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First Post/Rurouni Kenshin Episode 1

As you may know, I do have a little free time to myself. With this free time I often watch anime, various movies, and other junk. I used to critique movies for the Nexflix service, and some old habits die hard. These small tidbits are not in-depth, nor solid, so comments will be encouraged. As for my first task, Rurouni Kenshin and it's many titles are my target. So grab the popcorn, cause the series is a good one!   Episode one: The Handsome Swordsman of Legend, or, A Man who Fights for Lov

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

I cut my finger open with safety scissors ;-;

As the title states, I cut my finger open with safety scissors today. Yes, you just read that correctly. I cut my finger open with safety scissors. I will get to how this occurred in a moment. First, I must explain how my first day of Junior year in highschool went.   First, I woke up at 6am (after going to bed at 3am), and jumped into the shower. There was absolutely no hot water, so I had to wash my hair quickly. I went into my room and put on fresh clothes, then went to dry my hair. Doing t



Entry 2: A tale of Lost, Found, and...Mega Dash?

Hello everypony-Raccoon here again with another entry. I see people enjoyed reading my last entry. ")   Yesterday (as you know) was pretty good, I enjoyed looking at how high school was going to work.   Today however was a disaster. It was just awful. I think we should start off with knowing a little more what I did yesterday.   Yesterday, I got some clothes, a gym bag, and a pair of running shoes. However, these were an expensive pair of running shoes, about $100. (For you non-American fo



Finished Mr.Nibblers Fan Episode, SCRIPT

Well, I made a forum post about me making Fan Episodes and the script for Mr. Nibblers's episode has been finished, and I'm waiting for my Voice Acting team to give me the lines. As soon as that's done the Animation will begin.




So if you don't know me well, you wouldn't know that I have an interest in politics. Shame on you, you must know me better! Anyways, our chaotic neighbors to the south are gearing up for not one, but two disasters. One is Hurricane Issac, and its expected to hit some state that always gets hit with hurricane stuff Louisiana, whilst the other disaster is unfolding in Tampa, the Republican National Convention. So, from what I'm seeing, the whole point of the convention is to provide a pedestal for



Second Adventure: 8/28/12

What going on people of the MLP forums. It is I, Luna Sparkle, bringing you my Daily Adventure. Yes that is right, it is time for you to learn all about my day at school. So lets get on with this shall we.   So today started like yesterday, got up, got ready, went to school and waited the 15 or so minutes for school to start and me to go to my class. Todays first class was, French 2. Probably the easiest class ever. Why, because we do almost no work. I have people to talk to in there. So yeah,

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

Rant Time! #1

Eeyup. It's time for my first rant! So lets get started~   Rant topic: Love and Tolerate Rant level: possible foul language, possible hate, potential for hypocrisy, 50% chance for headaches, 80% chance of butthurt   (Surprise! It's not about alicorns! Oh, but that rant will be coming real soon. And it will be a doozy~)   Okie dokie.   So first, I will say that the phrase "Love and Tolerate" doesn't bother me in the slightest. In my personal opinion, "Love and Tolerate" looks better on s

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

Those Little Things.

I thought I'd actually make a serious blog here, instead of random nonsense, now we all have these little things that can make your day a bit more enjoyable, here a some of those things.   -Music: Those moments when you just lay down, relax and put on your favorite songs and just ignore all your problems, even making senarios up in your head while those certain songs are on.   -Rain: When it's raining and a feeling of relaxation and peace comes over you, and when it stops everything smells f



Robotic platform-Day 1 AGAIN

Okay. So I revisited the robotic platform. Made it from scratch. Stuff I used:   3 jar lids 2 bars from cd drive 2 rubber bands 2 pencils 1 insulation stripped from wire 1 film canister lid 1 strange stuff from cd drive O_o wood hot glue, superglue  



The First Entry!

Welcome to the humble life of Derpypaws/Appleshy/Marcos/Alfonso/Juan/(Insert Other Names Used Here). I will put down my feelings, actions and other relevant matter in this fancy Blog (not that most of you care, however, I am doing it anyway). I will do my best to post something in this place everyday, no promises. I will however, at least force myself to write at least once a week. That being said, we commence.   A normal day has started, the birds were chirping, and all was normal, in t

Tuxedo Kamen!

Tuxedo Kamen!

