Now, I'm not saying that school couldn't be improved upon. There are dozens of changes I would make to the school system and individual classes, but even among it's flaws, I still think it's bloody fun to go to school. Why, you may ask?
It's one of the few places where I actually can get answers for my questions and still understand what they're saying. I mean, I've tried asking questions on the internet, but two problems arise. 1) They don't know me and how smart/dumb I am. They could over sim
(I'll be using this picture when in my crummy mood, by the way.)
So, what are some thoughts that you receive on a normal bases. It can be any thoughts, good or bad.
The thoughts I usually have are pretty saddening, so read on if you care, if not, here is the questions you need to answer in the comments.
What are some thoughts you have regularly?
Are they good or bad?
Well, I think about the future constantly. What it may bring. Being heartbroken so much, I'm afraid if love is even
You may think the rather humorous picture of Discord getting overly-excited about something on the computer is random, but it in fact represents my online self fairly well, at least in the past. But more on that later.
My first discovery of the magic of the interwebz was sometime back in 2005, when I was, what, around eleven maybe? I had just recently played a demo of Sonic Heroes for the PS2 in Best Buy, and had decided to see if the internet had cool pics of my favorite character, Miles 'T
Hey guys.
Well, summer is nearly over for us in the UK, and that means school. While it's not school I dislike (I actually go to a top school which has had exceptionally high pass rates for GCSE's, such as 98% and even 100%), It's the teachers I'm not looking forward to.
Seriously, at our school, we had some of the best teachers you could ask for. They were funny, nice and good at teaching. But guess what? They al decided to leave last year. Now all we've got left are tyrants, boring t
I don't get why everyone hates the science behind the science so much.
For example, a large majority of my friends find the Curiosity landing to be amazing, yet a large majority of the aforementioned large majority seem to dislike studying the physics (among other things) that went into actually designing the bloody thing. And that puzzles me. I mean, sure, the actual landing was pretty cool, but imagine all the meticulous calculations and physics that went into actually making sure the curi
You know, they say if you hook this to your USB port, it can run Skyrim at the highest settings, even if it's just a toaster with a USB port glued to it.
Pretty much, I was looking through my GBA stuff and realized not only how many lock-on things exist for it, but the fact they can all fit onto each other.
Oh, and if you take off the USB thingy (for a GBA flashcart I don't have. Got it free lol) you can hook it to your GBA and play Skyrim on it.
Bask in the glory of my terrible
Welcome to my second blog entry~ today I'm going to be showing you all my Disney collection, which in my opinion, is kinda big. c:
These are half of my Mickey ears hats, I've been collecting these for years~ my favorite one in this picture is the Tower of Terror Mickey ears hat. c:
This is my Oswald the Rabbit hat, I got it when I went to the D3 convention~ my most favorite hat.
These are my Disney Park pins, I collect them and scout for new ones every y
I've been working on Chapter 3 of BBBTF, and I've decided to ramp up my linguistics a bit to make it stand out as an improvement. Over 200 people have now favorites the story, and the like/dislike ratio is at 134:6. I want to give people a justification for their generous ratings and genuine interest. Have a snippet of Ch.3.
Morning drifted in, replacing the beauty of the night with the brilliantly orange-hued skies of dawn. Twilight awoke; the sun had penetrated the glass of her windows
I' thought it'll be cool if I decided to just share some of the songs I wrote in high: school. This was about a boy I was crazy over during my juinor year.
When Will I See You Again
By Crystal Sparkle
When will I see you again, again?
When will I see you again? 2x
1st verse:
It’s been two days, too long
The suffering too strong
I don’t think I can carry on
Another day without you
I think I’ll lose my mind
Good ol' Slenderman, haha, I think I may do some lets play's at one point in time, I know lots of youtubers are doing that kind of thing at the moment, but it's the only game I really have one my computer right now, I have a Mac so gaming isn't the best, eventually I'm hoping to get those tv recorder technologies so I can record video games from my TV.
It'll be my first thing on Youtube, so I don't know how it will turn out, it's mainly just for fun really, and if people watch it, then that
Hello there readers!
If you are reading this blog then you must be bored out of your mind to come here and such insignificant things such as my rambling and rants about my life, politics, ponies, et cetera. So if you have better things to do I would press that X (or x for mac users) to close the window now or else prepare to have your mind warped in a way that chuck norris caused a crater in the desert...just kidding but bruce lee is better anyways... I go...
Lets start o
Ok the 4th review is on my favorite guitar that I have played so far, my Epiphone SG!
