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Things you hate that everyone seems to love?


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Pewdiepie: How does this guy have subscribers when all he does is make annoying noises?

Almost all Minecraft youtubers: Prime example, SkyDoesMinecraft, he's annoying and screams a lot.

Princess Luna: It's not that I hate her, I just find her wayyy too overrated. 

Call of duty: Do I need to explain?

  • Brohoof 2


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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I find FNAF to be really good. The whole Slender thing kind of had a meh effect on me, but as someone who may end up writing in the horror genre, FNAF is the king of subtle game writing.


At least Slender gives you the option to run away like a little b***h.


FNAF? All you can do is hope your "shield" works long/fast enough.

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I asked Rarity what her opinion is about people hating her.


She seemed not that impressed... She knows they are all jealous though...


To the topic at hand... I don't really hate things. But i dislike something in the extreme that the majority of the fandom seems to enjoy to no end:


Bashing members of the mane6


And im not talking just about ponies that are my favorites, i talk about every single one of them. That is what i dislike: mane6 bashing and mane6 hate. Seems to be very popular sadly.

I agree, I like all of the mane 6.

Also. what's With all the Celestia hate, I love her (not like I love twilight, but that's another matter). Don't get me wrong, I like Luna, but the Luna love thing can be a little much.


The whole" molestia" thing is grating. And the tyrant Celestia thing. Now, I'm not against the idea of Celestia being a villain in a story, provided its well written and AU (or Any ponyfor that matter,even twilight), but it bothers me that people apply this to the Canon character.

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Parties- I mean, like the extreme parties, with the loud music, drinking, and dancing. I don't mind the casual friend get to together or family parties, but i'm not into dancing. Its stupid.


Starbucks coffee- I don't see the big whoop of it. I think their coffee tastes nasty and burnt to me. I prefer to just brew it myself and spice it myself. And besides, its way overpriced. Everyone is OBSESSED with it and i'm just like "ew".


Call of Duty- Anymore, do i see "videogamers" just playing Call of Duty. Okay, lets go around and shoot people. Fun. Not like there is a thousand of other shooter games. I'm just not a shooter game person. I prefer my RPGs,


Twitter- I've tried it and hated it. It's so dumb and just pointless. I use Facebook to stay close to friends and relatives, but Twitter confuses me high on end. 


Getting High- I mainly aim towards weed. I think weed is too overrated. No, I have not smoked it, but I choose not to smoke anything. Nothing against weed smokers, I don't care, but I don't see the whoop. There's other ways to get chill. And everyone I know who has gotten high really gets annoying.


Hunger games- Lets face it. I just don't like the series :/


Anime/ Manga- I used to watch Anime and read Manga when I was younger, but now I find it all soooo annoying. Its just the same art style over and over again, sometimes its so weird, and I dunno. I love Japan, and some of the things about the Japanese, but...Anime and Manga just annoy me now.


Invader Zim- Hate me for this, but I have always found the show really pointless, dumb, and boring. I never found it funny either. Everyone I know is like obsessed with it, like "Gir". It wasn't even that great of a show to me.


Homestuck- Makes no sense, not funny, and annoying. I know so much people whom are like "OMG YOU NEED TO READ IT" and crap and tell me how "funny" it is. Its not funny. To me..at least. Maybe to you, but my sense of humor differs.

Pewdiepie: How does this guy have subscribers when all he does is make annoying noises?

Almost all Minecraft youtubers: Prime example, SkyDoesMinecraft, he's annoying and screams a lot.

Princess Luna: It's not that I hate her, I just find her wayyy too overrated. 

Call of duty: Do I need to explain?


Pewdiepie has started to annoy me. I used to kind of like him, but alls he does is yell, make noises, and make the same jokes over and over again.


To me, I feel he's taken his fame way to over his head and acts so different now.

1) Most animes. This whole damned fandom seems obsessed with anime, I'm the odd one out. Every thread on ponychan derails into anime. Every. Thread. Without Fail. The exceptions I've made are Inuyasha, Gurren Lagann, Soul Eater, and FMA. I'm kind of a sucker for awesome intro and credits themes, and GL, SE, and FMA had some pretty freaking awesome music.


2) Beer can go to hell.


3) Almost any music made after some time around 2002. I was pretty much done with music when Slipknot went soft. No one even seems to try any more. If you listen to Metallica, the expertise that goes into that kind of guitar playing in some of those songs would make Rainbow Dash and Sunset weep as if they were looking into the face of god.


Oh god, Beer is just AWFUL!


I tried it once and it tastes like bitter, nasty, disgusting alcohol to me. Everyone I know is like "I gotta have a beer" and I'm like *gags*.

