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Episode 37. “Hearth’s Warming Eve”: From an Ice Age to a Nice Age

Hold on to your hooves! I am just about to be brilliant! – Chancellor Puddinghead (Pinkie Pie) Apart from the characters, one of the biggest draws of this show is the intriguing world of Equestria itself. In this episode, we’ll get to learn a bit more about the history of this place of wonder, magic and pastel-coloured ponies.   Summary The Mane Six (and STEVEN! I mean, Spike) are in Canterlot to put on a play about the founding of Equestria. As they head to the Palace, they pla

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 2

Episode 36. “Secret of My Excess”: A Roaring Rampage of Greedy Growth

Spike WANT! – Spike Sparity doesn’t really get much focus in the show (although the same can’t be said of the fandom) but in this episode it does come into play. So take a seat (on second thought, leave the seat, but sit down in it) and we’ll dive right in.   Summary It’s Reshelving Day at the Golden Oak Library, and Twilight wants no distractions. Unfortunately, it seems at least two of her friends didn’t get the memo: Spike, giggling to himself about a delicious Fire Ruby he h

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 2

Episode 35. “Sweet and Elite”: Rarity, Lacking Verity, Inspires Hilarity

What croquet mallet? – Rarity I love Rarity but this episode really tries its hardest to make me dislike her. I mean love as a character, not romantically – whatever floats your boat, but that’s just not my kind of thing. But in the words of the Cat!Inquisitor, “This is your judgement day, bud. I gotta be cruel. There can’t be no favours.” Enough stalling, let’s do this. Summary Rarity is in Canterlot to buy fabric, and is staying at the Castle as a guest of Princess Celestia by way

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 2

Episode 34. “The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well”: aka Copyright Infringement: The Episode…

I hate being alone. – Rainbow Dash You know that I said this is a bad Rainbow Dash episode? Well, I take it back. It’s a bad Mane Six episode. Heck, it’s a bad Ponyvillian episode. Nopony is going to come out of this one looking good.  Let’s get this over with. Summary It’s a sunny day in Ponyville, but the local weathermare is reporting a high chance of DOOM! in the local area. Rainbow Dash helps out some of the ponies when disaster strikes, and is duly given due praise. However, sh

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 2

Episode 33. "May the Best Pet Win": Slow and Steady Wins the Space

This isn’t a game, you know… Now these games will determine which of you is fit to be my pet. – Rainbow Dash Could it be? A Rainbow-Dash-centric episodes that doesn't totally suck? This must be my lucky day. How did DHX manage it? Let's take a look at May the Best Pet Win! and see.   Summary Rainbow Dash is speeding through the air one fine day, and is joined by Owlowicious. The two begin to race, and oddly Owlowicious is even faster than Dash. She doesn't particularly care, jus

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 2

Episode 32: The Cutie Pox: In Which Apple Bloom Fails to Learn the Art of Patience

I'm jutht too impathient to be pathient... - Apple Bloom Our intrepid Cutie Mark Crusaders Pin Twins Three Strikes Bowling Dolls arrive at the Ponyville Bowling Alley, aiming to get their cutie marks in bowling. However, bowling soon turns to blowing it: Sweetie Belle gets only gutter balls - and is incongruously happy about it - and Scootaloo bucks her ball so hard it ends up ricocheting all over the bowling alley, earning her some shocked stares from the other bowlers. On her turn, Apple

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 2

Episode 31. “Sisterhooves Social”: Sibling Spat Sees Sweetie Switching Sisters

Well, then, maybe I’ll try the Sisterhooves Social without a sister. In fact, I think I’ll try the rest of my life without a sister! – Sweetie Belle Rarity is having a wonderful dream which is intruded on by the smell of smoke. Thinking it’s a fire, she wakes up and tumbles downstairs… only to find that her sister Sweetie Belle is the culprit. The smoke is an intended “breakfast in bed” burning. An annoyed Rarity is about to give her sister a piece of her mind when her parents surprise her

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 2

ER - Episode Repair: Amending "Amending Fences"

So, you're probably aware by now that I didn't find Amending Fences quite the magnum opus that many other fans did. Nor did I find much to enjoy in the character of Moon Dancer (Moondancer?), whose emotional struggles strongly resonated with many bronies. Nor Minuette, for that matter, but in her case, it's more a matter of personal taste. I don't like people (or ponies) who giggle incessantly; that sort of thing annoys me. "C'mon, let's fly! *giggle* Get it?" No, Minuette, because that is

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

Episode 103. “Amending Fences”: It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want to...