Price- 10/10 At $280.00 this guitar is cheap, but it doesn't sound cheap, or look cheap for that matter. I would pay $500.00 tops for this guitar
Durability- 9/10 I've had this guitar for about 2 years now and during those two years I've accidentally ran it into many walls and it actually fell on the ground once. IT DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A SCRATCH!!! This guitar sounds just as good as when I got it.
Episode 1: Corrupt City or Depravity City
Brohoof's: 4.1/5 Content Rating: Mature (Language, Heavy Themes, Violence)
Opening with a scene of war, and a war photographer, capturing the horrors of a man literally torn apart by bullets, giving the photographer a (Wingboner). It gives the opportunity for a monologue, telling the audience how the world has gone to (Apples). Cutting to modern day, the prime minister of Japan steps into the open, giving way for the hordes of photographers t
Hey everyone, welcome to Silver's first rant!
Okay let's be serious, this is more of a look at advancements in amazing technology. This mainly focuses on how commonly certain things are found, sizes, prices and etc. The first technology we will look at is Cellular phones!
Cell Phones
Phones, cell phones in particular, have changed in such a drastic matter it isn't even funny. Well, it is if you consider how versatile, easy to use, and portable they have become. At least for most peopl
It was a very ncie interview, i loved it and Crona was so nice with the questions it was pretty trilling, go check it out at our big sister blog!
Alright so this is my view on the whole clopping situation, it seems to be a bigger deal than it needs to be, this community sure looks down on it, it seems that if you are a clopper, then you're at the bottom of the barrel, it's just rediculous to me, why should it matter that someone likes clop? I mean it's nothing thats hurting you, so I don't see why people make a whole shitstorm over the topic.
Clopfics can actually be really good, well written pieces of literature, just like ordinary
Well, if you were around this morning, I reached 1,000 blog views, the first blog to reach this point on the forums! So, to celebrate, I have decided to do a few things for you guys. The first case shall be interviews with a few members you should know, and if not, you are about to!
My first guests are:
Djenty's Ghost
Tag Team Cast: Simple, i was browsing for TF2 videos and i saw a crossover and looked more into the cartoon ponies Heavy was talking to. I
...and I'm scared.
Last year was a crap year. My friends became jerks, and I was pushed around. Normal, considering I'm an awkward nerd girl. It still sucked.
This year I want to stay positive but really I'm terrified. I don't want to see all the people I came to despise last year, but I have no choice. I heard them talking about me. They might do it again.
You see my dilemma.
Any help? This isn't a new school or anything, just a new year with old friends and enemies.
Well... today I probably laughed more then I've ever laughed before. A few of my friends and I were fooling around in Algebra 2 today. I don't think I learned anything in that class today... (I know pitiful) Anyways the iPod ban on the bus is getting harder and harder to tolerate. I'm the last one off and when you have a solid hour and a half with nothing to do, it really gets on your nerves. I tried reading, but I'm one of those people who needs music to pay attention to anything really.
Episode 4: Bad! or Introducing Sanoske, Fighter-For-Hire
Brohoof's:4.6/5 Content Rating: Filly
Opening with a fight, a man beats up twenty. As the defeated beg for mercy, he leaves in search of a stronger opponent. Back at the dojo, Yahiko is delightfully whining for the local Akabeko, and Kaoru obliges. At the hot pot, a few loud drunkards hit Kenshin in the back of the head accidentally. In their drunken stupor, they also hit a waitress, causing the stranger to step forward. Another fi
Well I have an Project Idea, for a tumblr blog! Oh Yeah!
After the final day ends on Vocational Death Cruise (You wouldn't understand unless you actually read it) I will be recruiting Voice Actors for it! yay!
Probably after I get the next Pancake Reviews done (Hoping people would watch :3...but probably not D:) The last blog of that series will be over. (My brain scheduling is absolutely perfect!)
So yeah, that's my plan for the future!
Sooo, all 5 of you reading this, Wh
Its an old one i did a week or so ago but still good, its of my OC if you wanted to know, i like it, i may do wallpapers based off this one if you think it may work.
Source: Going Nuclear
(It made it to Equestria Digital!)
My Blog: 143 views
Entry 1: 14 views
Entry 2: 25 views
Entry 3: 32 views
Entry 4: 18 views
This counter seems legit.
So what is in store today? You ask. Well to answer that question, I have no idea. No seriously, I have no topic here. Don't worry though, when this happens, I always have a contingency plan in place. Let's talk about how awesome I am and how clearly I lead a very interesting a popular life and I blog about my life and feed the unsuspecting plebs with my sheer win.