  • Brohoof 2

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i would say tom and jerry and droopy. also have no taste on flash animation. hand-drawn FTW!


also. dramas can be damn pointless sometimes, as well with reality tv or anime, since they're just the same thing. :/

Edited by shameless likings
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The only advantages the former have are HD graphics and online play, but gameplay-wise they're just too slow compared to the latter.


All are still good, however.



In all honesty, I found VC and SA to be very flawed, especially where it counts. They have that annoying camera system that quickly goes from third person to first person the moment to touch the stick, it is annoying at best and downright nauseating at worst. Not to mention the lock on system that locked on to everything EXCEPT what you wanted to attack/interact with. The stories don't flow very well and are pretty forgettable(Vice City was an exception though.)  The driving controls were awful, even for the time, it made any missions in involving chases feel extremely clunky and awkward(don't even start on the bike controls). The protagonists were very forgettable too, to the point that you could swap characters and never know the difference.


Again, this is nothing to do with the games aging badly. They were pretty mediocre for the time they came out, and especially when other sandbox games such as Mercenaries improved upon the formula, but GTA didn't improve until GTA IV when they finally addressed some of the issues the previous games had.


So in my opinion, GTA Vice City and San Andreas are...kind of overrated.







Feminism(Its been dead since the 90's. Now its just another supremacy group, like the Ku Klux Klan.)


Organized Religion/Cults(Faith should be something personal. When its institutionalized and used to indoctrinate, then it defeats the purpose of Faith/Spirituality)


Human Exceptionalism(do I even need to explain why I loathe this philosophy? Its practically the same reason I can't stand Speciesism and NeoNaziism.)






American Football


American Remakes of Foreign films and TV shows.


Rene Descartes(The guy was an arrogant lout.)


Ayn Rand(Yeah, don't like her and her books are rubbish. Her philosophy is just a way for someone to get away with being an asshole.)


Thomas Edison(Yes, he invented electricity. Was he a decent person? Not at all. Just look at what he did to Topsy (don't know what I'm talking about? Look it up.))


PETA, ASPCA, USHS(Yeah, honestly, these guys just make both Animal Liberationists and Vegans look bad. And they seriously do not practice what they preach.)


Circumcision/Male Gentile Mutilation(Pretty obvious as to why I am against this(especially since I am a victim of it myself.))


Neutering/Spaying(While people who perform these practices may have good intentions, it does not change the fact that it is simply a heinous act. It usually hurts the recipient more than it helps. And for you pet owners out there, this practice is not necessary if one is simply responsible, if you absolutely must sterilize another being, do so without mutilating their body(especially if its a place on the body that is sensitive to the point that any pain inflicted there would be complete agony.) A vasectomy is a good alternative.)


The big agriculture industry(factory farming, enough said.)


All human nations in general(they exist only to be brought back down to Earth.)


Humans/Homosapians(Call me a misanthropist, but I just do not like our species. Such dislike is not unfounded. Our kind are like parasites, we certainly are multiplying like them(Honestly, if voluntary extinction is too hard, then at least cut the population of the species down to triple or double digits). We have committed the most heinous atrocities and continue to do so(especially to other species, who have gotten it the worst). We claim that we are intelligent, compassionate and know right from wrong. The reality? We are not very intelligent. Are rarely compassionate and do not know right from wrong. In relation to other animals, all humans are nazis. No, I will not sugarcoat this just because reality makes some people sad.)

Edited by HopeTheWanderer

"It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything." - Plutarch


"As long as humans continue to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace. For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, those who sow the seed of murder and pain will never reap joy or love." - Pythagoras, Greek philosopher, ca. 530 B.C.

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(I don't hate this stuff. I just dislike.)


IOS Games - With the exception of Solitaire, they tend to be the same and are repetitive.


Post-Hardcore - I couldn't get into it and didn't really like it much.


Metalcore - Same ordeal with the genre above (Although Killswitch Engaged was somewhat promising.)


Pop-Punk - I don't like it because of the sound and I think it goes against the original idea of Punk Rock.


Disney Sitcoms - No. Just No.



  • Brohoof 1
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(I don't hate this stuff. I just dislike.)


IOS Games - With the exception of Solitaire, they tend to be the same and are repetitive.


Post-Hardcore - I couldn't get into it and didn't really like it much.


Metalcore - Same ordeal with the genre above (Although Killswitch Engaged was somewhat promising.)


Pop-Punk - I don't like it because of the sound and I think it goes against the original idea of Punk Rock.


Disney Sitcoms - No. Just No.

This. Right here. Tells me I'm not the only one.
  • Brohoof 1


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Pewdiepie and minecraft.

They both get on my nerves, whats so funny about a guy screaming and making rape jokes? Ones that aren't even funny...

Minecraft is just very repetitive and plain and i fail to see the craze about it, its just squares. JUST squares, nothing else.