Twilight Sparkle! You old so-and-so! What are you doing here?! - Minuette Summary After Spike comments that Twilight was a bad friend before coming to Ponyville, she decides to make a trip back to Canterlot to find her old “friends” so that she can apologize to and reconnect with them. The two revisit Twilight’s old quarters, to “start at the beginning”. Apparently, it’s a very good place to start… I will give the writer a point here, for making a clever simile about how Twilig

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

Episode 101. “Princess Spike”: Twilight Snoozes, Spike Loses

I had good intentions! Honest! Until I… didn’t, any more… – Spike Twilight's hittin' the hay books. Summary Twilight has been making arrangements for an Equestria-wide Conference, to the point where she is asleep on her feet. Princess Cadance charges Spike with seeing that she gets some uninterrupted rest before the conference proper starts. Spike tries his best to keep the environs quiet: moving a noisy polo game elsewhere, convincing a gardener to stop trimming some top heavy Drag

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

Episode 100. “Slice of Life”: The First Cut is the Derpiest

… – Vinyl Scratch Summary Cranky Doodle Donkey and his love Matilda are set to get married on the morrow, when the aptly named one mentions that everypony is asking him if he is nervous about getting married… today! Realizing that the invitations are for the wrong date, the asinine pair (no, that’s not an insult, that’s literally the latin term meaning “donkey”) rush to finalize the preparations a full day early. Hijinks ensue. Memes ascend. The wedding eventually goes off without a hitch

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

Episode 99. “The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone”: Pride in Bits and Pieces

None of us care about that dumb old idol. Don't you get it? We don't care about anything, and that's the way we like it! – Gilda Synopsis Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are sent by The Map to the capital city of the griffon kingdom, Griffonstone. Twilight’s history books say it was a great city, united many years in the past by King Grover, using an artifact called the Idol of Boreas. When they arrive, however, the two find that the current reality is much different. The place is falling apa

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

Episode 96. “Tanks for the Memories”: A Mad Dash Episode

Who said anything about anger?! I didn't say anything about anger! I'm not upset! And I am not angry! Do I look angry?! – Rainbow Dash   Summary As the time comes to unwrap winter in Ponyville, with the help of the Pegasus ponies from Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash finds that her pet Tank is acting even more sedately than usual. Hearing from Fluttershy that he is gearing down for hibernation, Rainbow Dash is unable to accept that she needs to say goodbye to him until spring. When

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 5

Equestria's Joys

Sing this to the tune of “My Favorite Things” from The Sound of Music. Verse 1: Doctors with Roses, And whiskers on kittens, Diamond Dog diggers And boastful magicians, A Bear brought to town by a pair of dumb boys, These are a few of Equestria’s joys. Verse 2: Derpy-eyed ponies delivering mail, Hostile takeovers, all doomed to fail, A whole town of ponies in love with a toy, These are a f

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Sunny Fox in General

Episode 29. “Lesson Zero”: Much To-Do About Nothing

If I can’t find a friendship problem… I’ll make a friendship problem! – Twilight Sparkle Season 2 contains some of my favorite episodes in the show. Up there, but no longer at the very top, is the episode I will review today: Lesson Zero. In many ways, it shows its original place as first in Season 2, some of which are explored below. What the episode is about On finding out that she’s in danger of missing a (self-imposed) Friendship Report deadline, Twilight desperately tries to

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 2

Season 4 Retrospective: The Best and the Worst Episodes

I have some good news and some bad news for you, dear readers. The good news is that there were some great Season 4 episodes. The bad news is that there are some real stinkers in there too. I ascribe to the idea that in situations like these, one should have one’s choice as to which kind of news to hear first. In the interests of following that principle, you will find my picks for the Best and the Worst episodes in Season 4 under the appropriate headings, hidden behind spoiler tags for your con

