As you can plainly tell by my avatar, I'm a big fan of the anime Soul Eater, I'm glad I found out about it, I think it was a couple summers ago when I did, I remember watching it for the first time, and I've come to love the dark feel of the show, I've watched the series twice so far, and I'm planning on watching it for the third time.
The character designs are unique, and I love the diverse personalities that vary through out each one, Tsubaki is my favorite female character, while Soul is
It's poetry time muthabucka! I've lost touch with poetry, and this is the first time I ever put them on the internet...I'm kinda nervous...
Freezer Burn
By Me
Loving you turned my heart cold.
Ice water is running through my veins.
It only warms with anger,
And only softens with pain.
Loving you turned my soul brittle
That I turn my back on everyone.
You caused nothing but anguish
In this foolish love.
Loving you turned my mind bitter,
Cruel, heartless, and fou
The planet was surprising close, practically a walk down the galactic street.
When I arrived, I saw many amazing things. Almost everything was alive, from the buildings to parts of the every ground I stood on. Many of the aliens were mostly stationary, moving slightly every now and then, but if they were doing anything else, my human eyes were blind to it. Some inhabitants, however, moved quickly, leaping from place to place at speeds that were sometime difficult to track.
The whole time, none
Today I have for you one of our more popular members, Chaotic Discord!
Welcome our friend, and read our interview
Question 1: How exactly did you find yourself in our fandom?
I was a Sonic nerd on three or so forums before this forum and so with it, this fandom. I was exposed to ponies every day on two of those forums, because numerous members were not only bronies, but the part of the fanbase that go around and flaunt the ponies and their memes like it's going out of style. This turned
Today was family picture day, and before that, it was annoying work day.
First, the work. I was called in at about 12:00 pm, it was just to cover someones shift, because they broke their ankle. Lunch hour was very slow, slower than usual, so my manager sent some people home early, this turned out to be a HUGE mistake.
At around 1:40pm, we got a really large rush of people, there was literally a line around the restaurant for our drive through, as well as a packed lobby. I was on the back
Will be uploading sneak peeks to our first release soon! it is our version of This day Aria. It should be pretty legit, especially considering all the hard work the band put in. We got some awesome beats by letter, some amazing guitar work by Sam, my sexy piano work, and We have heard some beautiful vocals from sky that are almost done . Check in some time today or tomorrow to get the 30 second clip!
Pic related!
For those interested in joining our forum but nervous about the mod staff for any reason, fret not! After this interview, you shall see that our mod staff on Mlpforums is the best of the best :3
Today I have with me one of the Global Moderators from MlpForums, Arylett Dawnsborough.
A little bit of information about yourself before we begin Arylett?
Arylett Dawnsborough: Well, I'm Arylett, as you've just said... and I'm head of RP World on the forums. 20 years old, looking to get into Gr
As you all know Blogs are the perfect place to actually get your own opinion known and spur others to react thus creating new viewpoints and just general insight into the world. But without somebody telling you "Hey! I don't agree with you, here is how I view this." your opinion might be outdated/wrong/misguided or just not detailed enough.
This blog will be a place where and Neikos will talk about what they want. And at the end of each post they either state a new subject for the other
Ok, I was listening to my iPod walking outside of the school with a friend today and my friend and I was listening to "The Perfect Stallion" from the soundtrack. He instantly tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if I really was listening to My Little Pony music. I said "Oh, why yes I am," He then proceeded walking away and kept giving me weird looks over his shoulder... He then told me we weren't friends anymore...
Anyways, another thing happened today. I almost had an breakdown in
Cleaning up for university, selling assets, taking bribes, establishing connections, handling assets, you know, busy busy day for me. So I clean up, and I found this thingy all the way back from grade 7, when I was 12. Note this is word for word and I'm not correcting any grammar or adjusting my weaksauce analogies. So let's begin:
"Fear is usually described as being afraid of something. However, I think fear has more than that and is different for everyone. Everyone has different fears and
So I've been prepping my Let's Play channel for quite some time, I bought a mic, gathered a few games I really want to LP, and now I've gathered a bit of cash to get a controller for emulators. (I would REALLY love to do ALL my games via capture card and real console, but I just can't afford it yet.)
