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Playstation 2: The Best Console?

This weekend I've been putting a lot of thought into if I were to award a Best Console with an unbiased opinion what would it be. The smart ass answer is the PC, but I'd eliminate that from the Video Game Console race.   Truly it comes down to a select few consoles; Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the Playstation 2. It seems pretty fair to judge all these as finalist in my mental award show. All of these have some rather impressive libraries with some all time g

Colon Leftbracket

Colon Leftbracket

I'm a... champion?

So. Today has turned out... awkward. As fuck.   So, I went to the movies with a girl today.   Turned out great, we saw finding nemo 3d.   Well, when I get home, I texted her that I would like to go out with her again.   She asked me that dreaded fucking question.   "As friends?"   I think,   "FUCK. HOW THE FUCKING FUCK FUCK DO I ANSWER THIS SHIT. FUCKIDHFUCDXZHFVIDSZGFYIDSGIFDSFGADS"   I decide to say yes. Like an idiot. Here is the exact goddamn message I sent ;-;   "Umm... Fo



Youtube Channel Now Live

I have recently started making videos for all my music, and have uploaded them to my channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/KakeiTheWoIf   So far, I have made the videos for the entirety of the first three discs of my debut album, Metyllisk Originals. and have made playlists for them.   The rest will be uploaded soon. I'm KakeiTheWolf, Sempre Fur, and GET THESE DRAGONS OFF MY LAWN!



Chick-Fil-A Saga: September 19-23 — My Reaction

Back in late July/early August, Chick-Fil-A president Dan Cathy admitted to the radio that he donated to charities and churcheswho are both against gay marriage and gay rights altogether. One of the most notorious charities was the Family Research Council, an anti-gay rights hate group who famously lobbied money to not condemn Uganda's bill to execute people just for being gay. This topic was heavily talked about here to the point where it was locked because it was becoming uncivil.   Some of

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Explaining a Math Trick - #1 The Triples Doubled

I am pretty sure that you have all seen already the 'famous' math trick where you take a triple digit number, write it down twice and then when you divide by 7,11,13 you get the three first digits back again! ( You will later see why that is. )   I prefer this version:   Take a triple digit number. ( e.g. 254 ) Write it down twice. ( here, 254254 )   The new number will always be divisible by 91.   If you don't believe me you can go ahead and try it out with as many numbers as you want,



Roop's collection additions #4 - meh + lecture edition

First off, since this one's not too great, go ahead and to make it seem more epic.  Got this in a bunch of stuff at garage sales. Was with stuff I intend to sell for profit. This is the stuff (except for the remote and controller, more on that in a sec) that either doesn't have manuals, or is pretty much valueless. I mean, because I totally wanted a copy of some shovelware Jungle Book game as well as a Madden sports game, and Madagascar, right? Mario Kart DD is nice, though. Meh, the PS2 d

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Success is not proof

Oh boy. This is the absolute worst. The Britta of my school career. And I'm using Britta correctly. It's means a small mistake. But I digress. Today I was at a maths tuition class. Not because I need help or anything. I just really like to talk about maths. No one really wants to talk about maths, outside maths class. You know what we need? A maths bar. Just a bar where fellow math lovers can just talk about maths. This is a million dollar idea. Shotgun. Anyway, we were doing partial fractions.



Art feature #12

Source: A present for my enemy...   This time, I'll be featuring a painting from Motion Spark!   This one gives me so much feels, who wouldn't want to hug their favorite pony? It would be an experience that would most likely bring you to tears, that is what this picture implies, finally hugging that one pony, after dreaming of it so many times, truly a wonderful piece of art!



Creating OCs: Part 1, Ponification.

M'kay, so, practically every day, I check out deviantART and the EQD drawfriend posts, any usually, there's a supposed "Ponification" of a popular character from a game/movie/tv show, etc...   Most people right now are probably saying "So... what's your point?" Well, quite simply, most of them suck.   I don't mean that the pictures themselves lack anything, just the character design has no actual thought put into it.   After pondering the differences in ponificatio

Critical Hit

Critical Hit

My night just got 40% cooler!