League of Legends

So..............   Ya heard of it? It's a game (ikr?) that consists of stuff and where you do things and win stuff. Teams are of 5, and the teams compete to see who can better swagwalk to the enemy base and one shot it while eating cake simultaneously. There are three routes: top for nubs, bot for nubs, and mid for everyone who was ever worth anything in life. Oh in most games there is also a jungler, who kills random stuff but doesn't really do anything unless you rage at him.   *Descript



Secret stash out of old cd drive

Hey guys! I figured out I might as well put this little thingy here since I have this new bloggish stuff...   It's a hidden stash in table. you press a button hidden on the bottom side of the table and the stash comes up, revealing pens and pencils     In case anypony would like to recreate it, which I doubt, here ya go... http://www.instructables.com/id/Electronic-automated-hidden-stash-built-into-table/



Well, Finally!

Well folks I finally got my blog up and running! How long has it been, a month since I last got on here? It's rather quite disturbing how obsessed I became with this site before I left for the summer, but oh well!

Storm Spark

Storm Spark

Clarendon: Goddess of Hair

All of my OCs are goddesses in my mind of their talent that they posses or their passions that they embrace, I'll talk about one that I have unconditional love for, Clarendon:   Although Clarendon's hairstyle is alot like Trixie's, she's is known to have wear a ton of hair styles. Considering she's a hairstylist and all. Her hair is silky smooth to the touch that you can sleep on it, if you wanted to. and her buttercream mane and fur is visually appealing to the foal's eye. And she speaks in a

Crystal Sparkle

Crystal Sparkle

The cosine graph that is my life...or something like that.

The title is kinda misleading. It's not a complete graph of my life...just the level of happiness of it.   Now, onto the fun (maths) stuff.   What I have noticed is that around 12 months ago, I was crazily optimistic, then 9 months later I was happy but not crazy happy, then 3 moths later, I was in this not so bad "depression" and then 3 months later, I was pretty ok, And now everything seems pretty amazing.   And as I've looked further back, it seems that this fluctuating pattern has occu



Robotic platform-Day 2

I will be 100% sincere. I haven't made any progress at all. If anything, I have gone backwards. It isn't even working the way it has been before. It jams just to let the motor itself spin freely without any traction whatsoever the next second... -_- I am disappointed. I'm remaking it now... Here is the video, if you really wanna see it, which I doubt...



T Minus 6

Here we go, less than a week left till school. And yet our school still hasn't given us our room assignments or teachers, even though our courses have already been decided. You'd think that a tech school like ours would just drum up a small program to sort everyone into different classes in ten seconds flat, but nope. If they went any slower they'd be going backwards.



On the Horizon - Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil, the long-standing survival-horror franchise from Capcom, is a game series that has had great success throughout its lifetime, but has suffered from a pretty severe loss of focus with its latest installments, basically shunting horror from the formula. Now, going on to its sixth numbered installment, Capcom is hoping to win both old fans and newcomers over alike by creating a game that is, by all means, a little something for everyone, provided you like shooting games, at least.  



Pinkie Pie's tip of the day- How stay happy in times of bullying!

Hey ponies, Pinkie Pie here. And I am going to be sharing something a little personal today. As I was exploring ponyville a bit, I was noticing that a few ponies here are being bullied by some meanie-bo-beanies. I want to say that this is not ok in the slightest, but being mean back is not the answer! I am not here to show you how to be like a meanie, but how to stay happy in these times!   First of all, if you have a bully, you need to laugh when they try to hurt you. Like a ghostie, if you l



Review #2 Ovation iDea

My second review will be on my 2nd guitar the Acoustic-Electric, Ovation iDea.   Price- 8/10 This guitar was bought for $880.00, it may seem pricey, but as you will see it is worth the money.   Durability- 9/10 This guitar is practically indestructible. It has been hit against walls and dropped on the floor and, it has suffered almost no damage whatsoever.   Hardware- 10/10 This guitar looks anything, but traditional with it's white satin body and black hardware. The body is built in th

Dusty Soul

Dusty Soul

Team Free-to-Play 2: Man versus Addiction

So, here very recently, Valve thought it'd be a great idea to add a co-operative game mode to their Free-to-Play giant, Team Fortress 2, known as Mann vs Machine. You know, survive against waves of foes and purchase upgrades via cash earned from killing them. We've seen it all before, so what can Valve possibly bring to the table that others haven't?   If you appreciate variety, you've got to love these guys.   Well, Valve has class. Rather, Team Fortress 2 has classes. Nine of



From humble beginnings...

Ah...sunrise at the racetrack. The perfect place and the perfect time for a perfect beginning. Now, lemme take a seat on the grass there as I kick my logic, wit, variable diction, and common sense parts of my brain into high gear, because, hallelujah, I'm finally starting a legit blog.   Sigh...I can only reminisce about the first and only time I was so excited about creating a personal blog. I even knew the basics and everything. All of this stuff came rushing in my head that resulted from ge



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