tip-toeing... as the Medic was looking down the other hallway, Rob then threw the Flying Guillotine at the Medic without warning. The Medic is now bleeding from that butcher knife, and Rob shot the Engineer two times and destroyed the Dispenser with his Force-A-Nature, and then ran up the stairs and waited for them both to come up, and get damaged again. Maybe even get killed.


"Yo' don't realize you're messing wid' not only A kid, but THE kid," Rob taunted.

(I'm sorry, but the Engineer DOES have a sentry up... in this senario youd be shot to death. you might hit me, but the Dispenser would heal me... you kinda just did nothing >_>


Also, we seem to be at a disagreement AGAIN as to the Sentries Location and where you attacking from...)

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(I'm sorry, but the Engineer DOES have a sentry up... in this senario youd be shot to death. you might hit me, but the Dispenser would heal me... you kinda just did nothing >_>


Also, we seem to be at a disagreement AGAIN as to the Sentries Location and where you attacking from...)

(yeah, the sentry is right next to said dispenser, and we are in the corner of the Intel room. A scout would be immediately pufverised if they even tried to get into the intel room.)

"You OK, doc?" the Engineer asked, seeing the guillotine fly into the room from the doorway.

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@@Guardian Angel,


"Yawohl, no thanks to your Dispenser." The medic said, taking the cleaver out of his Leg. The Dispenser healed the wound fairly quickly. He took the Clever and tossed it onto the Scout's body. "Did he not know about ze sentry? Aneyvey, I saw a total of 4 People out zere, counting ze Spy, zat's 2 down, 2 to go. I'll help you seperate ze Medic when he comes. Your right. vere is a Pyro ven you need one?"

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The sentry shot Rob to death. He respawned in the respawn room. "*sigh* fuck dis..." Rob is completely discouraged now. He knows he won't be able to help the team win. He doesn't want to go through the pain again. "I don't even know why I signed up for dis in the first place... Maybe because I hate myself? Oh yeah, dat's right." He just wants it to be over now.


He sat in the respawn room. The RED Medic is now Rob's nemesis... dominating.

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Suri, near to death, grabbed switched to her lolichop and turned to see a BLU engineer. She took off her mask and put it round her neck so she could speak. "DISPENSERS AREN'T FAIR!!" She yelled, smashing the red dispenser. Afterwards, thanks to that inferior sentry, she died- only to respawn at her own base.


"God dammit!" She shouted, throwing her lolichop on the floor. She picked it up, and looked at it. "Maybe I'd serve as a better defense." She said, walking down to the RED intel room. There she saw an Engineer and a Medic, both RED, and a few dead bodies of BLU members. "Aww, you killed people without me?" Suri asked frowning.


@@@Grapz224@@Guardian Angel


Edit: I meant BLU! Blu engineer (/\@x@/\)

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@@Guardian Angel

"Damnation!" he cried, as the RED engie saw through his disguise. Quickly reacting to sentry gun's fire, Alfred dived back towards the door, but not quick enough. As the bullets caught him, he fell to the floor with a cry. "Gahhhh!" He fell limp in a heap on the ground, just a few feet from safety...

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(wait, you killed a RED engineer's dispenser, and you're on RED? how does that work?)


The engineer was tense, waiting for the medic demoman pair to run around the corner. He shot a missile down the hallway, hearing his sentry reload himself. He cursed hating the waiting.

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@@Guardian Angel

A loud decloaking sound signified that maybe all wasn't as it seemed. Grinning, Alfred stabbed the engie in the back, before diving behind the dispenser, as the sentry gun turned. A few bullets caught him on the leg, but upon disguising as the engineer, the dispenser began healing him. He'd have to work fast; with the other RED's in the room. As he took cover, he slid a Sapper across the floor to the sentry, where it began its work: He didn't like his own chances of survival though...

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