Warning! Several drinks were consumed in the making of this blog, which makes it dangerously fun and random. This is the incoherent story of how my day received not just one, but two, shots of Rainbow Dash's trademark coolness.   So yeah. Today I finally got........ My Rainbow Dash shirt in the mail!!!!!   This is automatically the sweetest shirt in my closet. Except I haven't put it in the closet yet, it's still hanging from the window just so I can look at it. I wore it to the liquor



I May start a 'Draw your OC thread'

So I'm thinking about starting a thread where I draw peoples OC's, I don't know when though, I feel it would actually give me inspiration, and a purpose for drawing, and help me practice drawing ponies!   But the keyword here is may, I'm not entirely sure when or if I will, but it seems like a fun thing to do, maybe keep me a bit more busy and things like that. I guess we'll see soon hey!   Anyways, just a little blurb I wanted to share, have a nice day! :3        



Todays topic: "Green" Energies vs. Efficient Energies

So because it was brought up in a previous blog post of mine, I thought Id bring up a new debate to the engineering world, and that is the discussion of green energy. There is a lot of political push for eco-friendly technologies, and energy production is a huge part of it. In the next 50 years we are looking at growing to a population of 9 billion. To put that in perspective, the estimated population cap is around 10 billion. How are we supposed to provide for that many people and still keep th



The holidays have begun

And I'm rejoicing. And not because school is over, oh no, I'm pretty disappointed that it's over. Cause learning and stuff. Really, if you read my other stuff, it's pretty obvious as to why I'm sad.   Oh no my dear friends, it's because I need the break. Now, I know I have said that students don't really need a break and it's a tad hypocritical of me to say I need one. But see, it's not the actual studying that's tiring me out. Oh no, it's the tests.   All these god damn tests. Honestly, I t



Roleplaying and problems with storytelling

There is a reason I don't role play and a reason, on this forum or anywhere else. And I will explain some of the gripes I have with role playing, as it may explain what could be done if you want to entice me. I won't be talking about specific gripes with people, or time zones, but other inherent problems.   Lack of endgame   Most role plays will have a huge problem with this one. Lacking an endgame means the characters lack a goal. Usually an endgame should be resolving an event, or getting

Killian Jones

Killian Jones

I don't think CoD sucks.

Hey everypony, today I'm gonna talk about people's misconceptions about my opinion on Call of Duty. Now, I personally do not like the series at all, as there is little to no innovation from game to game, and, in the Modern Warfare series in particular, each game feels like a map pack of the previous one. The fact that it's got an expansive online community, essentially guaranteeing that you'll always have someone to play with, doesn't do anything to sway me because I don't like online multiplaye



Does this sound Good?

I've been working on a elctro house track lately, I'm pretty new to this but I just want everyone's opinions before I actually post it.   https://dl.dropbox.com/u/84338418/Complextro%20with%20only%20Sytrus.mp3   I didn't add FX yet, so don't go "WHERZ DA DROP?!?!", also, I haven't mastered it yet, So I only rely on master channel compression, just brickwalled the whole track for now.



Within 30 Days...

So we're finally going to know when Season 3 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic starts within the span of the next 30 days, according to the Hub. While it annoys me that they made an announcement of an announcement, I'm still pretty excited to find out, although honestly it should have started by now. This wait has felt way too long, but at least we have something to wait for, even though it's waiting for finding out what we're waiting for is coming. IT'S WAITCEPTION!



These Feelings/Random Stuffs.

Well hey there, it's time for a random blog entry! I'll just talk about things I feel like talkin' bout!   First off, and this may seem silly, but lately I've been feeling like I want a girlfriend, sometimes I just feel lonely, which is just silly, but the feeling is there anyways, I'm sure it's just a natural feeling that comes along, but, I dream about that sort of thing, ya know? I know eventually I'll find someone, but part of me wants that to happen now, then another part of me wants to



School and Other Things

Last week, I thought I did horribly on my American Government quiz. (I aced this week's: list the nine members of the Supreme Court.) I even studied hard because I hated the result of not doing to well. Good grades = scholarship money, etc., right? So this week, I get the quiz back, expecting some really low grade. Isn't that what happened? Nope. 13/15. What. Must have been grading on a curve. (The quiz was over the President's formal and informal powers. The professor said we, as the class, did



A new name, a new direction

In light of my previous activity on the forums, I decided to do something new with my personal blog. Ive gotten a bit lazy on making this personal, given I dont care as much about my personal life and I know most of you dont either. So here is the new plan for what I will be doing here   Im going to be using this blog to discuss the future! Everything about the future! I got this Idea after talking to others about the space elevator Feld0 is presently involved in. Engineering and physics are a



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