Episode 5: The Reverse Blade Sword Vs the Zanbatou or Beyond the Battle
Brohoof's: 4.9/5 Content Rating: Filly
Early in the morning Kenshin is caught doing the laundry. As Yahiko and Kaoru confront the hero about facing the fighter for hire, he ponders the reason that his opponent has so much hate. Sanoske, meanwhile, reflects on his past, to prepare. From a short flashback, we learn that Sanoske's mentor was the captain of a group supposedly fighting for peace. The memory is quickly i
Hello everypony! Welcome to another entry in my blog!
Been a fun first week at school. Track was nice today also.
Before I get to that, I'm going to announce my new editor.
If there are any comments this time, please give a warm welcome to PinkieDaShy! I trust her the most, and she is free to edit anything if she pleases.
Anyway, back onto the entry.
For the past couple days, I've been feeling very sore thanks to track. I was happy to know that today we just did ultimate footba
Busy, busy. It's a long day folks. Its hard to believe its Friday. Between moving boxes and preparing to move shelves around, I haven't really been online all day, No anime entries yet either. But I found time for a trip down memory lane though. I found some pictures of my parents, and some pictures that my friend's drew for me. It seems like forever ago we studied Gandhi. heh Call me sentimental, but I actually kinda miss school. Makes me look like a hermit. Idk. I promise at least one post
Well not exactly,
today I took a particular interest to 2 thread's ;
the first was: Human's in equestria your first action [http://mlpforums.com...on/#entry715201 ]
and I learned that is we just instantly turned up in equestria one day then your safest bet is probably to sneak to the library and find twilight to help fix things (and hope she doesn't want to perform scientific tests on you :S)!
Although I have to admit I would love to try and find Pinkie pie to she her reaction an
Ok, I'm going to try to make this quick because I have a football game to go to tonight. I told my "friend" that I was a brony and I love to watch MLP: FIM. He said alright, and just went on his merry way. (I told him because he asked if I liked MLP) Turns out he's been making me a laughing stock in the sister school to us. I found this out today on the bus. He started telling people that I love My Little Pony, and that escalated to people calling me bi-sexual. I told them (In a calm voi
Luna Sparkle here with my Daily Adventure. First I want to thank all you people who have read these so far. And now I would like to ask a question, do you find these interesting? But now, on to the stories.
Usual drill for the morning, wake up, take a shower, get dressed and eat, then brush my teeth and hair and sit in my room lisniting to pony music while stalking browsing, the forums. Of course before I got to school I stopped by Hardies to get a bisuct, and they gave me the wrong one. Ugh
Winnie the Pooh, famous for his part in his titular series, was taken into protective custody after mistaking Christopher Hanson for Christopher Robin.
"This little, innocent bear came up to me and started asking if I had his honey," Hanson told reporters. "He thought I was someone else. It was instantly clear to me that he was being taken advantage of."
Upon questioning, Winnie said he was looking for someone named "Christopher Robin." He had apparently been receiving honey and other go
Well, the first topic for "Answer or Next" is the question, what do you think holds a community together? This is an excellent question and I will enjoy writing about it and discussing it. (Be it in comments or by Neikos' reply.)
To begin, I'm going to divide this blog post into sections for the sake of organized OCD. (Because I'm like that.)
So here we go!
Staff Members
What is likely the most important part in keeping a community toget
So my brother has been in Morgan State University for two weeks, and he's coming over for the Labor Day Weekend. I really miss him and I can't wait to hear how his first two weeks of college life was. (Which is the life I coveted for soooo long!) I wondered of he met any new friends? Is he doing well in his classes? Oh God forbid, does he have a girlfriend? I know what you're thinking? "A Girlfriend in two weeks?" Well my brother isn't an ugly guy. I wouldn't be surprised if he's beating them of
Be sure to check out my previous entries, too!