  • Brohoof 2


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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I could probably tell a lot of things here, but I guess, I pick few out


Minecraft: I don't get the hype of it.


Flash(MLP): I have nothing against him


etc. etc. etc.




I'm different ... real life?


Cigarettes: What the buck do people like getting cancer and die, like my mother?!


Alcohol: Uhh, why? I taste a very little on Silvester(Got forced), urghhhhhh ... the silvester after again, but I just act like


Coffee: The always-wonder to keep awake? Mayby, but gross too

  • Brohoof 1

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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1. Clash of Clans and similar games- time and money wasters

2. clicker games - more time wasting, but not as bad

3. Formal things. I hate it when people act formal, talk formal, and you will almost never see me dressed up, unless its cosplay.

4. Coffee - ew

5. Hearts and hooves day -


Hearts and Hooves Day. This is the only episode I hate and the only one I have not watched more than once. It just seems really awkward and weird to me, like the scene where the CMC are trying to get Mac and Cherilee to drink the punch, or where Mac and Cherilee are talking to each other in baby talk. Also, I don't really like romantic comedies in general.


Not necessarily in this order

Edited by ronshii



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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At least Slender gives you the option to run away like a little b***h.


FNAF? All you can do is hope your "shield" works long/fast enough.


 I have to admit I'm partial to FNAF as well, make no mistake, it isn't even close to the best horror game I've played(Silent Hill 1-3 have that honor). But even with its jump-scares, FNAF does have some really subtle, atmospheric moments and in good horror games, that is where it counts.


Slender on the other hand just wasn't even scary, while it seemed atmospheric at first, that fell apart once you realized that the game really did nothing to build up tension and Slenderman can only get you via cheap death. Personally I think SCP Containment Breach manages to be far scarier than Slender.

"It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything." - Plutarch


"As long as humans continue to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace. For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, those who sow the seed of murder and pain will never reap joy or love." - Pythagoras, Greek philosopher, ca. 530 B.C.

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Sports Analysis: I am not to fond of sports to begin with but I don't hate them, what I DO hate is when I'm stuck around people throwing out stats and names and events of games, speaking so thick with that jargon that it gives me a headache. If I don't get to blab about my comic books and anime without getting weird looks why do you all get to talk about the Seahawks vs the Bronco's like its the second coming with no reaction?

  • Brohoof 2
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•i'm not a fan of modern day pop. everything seems too repetitive.

•i'm also not a fan of exploiting women in music videos as sexual objects.


Speaking of Minecraft that would be another thing on my list for this thread. After I heard more about it I thought it sounded sorta cool but the shitty graphics really turned me off...

Oh great.

You're one of those people who put graphics over gameplay.

"Oh this game has crappy graphics. Therefore it's automatically boring."

You people have no good taste in gaming.

I'm not saying that cause you don't like Minecraft.

If you didn't find it interesting, that's one thing.

But since the graphics didn't live up to your potential it automatically turns you off?

Well I've got news for you.

In the gaming world of today, gameplay matters more than graphics.

Edited by Emerald Starlight
  • Brohoof 2
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•i'm not a fan of modern day pop. everything seems too repetitive.

•i'm also not a fan of exploiting women in music videos as sexual objects.


Oh great.

You're one of those people who put graphics over gameplay.

"Oh this game has crappy graphics. Therefore it's automatically boring."

You people have no good taste in gaming.

I'm not saying that cause you don't like Minecraft.

If you didn't find it interesting, that's one thing.

But since the graphics didn't live up to your potential it automatically turns you off?

Well I've got news for you.

In the gaming world of today, gameplay matters more than graphics.

I'm not THAT big a graphics whore. I can tolerate bad graphics to some extent.


But I don't see how anybody can enjoy a game that looks like this:



Or this:



And gameplay matters more than graphics? If that was true then why did they upgrade from 8-bit graphics in future consoles? Or from Atari level graphics for that matter? And apparently Nintendo was tired of all the complaints and that's why they gave the Wii U HD Graphics.

Edited by Asbel Lhant

The White Shinigami

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I'm not THAT big a graphics whore. I can tolerate bad graphics to some extent.


But I don't see how anybody can enjoy a game that looks like this:


Or this:


"What is this? Purple man can't jump?"

  • Brohoof 1


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Lol I know right? Man Atari games sucked so bad back then...

I was quoting AVGN.


In his Atari Sports review,he reviewed that game,and that's what he said.


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I was quoting AVGN.


In his Atari Sports review,he reviewed that game,and that's what he said.

Man I haven't seen AVGN in forever. I really need to get back to his videos.


Anyway @,


I DO agree that gameplay is more important than graphics but graphics are still important too to an extent.

The White Shinigami

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