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 4

Episode 89. “Equestria Games”: Spike’s Sad Stagefright Situation

You know who's disappointed in you, Spike? You. And only you can make it right with you again. What would that take, Spike? – Twilight Sparkle The time has finally come for the Equestria Games to begin. As their train nears the Crystal Empire, Rainbow Dash takes the opportunity to give the Ponyville athletes a final pep talk. She encourages them to go for the gold in all their events, before admitting that it might be a bridge too far for the Aerial Relay team of herself, Bulk Biceps and Fl

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 4

The Equestria Girls Franchise Saved Your Life

Yes, you. Science is now recognizing the significance of so called "butterfly effects". Even small, essentially undetectable variations in the starting state of a deterministic system can lead to vast different outcomes over time as the system states diverge. Essentially, if you can calculate values to a million decimal places, a difference in the million-and-first decimal place will eventually grow and wreck your prediction. The upshot of this is that even the smallest effects can cha

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Equestria Girls

Episode 88. “Inspiration Manifestation”: Be Careful What Rarity Wishes For

Spike! Never, ever, ever, ever take another book out of the library at the castle without asking! – Twilight Sparkle The preparations for the Ponyville Foal and Filly Festival are done, and the event is about to start. Pinkie Pie is of course thrilled at the prospect of having a giant party with the young ponies of Ponyville. But Rarity is also looking forward to it as she puts the finishing touches on a puppet theatre she was commissioned to do, with Spike looking on and complimenting her,

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 4

Flash! Ah-AAHHH!

Let's talk about everyone's favorite character in MLP evar... That handsome hunka hunka he-man, with the wicked blue hair and the mad guitar skillz, Twilight's destined future provider of wedded bless and 80 babies and a happily ever after for good measure, that god among men simply known as Flash Sentry. No, no pictures... his awesomeness is too much for this blog to bear should even his image appear in it. Maybe some of other bigger blogs could handle his radiance, but even then it would

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Equestria Girls

Sonata's Lament

I just don't get why so many fans wanted or expected a heel face turn from Sonata Dusk. As for me, I never saw any hint of remorse or doubt about her actions as a member of the Dazzlings. Not once did she look even the slightest degree uncomfortable with what was going on. Yeah, I get that she's ditzy and that she's cute, and that she loves tacos. I even compared her to Avatar: The Last Airbender's Ty Lee, who <<don't click if you don't want spoilers>> But real

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Equestria Girls

Episode 87. “Testing Testing 123”: Reading Rainbow, Ritalin Required

I... I know the history! I know it all! But how in Equestria did that happen? – Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash is busy NOT preparing for an important test on the history of the Wonderbolts, so that she can get into a newly formed Reserve squadron for her dream team. Twilight tries to get her focused, and help her with her own study methods, but the distractible Rainbow Dash finds them to be entirely useless. Reading and highlighting, listening to lectures, using flashcards: all are apparently of

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 4

Sunny Fox Reviews "Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks"

There are few enough sequels that can be said to be superior to the original movie in the series, but I think “Equestria Girls 2: Rainbow Rocks” manages to make the list. Although it also has its flaws, I found it a lot more entertaining than the first movie. So today, I’m going to share some of the impressions I had following my first viewing. When I can get hold of the DVD, I may make a more in-depth analysis, so this one might be a little rough around the edges. The Things "Rainbow Rocks

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Equestria Girls

Episode 86. “Leap of Faith”: Further Flim Flam Flummoxing

When somepony says somethin's too good to be true, it usually is. - Applejack The Apple family is busy having some watery fun together at the watering hole, but poor Granny Smith is feeling less spry than she once did, and doesn’t want to swim. As they head home, they find a group of ponies who are gravitating towards a large pavilion set up in a nearby field. On entering, they find a pair of familiar faces... the Flim Flam brothers are back in town! After a (rather lacklustre) song, t

Sunny Fox

Sunny Fox in Season 4

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