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Now is the time, MLP Forums

Harmonic Revelations


We are ready.


Now is the time.


Are you ready, forums?


Marco is ready.


[8:00:02 PM] Harmonic Revelations: Marco, now is the time.

[8:00:17 PM] Marco: hm?

[8:00:28 PM] Harmonic Revelations: Artemis is ready to initiate the plan

[8:00:40 PM] Harmonic Revelations: Are you ready?

[8:01:01 PM] Marco: wat?

[8:01:09 PM] Harmonic Revelations: Alright, you get behind her and I'll push.

[8:03:31 PM] Harmonic Revelations: I have the sticks of butter necessary.

[8:03:46 PM] Harmonic Revelations: Did you bring the steam roller?


Artemis is ready.




Chigens and Kay is ready.


Edited by LadyMercury
Redacting Personal Information

  • Brohoof 14


Recommended Comments

But... I wasn't prepared for this...


Unless you're swearing your allegiance to Trixieism, of course.

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But... I wasn't prepared for this...


Unless you're swearing your allegiance to Trixieism, of course.

I was prepared for this.



I brought BUTTER.

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I agree that agreeing with the leprechauns will not be agreeable. If now is the time, then take these jellybeans... you will need them.

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I can tell this will get weird really quickly. :P But if it is pledging allegiance to Trixieism, then I'd better hide before Firebolt catches me.

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I can supply more butter, and even some cream cheese if necessary.

That won't be necessary, I wouldn't make you dig out of your special drawer.

  • Brohoof 1
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if you don't already know what this is about, you aren't supposed to know.



Anyway, I have the glass. I'm ready to go when the squirrels and paint are in position.

  • Brohoof 2
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I knew of this plan beforehand, and have alerted the dairy police. They should be here any second now.

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I think you're turning into Urdie...

But my entire sense of humor isn't based around beards and beard related products. How am I like Urdie?

  • Brohoof 1
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Jeez, I thought this was a joke when this got out earlier.

But, what about the children? You can't scar them for life like this!

The children, man!

Think of the children!

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I left the landing gear in Mississippi when I was picking up the chocolate milk. I hope that doesn't inconvenience you too much.

  • Brohoof 1
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I know what it is today, but I feel that those who don't know don't deserve to know.

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Oh... shit... uh...


...most of the squirrels are dead. Some kind of squirrel plague or something. Are back up rodents on the way?

  • Brohoof 1
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