But the question remained on what game to play first?
An obvious answer would be a favorite game, but I wanted something a bit more personal... It could be the first game I ever played, but it
So hello once again there everypony, and welcome to my Daily Adventures. So I realized that these are probably going to start getting dull, so I shall being going into more details, mainly the jokes that were passed around, or the funny things that have happened. So hopefully this will now be way more funnier. Also on a side note, there will be no raging today, so YAY!!!
So as usual it started like a normal day, you know the routine shower, eat, teeth and hair, and be done. Well that was the
Episode 2: Dry-eyed Toboe or Toboe, Who Doesn't Howl
Brohoof's: 4.6/5 Content Rating: Teen
A man, called lord Darcia, stands over an unconscious woman, called Hamona. Back at the lab, someone calls for Dr. Degrè, the female from episode 1. It's a detective Lebowski, the ex husband of the doctor, with a body to be examined. The boy that Tsume tried to save lies on the table. The detective and the doctor exchange theories to the cause of the bite marks on his arm. In an alleyway somewhere in
Morning already, I dont wanna.... fine. Late starts and a visitor shatter my morning plans. I finally complete the speedgrapher synopsis on a good note though. Finally the visitor leaves, so i can shower and prepare for the day. I plan to go to Walmart this afternoon in Truth or Consequences. (Its the closest one) and get groceries with my ever depleting living fund. maybe I will finish the synopsis for x before I go. today's is short being as I did close to nothing I will write when I
I just realized my blog is not popular compared to others. I could have never expected this, and this comes as a great shock to me, the greatest man to ever exist. However, since I am courageous and perseverant (spellcheck says perserverant is not a word but obviously it is just jelly that I invented a word it doesn't know) and all that stuff, I will stand unfazed by this development (even though I am totally shocked). I will rise to the occasion, and bring down all of my competitor's blogs in f
Well it took me forever, but I've finally created the newest OC Dunn Loring, and added her to the database. I think I did a really good job, with her design and backstory. I would have had her hair a little bid differently, I wanted it to be a little longer and wavy (not like Celetia's), but using Pony Creator, there aren't that many choices. And since everything about here is in the character database, I'll just talk about why I choose that name.
Dunn Loring, is actually a name of a city in
As a combat veteran of the US Army, I stand fully by this response to the question, "Why is America the greatest country in the world?"
"It's not the greatest country in the world. With a straight face, you're going to tell students that we're so star spangled awesome that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom, Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Belgium has freedom! 207 sovereign states in the world about 180 of them have
So, as I was typing this comment to a comment about the comment's content as a comment to a blog, I started naming all the phases I've gone through as a teenager.
This is what I got so far.
The I-don't-remember-a-god-damn-thing phase: What'd you expect? A detailed analysis of my childhood? Age:0-11 years
The growing up phase: The time when I wanted to be more "mature" and grown up like. Age: 11-12 years.
The nostalgia-that's-not-so-nostalgic phase: The time when all I liked was old
Well guys, here it is. Just a random blog explaining what I do all day on a guitar...
And yeah... Playing Citizen erased - Muse at the time of writing this. Drop A tuning ftw!
Happy rocking - Sam S.
Woke up on damp grass. Different from cold hard ground. Not used to it. Knew something was up.
Had been relocated. New bright world full of colorful horses; myself included. Suspected drugs at first. Can't completely rule them out, but becoming less likely. Experience too real for any simple trip or dream.
After initial confusion, stopped to think about situation. Observed other ponies. Most or all previously humans. None of us remember our true names. Talk of a green crack they all saw.
Entry N:o 2
Early evening
Behold, the flaws of human nature! As I go to school today, I see dozens of bikes parked incorrectly simply because someone parked theirs in the wrong place and everyone followed the example. Why can't people use their own brains?! Bloody hell!
True story.
On a lighter note, I recently got my first and only top comment on YouTube. Apparently I own the Internet now.
Lately, I've become interested in quantum mechanics. It's a bit odd, becau