-Entry 1
-Entry 2
DeviantART recently unleashed a new Beta Testers item, where you can click 'Similar to this' on any given deviation, and you can browse art pieces with similar tags. I've found a whole mess ton of fantastic new art using this feature just in the last hour, and this particular showcase is going to be nothing but five examples of that batch of art I've stumbled upon. So enjoy everypony~
Inner Conflict byWhitestar1802
I finally finished the Trailer for Sunchaser's as a Series. Not the movie yet, anywho while I compile that together, Here's something to keep you calm.
Just like me when I was young
~My Little Cartoons
Source: Pony Digital Paintings
So basically what I'm going to be doing is feature an art peice from the fanart section of the forums, I'll try to do it at least once a day, and it doesn't matter the skill level of the artist, if I like it, then I'll feature it!
So to kick it off, today I'll be featuring Enigma's work, and what amazing work it is, the dark feel to the paintings is very cool, lots of emotion packed away inside them, and the detail is outstanding, I recommend you check out
So we had a mouse in the house. Yesterday morning, we found evidence. It got into the chocolate covered macadamia nuts, the Oreos, and a small bag of Fritos. We set some traps with peanut butter, a couple of the spring ones and a box. We wake up this morning, and the spring traps don't have any more peanut butter on them, but aren't sprung. The box has the mouse in it. So, the only way to get rid of it by killing it without touching it or having to deal with blood was by drowning the mouse... So
It started off with me being around my Theater Productions class. We were practicing for a play, when our teacher got a call on his walkie talkie. He went into the other room for a few minutes, and came out with full spy gear. He told us all that we have been chosen to save the world from Dr. Dufenschirmtz's daughter. (I don't even watch Phineas and Ferb, so how this happened I don't know). Well, we were all assigned into groups of fours.
I was paired with a girl I liked, and two other peopl
So, from this thread:
I have seen that in fact, no it is unlikely it can rain in cloudsdale (but they can make tornadoes ).
I guess this is kind of a shame for them, and probably why you don't see many plants in clouds dale either
It must be great to be in the sun all the time I guess they have to be as it must be cold in the sky if it's anything like the world we live in.
Otherwise they would all free
Hi my little brickwall~
Wolfie here, rambling for no reason because it is currently 5:15AM and I'm tired yet feel like doing multiple things. (Oh, and for the record, I've been up allllll night~)
For one, I feel like drawing, but when I pick up my drawing book, my drive to draw dies in 10 seconds flat. *ba-dum-tish*
Two, I feel like making a silly little brony ID card after I found a ID necklace holder thingy in my room. But I'm feeling lazy. So far, I only have a border made.
I'm so bored in school right now. I'm ahead (as in already know the subject matter) in Chemistry, Maths Methods and Advance General and Biology. The only fun subject I've had for this week has been Physics, and even then I fear that might stop, considering we might study for a test (that counts for 10% of my grade) that's happening in a weeks time. I have English, but considering that I've spent the last 5 lessons coloring blank pieces of paper with one solid color, I don't really know what we'r
I've arrived in some strange world that I wasn't familiar with. When I woke up, I came to the startling realization that I was a pony. However, I wasn't an ordinary pony; I was a pony with WINGS! From what I can tell, I am blue and I have a brown hair and a brown tail. When I looked on my side, I found that I had a mark on my side in the image of a shield. When I observed the shield, I didn't remember having that mark on me. That's the thing: I couldn't remember a thing about myself. Not
within that album is all the oc ponies/copies i have done all year. i even tried to copy the mane 6 and the cutie mark crusaders, take a look and give your honest opinions on them
Just take a moment to examine that picture. In my opinion, this is further proof that all staff members are alien freemasons, all working for the Illuminati. Just thought you guys would like that.
Also, it seems that this blog has been drifting further from it's purpose of metal and into the stranger, more entertaining general. Well, to fix that, take this.
Take a moment to admire that sexy Chromium. Remember, you will never be as good as chromium. No matter how hard you try, chromium